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US threatens sanctions over Iran gas deal

It seems most Indians are very happy for this project to fail. They are so excited in their comments about its failure. Hmm, no surprise that India was stalling the project for over 2 decades and back stabbed Pakistan finally. Now Pakistan is suffering because the project got delayed while India got nuclear technology for selling out. Shameful.
Why US? its not like we are giving them acess to our NUKES

sanctions have different levels.....at higher levels, doing ANY business with Iran becomes ''illegal'' as a Member State of UN

forget nukes.....you can't even buy pistachhios from them.

I see no paradigm shift as far as Pakistan is concerned. The country is already being lashed at due to some non-cooperation in the war against terrorism. We have nothing to lose by exercising our existential right to conduct business with neighbours....especially ones in which we have nothing personal against them, despite some clashes in geo-strategic interests in the region.

nobody has a right to tell us what we can and cant do --especially as far as commerce goes. The USA is a capitalist country itself; Maynard Keynes, Adam Smith and all other free market capitalists --regardless of how new or out-dated they were, they would never opine that sanctions and embargoes yield anything positive
An agreement for Pakistan to send dollars to the Iranian mullahs who have been funding terrorists to kill U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq? Why should the U.S. send dollars to Pakistan, then?

change your lenses sir..:disagree:
It seems most Indians are very happy for this project to fail. They are so excited in their comments about its failure. Hmm, no surprise that India was stalling the project for over 2 decades and back stabbed Pakistan finally. Now Pakistan is suffering because the project got delayed while India got nuclear technology for selling out. Shameful.

Be fair, would anyone care if Pakistanis had their stuff together? We have had the president and premier saying thay are going to do this project and it takes a news paper story for us to begin to think that the President and Premier may not be as dependable as we wish - Indian or no Indian, if Pakistanis show that they mean what they say, all else will fall in line.
An agreement for Pakistan to send dollars to the Iranian mullahs who have been funding terrorists to kill U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq? Why should the U.S. send dollars to Pakistan, then?

we don't damn need bloody US dollars they should spend on jobs and health care of US citizens its 1trillion th time we as a nation asking to stop this foking aid we don't need it .
may be india knew this earlier that usa will do this so they preferred to take steps back
The Dauletabad field has been cited as a possible supply source for the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline, but according to the Asian Development Bank, the field's production forecasts are "lower than expected" and that "production is predicted to decline

the project is as good as dead.....it was just a weak attempt to take a jab at Iran, the one country which it was to bypass
No they are not. They have just "offered" to shoulder one billion dollars out of 12 billion dollar cost of Basha dam. Just a small portion of a single dam. To be exact just 8% of the total cost. This is not enough to replace the energy coming through that pipe line. And with that one billion dollar comes multitude of new conditions which Pakistan has to fulfill. The Iran gas project comes without any political strings attached. This is the difference. India got 65,000 MW of high tech nuclear power with technology and guaranteed fuel. Basha at its best in good rainy season is able to produce just 4,000 MW of energy (8% share of Americans in that becomes less than 300 MW). Do you now get it now?

To rephrase what Muse posted,If all that remains is breaking off your ties with the United States then by all means carry on with the "to hell with them" attitude.Only Israel gets a higher amount of aid than Pakistan so I don't get the motivation behind trivializing what they spend.At a time when Washington is finding it difficult to justify aid to any country,Pakistan could do better than to shoot itself in the foot.
It seems most Indians are very happy for this project to fail. They are so excited in their comments about its failure. Hmm, no surprise that India was stalling the project for over 2 decades and back stabbed Pakistan finally. Now Pakistan is suffering because the project got delayed while India got nuclear technology for selling out. Shameful.

india's pullout was no loss for us and will have no impact whatsoever on the project ---which so far, despite some snags, seems on track. Construction has already started, though on Pakistani side it has been slow.
If that's the plan, then, well, you know -- US is no friend of Pakistan and Pakistan is no friend of US -- US seeks to contain Pakistan such that it is as benign to the US as the arbis are -- the role for Pakistan is "transitistan" - can Pakistan live with that? NO, you say? Well then, it's time to get real, China seem to be exhausted at the kinds of problems Pakistan are determined to cause for it and determined to be a problem for just about everybody, so what options are available to Pakistan?

Way out for Pakistan is some excellent diplomatic game , out of box policies. At this juncture because of domestic politics of vote and power things are pretty messed up. People of Pakistan is confused , they don't know where to go for such a crises .. Political leaders don't have as such good personal level relations with any other world leaders.. Priorities are totally messed up or some many things are at highest priority. China is not gonna support Pakistan for IP pipeline ... no body wants to have negative image in front of world by supporting Iran.. and whatever Pakistan is doing it too open .....

Sometimes its not what government wants it is what people want them to do ...Even if White house want to support Pakistan they can't because of pressure from their people.. American's can't see any one supporting Iran (a country which is openly telling to wipe out their best friend Israel), even they have election next year .

This IP thing got some much of publicity.. GOP should keep things behind the curtain as long as possible .. even Iran is playing game here .. by giving statements on IP every other day .. they want to create ripples between already strained relationship of GOP and White house. They are enjoying the show .. with IP they will not gonna achieve more .. couple of billion $$$ per year .. with so much of restriction on then .. they are not able to spend money to import cool stuff ....
They want to show their importance to USA and Arabs .... I think so Pakistan should put IP on back burner for some time like India did ... get some good deal from Arab nation for natural gas .. get some US company to drill and develop Gas fields in Baluchistan..

GOP do feel shortage of energy from quite a long time ..80% country do feel same ..but they have good long term procurement process in place ... they don't use pipeline, still they don't have shortage .. Try to thing .. it is good to just do something which annoy USA .. do which is more suitable for you in long term .. Many of posters wants IP bcos USA dont like that .. please think about some other options you will find many .. you gus are very near to Arab countries get some help from them ... but pay full money .. don;t take any obligation for now .. you have good foreign reserve to pay it ..
It seems most Indians are very happy for this project to fail. They are so excited in their comments about its failure. Hmm, no surprise that India was stalling the project for over 2 decades and back stabbed Pakistan finally. Now Pakistan is suffering because the project got delayed while India got nuclear technology for selling out. Shameful.

india's pullout was no loss for us and will have no impact whatsoever on the project ---which so far, despite some snags, seems on track. Construction has already started, though on Pakistani side it has been slow.
If the Us will speak the language of "diplomacy" (support for insurgents and terrorists activity) with Pakistan, can Pakistan speak in a similar language with the US? If not, then there is no point in taking this issue further. On the other hand, if Pakistan are determined, how will the arbi "allies" react? Will Oman and UAE not support or give offices to the these groups which the US will finance?

I think we should worry less about what others will do with regard to Pakistan. The client states will do whatever their boss tells them to do. Others will do whatever it benefits them. As with China, I believe they will be happy with a prosperous Pakistan since they can benefit from it whether because of the stability it brings to region or because it will be able to export more stuff to Pakistan. As for Gulf states, they know that Pakistan is a very powerful country and they can never mess with it upfront. At max their relationship with Pakistan is going to be just like the relationship between Gulf and Iran. It can not get any worse than that. A prosperous Pakistan can live with that comfortably. The issue here, is Pakistan's main problem and that is the bad economic conditions. Bad economy is the mother of all other evils from corruption to insecurities. Imagine if Pakistan's per capita GDP from today's 1000 dollars goes up to 5000 dollars in the next decade. Such a modest improvement will automatically cause people to change their outlook on life and become less fatalist. Security will improve, people become more compromising and loving towards each other and corruption will go down as economic opportunities will make corruption less appealing. Right now the biggest obstacle to Pakistan economy is the energy starvation. Economy starts by production. Production needs energy. Without energy there can be no economy. This is the issue here. Damn with people who can not handle a prosperous Pakistan. Why should we worry about people who want to see Pakistan as a poor and desolate nation? We have to take care of ourselves and less think about what others think about our development.
To rephrase what Muse posted,If all that remains is breaking off your ties with the United States then by all means carry on with the "to hell with them" attitude.Only Israel gets a higher amount of aid than Pakistan so I don't get the motivation behind trivializing what they spend.At a time when Washington is finding it difficult to justify aid to any country,Pakistan could do better than to shoot itself in the foot.

Pakistan doesnt need the ''aid''
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