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US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

Harry i guess Hussein says that because he compares iran current allies (like russia-china) with US?
Though perhaps im wrong
Harry is speaking about history . i was not thinking about this matter. in history in any country there is some bad and some good: USA were the key success with Russians to win the Nazis and Japan. So not all is bad.

I said they are natural allies (even if they acted some badly and we did as well (embassy)) because of these reasons:
Iranians are not fanatics
Iranians like technology
We should not be China dependant or Russia wills dependant. It is better to have normalized (why not more than this) relations with all these countries, and not avoiding a good relation with USA
SO many Iranians are in Canada or USA and so many families in Iran know how they live there. A study in USA showed Iranians success a lot in business and studies there. Average salary is 50% more than US average there.
Iranians are more business minded than Europeans , more like Americans
and so on

In the same time as said so}{eil , US should make some step
Obama said sorry for 1953. that was a good step. USA opened a virtual embassy with Iranians, that is a good point.

---------- Post added at 12:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:30 AM ----------

Lithuania ;)
in Antilles? :D
Harry is speaking about history . i was not thinking about this matter. in history in any country there is some bad and some good: USA were the key success with Russians to win the Nazis and Japan. So not all is bad.
WWII was won mainly by Russia and China, US impact was lesser, around 5%. However US wants to erase from the history the fact they played for both sides, not all was rosy, neither was dropping atom bomb on the Japanese civilians.

Even if we would forget the history and go with "in any country there is some bad and some good", their current policy is anything but decent. How many millions more they would have to kill for you to see that? Unless US changes its ways (which wont be allowed to happen by power groups), they cant be a friend of any truly independent, resource-rich country.
Robert Baer is saying that Iran hacked it
Vietnam, where you at?

This is the best analysis that has yet come out of US by a major media outlet. Robert Baer is an ex-CIA spy who was spying on Iran for more than 25 years. He knows what he is talking about as he also speaks Persian fluently and knows everything about Iran. After he "resigned" from CIA when he tried to raise a failed coup against Saddam all by himself, he started visiting Iran as a journalist and analyst. I have read his book, "The devil we know: Iranian super power" and it was a very good and fluid read. I really recommend it for every one who is interested to understand how Iran-US relations work behind scenes in the spy world. This is another video of his with BBC hardtalk (It is old since it is from early 2008, but still relevant):

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WWII was won mainly by Russia and China, US impact was lesser, around 5%. However US wants to erase from the history the fact they played for both sides, not all was rosy, neither was dropping atom bomb on the Japanese civilians.

Even if we would forget the history and go with "in any country there is some bad and some good", their current policy is anything but decent. How many millions more they would have to kill for you to see that? Unless US changes its ways (which wont be allowed to happen by power groups), they cant be a friend of any truly independent, resource-rich country.

I do agree that that the Soviet Russia defeated Germany, not Britain nor the USA, but China?!!! Would you explain more?
Check this out:

Meet The Russian Avtobaza ? Iran's Possible Drone Killer - Business Insider

Meet The Russian Avtobaza — Iran's Possible Drone Killer

Speculation is running rampant after Iran claimed to have shot down a US RQ-170 surveillance drone Sunday, and while Tehran has yet to show proof, it appears their announcement coincides with the delivery of this piece of equipment.

Stephen Trimble from Flight Global reports Russia delivered the Avtobaza ground-based electronic intelligence and jamming system to Iran six-weeks ago.

While most weapons deliveries to Iran are blocked, a jamming system like the Avtobaza is allowed because it's a passively defensive machine "designed to jam side-looking and fire control radars on aircraft and manipulate the guidance and control systems of incoming enemy missiles."

Possibly what NATO regulators didn't plan on was the jammer's potential as a communications link allowing UAVs to be controlled remotely.

Whether that's how it was used Sunday is another matter.

If this is true, then a whole lot of countries would be scrambling to buy this Russian system. Maybe Pakistan can buy it too?
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