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US Senate warns Obama on Rouhani in letter signed by 76 lawmakers


Would you mind explaining this to us as well?




PressTV - Iran, India reach basic barter trade agreement

PressTV - India to ink transit agreement with Iran to ship goods to Afghanistan

India, Iran sign 6 deals, MoUs to boost ties - Times Of India

PressTV - India welcomes defense cooperation with Iran: Minister

Iran port may give wings to India's ambitions in S Asia - Rediff.com India News

We can play the pics game all day long by the way, I find applying double standards into everything someone's does, while turning the cold shoulder on the other to be distasteful.

Indians butchering Sunni Bangladeshi Muslims
In 1980, the relationship took a dangerous turn, when Soviet press, notable "Pravda" and other Soviet commentators, began to issue threatening statements towards Pakistan.[35] Soviet Commentator, V Baikov, went far enough to say: The axis of United States and China, is trying to secure a base for its rapid deployment force, presumable offering F-16 fighter plans in that view."[35] Another Soviet commentator "threateningly" asked Pakistan that "If she (Pakistan) thought about where the United States was pulling it in its hostilities with Afghanistan; their aggression was taking place in the vicinity of the USSR".[35] In February 1980, a delegation of TASS in New York maintains that, "One can see the contours of dangerous plans aimed at Pakistan's arch rivals— India, Soviet Union, and Afghanistan.[35] The change of administration in 1980 and immediate verbal threat of Soviet Union to Pakistan, brought the United States and Pakistan on a six-year trade, economic and military agreement, valuing approximately ~32.5 billions US dollars.[35]
The U.S. viewed the conflict in Afghanistan as an integral Cold War struggle, and the CIA provided assistance to anti-Soviet forces through the ISI, in a program called Operation Cyclone.[36][37] The siphoning off of aid weapons, in which the weapons logistics and coordination were put under the Pakistan Navy in the port city of Karachi, contributed to disorder and violence there, while heroin entering from Afghanistan to pay for arms contributed to addiction problems.[38] The Pakistan Navy coordinated the foreign weapons into Afghanistan, while some of its high-ranking admirals were responsible for storing the weapons in the Navy logistics depot, later coordinated the weapons supply to Mujaheddin, out of complete revenge of Pakistan Navy's brutal loss and defeat at the hands of Soviet Navy in 1971.[34]
In November 1982, General Zia traveled to the Soviet Union to attend the funeral of Leonid Brezhnev, then-General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.[39] Soviet President Andrei Gromyko and the new Secretary-General Yuri Andropov met with Zia where a brief meeting took place at the Kremlin.[39] The Soviet Union and the new Secretary General Yuri Andropov were angry at Pakistan's covert involvement in the support of Afghan resistance against the Soviet Union and her satellite state, Soviet Afghanistan, and expressed his indignation to the General.[39] Then General Zia took his hand and told him that, "Mr. Secretary General... Believe me, Pakistan wants nothing but good and healthy relations with the Soviet Union".[39] According to Andrei Gromyko, Zia's sincerity had caught off guards and in the meeting, everyone believed him but sadly found out that his words were not followed by his actions

The Soviet was a serious threat to the integrity of Pakistan.

No problem , mate .
Let me make one thing clear - I personally admit the blunders of the then Govt of Pakistan to fight a war of two superpowers for a leader's own delusions of grandeur , by creating and exaggerating the myth of ' Soviet Union coming to Warm Waters ' to the extent that it seemed like an imminent danger to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Pakistan . Nothing , could be farther than the truth since the Soviets weren't even remotely hopeful for a victory in Afghanistan

I am deeply saddened by the deaths of Saudi citizens at the hands of the terrorist , our causality count is much much higher .

It doesn't matter how many have died ever since, what gets me is when I hear some people saying that an A or B country wanted to kill as many citizens as possible of another country, especially when those two countries enjoy very strong relations.

Sorry Armstrong my friend balm your country don't balm KSA

Slow down on @Armstrong please. He happens to be from Kashmir that our Gov't didn't do what most people would expect them to do.
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Slow down on @Armstrong please. He happens to be from Kashmir that our Gov't didn't do what most people would expect them to do.
@Arabian Legend is justified in mocking me & being angry - I'd do the same if anyone was talking something similar about my country ! :)

But when all is said & done - You guys are my friends & brothers ! :kiss3:

I just want our Governments to behave differently !
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It doesn't matter who stab backed whom, what matters is Iran's refusal to impose sanctions, an action that might be interpreted to be anti-Pakistan by many people. India's stand on The IAEA is a matter of no concern to us in this thread, please stop pity-fogging for once.

India later back stabbed Iran at the IAEA.

We should have capitalized on the indian betrayal of Iran at the IAEA just as the indians capitalized on the Pakistan-Iranian rift over Pakistan's siding with the Arabs.

So I'm guessing that you're cool with Iran doing business with India, but if it comes to other countries your opinion is different right? I don't think you can intimidate @Pakistanisage for whatever stand he takes by now then.
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If you don't wish to hear something that doesn't make you feel happy then please try to behave otherwise people won't tolerate your poor attitude, don't forget that this thread wasn't made to discuss Iranian-Saudi tensions and reflections in the subcontinent

If you are decent enough you would not call Bangladesh "East Pakistan". That is too much to ask from some Saudis.

Discussion here is Saudi Arab is enabling indian

Again, remove such conspiracy theories from your head and try to be rationalistic over being too emotional.

Saudis could not explain Saudi policy

Oh please :lol: then tell me who's your greatest friend and ally? Is it Pakistan? The pot calling the kettle black :D
First of all,this muslim ummah era has almost gone now,now a new term is introduced with respect to 'New world order' that is 'lobby system'
So how can a nation will create her lobby system successfully?

--Strengthening it's ties with countries having similar interest
--Application of neutral policy in case of two countries who are opposing each other,but both has relationship with you
--Sign treaties and pacts on regional basis
--In case if two nations have one enemy,then they try to sort out their differences and use their full strength to oppose,Eg,Pakistan and China as China VETO any decision taken against Pakistan by US etc and Pakistan supports Chinese interests geographically.

So,my dear friends when Saudi Arab/Iran will apply point no #2 then I will not complain,as China does the same,but I will ask my fellow Pakistanis:"Are you stupid that you are not applying such policy in case of Iran and Arab?

Pakistan cannot afford Iran/Arab as opponent right now,Pakistan must carefully handle Iran and Saudi Arab in neutral manner,following the concept of Lobby system not Muslim ummah,AS SUCH CONCEPTS WILL BE REVISED AFTER ARRIVAL OF JESUS AND IMAM MEHDI,so learn to move with time.
Saudi arabia should also not expect neighbours of Iran to make it their enemy for their sake, neigbhours will have to live aside with them, simple.
So much love being spread here, and I've been away.... what a shame...... people..... wait for me..... I'll be back in couple of hours..... :devil:

You still my bestie friend though :yay:

I totally agree with everything you mentioned before about KSA when Fahad was in power, but now things are different. But I'm not happy and satisfied enough about our relations with Pakistan if you ask me :-) ..

Saudi arabia should also not expect neighbours of Iran to make it their enemy for their sake, neigbhours will have to live aside with them, simple.

We don't expect anybody to appease us on that regard, that's why we keep distance from Iraq till this day :) ..
Which means you want them to turn Iran hostile... Also mainly the members of the forum expect this.

So sorry, I don't see it that way.

I don't really need to listen to members in here to understand our FP. We don't own the ME or Iran or Pakistan, every nation has the right to do whatever they wish to serve their own interests.
So sorry, I don't see it that way.

I don't really need to listen to members in here to understand our FP. We don't own the ME or Iran or Pakistan, every nation has the right to do whatever they wish to serve their own interests.

That's right, only too bad as someone on this thread already said, you will be called a kaffir safawi iranian once you look ater your own interests.
That's right, only too bad as someone on this thread already said, you will be called a kaffir safawi iranian once you look ater your own interests.


Every country has the right to do whatever it wishes my fellow, if you find that working with Iran is going to be helpful, then be it. O don't know much about being called an infidel or Safavid though. Don't blame us with this! Blame your own people who say such thing, that is according to Desert Fox per logic ..

Every country has the right to do whatever it wishes my fellow, if you find that working with Iran is going to be helpful, then be it. O don't know much about being called an infidel or Safavid though. Don't blame us with this! Blame your own people who say such thing, that is according to Desert Fox per logic ..

You call others Safavid yourself, anyway this is not an attack or supposed to tell anyone what to do.
It explains the situation.
You call others Safavid yourself, anyway this is not an attack or supposed to tell anyone what to do.
It explains the situation.

The good Safavids are dead Safavids, so no biggy. But this is my personal opinion, not my country :lol: therefore, your analysis appears to be funny!!!

@Arabian Legend is justified in mocking me & being angry - I'd do the same if anyone was talking something similar about my country ! :)

But when all is said & done - You guys are my friends & brothers ! :kiss3:

I just want our Governments to behave differently !

All what we need to do is to root out the scumbags of Al-Qaida, Pakistan Taliban and their affiliates. One more thing, the PPP must disappear from the face of the earth my fellow!
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The good Safavids are dead Safavids, so no biggy. But this is my personal opinion, not my country :lol: therefore, your analysis appears to be funny!!!

Educaton and society teaches this in your country, so its not just your personal opinion but national opinion aswell, ofcourse you can dismiss this through saying that theres no such official stance but thats bs.

On a sidenote, Safavid is the same as Shia for you and for many others, therefor you might just aswell call for death upon all shias, like the protesters in the eastern region or Bahrain are called terrorists while they have not commited terrorist acts.

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