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US suspends hundreds of millions in military aid to Egypt

Those are independent from the Saud regime, that’s the violent ideology that originated in the Arabian peninsula, explains why Arabian peninsula citizens are the big majority in Guantanamo B they are attracted to that ideology.
The Iraqi resistance fought the Americans, the Saudi "mujahideen" are here to kill civillians.

What anger, some show for the camera’s.
Logic above that BS anyday, or should we trust the US propaganda.

What are you talking about? Most of the people in Guantanamo are innocents. Why do you think that only like 4-5 Saudi Arabians have been sentenced to anything? Most of the people are from Afghanistan and just poor Afghans they captured to make this look like a "success" because they were unable to capture the mastermind (OBL).

Saudi Arabian fighters in Iraq were the most courageous and fearless and many successfully targeted the Americans. Same in Syria now although in total we are only talking about 2000-3000 people if not less.

Targeting invadors who invade Muslim land and kill Muslims is legitimate. Call that violent for all I care. Like an invading power is not violent, LOL.

If any country invaded KSA any tactic would be legitimate to drive them away if deemed under Islam or necessary.

Also we hear this from frustrated Shias that it is the House of Saud. So either they are full of bullshit or KSA has a tremendous influence on USA and gets away with things that no other state would. So much for that, LOL.
If Fahrenheit 9-11 is to be believed, then the Saudis did evacuate from the US after 9-11. Perhaps Michael Moore is twisting the facts, but his arguments are prodding.

Nope most Saudis ran away after 9/11 it is true. That is why out of all Arabs here Saudis are among the least and only recently more have started to come back as students etc.
If Fahrenheit 9-11 is to be believed, then the Saudis did evacuate from the US after 9-11. Perhaps Michael Moore is twisting the facts, but his arguments are prodding.

Than, you also have to believe that CIA's regional operations head met OBL in American Hospital Dubai, where he (OBL) was undergoing dialysis.
Than, you also have to believe that CIA's regional operations head met OBL in American Hospital Dubai, where he (OBL) was undergoing dialysis.

Michael Moore stretches some things but that is because he is trying to make cash so he has to throw some conspiracy theories in his movies but he does present some info that is pretty solid, that goes for all his movies.
Really maybe because KSA got in line just like other countries did (Pakistan included). Remember at the time American public wanted blood and Bush made the speech "either you are with us or against us" the whole world came a knocking trying to "provide help". If your rulers had caused a 9/11 then trust me today you wouldn't have been able to post all those pretty pictures that you do on pdf.

Saudi Ambassador's response to 9-11 report

^Saudi ambassodor denounces the saudi hijackers but you want to trumpet them as some sort of win for KSA by saying, "just 15 saudis LOL" the joke is on you brother, get real.

Bahrain is Israel for US foreign policy makers? :lol: Comparing the golden goose to a peanut.

I most certainly didn't it ya cinnamon pie. :lol: I'm just responding to your " permission " claim.
What are you talking about? Most of the people in Guantanamo are innocents. Why do you think that only like 4-5 Saudi Arabians have been sentenced to anything? Most of the people are from Afghanistan and just poor Afghans they captured to make this look like a "success" because they were unable to capture the mastermind (OBL).

Saudi Arabian fighters in Iraq were the most courageous and fearless and many successfully targeted the Americans. Same in Syria now although in total we are only talking about 2000-3000 people if not less.

Targeting invadors who invade Muslim land and kill Muslims is legitimate. Call that violent for all I care. Like an invading power is not violent, LOL.

If any country invaded KSA any tactic would be legitimate to drive them away if deemed under Islam or necessary.

Also we hear this from frustrated Shias that it is the House of Saud. So either they are full of bullshit or KSA has a tremendous influence on USA and gets away with things that no other state would. So much for that, LOL.

Many are innocent, maybe most. Doesn’t change the fact Saudis are attracted to this ideology, not all ofcourse.

Saudi Arabian fighters in Iraq were the most courageous and fearless and many successfully targeted the Americans. Same in Syria now although in total we are only talking about 2000-3000 people if not less.

^^ terrorists killing the citizens today trying to claim what the Iraqi resistance did to the invaders, targeting invaders is good which is what the foreign terrorist aren’t doing, no one invited them neither are they needed, the local resistance did it.

Anyway, to them foreigners that fought the invader this message does not apply to them ^^, for them not to cry despite them not being on PDF anyway.
Really maybe because KSA got in line just like other countries did (Pakistan included). Remember at the time American public wanted blood and Bush made the speech "either you are with us or against us" the whole world came a knocking trying to "provide help". If your rulers had caused a 9/11 then trust me today you wouldn't have been able to post all those pretty pictures that you do on pdf.

Saudi Ambassador's response to 9-11 report

^Saudi ambassodor denounces the saudi hijackers but you want to trumpet them as some sort of win for KSA by saying, "just 15 saudis LOL" the joke is on you brother, get real.

Bahrain is Israel for US foreign policy makers? :lol: Comparing the golden goose to a peanut.

No, the reality is that 15 Saudis from Southern KSA caused more destruction of the only Superpower since WW2 than anyone else. American response? Nothing. Just more support for KSA.:lol: Where is the logic? Apparently the ideology also came from KSA. So what would be your logical response?

Apparently according to many users KSA was behind/supported the attacks on American invaders in Iraq and Afghanistan.

My point. KSA has a tremendous influence and gets away with things that most would not. That's a a fact.

I am not endorsing anything. But USA have been behind 1000 9/11 all over the place.

I just find it funny that 19 persons could make such an attack on the only world superpower.

Well if the ideology you are claiming they are attracted to (Islam) then this goes for most Muslims of the region. 99% of all Muslims/Iraqis/Arabs of the region supported strikes on the invaders. I recall you telling about your family members who did it yourself.

So, yes I regard it as a good thing that non-nationals are willing to sacrifice their lives for fellow Muslims and Arabs against an legitimate oppressor.

I Imagine that thousands of Muslims would go to KSA if it ever was invaded illegitimately especially obviously Makkah and Madinah to defend it.
I most certainly didn't it ya cinnamon pie. :lol: I'm just responding to your " permission " claim.

Yes and I replied that Bahrain is not even a priority on US foreign policy hierarchy while Israel is the golden goose, so like I said US will not give permission. :azn: If you still don't get it I will make it simple, US never really cared about Bahrain or Bahrainis so they disregard KSA interference in Bahrain, besides not like KSA interference made a "hostile Bahrain" for the US so why exactly would US policy makers bat an eye? Israel like I said is a whole other ball park. :pop:
Nope most Saudis ran away after 9/11 it is true. That is why out of all Arabs here Saudis are among the least and only recently more have started to come back as students etc.

What do you mean by "ran away"? Did they run across the Mexican and Canadian borders? Nobody ran away from anywhere. As I recall it Americans evacuated some members of the bin Laden family (strange that they provided this service to a family whose member made the most devastating attack on their land ever) and that was it. Regular Saudi Arabians still lived there. Aside from the students. Saudi Arabians have been going to the US since 1950's in significant numbers.

Since 9/11 there have been way more Saudi Arabians living in KSA or studying there than ever before.

What I am trying to say with all this. Either all the usual accusations we here about are false. Because judging by all those actions and the lately ones KSA is by no means even close to being a puppet of anybody. Ally yes. That's a different thing.

Or either the KSA and USA are working together to cause all this havoc. You can all make your own picks. It can't be all at once.:lol:
Anyway can anyone tell me how come the Americans are so fond of the MB?

Need to read up about all this.

Can the Egyptian members answer me? @Mahmoud_EGY, bro? You are or were living in the US. Or was it @agentny17?
I am actually!! I have no idea. The American people have no idea about what's happening in Egypt, but in no way they have any support to sympathy toward the Muslim Brotherhood. The Obama administration is another story. I would say that the U.S. is under the impression that the Muslim Brotherhood can control other Islamists across the region which is something the U.S. wants. That is just my opinion, but the love between both sides is so hard to understand, especially since we all know both sides have 2 different ideologies, and views when it comes to almost everything in this world.
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Nope most Saudis ran away after 9/11 it is true. That is why out of all Arabs here Saudis are among the least and only recently more have started to come back as students etc.

The thing to determine a connection. Would be if they ran after the identity of the Hijackers were released Or they ran the next day?
That would definitely implicate a Saudi connection(willingly or unwillingly) in the 9-11 attack.

Lets take a different look entirely. If Iran and the US find common ground( as is being seen in recent attempts).. and Syria is no longer seen as a place to drain Iran's resources.. then what is the benefit of the House of Saud to the US?
Shall we narrow it down to a carbon based commodity? Billions in Saudi Royal family investments in the US(which they ironically cant touch or take out)?

After all, there is another American members here who recalls all the accounts of Saudis burning American flags when US troops were deployed with a lot of anger.

Hence, whether or not the Saudis sponsored, knew or unwittingly lent money to something like 9-11; their importance to the US economically ensures that they are above the scrutiny of the house of representatives and perhaps even the senate.
No, the reality is that 15 Saudis from Southern KSA caused more destruction of the only Superpower since WW2 than anyone else. American response? Nothing. Just more support for KSA.:lol: Where is the logic? Apparently the ideology also came from KSA. So what would be your logical response?

Apparently according to many users KSA was behind/supported the attacks on American invaders in Iraq and Afghanistan.

My point. KSA has a tremendous influence and gets away with things that most would not. That's a a fact.

I am not endorsing anything. But USA have been behind 1000 9/11 all over the place.

I just find it funny that 19 persons could make such an attack on the only world superpower.

Well if the ideology you are claiming they are attracted to (Islam) then this goes for most Muslims of the region. 99% of all Muslims/Iraqis/Arabs of the region supported strikes on the invaders. I recall you telling about your family members who did it yourself.

So, yes I regard it as a good think that non-nationals are willing to sacrifice their lives for fellow Muslims and Arabs against an legitimate oppressor.

I Imagine that thousands of Muslims would go to KSA if it ever was invaded illegitimately especially obviously Makkah and Madinah to defend it.

I don't think you know the difference between state actors and non-state actors. The facts is this. 19 bozos flew planes into buildings because of their twisted interpretation of Islam, 15 of which happened to be Saudi arabs. So going by your logic since US did not level KSA into dust this must be a Saudi victory of some sort, despite your ambassador denouncing the attacks and whining that nobody should blame KSA for it, and despite the fact that only two years later these same people attacked your own country as well? Really ??? :blink: On top of that you find it funny, was the riyadh bombing funny for you too?

Granted US has killed many innocents as well but that has nothing to do with what we were talking about anyway.

So Al Qaeda is following Islam and other are not? :cuckoo: Since you know that is the ideology that I am referring to according to you? My family member supported strikes on who where? :rofl: What invaders you talking about anyway , you talking about Iraq or something explain? Again wth are you talking about?

I am actually!! I have no idea. The American people have no idea about what's happening in Egypt, but in no way they have any support to sympathy toward the Muslim Brotherhood. The Obama administration is another story. I would say that the U.S. is under the impression that the Muslim Brotherhood can control other Islamists across the region which is something the U.S. wants. That is just my opinion, but the love between both sides is so hard to understand, especially since we all know both sides have 2 different ideologies, and views when it comes to almost everything in this world.

Nah everything is on freeze because of the government shutdown, once repubs and dems stop the dick measuring contest the aid will continue.
What do you mean by "ran away"? Did they run across the Mexican and Canadian borders? Nobody ran away from anywhere. As I recall it Americans evacuated some members of the bin Laden family (strange that they provided this service to a family whose member made the most devastating attack on their land ever) and that was it. Regular Saudi Arabians still lived there. Aside from the students. Saudi Arabians have been going to the US since 1950's in significant numbers.

Since 9/11 there have been way more Saudi Arabians living in KSA or studying there than ever before.

What I am trying to say with all this. Either all the usual accusations we here about are false. Because judging by all those actions and the lately ones KSA is by no means even close to being a puppet of anybody. Ally yes. That's a different thing.

Or either the KSA and USA are working together to cause all this havoc. You can all make your own picks. It can't be all at once.:lol:

No Saudis left the country in fear of reprisals, even the other Arabs here used to talk about it here.

Okay but expand on the usual accusations? I never accused KSA of anything besides not being able to attack Israel without US permission, in fact it is you that is trying to insinuate KSA had something to do with 9/11 since 15 of 19 hijackers were Saudi.
Just know that your neighbors across the beautiful Red Sea and Arab/Semitic/Muslim brothers will always stand by the Egyptian people as you have stood by us since ancient times. Egypt has the potential to be a regional power. Its here and now that your leadership really needs to show what they are made of in order not to be exploited by anyone.

The Obama administration are complete and utter jokes. Can't wait for the day that Barack Hussein Obama Kenyan gets kicked out of the White House. He and his administration have no clue about what they are doing in the ME. The only reason that he got reelected was because an even bigger moron was his main rival (Romney or what the hell that Baptist was named).

The Americans seem to have a love relationship with the MB. Wonder what they are up to?

The many thousands Egyptians here in KSA surely told what they thought about the Obama administration when the waves where the highest a few months ago.

Move towards China. Russia cannot be trusted as others stated already and history has shown. China is the only country that could topple USA as the superpower of the world. Forget about the rest.
KSA support has been essential during this rough period in Egypt's history. Egyptians will never forget that.
What the hell are you rambling about? Did i say something about Romania beeing some world power ? Crap or not Dacia is one of the most best selling cars in Europe and the world and even before the merger with Renault it was sold from the 80's everywhere,from Turkey,arab world to South America.
It is still a French franchise, and the role of Romania is limited at providing a cheap labor
I have to ask but are ok in the head? During the intervention in Lybia nobody fought the algerian air force and nobody was afraid of you and who the hell are you to talk about significance of countries? A berber,no different from the gypsies you talk about beeing mistreated in France,which i don't care about btw,they are treated the same in Romania,like they deserve

Apparently they did...They didn't violate our airspace, and the one that did was shot dawn at a cost of a heilcopter and 32 SAS plus the crew...and they , I guess were afraid to tangle with the AAF...Europeen know very well the berbers, they are the one who who liberated southern France and certain part of Italy from the Germans...Unlike Romania who was the German Urinal and then the Russian outhouse, We are feared. And unlike Romanian, we like ourselves and we are at home from the west of the Nile to the shore of the Atlantic.

You found some gas in the desert ,made a quick buck,got some russkie airplanes and you found the audacity to speak about others,dude,and what cars they manufacture.Algeria is relevant only in your head and you're ******** at the french for colonising your little gas dependent ex colony.
You can't fault us for having a big and a rich country..We fought for it, and we intend to keep our real estate as a whole intact.
Algeria is relevant, at least for the old Romania, now you are somebody else heavy burden...Tractors that you used for public transportation were made in and donated by Algeria, and Algeria bought those Dacia, you where so proud of, as a giving hand to a poor eastern country in the name of friendship.

I will cite you an example when we have an actual west-russia war to speak about,until then we go with the tons of examples we allready have
You can't because you have none to cite.
.Cute Budapest mention,weak,but cute.
the truth, wasn't it?

Lay off the imaginary world where Algeria is something other than an ex colony where the french departed because their population asked the goverment to do that

oh, really..hit the library, documentation abounds...

and not because of your useless rebelion and welcome to reality:the discovery of gas is your life line,you're worth nothing without that and the fact that you lick russkie a$$ because they sold you some planes which you foolishly think they're worth something against western counterparts won't give you street credit.

Well, sorry for your meager knowledge...Maybe you delect in kissing and licking @sses to be accepted, like if you belong to an entity.. You confuse us with your homeland. It is the others that come with a red carpet or for a blow to our little head for a piece of a pie. Algeria is known for its avant gardist position in the world arena...and to credit herself for getting China a seat in the security council, to South Africa her rightful place in the UN assembly , and gave Palestine struggle a voice, a seat in the UN. That just to name few examples..What is Romania's CC in comparaison??? A big fat zero, nothing, rien, nada, walou.

We buy Russian hardware, as well other western hardware, we always buy the best of what the market has to offer. And we have one of the best integrated, mobile, efficient defence force in the world and we intend to stay that way...
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