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US suspends military aid to Pakistan. Military says it doesn't need it.

I know you will not accept it but still its another part of story


You 'story' is incomplete..it does not explain why US agreed to replace your losses(so that you can again some other time again spy on US activities in Balochistan and collect evidence that can embarrass US.)..or why did they agree to give you such tech in first place..which could be used against US interests in first place?
You 'story' is incomplete..it does not explain why US agreed to replace your losses(so that you can again some other time again spy on US activities in Balochistan and collect evidence that can embarrass US.)..or why did they agree to give you such tech in first place..which could be used against US interests in first place?

Story has nothing to do with US Aid, It is about what happened there..

BTW. You are right why will they give us that technology, That's why they destroyed it after achieving their objectives.

I already told you, i don't need your agreement :coffee:
Story has nothing to do with US Aid, It is about what happened there..

BTW. You are right why will they give us that technology, That's why they destroyed it after achieving their objectives.

I already told you, i don't need your agreement :coffee:

But then do explain..why after destroying the tech they din't wan't you to have..why did they agree to resupply it back..that to free of cost?

I hardly passing judgments.
I am just trying to figure out how much time it takes for you to start thinking logically.
But then do explain..why after destroying the tech they din't wan't you to have..why did they agree to resupply it back..that to free of cost?

I hardly passing judgments.
I am just trying to figure out how much time it takes for you to start thinking logically.

They are not supplying that technology, They are paying for other damages during this operation and to keep mouth shut of some corrupts.
They are not supplying that technology, They are paying for other damages during this operation and to keep mouth shut of some corrupts.

These Orions had been used for surveillance in Baluchistan where the Americans are actively involved in terrorist activities. All their activities were monitored and the wireless messages were recorded. This is the capacity of the Orion. And therefore that could have been a great embarrassment for the Americans if it leaked out. Hence the Orions had to be destroyed so much that the recorders and black boxes were destroyed too along with the nefarious evidence.

They are not supplying that technology, They are paying for other damages during this operation and to keep mouth shut of some corrupts.

What the hell are you talking about ?..aren't they replacing the P3C orions you lost in Mehran attack..the ones you claim, they themselves destroyed. because it has the ability to keep tabs on their activities in Balochistan..why??
What the hell are you talking about ?..aren't they replacing the P3C orions you lost in Mehran attack..the ones you claim, they themselves destroyed. because it has the ability to keep tabs on their activities in Balochistan..why??

Read highlighted part of my earlier post. Well they provide same P3C with all past records which destroyed, which contains vital information for Pakistan, maybe more important than P3C itself.
latest on this from voice of America

July 10, 2011
NY Times: US Suspends Millions in Military Aid to Pakistan
VOA News

A leading U.S. newspaper says Washington is "suspending and, in some cases, canceling" hundreds of millions of dollars of aid to the Pakistani military.

The New York Times cites three unnamed senior U.S. officials who say the move is aimed at chastening Pakistan for expelling American military trainers and to press Pakistan's army to fight militants "more effectively."

The newspaper says about $800 million in military aid and equipment, or over one-third of the more than $2 billion in annual American security assistance to Pakistan, could be affected.

The newspaper reports the aid curtailment is "clearly intended" to force the Pakistani military to choose between backing the country that finances much of its operations, or continuing to provide "secret support" for the Taliban and other militants fighting American soldiers in Afghanistan.

The New York Times reports the unidentified U.S. officials say equipment deliveries and aid would probably resume if relations between the U.S. and Pakistan improve and if Pakistan makes a commitment to pursue terrorists more aggressively.

Ties between Washington and Islamabad have been frayed since the surprise U.S. raid that killed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden in Pakistan in early May.

NY Times: US Suspends Millions in Military Aid to Pakistan | News | English
$800 million in military aid and equipment, or over one-third of the more than $2 billion in annual American security assistance to Pakistan, could be affected.

Thats a lot of money.
The real question is where are these aid money spend?

Is it for military or is it filling pockets of politicians.???

Do the budgets refer and show the records of spending of this money?

Does a comptroller and auditor general work in Pakistan??

There is no record. Crums trickle down into the budget, the rest go into filling the pockets of the politicians. I like to see a head for US aid under the Pakistani budget and somebody give me a 10 year account for the $19 Bn.
Read highlighted part of my earlier post. Well they provide same P3C with all past records which destroyed, which contains vital information for Pakistan, maybe more important than P3C itself.

Again you just beating round the bush ..my question remains why would they agree to resupply them...so that you can keep tabs on them perhaps some other day and then they will again have to take the pains to get mercenaries to destroy them and give you new ones hunh?
Again you just beating round the bush ..my question remains why would they agree to resupply them...so that you can keep tabs on them perhaps some other day and then they will again have to take the pains to get mercenaries to destroy them and give you new ones hunh?

There are many explanations for motive. Especially if the P3C-Orion were part of an ongoing Balochistan intel gathering mission, by destroying the planes right now that mission is over. Resupply hasn't happened, it will probably be several years before it happens or probably it will never happen. Its the US for gods sakes, it will back off on its word whenever it pleases.
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