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US Politics

Nah... the whole Isis, al Qaeeda types are over rated... they scare the crappie out of whitie.. We know how to handle them... Putin is in league with them too... it's a shia Sunni civil war... Russia is aligned with the shia i.e Assad (who is shia) and Iran who is also shia... ultimately the Sunni are doomed because they (Saudi and Co.) over played their hand with the khawarji bloodletters... ultimately the war will end up at Israels doorsteps with the shia knocking on its door with the Russians as backup... American shortsightedness and ignorance is comical...
we'll see, I don't want to get into the weeds of that discussion in this thread but if elected, Trump will move quickly and decisively to end the savagery and restore order in Iraq/Syria, crooked hillary, otoh, will make it much much worse, that much is for sure.

you watch
we'll see, I don't want to get into the weeds of that discussion in this thread but if elected, Trump will move quickly and decisively to end the savagery and restore order in Iraq/Syria, crooked hillary, otoh, will make it much much worse, that much is for sure.

you watch
I don't care about Trump... he is a tool... it's corporate America that controls America and by and large the globe... we are just pawns... Trump is a nobody..

American century is coming to an end fast... no turning around that. You can't "bring back jobs" ... they are gone forever... American (whites) are too lazy to work as hard as the Asians in a globalized world...

Sorry ... to burst your bubble.
I don't care about Trump... he is a tool... it's corporate America that controls America and by and large the globe... we are just pawns... Trump is a nobody..

American century is coming to an end fast... no turning around that. You can't "bring back jobs" ... they are gone forever... American (whites) are too lazy to work as hard as the Asians in a globalized world...

Sorry ... to burst your bubble.
no bubble here, hillary and Trump are each proposing radically divergent ideas on how to take American foreign policy forward, can't wait to see how this pans out.
I don't care about Trump... he is a tool... it's corporate America that controls America and by and large the globe... we are just pawns... Trump is a nobody..

American century is coming to an end fast... no turning around that. You can't "bring back jobs" ... they are gone forever... American (whites) are too lazy to work as hard as the Asians in a globalized world...

Sorry ... to burst your bubble.

I love how you talk about "corporate America" as some sort of evil organization, "corporate America" is responsible for the technological center of the world

Jobs will come back, they will just go to robots, that's why countries with massive population will be facing equally massive problems in the future

"white Americans" aren't lazy, they just been moving towards higher paying jobs after NAFTA, that's what free trade does
it moves production to cheap countries while opening higher quality jobs in home countries

and if American century is over, who is next? America controls the biggest consumer market in the world, not just itself but also its European allies, that's why American century will not be over as easily as you imagine

Then there is China, that still has massive economic gap with US, and will grow much slower in 2016
the GDP gap will grow actually further in 2016 between US and China
LOL let this Trump b!tch win. The rest of the world is rubbing their hands to get it on. ISIS will flourish under Trump.

Russia is going to own the US under Trump. The Chinese are laughing their a$$ off with this clown in the office. No one is going to take the US seriously and it will be the last nail in the coffin. The Americans are already a divided bunch. Mexicans, Muslims, African Americans and other minorities are blamed for all the problems in the US. The white man is the victim and Trump is his savior and messiah LMAO Man, it is going to be so much fun with Trump the clown winning the elections. Not a day will go by dull. I say, let this clown win. Let him win big. We are going to feast big time.
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I love how you talk about "corporate America" as some sort of evil organization, "corporate America" is responsible for the technological center of the world

Jobs will come back, they will just go to robots, that's why countries with massive population will be facing equally massive problems in the future

"white Americans" aren't lazy, they just been moving towards higher paying jobs after NAFTA, that's what free trade does
it moves production to cheap countries while opening higher quality jobs in home countries

and if American century is over, who is next? America controls the biggest consumer market in the world, not just itself but also its European allies, that's why American century will not be over as easily as you imagine

Then there is China, that still has massive economic gap with US, and will grow much slower in 2016
the GDP gap will grow actually further in 2016 between US and China
I never said corporate America was evil... i said it is a fact of life in which American democracy is fractured. Corporations are not moral or immoral... they are amoral. Trump or Hillary... white privilege America ain't coming back. Unless there are the proverbial "gas Chambers" involved. Then yes, the old white America would be back... that's what Trumpers are secretly hoping for. But it would be an insular isolationist America. Because that America cannot compete in the global economy... corporate America will never allow that to happen.

You are right about automation. That is coming. Too bad all the programmers and engineers are Asian immigrants! :)
I never said corporate America was evil... i said it is a fact of life in which American democracy is fractured. Corporations are not moral or immoral... they are amoral. Trump or Hillary... white privilege America ain't coming back. Unless there are the proverbial "gas Chambers" involved. Then yes, the old white America would be back... that's what Trumpers are secretly hoping for. But it would be an insular isolationist America. Because that America cannot compete in the global economy... corporate America will never allow that to happen.

You are right about automation. That is coming. Too bad all the programmers and engineers are Asian immigrants! :)

Couldn't agree more. Corporate America would never allow someone like Trump to win. This guy stands for jobs at home and protectionism on steroids. Something corporate America won't accept.
So you really think Hillary Clinton's e-mail issue is more harmful then Trumps hate and fear mongering based campaign?
I've been sure Trump's "hate and fear mongering based campaign" has been exaggerated in the press since he added the Muslim immigration freeze platform: it has been touted as racist, but if you really read Trump's statement you'd see it was temporary, until the federal gov't fixes its immigrant screening issues.

Here is a report, compiled by the ADL:
I'm most impressed you're quoting from ADL. But do you seek out their information to learn from it, or to pick here and there in an attempt to confirm what your stance is already? The distorted reporting on Trump has brought haters out of the woodwork, but as the ADL points out - and as I've posted previously - these folk are not endorsed by the Trump campaign and are rejected by many Trump supporters.

(I'm not endorsing Trump here.)

There are only 10 days left before the election, so far Trump is losing Electoral College battle, it's really going to be very difficult for him to turn battleground states to red, a comeback of this magnitude would be really unprecedented.
It's hard to say for sure. People can say one thing to pollsters yet vote differently on election day, or maybe not go to the voting booth at all.
I've been sure Trump's "hate and fear mongering based campaign" has been exaggerated in the press since he added the Muslim immigration freeze platform: it has been touted as racist, but if you really read Trump's statement you'd see it was temporary, until the federal gov't fixes its immigrant screening issues.

I'm most impressed you're quoting from ADL. But do you seek out their information to learn from it, or to pick here and there in an attempt to confirm what your stance is already? The distorted reporting on Trump has brought haters out of the woodwork, but as the ADL points out - and as I've posted previously - these folk are not endorsed by the Trump campaign and are rejected by many Trump supporters.

(I'm not endorsing Trump here.)

It's hard to say for sure. People can say one thing to pollsters yet vote differently on election day, or maybe not go to the voting booth at all.

LMAO You must be an avid Trump supporter. Don't say you are not.
Pointing out how a candidate's name has been unjustly blackened does not make me a supporter. It means I separate the metal from the dross.

LOL Just listen to yourself. You are a closet Trump supporter. You are defending the man who called Mexicans rapists, mocked disabled people and wanted a ban on Muslims.

What I'm so amazed about is how you go on to say that you are not endorsing him. LMAO
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Do you only see the world in black and white?

Stop fooling people. You are defending the despot. It is for everyone to read. I sincerely hope he becomes your next president. You deserve a despot like him.
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