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US suspends military aid to Pakistan. Military says it doesn't need it.

As I said in one of the posts above, there have been at least three times (1971, 1988, 2008) where the civilian and military leadership came together and started entirely new setup once they saw some kind of radical change in Pakistan.
I foresee similar kind of setup most like: A government of national consensus for foreseeable future with military, technocrats, and politicians coming together if the situation demands. The ruling classes rightly know that if there is no Pakistan then they too will cease to exist. Call it self-survival.

The self-survival instinct that you describe is probably the best hope, but the other side of the same coin is that the present socioeconomic status will continue as well.

Anyway, I certainly don't see Pakistan brought to its knees because of economic sanctions. And China is not a small backer, btw. It is also possible that China knows the pressure being applied on Pakistan--join the American-alliance (Bush wasn't joking with the 'With us or against us') and ditch China, and you are okay. Pakistan is never going to backstab China. But even without China, I think Pakistan will survive, albeit with great pain. But I don't see lots of people dying because of hunger. I don't see huge shortage of medicines. It will be painful but still better than Iraq or N.Korea.

"Great pain" is what is easy to say, but very hard to live through. I know.

Again, to what extent Americans can punish Pakistan? I repeat, short of false flags the options are limited.

May be you are correct, but in that case, it will not be false flag operations alone.
How much you do for us? Like hiding OBL? If you deal with 2 faces, don't expect gratitude...I mean seriously. Fighting terror? I read this forum. A good half of the posters support terror.

What benefit Pakistan has achieved for hiding OBL? you keep blabbering about few million dollars, which you got moooore than what you spent......oil in iraq and poppu fields in af'tan, but Pakistan has just 'lost' due to being ur ally in so called WoT.
1. Pakistanis should say, "Alhamdulillah!" Allah SWT is to be thanked for getting out of this poisonous embrace. Actually most of the money went into the pockets of the crooks. It is wrong to assume Pakistan was surviving on American largess.

2. Pakistan will now become self-reliant and truly find its feet. Many a nation like Cuba, N Korea, Iraq or Iran have come out of such US gymnastics stronger.

3. America is run by the Money Barons who need their money to be moving. Who will they now target to redirect these funds? India comes first in mind. And thus will India fall deeper into the trap.
Since when did merely opposing US policies in Afghanistan and Pakistan become 'support for terror'?

Flawed thinking that one comes across often, from 'I wear my patriotism on my sleeve' Americans.

Opposing policy is one thing...wishing luck to the Taliban another.
1. Pakistanis should say, "Alhamdulillah!" Allah SWT is to be thanked for getting out of this poisonous embrace. Actually most of the money went into the pockets of the crooks. It is wrong to assume Pakistan was surviving on American largess.

2. Pakistan will now become self-reliant and truly find its feet. Many a nation like Cuba, N Korea, Iraq or Iran have come out of such US gymnastics stronger.

3. America is run by the Money Barons who need their money to be moving. Who will they now target to redirect these funds? India comes first in mind. And thus will India fall deeper into the trap.

Stronger? Iran is the only one mentioned out of the group that seems to do well. Cuba is dirt poor, N. Korea starving. Iraq? They will do well now...as our Ally and base.
How much you do for us? Like hiding OBL? If you deal with 2 faces, don't expect gratitude...I mean seriously. Fighting terror? I read this forum. A good half of the posters support terror.

Call them out.
Opposing policy is one thing...wishing luck to the Taliban another.

When has 'half the forum' done that?

That said, those that do support the Taliban do so not because they 'support terrorism', but because they see the US as an invader, and have an unrealistic and romanticized view of the Afghan Taliban.
Opposing policy is one thing...wishing luck to the Taliban another.

According to you and another countryman of yours the other day, even opposing the American foreign policy counts as treason. Seems like you want sheep and not people who are capable of critical thinking and analysis. Is that the formula for a successful democracy ?
Mush send our army to tribal areas for the sake of $$$ and some toys like f-16 and cobras.
now every thing is stopped.and i hope our top brass withdraw soldiers from tribal areas and finally from wot.
this was,is and will be Americans war and let them fight their war.

Actually this wot is nothing but cover up of neocons agenda.
Take out Pakistan,work on new middle east(greater Israel) and wait for 2nd arrival of christ.
Pakistan has said it can manage without the near-billion-dollar military aid which America is holding back. It's thought Washington's decision is retaliation for Islamabad expelling over 100 U.S. military advisers. The U.S.-Pakistan relationship has been under strain since Osama Bin Laden's killing in May and U.S. drone attacks that killed civilians. The White House says Islamabad is an important ally in the war on terror, but that the relationship 'must be worked on over time'. Journalist Ahmed Quraishi says the bitterness is going to be tough to fix.

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