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US to recognize Israel annexing Muslim lands within days

It is already done. Golan heights, which was captured from Syria in 1967 and for many years was the subject of negotiation under 'land for peace' with Syria was recognized as a Israeli territory by Trump administration. Arabs are fooling themselves that, Israel will be content just by devouring small Palestinian land and be restricted within just 27,000 sq. km territory while maintaining the best military in the region. Israel will capture more Arab land in the future with one excuse or another if they can get away with finishing Palestine now. Lebanon, Jordan, Syria are particularly vulnerable.
No they are not fooling themselves. They are just conspiring against each other. THey dont have courage to fight Israel and America so they are trying to cut deal with Israel so that they are not the first one.

However, sooner or later every gulf country have to face the same fate. It was already foretold.

May Allah forgive us.
To those curious about the gulf states response.

This month, Ramadan, a number of TV shows are being broadcasted, these are funded by Saudi and UAE channels and all have a central theme...

Jews arent to blame, palestenians are ungrateful people.

Recently, a media figure from SA and living in SA made a youtube video asking netenyaho to burn palestenians and not to spare anyone, even children allegedly because of some comment made by a PL man asking for the 'liberation' of SA.

Due note that such people cannot function freely wiithout goverment approval, a wrong tweet in SA puts you behind bars or worse, neither can such shows be broadcasted and funded without said approval, this should give you a rough idea of how the gulf monarcies think and which side they are on.

Nothing will be done.
To those curious about the gulf states response.

This month, Ramadan, a number of TV shows are being broadcasted, these are funded by Saudi and UAE channels and all have a central theme...

Jews arent to blame, palestenians are ungrateful people.

Recently, a media figure from SA and living in SA made a youtube video asking netenyaho to burn palestenians and not to spare anyone, even children allegedly because of some comment made by a PL man asking for the 'liberation' of SA.

Due note that such people cannot function freely wiithout goverment approval, a wrong tweet in SA puts you behind bars or worse, neither can such shows be broadcasted and funded without said approval, this should give you a rough idea of how the gulf monarcies think and which side they are on.

Nothing will be done.

Palestinians certainly haven't left any chance to not burn bridges with their neighbors. They burned bridges with Jordan with the Black September coup attempt, they burned bridges with Lebanon by instigating the Lebanese civil war.
Maybe the Palestinians should ask their best buddy, the butcher of Gujarat, 56 incher, Modi ji for help and salvation.

Maybe the Palestinians should ask their best buddy, the butcher of Gujarat, 56 incher, Modi ji for help and salvation.


Exactly. No sympathies for Palestinians. Even their brothers, the Israeli Arabs talk shit about them.
A glimpse for people to see who really is the evil of this earth.
the West bank & Golan ht have been parts of israel since a nation.
Jerusalem has also been part of that too.
Wars have consequences. Borders change. The idea that Israel should accept a hostile state on their doorstep is ludicrous. Israel should have fully displaced west bank and gaza and required egypt, jordan, syria, KSA, and Lebanon to accept the residents as refugees in the 60's.

There's no such thing as historical claim to a territory, and anyone using that is manipulating the situation to try to summon global outrage.

There is only "who controls the territory now" and what concessions they are willing to make with their land.

Bring on the downvotes.
So this is how it ends.

First we witnessed the exodus of Palestinian people
Next we witnessed the loss of Palestinian independence
Then we witnessed the siege of Palestinian land

Now we are about to witness the death of the Palestinian state. The day of reckoning has arrived.

This is it. We have finally reached the end of the road. It's now or never. Now is the time to take action or forever hold your peace.

If there is any nation powerful enough to stop the the physical annexation of the West Bank, we are about to find what nation this is in the coming weeks.

There are certainly nations who will fight to the end to defend the values they believe in no matter how much pressure they face. And there are certainly people that exist who will fight to the very end, as an honorable death fighting for a cause you believe in has been and shall always be better than surrender at the hands of your oppressors. Those who truly fight until the end, those who will accept death before defeat, and those who fight for justice while others watch will be heard the loudest in a deafeningly silent world.

The Israeli have the support of the Saudis and the other Gulf Arabs....

Turkey is part of NATO and Iran just uses the Palestinian issue for propaganda purposes .

There is no Muslim opposition. Palestine is dead.
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So this is how it ends.

First we witnessed the exodus of Palestinian people
Next we witnessed the loss of Palestinian independence
Then we witnessed the siege of Palestinian land

Now we are about to witness the death of the Palestinian state. The day of reckoning has arrived.

This is it. We have finally reached the end of the road. It's now or never. Now is the time to take action or forever hold your peace.

If there is any nation powerful enough to stop the the physical annexation of the West Bank, we are about to find what nation this is in the coming weeks.

There are certainly nations who will fight to the end to defend the values they believe in no matter how much pressure they face. And there are certainly people that exist who will fight to the very end, as an honorable death fighting for a cause you believe in has been and shall always be better than surrender at the hands of your oppressors. Those who truly fight until the end, those who will accept death before defeat, and those who fight for justice while others watch will be heard the loudest in a deafeningly silent world.
No sane nation will face extinction just to try and save the non existing Palestinian state

Actually its arab lands as they see this as an Arab israeli issue. The only muslim land is al aqsa. Arabs can deal with their shit with their big mouths
Al Aqsa is Israeli territory my friend.
You can visit it if your nation recognizes this.
No sane nation will face extinction just to try and save the non existing Palestinian state

Al Aqsa is Israeli territory my friend.
You can visit it if your nation recognizes this.
For now....remember when israel was created why orthodox jews cried.

And I am not and will never be your friend. You are zalims and I would rather dance with the devil
For now....remember when israel was created why orthodox jews cried.

And I am not and will never be your friend. You are zalims and I would rather dance with the devil
I believe all the settlers are pretty much orthodox Jews.

Don't be our friend then. I guess you won't come to Al Aqsa in your lifetime.
I believe all the settlers are pretty much orthodox Jews.

Don't be our friend then. I guess you won't come to Al Aqsa in your lifetime.
We took Alaska before and we will again and every stone will speak come there is a jew behind me...you think you are invincible but we know you cannot take casualties....that's your Achilles heal. We will not forget this time.. you children grandchildren and their children will pay. You have my word.
@beijingwalker now that a positive side of China Pakistan friendship. Hope you can see the differnet

The art is incredible
We took Alaska before and we will again and every stone will speak come there is a jew behind me...you think you are invincible but we know you cannot take casualties....that's your Achilles heal. We will not forget this time.. you children grandchildren and their children will pay. You have my word.
I don't think you took Alaska bro
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