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US suspends hundreds of millions in military aid to Egypt

No Saudis left the country in fear of reprisals, even the other Arabs here used to talk about it here.

Okay but expand on the usual accusations? I never accused KSA of anything besides not being able to attack Israel without US permission, in fact it is you that is trying to insinuate KSA had something to do with 9/11 since 15 of 19 hijackers were Saudi.

That's nonsense. My eldest brothers best friend is a a Saudi Arabian doctor (US educated) who was still able to practice as a doctor shortly after 9/11. Most Saudi Arabians stayed. Why should they not? Because what something 15 Saudi Arabians did out of 30 million? So by that logic then Americans should not be able to travel anywhere since they have killed 100.000 or 200.000 (how much was it again) people in Iraq. Or the 100.000's who died because of US imposed sanctions?

Besides not even one single murder of any Arab after 9/11 was recorded. And don't tell me that an American redneck can distinguish between an Saudi Arabian for example or Egyptian. Not long ago some redneck attacked a Sikh temple because he thought they were Muslims.

Not sure where you get your info from. Only the Bin Laden family members were evacuated.
The thing to determine a connection. Would be if they ran after the identity of the Hijackers were released Or they ran the next day?
That would definitely implicate a Saudi connection(willingly or unwillingly) in the 9-11 attack.

Lets take a different look entirely. If Iran and the US find common ground( as is being seen in recent attempts).. and Syria is no longer seen as a place to drain Iran's resources.. then what is the benefit of the House of Saud to the US?
Shall we narrow it down to a carbon based commodity? Billions in Saudi Royal family investments in the US(which they ironically cant touch or take out)?

After all, there is another American members here who recalls all the accounts of Saudis burning American flags when US troops were deployed with a lot of anger.

Hence, whether or not the Saudis sponsored, knew or unwittingly lent money to something like 9-11; their importance to the US economically ensures that they are above the scrutiny of the house of representatives and perhaps even the senate.

Nah they left out of fear of reprisals. When 9/11 happened the nationalities were revealed and everyone was pissed at KSA because most were from KSA but then Saudis denounced attack and promised to help fight AQ etc which is why they were not attacked, shortly thereafter they stopped mentioning the nationalities of the hijackers. Here on the streets however Muslims were being targeted especially Saudis and that is why Saudis left the US in large numbers.

Even if common ground is found between US and Iran, KSA will not just be "cut loose" however KSA would have to deal with a sanction free Iran so US will not do anything drastic but KSA just might do something if they feel threatened by the Persians. Like produce nuclear weapons like yzd khalifa likes to insinuate they already have out of "security concerns".

Well they cannot touch the investment if a freeze is put on the money but you forget that investing money is just a part of the package and it is really the connections made by investing said cash that helps a nation. Like that prince that has invested in News corp if his money is frozen than Rupert Murdoch also takes a hit on business and so he would likely use his own connections to try and influence the GOTUS. The same for every investment, the other business partners involved would not like that money to be tampered with.

No imo KSA did not sponsor 9/11 but no doubt there were some who nodded in agreement on the attack silently, it was only until the Riyadh attack in 2003 that KSA literally threw all AQ out of KSA.
I don't think you know the difference between state actors and non-state actors. The facts is this. 19 bozos flew planes into buildings because of their twisted interpretation of Islam, 15 of which happened to be Saudi arabs. So going by your logic since US did not level KSA into dust this must be a Saudi victory of some sort, despite your ambassador denouncing the attacks and whining that nobody should blame KSA for it, and despite the fact that only two years later these same people attacked your own country as well? Really ??? :blink: On top of that you find it funny, was the riyadh bombing funny for you too?

Granted US has killed many innocents as well but that has nothing to do with what we were talking about anyway.

So Al Qaeda is following Islam and other are not? :cuckoo: Since you know that is the ideology that I am referring to according to you? My family member supported strikes on who where? :rofl: What invaders you talking about anyway , you talking about Iraq or something explain? Again wth are you talking about?

You don't understand what I am trying to say. You see there are different theories. We have a bunch of largely frustrated Shias/anti-KSA/anti-Arab/anti-Sunni users who tell that those 15 hijackers and the whole 9/11 was masterminded by KSA.

Who is talking about victory? I stated a fact that 15 Saudi Arabians including 1 Egyptian, 1 Lebanese and the two others (can't remember their nationality) have done more harm to the USA than anyone else. That is just a factual statement. Nothing to do with endorsing anything.

Yes, why should I feel sorry for the USA more than their state terror and its victims when they have and are killing innocent Muslims? Any reasonable argument for that?

Also USA cannot wipe out KSA. There is Makkah and Madinah. Not even they are stupid enough to make such a move.

What I am trying to say again. If the USA had EVIDENCE that KSA was behind 9/11 and not some individuals (non-state actors) then they would have taken actions against KSA instead of IMPROVING relations with KSA since 9/11. Don't you think so? If not they are very stupid as I wrote before which I doubt they are at the end of the day compared to most. At least the leadership.

ERGO all the accusations we hear about KSA cannot be correct. Only 1 version of the story is correct. Not 4-5 contradicting ones.

Why are you talking about Al-Qaeda and Islam in the same sentence? I was only talking about LEGITIMATE resistance against an ILLEGITIMATE oppressor that has invaded Muslim lands and is killing innocent Muslims like the case was with the US in Iraq. Why differentiate between them and Israel for example? Same thing. Yes, I regard attacks on Americans and other occupiers as legitimate. Just as I would understand the legitimacy of Americans doing resistance/attacking invaders from Canada or Mexico if those states made a ILLEGAL invasion on the US.

The post you are quoting was intended for Doritos11 who once told me that his relatives back in Iraq fought the Americans. I said that in connection to Muslims from all over the world going to Iraq (including from KSA) to fight the ILLEGAL oppressors and invaders.

Targetting innocent Muslims as mainly the Iraqi fractions do now and have done since the Americas left and before (during their civil war) has nothing to do with that or Islam. Never stated the opposite and I thought that was clear for any Muslim or just reasonable human being?
No imo KSA did not sponsor 9/11 but no doubt there were some who nodded in agreement on the attack silently, it was only until the Riyadh attack in 2003 that KSA literally threw all AQ out of KSA.

Something which I witnessed first hand, as I lived in the Al-Hamra compound.
That's nonsense. My eldest brothers best friend is a a Saudi Arabian doctor (US educated) who was still able to practice as a doctor shortly after 9/11. Most Saudi Arabians stayed. Why should they not? Because what something 15 Saudi Arabians did out of 30 million? So by that logic then Americans should not be able to travel anywhere since they have killed 100.000 or 200.000 (how much was it again) people in Iraq. Or the 100.000 who died because of US imposed sanctions?

Besides not even one single murder of any Arab after 9/11 was recorded. And don't tell me that an American redneck can distinguish between an Saudi Arabian for example or Egyptian. Not long ago some redneck attacked a Sikh temple because he thought they were Muslims.

I never said any Saudis were murdered or anything. Okay some may have stayed but most left and you can just ask Arabs here they say the same thing. Nah they shouldn't have had to leave at all but chose to do so themselves, no one made them leave. Things are different here, few people would actually kill another here because they know the law will get to them as opposed to other countries, even rednecks who kill are actually a minority out of all rednecks. Actually that is not true no one can tell why he attacked the sikhs because he died that day and it had sikh temple written outside lol so its not like if they would have been like "hey we ain't Muslim" he would have just let them live like many sikhs round here like to claim.

Something which I witnessed first hand, as I lived in the Al-Hamra compound.

Must have been nuts, you didn't get injured or nothing right?
I am actually!! I have no idea. The American people have no idea about what's happening in Egypt, but in no way they have any support to sympathy toward the Muslim Brotherhood. The Obama administration is another story. I would say that the U.S. is under the impression that the Muslim Brotherhood can control other Islamists across the region which is something the U.S. wants. That is just my opinion, but the love between both sides is so hard to understand, especially since we all know both sides have 2 different ideologies, and views when it comes to almost everything in this world.

The American administration has learnt to ignore ideology (as long as the state is capitalist) over the years and focus on their interests. In my opinion the US administration misinterpreted the situation and were lead astray by the MB's gloats of popular support. They probably thought that the MB had enough popular support to overturn the coup/revolution (call it what you want) and return Morsi to power. The US's problem right now isn't the military or the interim government (which remain pro-'Murica) but what comes after that, the elections. The problem in Egypt now is that there are no clear political parties/organizations or public figures that can reliably win seats in parliament or win a presidential election and so the US administration is afraid that a particular party or figure may be elected that will not be a reliable 'partner'. The MB is a failed American experiment, and one which they have already dumped.

Apparently they did...They didn't violate our airspace, and the one that did was shot dawn at a cost of a heilcopter and 32 SA plus the crew...and they , I guess were afraid to tangle with the AAF...Europeen know very well the berbers, they are the one who who liberated southern France and certain part of Italy from the Germans...Unlike Romania who was the German Urinal and the Russian outhouse, We are feared. Unlike Romanian, we like ourselves and we are at home from the west of the Nile to the shore of the Atlantic.

KSA support has been essential during this rough period in Egypt's history. Egyptians will never forget that.

You are welcome bro. I hope the government is doing the right thing. You never know what can bite you in the *** one day. Goes for both KSA and Egypt. We might be living in the ancient and beautiful Middle East but the neighborhood is dangerous and chaotic and alliances can change within days. MB are not dead I am afraid.

But I know that they are nothing else than a selfish fascist organization that aims to control the entire ME in the disguise of Islam. Their own one. I learnt it after seeing what they did in Jordan. Let Blackeagle tell you about it. He experienced it first hand. Oh, and this has nothing to me being against MB because of their anti-monarchy stance. I am not particularly pro-monarchy but I know for a fact that the most stable countries in the ME are the monarchies. Nobody can argue against that. I prefer stability rather than chaos.
Michael Moore stretches some things but that is because he is trying to make cash so he has to throw some conspiracy theories in his movies but he does present some info that is pretty solid, that goes for all his movies.

And you and your friends go to decide.. what is stretched and what is not!

Sorry... i'm not convinced.
You don't understand what I am trying to say. You see there are different theories. We have a bunch of largely frustrated Shias/anti-KSA/anti-Arab/anti-Sunni users who tell that those 15 hijackers and the whole 9/11 was masterminded by KSA.

Who is talking about victory? I stated a fact that 15 Saudi Arabians including 1 Egyptian, 1 Lebanese and the two others (can't remember their nationality) have done more harm to the USA than anyone else. That is just a factual statement. Nothing to do with endorsing anything.

Yes, why should I feel sorry for the USA more than their state terror and its victims when they have and are killing innocent Muslims? Any reasonable argument for that?

Also USA cannot wipe out KSA. There is Makkah and Madinah. Not even they are stupid enough to make such a move.

What I am trying to say again. If the USA had EVIDENCE that KSA was behind 9/11 and not some individuals (non-state actors) then they would have taken actions against KSA instead of IMPROVING relations with KSA since 9/11. Don't you think so? If not they are very stupid as I wrote before which I doubt they are at the end of the day compared to most. At least the leadership.

ERGO all the accusations we hear about KSA cannot be correct. Only 1 version of the story is correct. Not 4-5 contradicting ones.

Why are you talking about Al-Qaeda and Islam in the same sentence? I was only talking about LEGITIMATE resistance against an ILLEGITIMATE oppressor that has invaded Muslim lands and is killing innocent Muslims like the case was with the US in Iraq. Why differentiate between them and Israel for example? Same thing. Yes, I regard attacks on Americans and other occupiers as legitimate. Just as I would understand the legitimacy of Americans doing resistance/attacking invaders from Canada or Mexico if those states made a ILLEGAL invasion on the US.

The post you are quoting was intended for Doritos11 who once told me that his relatives back in Iraq fought the Americans. I said that in connection to Muslims from all over the world going to Iraq (including from KSA) to fight the ILLEGAL oppressors and invaders.

Targetting innocent Muslims as mainly the Iraqi fractions do now and have done since the Americas left and before (during their civil war) has nothing to do with that or Islam. Never stated the opposite and I thought that was clear for any Muslim or just reasonable human being?

I think you mixed up your convo with me with doritos convo with you.

Anyway my point was KSA would never attack Israel because then US would bring the hammer down as Israeli lobby is still too powerful here. You brought up 9/11 and how US did not attack KSA then and my response to that is because KSA had nothing to do with 9/11 so you were spared, simple. What others say is irrelevant because I do not speak for them bro. Not like I hate KSA or anything either so why would bring up those comments to me? If I hated KSA we would never have gotten along like we do, no? :smokin:
I never said any Saudis were murdered or anything. Okay some may have stayed but most left and you can just ask Arabs here they say the same thing. Nah they shouldn't have had to leave at all but chose to do so themselves, no one made them leave. Things are different here, few people would actually kill another here because they know the law will get to them as opposed to other countries, even rednecks who kill are actually a minority out of all rednecks. Actually that is not true no one can tell why he attacked the sikhs because he died that day and it had sikh temple written outside lol so its not like if they would have been like "hey we ain't Muslim" he would have just let them live like many sikhs round here like to claim.

Must have been nuts, you didn't get injured or nothing right?

All I am asking for are sources because I don't recall that being the case. After all I am not entirely clueless about that time period or the US given that I have studied there for 1 year. The KSA/American relations were also a thing that we heard a lot about in the aftermath of the 9/11 despite me being young. Too young to understand all the details.

Different to what? Does the US not have one of the highest crime rates in the world? Murder rates too? One of the biggest imprisoned populations?

Who is killing anyone in KSA without barring the consequences? This is not Afghanistan. KSA has one of the lowest crime rates compared to the population. You do crime here and you are in trouble. No difference whether you are an local Arab, Hijazi, Najdi, Asiri, Khaliji, Bedouin, Sunni, Shia, Ismaili, Zaydi, Saudi of other Arab origin than that found in KSA, non-Arab origin, Afro-Arab, migrant worker etc. In by far the most cases.

Well, I thought that the American media reported it as an hate attack. Why would he have wanted to attack the Sikhs whom he did probably not even know who where?

The likely scenario was he thinking "hey those guys with beards and turbans look like Muslims or Ayrabs let me attack their "church". Was that not what happened?
All I am asking for are sources because I don't recall that being the case. After all I am not entirely clueless about that time period or the US given that I have studied there for 1 year. The KSA/American relations were also a thing that we heard a lot about in the aftermath of the 9/11 despite me being young. Too young to understand all the details.

Different to what? Does the US not have one of the highest crime rates in the world? Murder rates too? One of the biggest imprisoned populations?

Who is killing anyone in KSA without barring the consequences? This is not Afghanistan. KSA has one of the lowest crime rates compared to the population. You do crime here and you are in trouble. No difference whether you are an local Arab, Hijazi, Najdi, Asiri, Khaliji, Bedouin, Sunni, Shia, Ismaili, Zaydi, Saudi of non-Arab origin, Afro-Arab, migrant worker etc. In by far the most cases.

Well, I thought that the American media reported it as an hate attack. Why would he have wanted to attack the Sikhs whom he did probably not even know who where?

The likely scenario was he thinking "hey those guys with beards and turbans look like Muslims or Ayrabs let me attack their "church". Was that not what happened?

It was long ago and you can google reprisals on Muslims after 9/11 some made the news but a vast majority did not, you would have had to live here like me and many other Muslims did at the time to know what we went through. You don't even have to take my word for it, ask other Muslim Americans who lived through that time here what it was like, especially Arabs since they had it worse than most.

True but US also has a bunch of things that influence that, like most murders are crime related and race related kills are very low compared to say gang violence, money, drugs, etc. Also our jails here are better than most peoples homes especially federal lock ups and so many poor people do crimes on purpose to get into jail. Not to mention some states have a three strike law where you can do three little crimes and it don't matter on the third strike you get life. That is why our prison population is so high.

I never mentioned KSA, I mentioned other countries where law and order does not matter as much. Yes Afghanistan comes to mind or Pakistan.

Nah it was no doubt a hate attack but the sikhs were like hey everyone we are not Muslims and so the question become does it even matter? The answer to which is no because like here in NY the sikhs get whooped and their turbans pulled off by blacks just because they are wearing them and not because they are supposedly thought to be Muslim. Not to mention you can just go to white supremacist websites and see they are not fond of sikhs anyway.
I think you mixed up your convo with me with doritos convo with you.

Anyway my point was KSA would never attack Israel because then US would bring the hammer down as Israeli lobby is still too powerful here. You brought up 9/11 and how US did not attack KSA then and my response to that is because KSA had nothing to do with 9/11 so you were spared, simple. What others say is irrelevant because I do not speak for them bro. Not like I hate KSA or anything either so why would bring up those comments to me? If I hated KSA we would never have gotten along like we do, no? :smokin:

That must be the case. Sorry, bro if I come across as a little aggressive. Been a hard and long day. Just tired of some of the clowns here who make CONTRADICTING accusations about my country and people. Given us responsibilities for everything from us masterminding the 9/11, then so-called "puppet" despite our policy being independent and contradicting to that of the US lately (just look at Egypt, Bahrain and Syria) and the other issues I wrote about earlier. Just a waste of time. My aim was to make them look stupid by my posts.

Who said that KSA would attack Israel? Israel is an extinction of USA and nobody is in a position to attack USA successfully aside from non-state actors who would never be so high in numbers that they could win any direct conflict.

What I reacted against was the claim of KSA just looking silently if Israel attacked us. That's bullshit.

I think that you did not understand my intention of my posting. Please reread them again now after I told you about my aim. I thought it was clear?

Well, when I discuss here I mean no harm to any user. This is just a forum.

It is still a French franchise, and the role of Romania is limited at providing a cheap labor

Apparently they did...They didn't violate our airspace, and the one that did was shot dawn at a cost of a heilcopter and 32 SA plus the crew...and they , I guess were afraid to tangle with the AAF...Europeen know very well the berbers, they are the one who who liberated southern France and certain part of Italy from the Germans...Unlike Romania who was the German Urinal and the Russian outhouse, We are feared. Unlike Romanian, we like ourselves and we are at home from the west of the Nile to the shore of the Atlantic.

You can't fault us for having a big and a rich country..We fought for it, and we intend to keep our real estate as a whole intact.
Algeria is relevant, at least for the old Romania, now you are somebody else heavy burden...Tractors that you used for public transportation were made in and donated by Algeria, and Algeria bought those Dacia you where so proud of as a giving hand to a poor eastern country.

You can't because you have none to cite.

the truth, wasn't it?

oh, really..hit the library, documentation abound...

Well, sorry for your meager knowledge...Maybe you delect in kissing and licking @sses to be accepted like if you belong to an entity...It is the other that come with a red carpet or for a blow to our little head for a piece of a pie. Algeria is known for its avant gardist position in the world arena...and to credit herself for getting China a seat in the security councel, South Africa her seat unstead of the Apartheid, and gave Palestine struggle a voice, a seat in the UN...What is Romania's CC in comparaison??? A big fat zero, nothing, rien, nada, walou.

I haven't seen so much delussions in one post in a long time,leave it to an illiterate nomad to spill all this crap.

1.You've liberated nothing in Europe,a handful of berber slaves fighting for the allies /free french meant zilch and are remembered by nobody besides some berbers with ilussions of grandeur.Romania was a german ally and the second contributor of troops in the Eastern front,your insults won't change that.Nobody fears or gives two cents about you.

2.So what if Dacia is marketed as Renault?,it's natural since they bought the plant,it still exports a lot of cars and contributing nicely to romanian budget.

3.Donated what by Algeria?? tractors??You must be insane!!!,during communist times your illiterate ,backward nation was given money,machines and oil/construction specialists to build a country for yourselves.Here beggar,youse google translate and read how we helped you poor nomads get with the times....you giving us something ? You had/have nothing to give to us,you're an illiterate nation,lol...prove it berber!:


4.I've read more than you,the french left because home support for the war was no more.No illusions that the berbers were winning on the ground.

5.Well,read about international relations of my country,the mediator role we had between Israel and the arabs.Google is your friend.

6.Yes,you have a rich country and about that.Just lucky ,no industry of your own "no poor cars like Dacia",no manufacturing your own helicopters,tractors,trucks,etc.At least we do that.

7.Truth in what? You're not making any sense,anyway since you were to Budapest,that's a city in Hungary so you're wrong in what ever you saw.

8.Again,no european is afraid of you,you were a colony for some 100 years,then the french got tired of policing the desert filled with terrorists and went home.

Here,another one for you berber,we were sending even highscoll teachers to educate your lot=)))


Google translate this one to,you were for us just another banana republic getting in line to kiss Ceausescu's feet for money,tehnology and specialists and now you come here with BS claims that your backward nation which we built with romanian money and specialists gave us something=))))
the nerve on some....

Must have been nuts, you didn't get injured or nothing right?

The explosion was mostly glass flying and my room faced differently. However, the aftermath with the cut up bodies and dead people did leave an impression. The upside(if that is a term) is that we were "forced" to live in a five star hotel for the rest of our time there.
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