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US Report: Chinese cruise missiles could pose biggest threat to U.S. carriers

I enjoy your post immensely. Thank You.

Tell me something, can new generation aircraft like the F22 be picked up by IRST equipped aircrafts?

Thank You!!
Yes, but at a much closer distance than radar. The best advantage IR detection have, as in catching the target unaware, is in a tail chase situation with seeing the target's engine exhausts. However, with the F-22, there is a bit of a catch...


If you compare the exhausts for the above three aircrafts, you will see the F-22's exhausts as the most recessed or sort of 'hidden' by the rear flight control surfaces, the stabilators. What this mean is that the IR sensor would have less off-angle opportunity against the F-22 than most fighters out there.


For the J-20, as example, we are looking at the aircraft pretty much from a 45 deg angle and we clearly see the exhausts -- both of them. This give the IR sensor greater odds against the J-20 than against the F-22.
@gambit sir ,
1) how do IRSTs on Rafale and T-50 would fare against the stealth aircraft which my country is bound to prepare for in future( u know those crafts :D)?

2.) Can IRSTs guide a A-A missile under 40-70Km range in a very noisy and clutter environment?
I don't think that IRST is half as reliable as an AESA Radar.
You are right. But with IRST you are working in a passive manner, the opposing aircraft is unaware that it's thermal signature is being picked up.
How many B2s do you have? Can B2s evade our defense system? Not to mention, you have to fly long distance from US mainland all the ways to China mainland for attack because we will likely destroy every US bases near our missile vicinity.

How many B2s do we have? How many B52s and B1s do we have? How many missiles combined with submarines and ships that can launch missiles from more than 1,000 miles away from the Chinese coast? Similar mistake that Japan made when they thought they were safe.

And not to mention the newer longer range missiles that can be launched from Hornets within a thousand miles or so to their targets.
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