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US Senate warns Obama on Rouhani in letter signed by 76 lawmakers

Yes, and we will offer the Israelis a base to operate from when they came to blow you to smithereens.

And we support the sanctions fully and if you think they will be lifted , you are living in la la land.

We will never trust Iran as far as we can SPIT, Back stabbing nation.

What a foolish fight ( both sides ) .
Educaton and society teaches this in your country, so its not just your personal opinion but national opinion aswell, ofcourse you can dismiss this through saying that theres no such official stance but thats bs.

Up until the 7th grade, I didn't study in KSA :lol:. If you claim that we instruct people to hate Iran, please show me your evidence :lol: Iran is the very least spoken about in here, because the Mullahs' regime had shown their true color, so there is no point about instigating our people at Iran because they already are.

On a sidenote, Safavid is the same as Shia for you and for many others, therefor you might just aswell call for death upon all shias, like the protesters in the eastern region or Bahrain are called terrorists while they have not commited terrorist acts.

Not really. If there is an individual who tries to harm my country then he has got to be at the top of the list of our unwelcomed creatures. We never called upon the death of anyone, and the ones who intice violences have to pay for the consequences :D wether here or there.

I will drop my stick here now.

Everyone does things for their own self interest first and foremost. Saudi's are no exceptions. I am sure they have chosen this route after careful consideration of implications from all sides.

Even if KSA has friendly relations with India, can Pakistan and Bangladesh as nations, afford to get upset with KSA? Think about it.

A better route is to search for the reasons that prompts KSA to seek closer relations with India. If nations who would not like to see this happen, such as Pakistan, Bangladesh and perhaps China, they will have to figure out a way to offer something better than what India offers. That is the way geopolitics works I think, from my limited understanding.

So I would call this a success for Indian diplomats and a failure for the opposing camp, which is Pakistan as well as China. As for Bangladesh, our govt. is now Indian puppet, so that is another failure of the anti-Indian camp. There is no free lunch in this world.
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The SOB who start funding and building the salafist in Pakistan was Saddam Hussain and try to destroy Pakistan . A guy who is father of insurgency in Baluchistan, Pakistan. Don't know where the Iran come from in every situation .

After Bangladesh declared independence, Iraq was the first Arab country to recognize its independence from Pakistan. On 10, February, 1973 the Pakistani police raided the Iraqi embassy in Islamabad without prior permission of the Iraqi government, a large cache of small arms, ammunition, grenades and other supplies were found in crates marked 'Foreign Ministry, Baghdad', they were believed to be destined for Baloch rebels. Pakistan responded by expelling and declaring persona non grata Iraqi Ambassador Hikmat Sulaiman and other consular staff.
Its Saudi Arabia
Are you suggesting that Pakistan was behind the 2008 attack?

That is what Saudi Arabia did to Pakistan by enabling india to run propaganda.

Saudi Arabia will not tolerate terrorists on its soil period.

That is biggest joke and you just dropped your credibility to zero. Saudi rulers are terrorist godfather and house of Saud has long standing relation with terrorist and now running biggest terror AQ ring in Syria. Perhaps, you need to remember Ramadan is not over yet.
Everyone does things for their own self interest first and foremost. Saudi's are no exceptions. I am sure they have chosen this route after careful consideration of implications from all sides.

It isn't really about KSA preferring to work with India at the expense of its foes at all. For the last 20 years, we have been investing in many South Asians States as much as we possibly can find a room to get in. At the same time, our relations with Pakistan had never been deteriorated for doing this and that. Everything India buys from us is given to Pakistan unconditionally, but, again @Armstrong was right, I don't think KSA is doing much on the dispute of Kashmir, which had upsetted many Pakistanis.

Bangladesh also receives a package from KSA yearly, but your politicians are extremely corrupted to their bones, it is time to take said and call things as they are ought to be called. The current regime in Bangladesh doesn't deserve to remain in power for one more day, we all know who's responsible for all the mess in there.

So I would call this a success for Indian diplomats and a failure for the opposing camp, which is Pakistan as well as China. As for Bangladesh, our govt. is now Indian puppet, so that is another failure of the anti-Indian camp. There is no free lunch in this world.

I'm not ready yet to label Bangladesh as a puppet of an X or Y state, all I know is that I have a disrespect to the Gov't a lot for mistreating the people of the BD, the heavy currpotion, and ignoring calls for political reform. I don't think there is a greater an enemy to BD than the Gov't itself.

Even if KSA has friendly relations with India, can Pakistan and Bangladesh as nations, afford to get upset with KSA? Think about it.

I totally disagree. Both countries are sovereign states and should look for their own interests, but our commitments to both are firmed and unshakable.

A better route is to search for the reasons that prompts KSA to seek closer relations with India. If nations who would not like to see this happen, such as Pakistan, Bangladesh and perhaps China, they will have to figure out a way to offer something better than what India offers. That is the way geopolitics works I think, from my limited understanding.

Depending on the interpretation to identify the cause and the effects. I don't think the Saudi-Indo development came to upset India's neighbors, we look for investments. Similarly, KSA does the same in China, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the South Korea. Therefore, it is worth mentioning that politics is one think, and economic investments are another thing.

Everyone does things for their own self interest first and foremost. Saudi's are no exceptions. I am sure they have chosen this route after careful consideration of implications from all sides.

Even if KSA has friendly relations with India, can Pakistan and Bangladesh as nations, afford to get upset with KSA? Think about it.

A better route is to search for the reasons that prompts KSA to seek closer relations with India. If nations who would not like to see this happen, such as Pakistan, Bangladesh and perhaps China, they will have to figure out a way to offer something better than what India offers. That is the way geopolitics works I think, from my limited understanding.

So I would call this a success for Indian diplomats and a failure for the opposing camp, which is Pakistan as well as China. As for Bangladesh, our govt. is now Indian puppet, so that is another failure of the anti-Indian camp. There is no free lunch in this world.

The SOB who start funding and building the salafist in Pakistan was Saddam Hussain and try to destroy Pakistan . A guy who is father of insurgency in Baluchistan, Pakistan. Don't know where the Iran come from in every situation .

Gen. Zia schooled him for his meddling sinister activities though :police:

For me he's a war-criminal.
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It doesn't matter who stab backed whom, what matters is Iran's refusal to impose sanctions, an action that might be interpreted to be anti-Pakistan by many people. India's stand on The IAEA is a matter of no concern to us in this thread, please stop pity-fogging for once.
"Iran's refusal to impose sanctions"? Sanctions on whom? Who is Iran "imposing sanctions on"???

So I'm guessing that you're cool with Iran doing business with India, but if it comes to other countries your opinion is different right? I don't think you can intimidate @Pakistanisage for whatever stand he takes by now then.

Iran and Afghanistan are Pakistan's neighbors, NOT Saudi Arabia.
Secondly, Indo-Iranian relations haven't been as rosy as you are trying to imply. Indians have turned against Iran when they needed them most at the IAEA over their nuclear program as well as on other important issues. Pakistan can capitalize on this rift in indo-Iranian relations.

Thirdly, you (as in Saudis/Arabs) can stop pretending to champion the Sunni cause. When dealing with hindu india it is halal? Hindu india butchers Sunni Muslims in Kashmir and your so called Champion of Sunni Muslims Saudi Arabia signs defence cooperation agreements and trade agreements with this very enemy of Pakistan and Muslims??

A open enemy is better than a wolf clad in sheep's clothing, pretending to be our brother.
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That is what Saudi Arabia did to Pakistan by enabling india to run propaganda.

Because we are bad, and evil :devil:

That is biggest joke and you just dropped your credibility to zero. Saudi rulers are terrorist godfather and house of Saud has long standing relation with terrorist and now running biggest terror AQ ring in Syria. Perhaps, you need to remember Ramadan is not over yet.

Perhaps, you need to go through who started massacring the Syrian people. You are nothing more than a perput

Would you mind explaining this to us as well?




PressTV - Iran, India reach basic barter trade agreement

PressTV - India to ink transit agreement with Iran to ship goods to Afghanistan

India, Iran sign 6 deals, MoUs to boost ties - Times Of India

PressTV - India welcomes defense cooperation with Iran: Minister

Iran port may give wings to India's ambitions in S Asia - Rediff.com India News

We can play the pics game all day long by the way, I find applying double standards into everything someone's does, while turning the cold shoulder on the other to be distasteful.

I think you missed out in my first two posts when i stated "every action has an equal and opposite reaction".

You do understand that in this context right??

Pakistan's alignment with Saudi/Arab agenda has convinced Iran to form ties with india in return.

Its like this: You side with my enemy, i side with yours.

At least Iran doesn't pretend to be our brother and then signs defence cooperation agreements with our enemy.

Now, coming to double standards:

This is what you guys look like:

On Syria: "Boohoo, child butcher Bashar puppet of Kafir Shia Iran butchering Sunnis, boohoo".

While on Kashmir: "Hindu/Pagan india butchers Kashmiri Sunnis and Kills Pakistani Sunni Soldiers but that doesn't matter, lets Sign DEFENCE COOPERATION agreements with them and TRADE Agreements as well".

The SOB who start funding and building the salafist in Pakistan was Saddam Hussain and try to destroy Pakistan . A guy who is father of insurgency in Baluchistan, Pakistan. Don't know where the Iran come from in every situation .

Saddam was funding the Baloch insurgency which has Nationalist agendas, ie to separate Balochistan from Pakistan. BLA is not a Salafist group.

The Salafist groups or their types are the TTP and their affiliates.
Perhaps, you need to go through who started massacring the Syrian people. You are nothing more than a perput

Terrorism is not an answer for stopping massacre, specially in a foreign country. How collective mind of Saudi establishment and people like you missing that? Fact is Saudis did not go there to stop massacre, house of Saud went there to establish its own puppet under doctrine of sectarian principle. And look at how Saudi Arabia sponsored massacre in Yeman, Bahrain and in Iraq under Saddam. So, don't stake claim on moral high ground.
Everyone does things for their own self interest first and foremost. Saudi's are no exceptions. I am sure they have chosen this route after careful consideration of implications from all sides.

Even if KSA has friendly relations with India, can Pakistan and Bangladesh as nations, afford to get upset with KSA? Think about it.

A better route is to search for the reasons that prompts KSA to seek closer relations with India. If nations who would not like to see this happen, such as Pakistan, Bangladesh and perhaps China, they will have to figure out a way to offer something better than what India offers. That is the way geopolitics works I think, from my limited understanding.

So I would call this a success for Indian diplomats and a failure for the opposing camp, which is Pakistan as well as China. As for Bangladesh, our govt. is now Indian puppet, so that is another failure of the anti-Indian camp. There is no free lunch in this world.

But whatever happened to the Sunni Cause? Or did Saudis forget that Pakistanis, Bangalis, and Kashmiris are Sunnis too?

Or did Saudi clerics declare a new Fatwa declaring all Pakistanis, Bangalis, and Kashmris as "Kafir Shia Iranian Safavis" thus making it Halal to sign DEFENCE COOPERATION and TRADE AGREEMENTS with Idol Worshiping Hindus???

Here you are justifying the "Champion" of Sunni Islam's dealing with a Pagan, idol, worshiping country who has butchered thousands, perhaps even millions (when taking partition massacres into account) of Muslims.
@Desert Fox

This is what @Secur posted here earlier yesterday.

I guess you will fail to understand what the fallowing quotes implied, as long as it didn't came from the Saudis, your willingness to dismiss everything about what others did is quite obvious.

In the course of the day, he went through his “Kashmir brief” diligently in meetings with his Iranian interlocutors, namely, Velayati, President Rafsanjani and Iranian Majlis Speaker Nateq-Nouri. By evening, Singh retuned to his hospital bed in Delhi, but with an assurance from President Rafsanjani to Prime Minister Rao “that Iran will do all it can do to ensure that no harm comes to India.”

What Iran gained by obliging India is an abiding mystery. Only after 72 anxious hours did Delhi learn that Iran had killed the OIC move to table the resolution. This marked a new chapter in India-Iran relations with wider consequences. Iran distanced itself from Pakistan in the matter of Afghanistan; and, India joined hands with Iran to promote the Northern Alliance, which was inimical to Pakistani interests. Pakistan was shocked by what it termed as “backstabbing”.

Iran and Afghanistan are Pakistan's neighbors, NOT Saudi Arabia. Is that too hard to understand?

I never contested such fact, if you care to read my posts in here, I stated earlier that Pakistan should stay the hell out of the ME. I politely ask you to refrain from harassing me any further.

Secondly, Indo-Iranian relations haven't been as rosy as you are trying to imply. Indians have turned against Iran when they needed them most at the IAEA over their nuclear program as well as on other important issues. Pakistan can capitalize on this rift in indo-Iranian relations.

Perhaps you haven't bothered looking into the links I attached in my posts :lol:

Thirdly, you (as in Saudis/Arabs) can stop pretending to champion the Sunni cause. When dealing with hindu india it is halal? Hindu india butchers Sunni Muslims in Kashmir and your so called Champion of Sunni Muslims Saudi Arabia signs defence cooperation agreements and trade agreements with this very enemy of Pakistan and Muslims??

We most certainly never did such thing, maybe your understanding allows you to get into such level.

A open enemy is better than a wolf clad in sheep's clothing, pretending to be our brother.

I don't think we consider you kin and likes to be brothers of ours, go run to your true brothers.
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Terrorism is not an answer for stopping massacre, specially in a foreign country

Of course, when it comes to the Saudi point of view on Syria, our involvement is an act of aggression, but Iran's and Hezbollah's are an act of self interests. Wether you like it or not we interfered, and openly admitted it, there is nothing much you can do about it except shouting and raving.

And look at how Saudi Arabia sponsored massacre in Yeman, Bahrain. So, don't stake claim on moral high ground.

In Yemen? We acted out when we were attacked by the scums you are sympathizing with. Slaughtering them was our moral duty since we know who armed and trained them. Bahrain, is a similar situation, we will not allow Hezbollah and their masters to rub our lands, again, there is nothing much you can do about it.
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I think you missed out in my first two posts when i stated "every action has an equal and opposite reaction".

You do understand that in this context right?? Or was that too hard to comprehend?

Okay, perhaps i will need to break it down for you a little more since you didn't understand that from my first two posts:

Pakistan's alignment with Saudi/Arab agenda has convinced Iran to form ties with india in return.

Its like this: You side with my enemy, i side with yours. Now was that still too hard to understand?

At least Iran doesn't pretend to be our brother and then signs defence cooperation agreements with our enemy.

Now, coming to double standards:

This is what you guys look like:

On Syria: "Boohoo, child butcher Bashar puppet of Kafir Shia Iran butchering Sunnis, boohoo".

While on Kashmir: "Hindu/Pagan india butchers Kashmiri Sunnis and Kills Pakistani Sunni Soldiers but that doesn't matter, lets Sign DEFENCE COOPERATION agreements with them and TRADE Agreements as well".

Saddam was funding the Baloch insurgency which has Nationalist agendas, ie to separate Balochistan from Pakistan. BLA is not a Salafist group.

The Salafist groups or their types are the TTP and their affiliates.
Awell known organization named "swad e azam "was assembled in Iraqi Embassy. Unfortunately everyone washed its dirty laundry in Pakistan ...and our " for sale leader " let it happened. Except Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.
@Desert Fox

This is what @Secur posted here earlier yesterday.
I already read that and didn't even bother wasting my time reading it again.

I guess you will fail to understand what the fallowing quotes implied, as long as it didn't came from the Saudis, your willingness to dismiss everything about what others did is quite obvious.

Actually, you failed to understand it.

I never contested such fact, if you care to read my posts in here, I stated earlier that Pakistan should stay the hell out of the ME.

Pakistan has not and is not interfering in ME matters. Unlike a certain country which proclaims to be Pakistan's "brother" yet makes defence cooperation agreements with its hindu/pagan/idol worshiping enemy.

I politely ask you to refrain from harassing me any further.
Who's harassing you? You're the one quoting me.

Perhaps you haven't bothered looking into the links I attached in my posts :lol:
Trust me, i check everything before i reply.

We most certainly never did such thing, maybe your understanding allows you to get into such level.
Right, and you never signed a Defence cooperation agreement with Hindu India.

I don't think we consider you kin and likes to be brothers of ours, go run to your true brothers.

I'm glad you don't consider us Pakistanis your brothers, that is a privilege.
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