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US takes Pakistan into confidence over anti-IS alliance

Pakistan cannot afford to be dragged into this war. We will protect our country but cannot go to Syria or any other country. U.S is making sure to keep Pakistan army into this mess which will not happen anymore.
There is nothing wrong to contribute unless it serve our interests pak is not island better come out of this paranoia soor or later pak has to contribute .
you know its gotten bad when Americans seek al qaida's cooperation against isis
You don't have a dictator in place....so no support will be taken out. I don't know if you notice, there wasn't a "Phone Call" made to a dictator this time.

This was a democratic to another democratic country's diplomatic exchange. The US's National Security Adviser advises the POTUS on super critical stuff directly. So this event ALONE should tell many the relationship between two civilian governments now, vs. how it was before on Mushy's time.

NS has told her that he'll consult with the military and with the cabinet and will get back to the US on how Pakistan may be able to help, which means, Pakistan's Army (war torn) and the Air-force will need more equipment too. This is a serious threat for Pakistan as history has it, Afghanistan may become another crap-hole for global terrorism!! And that shouldn't be allowed by the world and the Pakistani government.

@MastanKhan : history is repeating itself (like 2002, but on a smaller scale), only difference is, Pakistan has a democratic government and the contact are made at the highest levels between the US and Pakistan. Let's see what gets out of it, in terms of support and equipment for Pakistan's AF and the Army.


See the problem is a different one----. Pakistan is not happy with the U S with another threat of withholding of the funds---. I simply do not understand---this 1 Billion dollar is like one wipe TISSUE paper of the r-se for the united states---and it makes such a big issue out of it for no reason at all---that one wonders at time---what happened to common sense---what happened to the brains of those in the senate or congress or the white house.

The U S knows very well----that its relationship with Pakistan is in extreme hot waters---there is no other country that would do for the U S what Pakistan has---other than Britain and possibly Australia. Not even Israel would come close to the utility that Pakistan provides.

The wounds of salala check post attack and Osama Bin Laden issue have not healed with the pak military---so I do not know what to really expect out of it. This current threat by senate to hold 300 million did not sit well.

Pakistanis also hate the U S for forcing Asif Zardari over them---the most corrupt person alive.

Now---I understand that the U S can use india as a proxy to agitate Pakistan to do the bidding of the U S----.

But I think where the U S has failed is in marketing itself in Pakistan----. Even the ex ambassador is complaining in emails to Clinton that nobody talks about the aid that the U S sent---not even the NGO's----.

How can a country that believes in advertisement---weekend specials---coupons---labour day sale---president's day sale---Christmas and thanks giving sale---black Friday and cyber Monday sales---how can those forget to market the public of Pakistan.

I wrote to Munter---but I guess it just got deleted by a lowly employee---. So---Viper---I do not know what to tell you---.

People talk about that one phone call---and as a Pakistani---I am grateful to Musharraf for what he did---. Richard Armitage was a Linebacker in his college days---so when he told what he told Musharraf---there was no malice in it---he was just the messenger boy telling him that we will be calling---straight and simple---spoken like a true linebacker----but Pakistanis did not understand that---.

Let me take you back 750 years ago---. An incidence happened at Otrar----Genghis Khan sent an envoy asking the Governor to punish those who committed the crime---. Supposedly the messengers were killed by the Governor---. He then sent messenger to the Khalifah---The Great Shah----asking for retribution---in his arrogance and being pumped by his Mullahs---he executed the messengers as well---.

When Ghenghis found that out---he says to hid brothers---does the Shah not understand what I am going to do to him----! The history books tell us about the total destruction of all of the Islamic empire over half of asia.

Musharraf understood the message very well---being a general---he also knew how weak the Pak military was---he also knew that the americans were really looking forward to pummelling the pak military---because the pak military commanders had passed under hand threat in the past to the U S military that hey are not like the iraqi army---.

So--regardless ---what everyone else says--I am indebted to Musharraf for that---.

We will see in a few days how things turn up----. But I feel that there is more un-predictability now than before in the relationship.

By the way this picture is trending alot on western media

Is that an attempt to isolate Gulf states


From Egyptian writer
Wealthy Gulf States Have Accepted ZERO Syrian Refugees | Egyptian Streets

Egypt: 133, 000. Lebanon: 1.2 million. Turkey: 1.8 million. Jordan: 628,427. Iraq: 247, 861.

These figures denote the number of Syrian refugees that have been taken in by neighbouring Arab countries. Despite many facing their own political, social and economic crises, these nations have – to at least some extent – recognised the refugee situation for what it is: a humanitarian crisis on a considerable scale, that must be attended to immediately – both politically and in terms of material relief.

However, it appears a few Arab nations have counted themselves out of this collective effort to provide some immediate support. According to Amnesty International, “the six Gulf countries – Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman and Bahrain – have offered zero resettlement places to Syrian refugees.
Must i remind u ISIS isnt our 'STRATEGIC DEPTH'.

No one said ISIS was your strategic depth, if you had taken a second to think, that reference was Afghanistan. Which is now becoming a breeding ground for ISIS......

All the more reasons for you to take ALL precautions so these people won't start to crawl inside your streets.......your LEJ, and other outfits will pledge allegiance and this will all become ISIS. So Pakistan needs to avoid it.
No one said ISIS was your strategic depth, if you had taken a second to think, that reference was Afghanistan. Which is now becoming a breeding ground for ISIS......

All the more reasons for you to take ALL precautions so these people won't start to crawl inside your streets.......your LEJ, and other outfits will pledge allegiance and this will all become ISIS. So Pakistan needs to avoid it.
Ideally, we would do that when we feel threatened. Not when you and your govt. dictate us. If this govt. had been a true representative of our public, they would have told United States to go F itself. But as this is not the case, you can expect money to buy lives and blood of our civilian + armed forces. Good luck :)
Haha... so Pak to do more US dirty work. Do tell us more.:pop:

I seem to remember Obuma wanted India to do something against IS, I am sure we laughed him off.
the thread was locked out but I found your thread interesting good points there. even if I dont agree completely

Hmmmmm......could you pls, Spells out what you don't agree precisely?

That ISI/PA was not responsible to receives and disburse the funds in local islamist groups to use them in Afghanistan and wars with USSR throughout 80s?

That after the fall of USSR, these funds didn't stop entirely especially by KSA/Gulf and instead diverted towards containing Iran/Shia on one hand and towards Kashmir on the other?

That the Athar (who blamed to Killl the Irani diplomat) was a no body and didn't link with ISI at any level and time?

That the Senior Police Official Ashraf Marth is just acting alone and receives no political support from Nawaz Govt to go against diplomat killers (SSP/LEJ) strongly?

That the killing of Senior Police Official Ashraf Marth in front of his own home after he trace financial routing used in the diplomat Killing was just a terrorist act without the help of ISI?

That Tariq Pervaiz (A senior trrorism expert appointed after Ashraf Marth) didn't trace Basra in Kabul?

That PM NS didn't pass on the same information to ISI chief and request him to got hold of that person in Kabul since it was Taliban regime their supported by ISI/PA in the first place?

That instead of Basra apprehension in Kabul, PM himself targeted in his own hometown?

Pls be more precise what you didnt agree?
Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman and Bahrain

Yeah, and apart from Oman, these 5 other countries are the ones who shout the loudest about the illusive brotherhood called the "ummah". It is no hidden fact that the IS was born out of the support that some of the above mentioned countries gave to so called "Syrian rebels". It's strange the US and other western nations come running to Pakistan to lecture us on our "good" and "bad" terrorists but are mum on the terror financing infrastructure that exists in Saudi, Qatar, UAE and Kuwait.
I hope the respected intelligence agencies and the armed forces will be extra vigilant and not get caught off-guard by the ISIS terrorists before they get a chance to create havoc through some lowly village. What transpired in Syria and continues to be cancerous should be a wake-up call for Pakistan.
ISIS is a US psy-op. Pakistan is better off sealing it's borders and security, and leaving the fight for good ol' uncle sam and it's arab lackeys. Why get dragged into another conflict? The entire world from the west to the arabs view as mercs, because they know we can take the pain. The only thing we know how to do is fight. To bleed, and smile afterwards. But does all this serve our interests? To forsake our nation and oncoming generations is the only thing foreigners see us capable of doing. We are quite capable, but do we really need to bleed for others?

How many of them have bled for us? Do the short term dollars even make a difference, when our future generations die out from these wars?

We are not dogs on command, but wolves.

To hell with ISIS. We need to serve Pakistan.
Ideally, we would do that when we feel threatened. Not when you and your govt. dictate us.

Still living in the fools paradise???? Dictation happens when a "DICTATOR" is in power through illegal suspension of the constitution and violating people's rights.

When there is a civilian, democratic government in the house, then you get two countries' highest level officials discussing a cooperation. Learn to call spade, a spade. You guys never understand how to be diplomatic and in that process you make statements and act stupid that then makes Pakistan look bad.

@MastanKhan : MK: read the post above. I've tried my nth degree on here, trying to teach people to create a positive image about Pakistan and learn to bite their tongue before writing negative sentiments about others. What do you suggest I do?
@MastanKhan : MK: read the post above. I've tried my nth degree on here, trying to teach people to create a positive image about Pakistan and learn to bite their tongue before writing negative sentiments about others. What do you suggest I do?


Thank you for asking me-----. You really cannot do anything---the only way some of it will change when a Pakistani can go on the main screen media and fight back---tooth and nail for Pakistan.

As I stated many a years ago---this board had an excellent opportunity to fight for Pakistan----but incidently the webmaster chose submission over sacrifice----.

In all the TV prime time shows like CNN --- Foxnews--- MSNBC----there is not a single Pakistani coming on these channels to fight for Pakistan.

The Traitor Hussein Haqqani shows up often--but to smash the image of Pakistan.
IS is coming to Pakistan you better get what you can.

when IS is coming to Pak and who is sending it and who is giving it money and weapons.


Thank you for asking me-----. You really cannot do anything---the only way some of it will change when a Pakistani can go on the main screen media and fight back---tooth and nail for Pakistan.

As I stated many a years ago---this board had an excellent opportunity to fight for Pakistan----but incidently the webmaster chose submission over sacrifice----.

In all the TV prime time shows like CNN --- Foxnews--- MSNBC----there is not a single Pakistani coming on these channels to fight for Pakistan.

The Traitor Hussein Haqqani shows up often--but to smash the image of Pakistan.

when you propagating that PA should be rented to the monarchs and go and die in yemen. it tarnishes Pak.
Renting military to monarchs will bring monarch blessings for pak, gwadar will shine and pak will get money from the monarchs.

according to your logic, Pak is a faqeer country, while it is not and wahabis and monarchists did everything to make it like this.
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