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US Report: Chinese cruise missiles could pose biggest threat to U.S. carriers

Sorry, but you're gonna need far more than that to outgun China, who will have all their military assets to choose from. If South Korea get involved in any conflict, then North Korea won't sit idly by. If USA, Japan, South Korea, Philipines and Australia participate in an assault on China, whether actively or just by hosting US forces, then Russia will take a great interest in proceedings, considering they just signed that colossal gas deal with China and they won't want US regaining more power in the region. Any war involving multi-allied forces from the US may precipitate into an all out World War.

My guess is South Korea would almost certainly refuse participation in any conflict in the name of protecting Japanese or Philipines sovereignty. They're right on the frontline and don't really have any beef with China and have good historical and current ties. Australia rely more on China, economically, than they do with the US, and when push come to shove may expel US forces, if they were forced to pick sides in a war with China. US hegemony in Asia is teetering on the edge and will weaken as time goes by and China becomes more influential. The US are not as mighty as you believe.

You may have all the assets to choose from in Asia, we have 7th Fleet itself that is equivalent alone that can handle the Chinese navy. With U.S. allies in the region and perhaps European allies its going to be a lot harder for Chinese to fight if they think they can take on just the smaller Asian nations. With this in mind, it would deter China by reminding them what could lead to WW3. Don't think the U.S. is not afraid of China because otherwise China would have already taken all of SCS.

I was stating in case of an all-out full-spectrum war but agree that is highly unlikely as China and USA have too much to lose. Like I said, 300 subs is excessive but it is achievable if China were ever pushed to do so.

Compared to USN's ASW capability, I agree China is still behind but it's not non-existent and if forced to churn out many new ASW helis and subs, China can and would. Also, remember in litoral waters of SCS and ECS, smaller and quieter diesel-electrics which China have many of are very potent weapons against US nuke subs and surface combatants. The US's surface warships will have to operate far out to avoid being taken out by China's massive arsenal land-based missiles and this will affect the effectiveness of their ASW capability and US subs operating in littoral waters are at high risk to being sunk by the more numerous and stealthy diesel-electric subs, China will field. If US wants to fight China over Japan, then they will have to risk losing some very big and expensive ships.

The question is China willing to lose one of their only carrier alone with every ship that have in their fleet? With stealth cruise missiles and bombers as well as submarines and mines, there be nothing left of the Chinese navy.
You may have all the assets to choose from in Asia, we have 7th Fleet itself that is equivalent alone that can handle the Chinese navy. With U.S. allies in the region and perhaps European allies its going to be a lot harder for Chinese to fight if they think they can take on just the smaller Asian nations. With this in mind, it would deter China by reminding them what could lead to WW3. Don't think the U.S. is not afraid of China because otherwise China would have already taken all of SCS.

The question is China willing to lose one of their only carrier alone with every ship that have in their fleet? With stealth cruise missiles and bombers as well as submarines and mines, there be nothing left of the Chinese navy.

Are you talking for the US government? Will US ally risk to fight WW3? This time would be Russia and China together will wipe US. Please action more than talks. Talk everyone can do it, but action never happen. I see the chinese HD981 oil rig will stay and remain there. The Diaoyu calm for now, but will soon happen like SCS.
You may have all the assets to choose from in Asia, we have 7th Fleet itself that is equivalent alone that can handle the Chinese navy. With U.S. allies in the region and perhaps European allies its going to be a lot harder for Chinese to fight if they think they can take on just the smaller Asian nations. With this in mind, it would deter China by reminding them what could lead to WW3. Don't think the U.S. is not afraid of China because otherwise China would have already taken all of SCS.

The question is China willing to lose one of their only carrier alone with every ship that have in their fleet? With stealth cruise missiles and bombers as well as submarines and mines, there be nothing left of the Chinese navy.

I think again you overestimate American capabilities in Asia and underestimate China's. America won't be able to get any of their 7th Fleet surface vessels near any ECS or SCS dispute because of China's overwhelming land-based missile defenses. Only way to break this defence of China's is to launch huge strikes on China's missile defenses on the mainland, and this will without a doubt provoke China into huge escalation in response, and probably into a nuclear response, either against US carrier strike groups, US Asian bases, and/or mainland US targets. Neither country wants to escalate a crisis to this extent. If you think US will risk escalating a conflict to a nuclear one over a few disputed islands, then you simply do not have a clue. And if you think EU Allies would risk war and nuclear annihilation against its biggest trading partner and creditor, then you are more clueless than I thought.

Yes, US are more powerful vis-a-vis, but US against China, in Asia, will only lead to an unavoidable escalation into a MAD situation. Neither side are desperate enough to go there so all that will happen is China continuing to slowly salami slice more territory and USA bad-mouthing and villainizing China, but actually doing very little. US Allies in Asia will eventually realize how impotent the USA are and make plans to become more independent, security-wise and also accept that China is the top-dog in the region, and seek closer ties with China, whilst distancing themselves from USA. When that day comes, it will be a great day for all of Asia as the USA has been a parasite, freeloading on East-Asian high productivity and cheap resources from the rest of Asia. Let's see how mighty the USA are when they actually have to work for what they get.
Some Americans keep having p0rn dream of the US 7th Fleet combining with South Korea and Japan to face off against PLAN. This scenario is beyond ridiculous. If South Korea would want to join these cowboys to fight China, it will have to think how to deal with its' Northern brethren as our communist ally will definitely not be sitting idle. In fact it's the perfect opportunity for them to invade South and unite, they may not have the state of the art weaponry but their massive numbers with the help of our massive PLA numbers equipped with modern weapons can easily win a land war against South Korea. If Japan and US wants to engage us i'd say bring it on if they have the guts. As a strategic ally i expect Russia to get involved because it's interests are at stake if China would be in a state of war with the Americans.

I have noticed that many times, when one of these types of US released 'reports' is posted here, one of two things usually happens. if it's taken as being in any way negative by some of the nationalists here, it will labeled as 'Propaganda' or something very similar. Something like "The Americans are downplaying our capabilities!"

However, if the report shows a positive light, than it's looked at as a good thing because it re-affirms the nationalist mindset of "see, even the Americans are afraid of us! They're posting good things about our military power, so that means they must be true"
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I have noticed that many times, when one of these types of US released 'reports' is posted here, one of two things usually happens. if it's taken as being in any way negative by some of the nationalists here, it will labeled as 'Propaganda' or something very similar. Something like "The Americans are downplaying our capabilities!"

However, if the report shows a positive light, than it's looked at as a good thing because it re-affirms the nationalist mindset of "see, even the Americans are afraid of us! They're posting good things about our military power, so that means they must be true"

I guess this falls under Confirmation bias - RationalWiki
Are you talking for the US government? Will US ally risk to fight WW3? This time would be Russia and China together will wipe US. Please action more than talks. Talk everyone can do it, but action never happen. I see the chinese HD981 oil rig will stay and remain there. The Diaoyu calm for now, but will soon happen like SCS.

Are you talking for the Chinese govt.? Soon it will happen? How soon you say?

I think again you overestimate American capabilities in Asia and underestimate China's. America won't be able to get any of their 7th Fleet surface vessels near any ECS or SCS dispute because of China's overwhelming land-based missile defenses. Only way to break this defence of China's is to launch huge strikes on China's missile defenses on the mainland, and this will without a doubt provoke China into huge escalation in response, and probably into a nuclear response, either against US carrier strike groups, US Asian bases, and/or mainland US targets. Neither country wants to escalate a crisis to this extent. If you think US will risk escalating a conflict to a nuclear one over a few disputed islands, then you simply do not have a clue. And if you think EU Allies would risk war and nuclear annihilation against its biggest trading partner and creditor, then you are more clueless than I thought.

Yes, US are more powerful vis-a-vis, but US against China, in Asia, will only lead to an unavoidable escalation into a MAD situation. Neither side are desperate enough to go there so all that will happen is China continuing to slowly salami slice more territory and USA bad-mouthing and villainizing China, but actually doing very little. US Allies in Asia will eventually realize how impotent the USA are and make plans to become more independent, security-wise and also accept that China is the top-dog in the region, and seek closer ties with China, whilst distancing themselves from USA. When that day comes, it will be a great day for all of Asia as the USA has been a parasite, freeloading on East-Asian high productivity and cheap resources from the rest of Asia. Let's see how mighty the USA are when they actually have to work for what they get.

Whatever you said. So far you are pushing those Asian nations to the U.S. and not to you.

You seem to be underestimating Ameria's ability to hit targets from afar. Similar to Japan's view which they made the mistake from the Doolittle Raid.


Most of your forces are within reach of the U.S. Air Force and Navy and can hit China far beyond. How else for example were we able to send a pair of B2s to the Korean Peninsula from Missouri which is in the middle of the U.S.? You may think the U.S. won't do anything and so far China hasn't done anything stupid because they know what the U.S. govt. will do. Otherwise you would have taken over Senkaku Islands by now. Or take over Taiwan for example.
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Are you talking for the Chinese govt.? Soon it will happen? How soon you say?

Whatever you said. So far you are pushing those Asian nations to the U.S. and not to you.

You seem to be underestimating Ameria's ability to hit targets from afar. Similar to Japan's view which they made the mistake from the Doolittle Raid.


Most of your forces are within reach of the U.S. Air Force and Navy and can hit China far beyond. How else for example were we able to send a pair of B2s to the Korean Peninsula from Missouri which is in the middle of the U.S.? You may think the U.S. won't do anything and so far China hasn't done anything stupid because they know what the U.S. govt. will do. Otherwise you would have taken over Senkaku Islands by now. Or take over Taiwan for example.

Can you even read?

I never said the US can't strike mainland China from afar. What I said was that the only way for the US to move their naval assets close enough to any local ECS or SCS conflict is to take out China's missile defenses on the mainland. The USA, by doing this, can only provoke a response that will eventually escalate into a nuclear exchange, because China might as well use it or lose it. If you think in this day and age that USA can, nonchalantly, attack the mainland of an advanced nuclear-armed state, like China, then your head must be full of air. I know arrogant nationalists, like you, believe your mighty Uncle Sam can do whatever it pleases and that you're better than everyone else, but USA is nothing but an impudent upstart, in the whole scheme of empires through the ages, and your day in the sun is starting to fade. USA and its lapdogs, can try their best to slow China's re-ascension but they can't stop it. If you want to keep living in your American exceptionalist dream-world, then be my guest.
Are you talking for the Chinese govt.? Soon it will happen? How soon you say?

Whatever you said. So far you are pushing those Asian nations to the U.S. and not to you.

You seem to be underestimating Ameria's ability to hit targets from afar. Similar to Japan's view which they made the mistake from the Doolittle Raid.


Most of your forces are within reach of the U.S. Air Force and Navy and can hit China far beyond. How else for example were we able to send a pair of B2s to the Korean Peninsula from Missouri which is in the middle of the U.S.? You may think the U.S. won't do anything and so far China hasn't done anything stupid because they know what the U.S. govt. will do. Otherwise you would have taken over Senkaku Islands by now. Or take over Taiwan for example.
How many B2s do you have? Can B2s evade our defense system? Not to mention, you have to fly long distance from US mainland all the ways to China mainland for attack because we will likely destroy every US bases near our missile vicinity.
How many B2s do you have?

Can B2s evade our defense system?

Not to mention, you have to fly long distance from US mainland all the ways to China mainland for attack because we will likely destroy every US bases near our missile vicinity.
Piece of cake. Our B-2s flew from CONUS to Yugoslavia and back.


The above is going to happen to PLAAF's airbases.


Piece of cake. Our B-2s flew from CONUS to Yugoslavia and back.


The above is going to happen to PLAAF's airbases.

Bullshit talk, now try B2 to China or Russia please.

Are you talking for the Chinese govt.? Soon it will happen? How soon you say?

Whatever you said. So far you are pushing those Asian nations to the U.S. and not to you.

You seem to be underestimating Ameria's ability to hit targets from afar. Similar to Japan's view which they made the mistake from the Doolittle Raid.


Most of your forces are within reach of the U.S. Air Force and Navy and can hit China far beyond. How else for example were we able to send a pair of B2s to the Korean Peninsula from Missouri which is in the middle of the U.S.? You may think the U.S. won't do anything and so far China hasn't done anything stupid because they know what the U.S. govt. will do. Otherwise you would have taken over Senkaku Islands by now. Or take over Taiwan for example.

All Asian nation been split between US and China. Which one did you said been lean on US? Lol the japa dogs, or the Korean kimchi or the Phil flip? Aren't those your former dogs? Your new dog I see is now Indian. The VC is scaring about the same you did to the SOuth Vietnam. The rest Asian is staying neutral.
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I have noticed that many times, when one of these types of US released 'reports' is posted here, one of two things usually happens. if it's taken as being in any way negative by some of the nationalists here, it will labeled as 'Propaganda' or something very similar. Something like "The Americans are downplaying our capabilities!"

However, if the report shows a positive light, than it's looked at as a good thing because it re-affirms the nationalist mindset of "see, even the Americans are afraid of us! They're posting good things about our military power, so that means they must be true"

That about sums it up quite nicely :agree:

Estimate by state controlled Moscow-based news paper pro Russian weapons export industry bias
rewritten by U.S.-based tabloid existing solely for biased, hyperbolic and unprofessional China-shaming
= U.S. analysis ?
= proof for Chinese doublestandards when we like any other sane human being won't treat it on equal terms with reports about a scientific paper issued by the Center for the Study of Chinese Military Affairs at the National Defense University in the U.S.?

I feel trying to educate any of you ignorants is a complete waste of human time.
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USAF has never face S-300 Air defense in real life action. Not to mention our improved HQ-9 based on S-300 which will be more deadly. Even USAF commander admitted they are fortunate not meeting the threat of S-300 in Gulf and Kosovo War. Now we got Bull American nationalist bragging about how they can easily penetrate China air defense. :lol:
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