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US suspends military aid to Pakistan. Military says it doesn't need it.

We even survived when there was no aid even we had sanctions, now our tax collections are manyfold.

That 'manifold' still has not gotten you out of the set of countries with the least Tax/GDP ratios in the world.

Hence my question,

are most of the Pakistanis willing to make it many times that 'manifold'?
It is great feeling when Pakistan brushed off US Aid suspension threat.


"The army in the past as well as at present has conducted successful military operations using its own resources without any external support whatsoever,"

"We have achieved success in the past against al Qaeda in South Waziristan, Bajur and other tribal regions without any external assistance,"

All the $50 Billion (or thereabouts) of it? :what:

If so, then this represents failure of governance on an unforgivably massive scale so large that it would be beyond any conventional means of rectifying. :cry:

What do the results of Pakistan tell you?
I think we may be getting off-topic here if we start talking about how the US aid has been wasted. I will say that not all of that was wasted and as late as early 2007 Pakistani economic indicators were not all that bad. There are a lot of problems since 2007--most of them have to do with rampant terrorism, global economic meltdown AND media-perception. Overall, I think American military and economic aid, indeed, made Pakistan much stronger than it was in 1947.

Back to the topic.
As I said above, a chunk of the 'aid' given to Pakistan are for expenses in the WOT. Deploying 100,000 troops in new combat zones in extremely hard terrain is not something cheap. I foresee Pakistan cutting down some operations. That's a sad reality. But what will Americans accomplish by cutting this aid then? Other than massaging the egos of nationalists on both sides this is a netloss for both countries. For Pakistan, however, there can be more internal peace--the militants, having found some breathing space and a less aggressive Pakistani army, will likely heat up Afghanistan like never before. Casualties count increases in Afghanistan.

The million dollar question is: To what extent Americans can punish Pakistan? I don't think they can starve Pakistanis. I don't think a full ground or even air attack is an option. The only way Americans can hurt Pakistan is to stage a false-flag to try to deprive Pakistan of international backing. THAT is the main leverage left for Americans. And, unless things improve between the two countries, I see that happening.
What do the results of Pakistan tell you?

Unfortunately, for all my obstinate optimism about Pakistan's future, the results so far indicate abject failures on multiple levels and on a massive scale.

However, I have now forbidden myself to be too analytical since it hurts me (and others here on PDF) too much. I continue to hope and pray that the means to rectify these failures appear somehow. Sadly, I personally do know from where these would appear.
The million dollar question is: To what extent Americans can punish Pakistan? I don't think they can starve Pakistanis. I don't think a full ground or even air attack is an option. The only way Americans can hurt Pakistan is to stage a false-flag to try to deprive Pakistan of international backing. THAT is the main leverage left for Americans. And, unless things improve between the two countries, I see that happening.

What effective international backing (other than China) does Pakistan have left? And China would not be swayed by a false flag operation.

My worry is an engineered economic collapse leading to social chaos, and present trends are in that direction.

However, like I have said, I choose to ignore the evidence and remain optimistic about the outcome.
Unfortunately, for all my obstinate optimism about Pakistan's future, the results so far indicate abject failures on multiple levels and on a massive scale.

However, I have now forbidden myself to be too analytical since it hurts me (and others here on PDF) too much. I continue to hope and pray that the means to rectify these failures appear somehow. Sadly, I personally do know from where these would appear.

:D Sadkay apki optimism pe.
:D Sadkay apki optimism pe.

AA: Jokes aside, I am left with no other option than to hope, and pray, and hope, and pray, and hope, and pray, and hope, and pray, and hope, and pray, and hope, and pray, and hope, and pray, ........

Most people here already hate me from being too critical about this, and my ex-countrymen are still dear to me.
The million dollar question is: To what extent Americans can punish Pakistan? I don't think they can starve Pakistanis. I don't think a full ground or even air attack is an option. The only way Americans can hurt Pakistan is to stage a false-flag to try to deprive Pakistan of international backing. THAT is the main leverage left for Americans. And, unless things improve between the two countries, I see that happening.

The million Dollar aswer is that no matter how much we please US and do everything for them ...but they will never be pleased with us but they will blame us all the time...... Their secret and hidden agenda is to destroy us internally and externally no matter what..... either they will try to use FALSE-FLAG Operation or somethingelse........but they will fail in the end inspite of all their treachories/conspiracies......Insha-Allah..........:what:
The million Dollar aswer is that no matter how much we please US and do everything for them ...but they will never be pleased with us but they will blame us all the time...... Their secret and hidden agenda is to destroy us internally and externally no matter what..... either they will try to use FALSE-FLAG Operation or somethingelse........but they will fail in the end inspite of all their treachories/conspiracies......Insha-Allah..........:what:

How much you do for us? Like hiding OBL? If you deal with 2 faces, don't expect gratitude...I mean seriously. Fighting terror? I read this forum. A good half of the posters support terror.
As I said in one of the posts above, there have been at least three times (1971, 1988, 2008) where the civilian and military leadership came together and started entirely new setup once they saw some kind of radical change in Pakistan.
I foresee similar kind of setup most like: A government of national consensus for foreseeable future with military, technocrats, and politicians coming together if the situation demands. The ruling classes rightly know that if there is no Pakistan then they too will cease to exist. Call it self-survival.

Anyway, I certainly don't see Pakistan brought to its knees because of economic sanctions. And China is not a small backer, btw. It is also possible that China knows the pressure being applied on Pakistan--join the American-alliance (Bush wasn't joking with the 'With us or against us') and ditch China, and you are okay. Pakistan is never going to backstab China. But even without China, I think Pakistan will survive, albeit with great pain. But I don't see lots of people dying because of hunger. I don't see huge shortage of medicines. It will be painful but still better than Iraq or N.Korea.

Again, to what extent Americans can punish Pakistan? I repeat, short of false flags the options are limited.
AA: Jokes aside, I am left with no other option than to hope, and pray, and hope, and pray, and hope, and pray, and hope, and pray, and hope, and pray, and hope, and pray, and hope, and pray, ........

Most people here already hate me from being too critical about this, and my ex-countrymen are still dear to me.

If you take my advice quit hoping and praying also. Would be good for both you and all those who hate you. ;)
If you take my advice quit hoping and praying also. Would be good for both you and all those who hate you. ;)

In that case, I will not take your advice, but thanks anyways! :D
That 'manifold' still has not gotten you out of the set of countries with the least Tax/GDP ratios in the world.

Hence my question,

are most of the Pakistanis willing to make it many times that 'manifold'?

We will increase this manifold till it would be sufficiently manifold :lol:

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