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US to recognize Israel annexing Muslim lands within days

It already happened. Golan heights, which was captured from Syria in 1967 and for many years was the subject of negotiation under 'land for peace' with Syria was recognized as a Israeli territory by Trump administration. Arabs are fooling themselves that, Israel will be content just by devouring small Palestinian land and be restricted within just 27,000 sq. km territory while maintaining the best military in the region. Israel will capture more Arab land in the future with one excuse or another if they can get away with finishing Palestine now. Lebanon, Jordan, Syria are particularly vulnerable.
Thats right, this is only the beginning of the formation of greater israel.
If im not mistaken, it takes a huge chunk of SA as well
Thats right, this is only the beginning of the formation of greater israel.
If im not mistaken, it takes a huge chunk of SA as well

KSA is about to disintegrate into civil war, that is when Al Mahdi will come. Some scholars say he is already here but a youth. Allahu alim.

I see Indian actions and US/Israeli support as some kind of script to distract Pakistan and Afghanistan from defense of the Arab Holy Land.

However when dust settles, it will be us (Khorasaan) who will have to support Al Mahdi and Hazrat Isa AS in the final war against Al Masih ad Dajjal (leader of Israel.)

We don't know exact times, that knowledge is with Allah swt alone.
Israeli flag
From Nile to Euphrates(although they say it is based on a prayer shawl).
It already happened. Golan heights, which was captured from Syria in 1967 and for many years was the subject of negotiation under 'land for peace' with Syria was recognized as a Israeli territory by Trump administration. Arabs are fooling themselves that, Israel will be content just by devouring small Palestinian land and be restricted within just 27,000 sq. km territory while maintaining the best military in the region. Israel will capture more Arab land in the future with one excuse or another if they can get away with finishing Palestine now. Lebanon, Jordan, Syria are particularly vulnerable.
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