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US prepares military package for UAE against Iran

Let's not forget that UAE has been 'back stabber' by giving Shamsi Airbase to USA.

Dear Sir,

US got access to that base with the knowledge and permission of the Government of Pakistan and the Pakistani Generals.
Dear Sir,

US got access to that base with the knowledge and permission of the Government of Pakistan and the Pakistani Generals.
and UAE Also gave stapled visas to Prime Minister of AJK..How can you justify something like that?Just admit that Arabs are bast@ards and completely deserve the beating they get from Israelis.Only Iranians have the spine to deal with Israelis.
here's a scenario for you

UAE airforce gets up and starts flying towards Iran. Iranian radars pick em up. Within a minute, UAE as we know it, along with the airfield those F-16s got up from, WILL BE FLATTENED. Iran can literally carpet bomb every square inch of UAE.

bye bye Abu Dhabi oil
bye bye investment in dubai
back to pearl diving

mean while those F-16s can fly over Iranian terrritory until their "gas runs out" and land somewhere RQ-170 style

Give me a single UAE official who talked about waging war with Iran and used war mongering statements against Iran.

Unlike top officials of Iran have done quite often since many years.
Pakistan will play the middle of the road game here unless KSA is directly threatened, with which there is some defence cooperation understanding. Its in Pakistan's interest to keep things cordial with Iran which is an immediate neighbour so the most likely scenario is that Pakistan would be doing its level best to de-escalate the situation. The problem in this situation is that this war will most likely be instigated by the Israelis and the US will be involved. In such situations, Pakistan's role would mostly be on the sidelines.

In any case, the Pakistani public is loath to the idea of seeing such a conflict. This cannot be good for the region in any way.

Good analysis , however it will be a difficult situation especially if USA or Israel doesnt get into the picture and just a KSA and other Arabs vs Iran ....Pakistan public have equal affection for both Arabs and Iran and opinions split right in the middle ,so a genuine dilemma !
Give me a single UAE official who talked about waging war with Iran and used war mongering statements against Iran.

Unlike top officials of Iran have done quite often since many years.
we don't even consider you guys a country to threaten you (English made nation).

Show me where an Iranian official threatened you. You guys are the ones who keep asking for the three islands. You guys are obviously itching for a conflict. Buy weapons all you want. Iran is a ridiculously big country with a population that is spread out. We have 80 million nationalistic people. As I said, when your F-16s get off the ground, they won't have a nation to fly back to. Dubai is the size of a block in a small Iranian city. We can flatten it in half a day with ballistic/cruise missiles.

what's even more hillarious iis that we have more Iranian nationals living in UAE then there are arabs!!!!!!!!!! hahaha
and you're trying to cause a conflict
srsly, you arabs have misplaced prioroties

There is hell of a difference between fighter plane and Drone
yeah, the drone was a stealth super secret piece of technology, an F-16 is a big *** dot on the radar screen.
we don't even consider you guys a country to threaten you (English made nation).

Show me where an Iranian official threatened you. You guys are the ones who keep asking for the three islands. You guys are obviously itching for a conflict. Buy weapons all you want. Iran is a ridiculously big country with a population that is spread out. We have 80 million nationalistic people. As I said, when your F-16s get off the ground, they won't have a nation to fly back to. Dubai is the size of a block in a small Iranian city. We can flatten it in half a day with ballistic/cruise missiles.

what's even more hillarious iis that we have more Iranian nationals living in UAE then there are arabs!!!!!!!!!! hahaha
and you're trying to cause a conflict
srsly, you arabs have misplaced prioroties

yeah, the drone was a stealth super secret piece of technology, an F-16 is a big *** dot on the radar screen.
But the Drone carry only 4 or 5 Missiles but F-16 is loaded with deadliest Missiles and with a trained Pilot its very difficult to fight it with hell old fighter planes
What about the f-14's i imagine spares are a little hard to come by but there were supposedly 25 still opperational in 2009

Their F-14s are old. But, that's not the main threat. The main threat are their missiles. And they do have a very good integrated air-defense network. Unless UAE is operating F-22s and B-2s or something, they stand very little chance of an Iranian onslaught.
But the Drone carry only 4 or 5 Missiles but F-16 is loaded with deadliest Missiles and with a trained Pilot its very difficult to fight it with hell old fighter planes
buddy, you don't get it do you?
we will roll out the red carpet for them even and put welcome signs on Iran's borders. Nobody gives a **** about their planes because no matter what they do, they won't have a country to go back to. Don't you get that? How hard is it for you to understand?

Iran has enough missiles for every house in dubai. Dubai is the size of an Iranian village. By the time their jets get 10 km inside our borders, half of Dubai and Abu Dhabbi will be flattened.

And Iran's airforce, coupled with our air defence is more than enough to handle their jets. Iran's F14s and migs have no power projection capabilities, but when you couple them with state of the art ground radars and back em up with anti air, you will easily match whatever UAE can throw at us. Yeah, we will lose more planes, but who ******* cares lol They won't have anything to go back to. That's the whole point. We have a detterrent, they don't. Nothing short of a nuke can change the balance of power. And as I said, there are more Iranian nationals in UAE then there are arabs, let alone UAE nationals. Even a hint of a war will have hundreds of thousands of Iranain expats peeling the skin of the UAE nationals. I don't even know why they're flexing muscles. They have no deterrent against us.
we don't even consider you guys a country to threaten you (English made nation).

Show me where an Iranian official threatened you. You guys are the ones who keep asking for the three islands. You guys are obviously itching for a conflict. Buy weapons all you want. Iran is a ridiculously big country with a population that is spread out. We have 80 million nationalistic people. As I said, when your F-16s get off the ground, they won't have a nation to fly back to. Dubai is the size of a block in a small Iranian city. We can flatten it in half a day with ballistic/cruise missiles.

what's even more hillarious iis that we have more Iranian nationals living in UAE then there are arabs!!!!!!!!!! hahaha
and you're trying to cause a conflict
srsly, you arabs have misplaced prioroties

yeah, the drone was a stealth super secret piece of technology, an F-16 is a big *** dot on the radar screen.

UAE has always asked for a peaceful settlement of the islands, and has even said that it is ready to go the ICJ and settle the issue once and for all, but, Iran has always denied to resolve the issue.

I remember some 7-8 years back i heard that there was a talk in some majlises in UAE that US was in touch with UAE saying that they (USA) will get the islands for UAE provided that UAE leases them to USA. But UAE replied with a "No" as UAE wants to settle the issue peacefully and diplomatically. and did not want any USA presence there that time.

And UAE does not want any war with Iran, Shaikh Zayed the father of UAE had always stressed that the issue of the islands be settled peacefully and his sons are also going on the same path. Unless things change in future due to any circumstances.

As for the Iranian Population in UAE they are not more that the UAE nationals, unless if i am mistaken, you could give me your source.

I don't even know why they're flexing muscles.

Who is flexing muscles and war mongering?
the more i read this divide & rule policy of the U.S the more i pray that China takes charge soon insha'Allah

time for a change
from this abnormal warmonger

:usflag: (1991 to the 21st century)

to the pride of Asia

:china:( to whom belongs the 21st century itself )
the more i read this divide & rule policy of the U.S the more i pray that China takes charge soon insha'Allah

time for a change
from this abnormal warmonger

:usflag: (1991 to the 21st century)

to the pride of Asia

:china:( to whom belongs the 21st century itself )

pride of asia..?

talk for yourself buddy..not for others...

relatively usa is far far better than chinese...

btw its not like shia-sunni or persian-arab rivalry was started by the usa..it was there for the last 1000 years...dont blame usa blindly for everything..
the more i read this divide & rule policy of the U.S the more i pray that China takes charge soon insha'Allah

time for a change
from this abnormal warmonger

:usflag: (1991 to the 21st century)

to the pride of Asia

:china:( to whom belongs the 21st century itself )

Err.. who exactly is proud of China in Asia other than the Chinese themselves? Pakistan? North Korea? Don't see many other hands being raised. Reminds me of a line from the redoubtable R.K. Narayan's books - "World famous in India". The same with the Chinese being the pride of Asia. Only in China !
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