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US threatens sanctions over Iran gas deal

Pakistan doesnt need the ''aid''

That is what I am saying. We are grateful for whatever they have given us. Thanks for that. But now we want to start projects which will make us economically better and therefore not needing anymore aid. This is not a bad thing. We do not want to live like some African countries depending on aid forever. So why these people are so bent to prevent us from reaching our potentials and remain depending on aid? That is beyond me.
Imagine if Pakistan's per capita GDP from today's 1000 dollars goes up to 5000 dollars in the next decade. Such a modest improvement will automatically cause people to change their outlook on life and become less fatalist. Security will improve, people become more compromising and loving towards each other and corruption will go down as economic opportunities will make corruption less appealing. Right now the biggest obstacle to Pakistan economy is the energy starvation. Economy starts by production. Production needs energy. Without energy there can be no economy. This is the issue here. Damn with people who can not handle a prosperous Pakistan. Why should we worry about people who want to see Pakistan as a poor and desolate nation? We have to take care of ourselves and less think about what others think about or development.

Which why we have consistently argued that it is the material aspect of life that we should be more focused on, instead of the for the lack of a better word, spiritual - Social change is directly related to a re-ordering of the priority assigned to values in the presence of incentive - that stuff works -- but not if your focus is "spiritual" or after life stuff
Which why we have consistently argued that it is the material aspect of life that we should be more focused on, instead of the for the lack of a better word, spiritual - Social change is directly related to a re-ordering of the priority assigned to values in the presence of incentive - that stuff works -- but not if your focus is "spiritual" or after life stuff

I agree. Spirituality can not feed empty stomach. When people can afford their lives all of Pakistan's problems will evaporate instantly. Right now people are suffering badly. Only a stable supply of energy can ensure economic stability in Pakistan. Whether Iran provides that or US, is not our concern. It is something US and Iran have to sort out between themselves. We just need this energy fast.
Which why we have consistently argued that it is the material aspect of life that we should be more focused on, instead of the for the lack of a better word, spiritual - Social change is directly related to a re-ordering of the priority assigned to values in the presence of incentive - that stuff works -- but not if your focus is "spiritual" or after life stuff

I agree. Spirituality can not feed empty stomach. When people can afford their lives all of Pakistan's problems will evaporate instantly. Right now people are suffering badly. Only a stable supply of energy can ensure economic stability in Pakistan. Whether Iran provides that or US, is not our concern. It is something US and Iran have to sort out between themselves. We just need this energy fast.
An agreement for Pakistan to send dollars to the Iranian mullahs who have been funding terrorists to kill U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq? Why should the U.S. send dollars to Pakistan, then?

with all due respect, neither the Afghans nor the Iraqis invited your boots into their countries

you are in absolutely no position to be wording such statements
It seems most Indians are very happy for this project to fail. They are so excited in their comments about its failure. Hmm, no surprise that India was stalling the project for over 2 decades and back stabbed Pakistan finally. Now Pakistan is suffering because the project got delayed while India got nuclear technology for selling out. Shameful.

Not really,Private underwriters wouldn't have touched this deal with a ten foot pole owing to the inherent risks involved.The government would have to pool in the funds by itself for the project.Again,not big tamales if the route was secure and guaranteed to function regardless of the conditions vis-à-vis India and Pakistan.But there is no such pact in existence is there? The probability of it ending up as money down the drain? pretty high wouldn't you concede

And pray,who did we sellout again? I think you do know that we have business ties with perhaps all nations considered hostile by the United States...before you ask,it's because we can.
See the danger in this deal is that it allows third world countries to enter into such agreements without any of the 7 sisters or their sponsors - can't have that -- the big deal in the energy business is the Asian energy grid - and the US and the seven sisters are nowhere in that game - TAP and CASREM allows them entry
with all due respect, neither the Afghans nor the Iraqis invited your boots into their countries
Going to war with somebody is its own invitation - the Taliban maintained their support of OBL after 9/11 and the U.S. Congress listed dozens of justifications of the war to oust Saddam. Citizens and soldiers don't get off the hook just because they obey the orders of tyrants. That's what the Nuremberg trials established over sixty years ago.
we are not any friends of US, we are neutral, US doesnt really think, it can bully pakistan, US has already done nothing except drone attacks, they dont even sell us their weapons, pakistan should persue its own interest, iran is pakistan's neighbour and we will do what benefits us, and pakistan should show middle finger to amreeka :spit::spit:
Going to war with somebody is its own invitation - the Taliban maintained their support of OBL after 9/11 and the U.S. Congress listed dozens of justifications of the war to oust Saddam. Citizens and soldiers don't get off the hook just because they obey the orders of tyrants. That's what the Nuremberg trials established over sixty years ago.

NO BS again solomon please we are sick from these lame jokes from you .
we are not any friends of US, we are neutral, US doesnt really think, it can bully pakistan, US has already done nothing except drone attacks, they dont even sell us their weapons, pakistan should persue its own interest, iran is pakistan's neighbour and we will do what benefits us, and pakistan should show middle finger to amreeka :spit::spit:

No need to be impolite. We have to put our interests supreme. But this can be conveyed in beautiful words instead of ugly words.
An agreement for Pakistan to send dollars to the Iranian mullahs who have been funding terrorists to kill U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq? Why should the U.S. send dollars to Pakistan, then?

Suleiman! Why would you put yourself in such an awkward position with such a post.

Are you in a position to have the moral high ground, considering that the world (including Americans themselves) were fooled into going into wars that have killed and maimed as many people as the aforementioned?
An agreement for Pakistan to send dollars to the Iranian mullahs who have been funding terrorists to kill U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq? Why should the U.S. send dollars to Pakistan, then?

An agreement for Pakistan to send dollars to the Iranian mullahs who have been funding terrorists to kill U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq? Why should the U.S. send dollars to Pakistan, then?

Suleiman! Why would you put yourself in such an awkward position with such a post.

Are you in a position to have the moral high ground, considering that the world (including Americans themselves) were fooled into going into wars that have killed and maimed as many people as the aforementioned?
One interesting thing I have to mention here is the fact that Switzerland signed a deal with Iran three years back to buy Iranian natural gas delivered via a 18 billion Euro pipeline deal through Turkey to Swiss Alps. See the double standards here. Swiss get away with it and Pakistan has to bow down. Swiss economy is important but Pakistan economy is not. Swiss quality of life is supreme while Pakistani quality of life is nothing. Here is the picture of Swiss Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey with Ahmadinejad signing the deal in Tehran in Hijab:



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