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US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

Yeah and it worked right?

Actually according to Chinese media, no
3 missile or smart bomb hit the building, one penetrated to the basement where the wreckage was stored but didn't go off.
rumor has it that's the origin of Chinese stealth coating and curse missile or smart bomb.
While that would be a huge slap to US face, but Iran will trade advanced drone secrets instead IMO. For example, Russia wants the details - give access to S-400 :azn: China wants - they have plenty things to offer as well.

And I'm not talking about handing over the drone before its fully reverse engineered, Iran absolutely need RQ-170 tech not just for its own drones, but also how to target better B-2, F-22 and F-35. Thats beyond essential for the successful country defense.

U.S. official said the same thing: "The aircraft could help the Iranians better understand the vulnerabilities of U.S. stealth technology and provide them with clues on how to spot other aircraft."

So the usa has admitted it happened?
:lol: Truth hurts, But sometimes running away is a better option... But Your ego must remain to peak ... thats wat impression you are giving here.. Its a unique policey.

MR. Andru I am here ,am not running away. tell me the hurting truth.
you are the one running...
i deleted it because dont what to make it india vs pakistan in this blog.

my above post is the proof of ground reality.------- mr imran khan----possible future president of pakistan
Your opinion was "Pakistan is playing double game". and I have no idea how you proved yourself by just posting IK blog.
well ! it was you who posted anti Pakistan post here and now you are deny your previous act , i appreciate that.
I have a question.

what if this is Trojan horse technology, maybe USA is doing this in purpose.

---------- Post added at 06:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:08 PM ----------

This is proof that Iran airdefence is much better than pakistan, since this thing went in pakistan without them even knowing.
if Iran manged to down it by hacking it is a great achievement. china and russia will go knocking on Iran door asking for the tech for both the drone and the tehcnology on how to hack the drone.
Mao Zedong would be proud of the Islamic Republic of Iran!
This is not the first time in which Iran claim to shot down a Drone. I hope that this time persian are speaking the truth.
This is not the first time in which Iran claim to shot down a Drone. I hope that this time persian are speaking the truth.

Its been confirmed by NATO and usa. pakistan may also want the tech? it will help them against drone.
So the usa has admitted it happened?
They did, just in usual vague terms.

"U.S. officials acknowledged Sunday that a drone had been lost near the Iranian border, but they declined to say what kind of aircraft was missing." This semi-confirmation happened after Iranians announcement. If one side lost UAV, and another got it - its easy to make a logical assumption. ;)

Then they said: "We have no indication that it was brought down by hostile fire", but the thing is, Iranians never said they shot it, they said they hacked it. In some translated reports in English Iranians are quoted to say they "shot it down", but in Persian they just say they "brought it down". So US isnt lying that Iranians havent SHOT the drone, but they skipped the part of hacking :)

Then we have US officials saying: "The aircraft has special coatings and a batwing-like shape that is designed to evade detection by enemy radar. The aircraft could help the Iranians better understand the vulnerabilities of U.S. stealth technology and provide them with clues on how to spot other aircraft."

So decide for yourself, if US confirmed or not. Die hard US fans can claim it wasnt, while 99% of the rest would agree US kinda confirmed. :azn:
Harry, how on earth did they hack it? i know Iran has good scientist but this is too much, it is a game changer.
I'm positive all World is dying to find it out, its a revolutionary tech (if we assume hacking happened). Imagine what Russia and China are prepared to offer for such tech and the RQ-170 drone?

Another incident confirms hacking possibility - remember how two months ago US drones were hacked and got virus installed, which US specialists couldnt even remove it?
Exclusive: Computer Virus Hits U.S. Drone Fleet | Danger Room | Wired.com

"A computer virus has infected the cockpits of America’s Predator and Reaper drones, logging pilots’ every keystroke as they remotely fly missions over Afghanistan and other warzones.

“We keep wiping it off, and it keeps coming back,” says a source familiar with the network infection, one of three that told Danger Room about the virus. “We think it’s benign. But we just don’t know.”

Nobody took responsibility for the hacking, most thought its China, but considering this thread, it might have been Iranians.
I have a question.

what if this is Trojan horse technology, maybe USA is doing this in purpose.
I have no clue about this.
But it makes me remember about another subject: the attentat near Tehran against the Sepah station with all these shahab which were destroyed.
If you check the Iranian discussions about it, there is a "conspiracy" theory that says that part of the electronic system was imported and could have included a detonation system. lol.
"Default Re: US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

Pictures? Iran claims something along these lines every few months.

Why would we need drones over Iran when we have spy satellites that can read newspapers from outer space?


like you did on 9/11,or on pen-ta gone attack,or recently your forces attacked on Pakistani militarily forces...............................you must be joking han.you are a good joker "NAUGHTY BOY:taz:"...............................:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:.
"Default Re: US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

Pictures? Iran claims something along these lines every few months.

Why would we need drones over Iran when we have spy satellites that can read newspapers from outer space?


like you did on 9/11,or on pen-ta gone attack,or recently your forces attacked on Pakistani militarily forces...............................you must be joking han.you are a good joker "NAUGHTY BOY:taz:"...............................:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:.

Are you slow? the usa and NATO have already admitted it happened but unless someone shows you a pic then you say its a lie.

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