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US suspends military aid to Pakistan. Military says it doesn't need it.

Recently Afghan based militants' attacks (togather with NATO attacks) on Pakistan have increased...? Are they upset too on Pakistan expelling US trainers from Pakistan? :drag:
Its good that pakistan has given such a response to USA, USA was taking pakistan for granted, this aid was filling Zardari's coffers, it wasnt doing any good.
Stopping $2-3 billion a year aid to Pakistan won't make a difference as long as the US is spending $110 billion a yr in Afghanistan, or even a large fraction of that once Obama decides to withdraw more troops.
Please do it..US aid does nothing but sustain corrupt and incompetent leaders like Zardari into power..to run their looting business day and night..Pakistan nation has been begging the americans to stop their aid..as it serves no purpose but make zardari rich and powerful. American aid is essentially a legal bribe to sell national interests..
Why don't US stop all kind of aid to Pakistan? i'am fed up hearing this news again & again, when will the US act, Pakistani citizens wants complete full stop on this aid.
Sorry to disappoint u sir.. i don't think U.S is going to stop financial aid to pakistan soon.....because stopping financial aid will mean loosing control over ur leaders...and U.S won't let that happen
Us stopping aid for Pakistan..... Good news...

Btw, why do Pakistan need to be worried?

Swiss banks should worry more as their funds gonna decline now....
Mr. US,

Please be sincere and keep your words at least for once in your life time and do as the saying says; don't leave anything delayed for tomorrow, what has to be done tomorrow do it today and what has to be done today do it now without any delay.
US to Withhold $800mn aid to Pakistan: report

The New York Times reported on Saturday that the Obama administration will hold back about $800 million in aid to the Pakistani military because Washington is totally unhappy with Pakistan’s expulsion of US military trainers and its campaign against militants .

US to hold back $800mn in aid to Pakistan: report | BBC News Update
Don't troll :P

Answer the point i raised why U.S is supporting us if they know that we are supporting terrorists groups???

I always heard members saying here that Pakistani Military and civilian govt are helping USA and not the other way round.

And if at all USA is helping Pakistan, its helping the country and not the extremist and terrorism prone elements in ISI and Army who are supporting the above said acts of terrorism...understood ??
Pakistani members dont realize that institutions like IMF etc are also controlled by the US. and had IMF not provided AID in 2008, Pakistan as a country would have been declared bankrupt in that year. So its not just swiss banks or bribes.
Also perhaps, USA sick of paying Pakistan aid, only for Pakistan to buy submarines and jets from China too.
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