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US threatens sanctions over Iran gas deal

The Dauletabad field has been cited as a possible supply source for the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline, but according to the Asian Development Bank, the field's production forecasts are "lower than expected" and that "production is predicted to decline

Not only that but they are already exporting gas to Russia and China in addition to their own local consumption. The idea of TAPI to supply gas to Afghanistan, Pakistan and India would add even more pressure on the gas field, which causes the production to decline much faster and therefore the gas becoming more expensive. TAPI is technically and strategically dead. Just look at the security situation in Afghanistan. You build a pipe line there and before you know it, whole sections of it will disappear and sold on scrap market. Remember this is the country where people used to get happy about Daisy cutter bombs because it had of scraps.
The Dauletabad field has been cited as a possible supply source for the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline, but according to the Asian Development Bank, the field's production forecasts are "lower than expected" and that "production is predicted to decline

Not only that but they are already exporting gas to Russia and China in addition to their own local consumption. The idea of TAPI to supply gas to Afghanistan, Pakistan and India would add even more pressure on the gas field, which causes the production to decline much faster and therefore the gas becoming more expensive. TAPI is technically and strategically dead. Just look at the security situation in Afghanistan. You build a pipe line there and before you know it, whole sections of it will disappear and sold on scrap market. Remember this is the country where people used to get happy about Daisy cutter bombs because it had of scraps.
Off topic. Iran was at odd with Pakistan over Afghanistan issue and the internal politics between Iran and Pakistan caused it, the politics having its roots in 1980's US guided Iran containment policies. By the ways we all know UN resolutions are meaningless to India which does not honor UN. Otherwise the first Kashmir resolution passed and still there, calls on India to conduct a referendum under UN auspices and give right of choosing to Kashmiris. India has not yet implemented the first resolution. There is alot in common between India and Israel with regard to UN.

Well,he started it.lol.My point was why not deal with the same leniency to the United States? After all,cooperation with the Americans can only lead to the betterment of Pakistan.With the entire "We don't need you guys,we have ....." rhetoric,how do you expect the pro-Pakistan senators or lobbies to make their case? Unfortunately,global politics aren't conducted in individual vacuums.There are consequences to everything you do.

I don't think that the Americans are targeting Pakistan in this case.However,asking for an alternative is well within the legal rights of Pakistan.
Talk about double standards!!!!!!Americans are like ''we can arm your enemy but, don't you even think about talking to our enemy''

Hard truth. They themselves were trading with Red China and Soviet Union during cold war and now they are against Pakistan getting much needed energy from Iran the close neighbor of Pakistan.
Well,he started it.lol.My point was why not deal with the same leniency to the United States? After all,cooperation with the Americans can only lead to the betterment of Pakistan.With the entire "We don't need you guys,we have ....." rhetoric,how do you expect the pro-Pakistan senators or lobbies to make their case? Unfortunately,global politics aren't conducted in individual vacuums.There are consequences to everything you do.

I don't think that the Americans are targeting Pakistan in this case.However,asking for an alternative is well within the legal rights of Pakistan.

That is what I am saying. US is not cooperating with Pakistan. If US had offered to build 20,000 MW of dams and 50,000 MW of nuclear power plants in Pakistan in order to compensate the amount of energy coming through that pipe line, we would not have this discussion at all. But just ordering hungry Pakistan not to eat Iranian food and also refuse to give American food, what do you expect Pakistan to do? Die of hunger?
If the Us will speak the language of "diplomacy" (support for insurgents and terrorists activity) with Pakistan, can Pakistan speak in a similar language with the US? If not, then there is no point in taking this issue further. On the other hand, if Pakistan are determined, how will the arbi "allies" react? Will Oman and UAE not support or give offices to the these groups which the US will finance?
That is what I am saying. US is not cooperating with Pakistan. If US had offered to build 20,000 MW of dams and 50,000 MW of nuclear power plants in Pakistan in order to compensate the amount of energy coming through that pipe line, we would not have this discussion at all. But just ordering hungry Pakistan not to eat Iranian food and also refuse to give American food, what do you expect Pakistan to do? Die of hunger?

Aren't the Americans looking into dam projects in Pakistan? How are they supposed to go forward if your political establishment keeps cozying up what the United States terms as hostile nations and rampant anti-Americanism.With the WOT,Pakistan has already paid it's dues.The point is not to screw up the "getting back what you are rightfully owed" part.
That is what I am saying. US is not cooperating with Pakistan. If US had offered to build 20,000 MW of dams and 50,000 MW of nuclear power plants in Pakistan in order to compensate the amount of energy coming through that pipe line, we would not have this discussion at all. But just ordering hungry Pakistan not to eat Iranian food and also refuse to give American food, what do you expect Pakistan to do? Die of hunger?[/QUOTE]

If that's the plan, then, well, you know -- US is no friend of Pakistan and Pakistan is no friend of US -- US seeks to contain Pakistan such that it is as benign to the US as the arbis are -- the role for Pakistan is "transitistan" - can Pakistan live with that? NO, you say? Well then, it's time to get real, China seem to be exhausted at the kinds of problems Pakistan are determined to cause for it and determined to be a problem for just about everybody, so what options are available to Pakistan?
Off topic. Iran was at odd with Pakistan over Afghanistan issue and the internal politics between Iran and Pakistan caused it, the politics having its roots in 1980's US guided Iran containment policies. By the ways we all know UN resolutions are meaningless to India which does not honor UN. Otherwise the first Kashmir resolution passed and still there, calls on India to conduct a referendum under UN auspices and give right of choosing to Kashmiris. India has not yet implemented the first resolution. There is alot in common between India and Israel with regard to UN.

We are talking about IP pipeline , which may bring much needed natural gas to Pakistan , and USA trying to halt it. Pakistan needs to take action in national interest ..... irrespective of any thing ..

FYI : Whatever India is doing is for People Of India and we do support our government for that.. are you in same position as India No.. then don't try to compare with you directly or in directly ... and dare you open reply to this with some stupid poverty and toilet thread ...
See USA is coming to block your IP pipeline
---------------------double post-------------------------
Aren't the Americans looking into dam projects in Pakistan? How are they supposed to go forward if your political establishment keeps cozying up what the United States terms as hostile nations and rampant anti-Americanism.With the WOT,Pakistan has already paid it's dues.The point is not to screw up the "getting back what you are rightfully owed" part.

No they are not. They have just "offered" to shoulder one billion dollars out of 12 billion dollar cost of Basha dam. Just a small portion of a single dam. To be exact just 8% of the total cost. This is not enough to replace the energy coming through that pipe line. And with that one billion dollar comes multitude of new conditions which Pakistan has to fulfill. The Iran gas project comes without any political strings attached. This is the difference. India got 65,000 MW of high tech nuclear power with technology and guaranteed fuel. Basha at its best in good rainy season is able to produce just 4,000 MW of energy (8% share of Americans in that becomes less than 300 MW). Do you now get it now?
An agreement for Pakistan to send dollars to the Iranian mullahs who have been funding terrorists to kill U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq? Why should the U.S. send dollars to Pakistan, then?
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