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US soldier shoots nine children dead in rampage that kills 16 civilians

So you already take rest from trolling??

We condemn dead of any innocent even its in Afghanistan or in China .. but seems like you have only selected countries to do this.

We condemn the dead everywhere - be it soldiers or the innocent. All citizens do. This is a particular sensitive thread discussing the death of 16 innocent victims whilst they were sleeping by someone who was supposedly protecting them. It is a shameful and terrible event.
Now look at your post and stop trolling.
well its been a bad incident.you cant count every U.S soldier as killer like him.
U.S intervention have brought many things here.Number of afghans going to other countries have increased,infrastructure is improved and girls are getting educated(its rare but its started)

so this is what U.S deserves too..you cant bash U.S for every thing.They have bright side and they are working to have army which can help otherwise few ppl are busy in making it ground for strategic objectives or backyard.

every thing have its own importance and you cant paint every thing with death of 16

Please Prism give it a rest - who is saying all American soldiers are bad? You cant tarnish all with the same brush.
What most of us are saying that these misdemeanors and events are becoming more and more common and it really is testing the patience of all. I don't want retaliation and more lives to be lost. I sick to the teeth of hearing of events like killing innocent and burning qurans and p1ssing on the dead, and dead peoples fingers being kept as souvenirs - i just want the USA to either sort themselves out or leave as this on an international level is simply unacceptable behavior by ANYBODY.
well its been a bad incident.you cant count every U.S soldier as killer like him.
U.S intervention have brought many things here.Number of afghans going to other countries have increased,infrastructure is improved and girls are getting educated(its rare but its started)

so this is what U.S deserves too..you cant bash U.S for every thing.They have bright side and they are working to have army which can help otherwise few ppl are busy in making it ground for strategic objectives or backyard.

every thing have its own importance and you cant paint every thing with death of 16

"Well its been a bad incident"- its that simple to you eh? We are not talking about the deaths of 16 militants here but the deaths of 9 children. As for the US influence having helped the Afghans in general - Yes u r right, they have been helped to a certain extent, their women have emerged from the shadows, their citizens are able to travel abroad - what good is any of this when a certain segment of the nation, kids especially, are being brutalized and murdered by the very American liberators? every thing have its own importance and you cant paint every thing with death of 16 - why didnt you sing the same tune when the twin towers collapsed? There are 300 mil people in America. 2000 dead shouldn't matter much in that case yes? Yet you stood by and watched while two countries got demolished in retribution.

Or is it simply because in your opinion a Muslim's life is cheaper than a non-Muslim's?

Yes he got away with it because he was American and secondly the way he murdered the two fleeing guys was sold as self defence. the self defence that included emptying his gun on the motionless bodies of the two guys to ensure that they didnt live to tell the tale (whether they were robbers,, civilians or Pakistan intelligence personal is irrelevant because what he did was never self defence.) Also the difference in that incident was that the victims were Pakistanis so the world cheered on their deaths.

just like it cheers when the Americans kill civilians in their drone strikes or through their covert operations. our eastern neighbours lovingly call the victims "Talibunnies" although many of these victims are just civilians from old to young. but it doesnt matter to these trolls. if these 16 victims were living in their homes on the Pakistani side then the trolls would have been celebrating their deaths and justifying the American actions. too bad that the worse these troll can do is keep a silence of hypocrisy.

Americans will try to buy time and work on damage control wishing that they get a chance to put some blame on Pakistan or Taliban so that this incident is forgotten like so many in the past.

Your neighbors from the East, Indians, who belong to my culture, have their own skeletons in the closet in terms of Kashmir. Looking at the way this forum is going, I'm not confident I'll get a response from a rational India-Indian on this issue.
@Prism your comments are disgraceful and shameless.

your wink emotes in this thread show your true colours and disrespect for the deceased.
So you accept that Taliban is a terrorist organisation ??

Don't go off topic, we ever against this talibanization & their terrorism but it is problem for US which failed to win the hearts of Afghan people so from this moment for Afghan people; there is not only Talibans but US too against they have to stand.
it will be better if you dont talk about innocent souls.i am ready to have debate with you with in separate thread.
its unfortunate that many kids have died due to that moron but i have observed continuous bashing of U.S here:hitwall:

it was not U.S commander who gave orders to shoot and it was his wish and he knows why he did

In every country, people, nation we can find personalities who play their cards on dead bodies and strive to be good for barbaric community.

I don't think you wish to be one of those personalities.
this is sick , this A$$ should be tried in Afghanistan and thrown there in some jail .(though it will not happen ):sick:

the American commanders think that the people are stupid?

hold on a moment and tell me how its possible for one person to be able to carry out this act?

by going out of his base

wow wow wow

in a hostile environment, where the only reason to go out of a base in the dark is in an emergency or a mission and that too with a group of people with an approval of the commander.

a "lone" soldier" is able to leave the premises of the base without a "pass?" did he have the chemicals handy when he went out to kill? did the guard not ask him what he was planning to do?

the US military would have covered it all up had it not been in the city. but this time there were many witnesses who these Americans failed to silence. this was a copy cat kill squad incident nothing less than that.
either the base commander was aware of this or the group of people including the sentries were covering for each other.

if the rest of the base is innocent then I have these simple questions

1. what are the SOPs regarding going out in the dark?
2. how did the guy manage to go out of the base without night pass (which is only possible in friendly cities not war zone).
3. was he on foot or did he drive? why no one raised an eyebrow over that?
4. Was he carrying the canisters of chemicals and fuel with him when he went out or did he come back to get them?
5. Did someone ask him what was he doing?
6. did the commander send off a patrol to find out what was this all firing related to?

my understanding is that it was a group of soldiers who covered for each other and they must have been doing it for sometimes in the far flung areas that are away from media presence and those killers must have been operating the same way those human trophy collecting kill team members had been doing past years.
In every country, people, nation we can find personalities who play their cards on dead bodies and strive to be good for barbaric community.

I don't think you wish to be one of those personalities.

so you think my point is wrong and i didnt play any card.
i just told that this moron must be hanged and plz dont portray whole U.S army
Even I am against the US rule in Afghanistan ... How can they impose their thinking to any one but if you look at ground situation if USA leave them so evil Taliban will bounce back


Discussion will go off track if we will start on "if USA leave them so evil Taliban will bounce back" so let’s save it for another relevant thread. Here we should condemn this brutal act of US and give support to innocent people of Afghanistan.
what shameless ??:blink:

care to elaborate..

Look at the thread title - and think what you posted before it got deleted within 9 seconds bu Irfan - this time you were not quick enough to self delete.
Why are you putting little sly winkies on a thread about the death of innocent Afghanis ? Is that how little respect you have for the dead - even your own flag bearers are coming to the conclusion that you are a troll - stop being so shameful.

Just respect the dead - on topic - wonder what CENTCOM is going to put on. I see he has become active!!
US war criminals in action. What is the Lahaye International Tribunal doing? What is its mandate? To judge only leaders from developing countries who are against the western neo colonialism rules?
so you think my point is wrong and i didnt play any card.
i just told that this moron must be hanged and plz dont portray whole U.S army

Listen mate we hear about these atrocities every other day:

Collateral damage,pissing on dead people, disrespecting holy books, killing allied soldiers, this suggests that it is not an isolated case. Yet some of you Indians are so sycophantic that you have to come here and defend the abhorrent unjust acts. Are you that scared of China and Pakistan. Look at you a nation of 1.2 billion and you fly the colours of a nation of 4 million whose assistance you needed at kargill.

I don't know whose worse the perpetrators of these inhumane acts or apologists like you who come to defend their actions
Look at the thread title - and think what you posted before it got deleted within 9 seconds bu Irfan - this time you were not quick enough to self delete.
Why are you putting little sly winkies on a thread about the death of innocent Afghanis ? Is that how little respect you have for the dead - even your own flag bearers are coming to the conclusion that you are a troll - stop being so shameful.

Just respect the dead - on topic - wonder what CENTCOM is going to put on. I see he has become active!!

let the mods decide and its shameful that kids were killed and if U.s headquarters have some shame then they should leave this moron in the hands of afghans.its different to kill the innocents just for nothing:hitwall:

and i didnt put winks on afghan death:hitwall:.i just said that dont paint whole army with this sad incident.
and U.S have contributed too.This is not done by U.S army and i think you are getting wrong.
so you think my point is wrong and i didnt play any card.
i just told that this moron must be hanged and plz dont portray whole U.S army

US Army worsening its situation and image by own activities and you should understand that one shameful act is the shame for whole army. In general we couldn't separate every soldier’s activities and characteristics but when use word army, its mean one institution, one rule, order and training.

This soldier and other psycho like him cause of dishonor for whole institution.

I think you understand. Now stop portraying those SAINTS.
let the mods decide and its shameful that kids were killed and if U.s headquarters have some shame then they should leave this moron in the hands of afghans.its different to kill the innocents just for nothing:hitwall:

and i didnt put winks on afghan death:hitwall:.i just said that dont paint whole army with this sad incident.
and U.S have contributed too.This is not done by U.S army and i think you are getting wrong.

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