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US soldier shoots nine children dead in rampage that kills 16 civilians


Jai - yaar leave it. You can take a horse to water but cant force it to drink. Lets just pray for the dead and ignore the troll who has simply 1 intent and thats to troll.
American officials are reeling after the shooting rampage by a U.S. soldier Sunday in southern Afghanistan left 16 Afghans dead, including several children.

The latest shocking spout of violence threatened to further erode barely restored confidence in the troubled U.S.-led peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan, just as international forces hoped they were starting to recover from the fallout from the recent burning of Qurans at Bagram Air Force base in Afghanistan, which sparked weeks of protests and retribution killings of U.S. troops by Afghan soldiers.

A suspect was in custody after he reportedly walked house to house in Kandahar province, shooting his victims through the head in their homes and then burning the bodies. He is described as an Army sergeant, 38, a married father of two, on his first tour of Afghanistan, who had served several previous tours in Iraq. (God knows how much innocents this animal has killed in Iraq as well) The Associated Press reported that he was a conventional soldier assigned since December "to support a special operations unit of either Green Berets of Navy SEALS engaged in a village stability operation."

"I condemn such violence and am shocked and saddened that a U.S. service member is alleged to be involved, clearly acting outside his chain of command," Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said in a statement Sunday, vowing a full investigation and to hold those found responsible accountable.

Defense analysts said the horrific incident—coming on the heels of the Quran burnings episode—is certain to prompt consideration of further accelerating the withdrawal of international forces from Afghanistan, currently slated to be completed by the end of 2014.

The latest incident "is a double blow coming on the heels of the Koran burning incident [and] creates the potential for magnified anger and resentment," Nick Dowling, president of IDS International, a firm that advises U.S. agencies on Afghanistan, told Yahoo News by email Monday.

"It seems fairly clear that the U.S. is re-looking at the withdrawal timetable in light of several events," Dowling said. "These incidents will likely lead to a faster but less dignified end to US and ISAF operations in Afghanistan." (Hurry up you bloody zombies, leave this region and this kind of protection to your fallow countrymen )
Jai - yaar leave it. You can take a horse to water but cant force it to drink. Lets just pray for the dead and ignore the troll who has simply 1 intent and thats to troll.

Agreed bro. Its a pity my cousins in India choose to capitalize on it and suck up to the West. Let us pray for those innocent children who died and let us work towards establishing an Asia for Asians. Far too long have these western dogs been abusing our people. A dead Pakistani, a dead Afghan, a dead Chinese, a dead Indian - to an American, its simply a dead Asian. China is there to challenge the west, Pakistan and Singapore are closely working with China and lets hope India and Indians wake up eventually and work together with the rest of us.
How was this guy just able to walk out with a gun? Didn't people ask questions on where he was going or something? Very tragic.
The US army should introduce more tests to try and weed out those who are mentally unwell.
These kind of incidents seriously undermine the efforts of other good soldiers who will now have to suffer the backlash. May the dead RIP.
Agreed bro. Its a pity my cousins in India choose to capitalize on it and suck up to the West. Let us pray for those innocent children who died and let us work towards establishing an Asia for Asians. Far too long have these western dogs been abusing our people. A dead Pakistani, a dead Afghan, a dead Chinese, a dead Indian - to an American, its simply a dead Asian. China is there to challenge the west, Pakistan and Singapore are closely working with China and lets hope India and Indians wake up eventually and work together with the rest of us.

Agree - if we were to stick together - we would be the strongest region in the world.

First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews and i did not speak out Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me

How was this guy just able to walk out with a gun? Didn't people ask questions on where he was going or something? Very tragic.
The US army should introduce more tests to try and weed out those who are mentally unwell.
These kind of incidents seriously undermine the efforts of other good soldiers who will now have to suffer the backlash. May the dead RIP.

If they did they wouldnt have an army left....
It is so sad that all indians are trying their level best to defend USA war crimes in Afghanistan...

what was the fault of the poor villager?

US should live Afghanistan with whatever dignity they have left.

and the murderer should be handed over to afghan authorities...............some treatment from them might set his brain
Baah, whats the big surprise in this?? Even their kids carry guns to school, their gangbangers wouldn't think twice before putting two bullets in your skull for your Nike shoes. These are the Americans we are talking about here. Pompous, egotistical bastards who have two separate sets of rules, one for them, and one for the rest of the world. This is what u r gonna get if there's just gonna be one superpower left remaining on the planet.

Watch out Iran, they're coming for your oil and u'd better have those 11k missiles ready when they do.

If side-arms are not controlled then imagine what else is uncontrolled on the American bases in Afghanistan. Controls bring about confidence in processes and adherence to policies. It seems more and more that the soldiers have been given a free reign to do as they please on Afghanistan. What else is the reason that despite so many cases the US seems unable to bring about any control to their cowboy soldiers?
May the civilians rest in peace.......

He surely helped his fellows in early retirement from Afghanistan.....
How many incidents can you quote where the US policy - both official and unofficial - has been to promote indiscriminate killing of civilians? With credible sources, please.
Also care to do a little follow up on all those cases you can quote and see whether the perpetrators of those crimes were punished or not.

Now contrast THAT with all the crimes and atrocities committed by the Pakistan supported Taliban fighters, right from the time they arose till today - all in the name of religion! Show us how much justice is served, how many criminals were punished, if ever, and how many people in authority -both in Pakistan and Afghanistan have EVER apologized for those crimes and atrocities.

If you cannot prove, then all those tears shed are crocodile tears for those poor Afghan civilians.

US policy, indiscriminate killing of civilians, credible sources - go google Vietnam and u will have your answer.

I have spent some time in Vietnam myself and when u do talk to the locals there, you do realize that your saintly American troops are not a bunch of Santa Clauses bearing gifts. Many countries they have been into have been ravaged and destroyed, like it or not, official foreign policy or not.

As for Pakistan-sponsored Taliban...a handful of government officials and intelligence department officials who orchestrate the whole thing doesn't speak for the entire nation. Many Pakistanis are just as innocent victims as the rest of us in this whole WoT.

Question to you my friend before you start on Pakistanis and Afghans - how many of our Indian cousins in power have actually apologized to Kashmiris for the shithole Kashmir has been turned into?
What can be expected of this GANG of suicidals, illegal immigrants & bums who were not fit to do anything useful than becoming US military murderers ...


This is how they recruit in US .... Haaaah

& this invader at 8:40 is NOT sure why local population hate them ... hopefully he would have figured it all out by now ...
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'Several drunk troops behind bloodbath, laughed on shooting-spree, burned corpses'

Gruesome new details are surfacing after 16 Afghan villagers including nine children were shot in their houses by at least one US serviceman. Witnesses to the atrocity now say that several drunken American soldiers were involved.

Neighbors at the village where the killings took place said they were awoken past midnight by crackling gunfire:

They were all drunk and shooting all over the place," Reuters cites Agha Lala, a villager in Kandahar's Panjwayi district.

Lala's neighbor Haji Samad lost all of his 11 relatives in the rampage, including children and grandchildren. He claims Marines “poured chemicals over their dead bodies and burned them.”

Twenty-year-old Jan Agha says the gunfire “shook him out of bed.” He was in the epicenter of the horrible shooting, witnessing his father shot as the latter peered out of a window to see what was going on.

"The Americans stayed in our house for a while. I was very scared," the young man told reporters.

Lying on a floor, Agha says, he pretended to be dead.

He added that his brother was shot in his head and chest. His sister was killed as well. “My mother was shot in her eye and her face. She was unrecognizable,” he said.

The Afghan parliament said the incident was barbaric and demanded justice. Both NATO and US officials condemned the violence, promising a swift investigation.

US ‘fundamental strategy’ in Afghanistan won’t change – Pentagon

The Pentagon’s chief spokesman, George Little, said on Monday that there was "every indication" that the perpetrator, whose name he refused to disclose, had not been accompanied by any other soldiers. He also said that the mass killing would not change the “basic war strategy” in Afghanistan.

"Despite what some are saying, we’re not changing our fundamental strategy," Little said.

Also on Monday NATO reacted to the massacre of Afghan villagers, with spokeswoman Oana Lungescu saying the shooting was an "isolated incident." She emphasized it would not affect the timeline of the previously discussed withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2014.

Earlier a preliminary official report said the unnamed culprit, identified as a member of the US army staff, had acted alone and is now in custody after turning himself in at an American base.

US troops in Afghanistan have been put on high alert as the Taliban has issued a threat vowing “to take revenge from the invaders and the savage murderers for every single martyr.”

The statement published on the group’s website said that the US is “arming lunatics in Afghanistan who turn their weapons against the defenseless Afghans.”

Afghan officials, fearing possible violent demonstrations, have deployed extra police and troops in and around Kandahar.

The incident was one of the worst of its kind since the US-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001. It comes just weeks after copies of the Koran were burned at a US military base, provoking mass riots in Afghanistan.

'Several drunk troops behind bloodbath, laughed on shooting-spree, burned corpses' — RT
Another supporter of US barbarism around here. Well done buddy. You scored in your eyes ignoring US atrocities.
I do not support barbarism of any kind. It is really disheartening to read about the innocent kids and women and men being killed in cold blood by someone who was there to protect them in the first place. And that is the real tragedy. May those innocent rest in peace. That person should be punished severely. Period.
There is a precedence of perpetrators of such heinous crimes being punished in US - for crimes committed in Iraq and Afghanistan. This man should and will suffer the same fate.

What I do not agree with is the fact that people are equating this murder as an official policy of US/NATO armed forces. These forces are held to the highest standards and are held accountable for their actions as can be seen from various accounts of soldiers being punished for their atrocious actions.

ps: As I mentioned before, these forces are there in Afghanistan to improve the lot of the people and get rid of the murderous Taliban and are looked upon as saviors and held in high esteem as true professionals. This is the reason why emotions are inflamed whenever NATO troops commit atrocities. And people know and realize this that whoever commits such crimes are punished. You dont see such an outburst of emotions whenever the talitubbies commit heinous crimes.
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