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US Politics

LMAO at millions of Americans. Yeah that is white racist inbred red necks and Modi toadie Indians. Stop including Hispanics and the rest. They don't vote Trump.

As for diamond and silk LMAO What a joke.

I hope this orange head is elected. I pray this orange head is elected. A disgrace and humiliation of an unprecedented scale. The world has already lambasted Trump as a disgrace and a disaster of epic proportions. Trump supporters are living in a different universe.
We do not care what 'The world' thinks of our politics. You want Americans not to even opine on other countries' internal politics ? Then have the courtesy to not even opine about ours. But if you chose to opine, then do not bring in 'The world'.

Anyway...What you think 'The world' said is nothing but a rehash of what 'The world' said of Ronald Raygun. You never had any respect for US with Raygun. And look what happened to the Soviets and 'The world'. Under Raygun, we changed 'The world', pal. To put it bluntly, we made 'The world' our bttch...!!! Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko, and Gorbachev. In the end, Uncle Sam bent them all over and BONED them one by one. You think we give a shit on what 'The world' thinks of US after that ? :lol:
Damn and than i saw this vid.....

Yeah Clinton News Network and others in MSM never show the scale and size of the Trump Rallies. They keep cameras focused only on the podium at best for snippets to show alongside Hillary "rallies" (where they also focus on just Hillary).

BTW a shout out to one of the best bands ever, with their song in the background:

I've been sure Trump's "hate and fear mongering based campaign" has been exaggerated in the press since he added the Muslim immigration freeze platform: it has been touted as racist, but if you really read Trump's statement you'd see it was temporary, until the federal gov't fixes its immigrant screening issues.
You should be his spokesman :D No my friend, he did not say a word about “gov't fixes its immigrant screening issues”, that speech clearly showed his hatred for Muslims and their religion.

Here is his speech:

DECEMBER 07, 2015 -


(New York, NY) December 7th, 2015, -- Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population. Most recently, a poll from the Center for Security Policy released data showing "25% of those polled agreed that violence against Americans here in the United States is justified as a part of the global jihad" and 51% of those polled, "agreed that Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to Shariah." Shariah authorizes such atrocities as murder against non-believers who won't convert, beheadings and more unthinkable acts that pose great harm to Americans, especially women.

Mr. Trump stated, "Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension. Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine. Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life. If I win the election for President, we are going to Make America Great Again." - Donald J. Trump Link

I'm most impressed you're quoting from ADL. But do you seek out their information to learn from it, or to pick here and there in an attempt to confirm what your stance is already? The distorted reporting on Trump has brought haters out of the woodwork, but as the ADL points out - and as I've posted previously - these folk are not endorsed by the Trump campaign and are rejected by many Trump supporters.
Good that you brought this issue up, actually I'm a regular visitor to their website and I have learned a lot from them about racism in America. Actually, ADL position is not as simple as you want us to believe. The fact is, on numerous occasions ADL has condemned Trump, and they have also accused Trump for not strongly distancing himself from the racists.

Now just think about it, why they have only been criticizing Trump, do they have an agenda against him, are they pro-Hillary, or it could be, as I believe, he is a closet racist?

Bty, remember, you denied that the Star of David/Hillary tweet was anti-Jewish.

By: Marissa Stern | JE Staff JULY 13, 2016

…“The ADL immediately recognized it as an anti-Semitic image, and there was this trifecta of symbols — the Jewish star, next to a political leader, on a pile of money — referencing age-old stereotypes of Jews and money and Jews and government control,” said ADL assistant regional director Jeremy Bannett. “This adds to what we’ve been feeling for months, which is we’ve been troubled by the Trump campaign for what we see as a mainstreaming of bigotry.

“We’re a 501(c)(3) organization, and we don’t support or oppose candidates for office but we don’t think it is a Democratic or Republican issue. This is about the mainstreaming of hate.”

Despite Trump’s defense of the tweet and arguing that the image was not anti-Semitic, he has not directly apologized, which is what Bannett is hoping he does.

“The response we believe has not been the correct response so far,” he said. “We’re calling on Trump to number one, acknowledge the error; number two, to apologize; and number three, to vehemently renounce anti-Semitism and bigotry in his campaign.

“We’re not calling Trump an anti-Semite or a bigot, and we know we cannot control who supports him,” Bannett continued, “but his campaign has emboldened white supremacists and he needs to make it clear that bigotry and hate has no place in his campaign. He must say with the exact same passion that he uses to attack his opponent and to attack the media that hate will never make America great again.”


1. ADL:New York, NY, July 5, 2015… The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today condemned Donald Trump’s recent remarks about immigrants as hate speech and stereotyping, and called on him to stop spreading misinformation and fomenting hatred against immigrants. Link

2. ADL: Trump’s Plan to Seal Borders Against Muslims Runs Contrary to Our Nation’s Deepest Values

New York, NY, December 7, 2015 … The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) condemned Donald Trump’s calls to bar entry into the United States for all Muslims, calling the plan “deeply offensive.” Earlier today, Mr. Trump said in a statement he was calling for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.”

Jonathan A. Greenblatt, ADL CEO, issued the following statement:

Mr. Trump’s plan to bar people from entry to the United States based on their religion is unacceptable and antithetical to American values. The U.S. was founded as a place of refuge for those fleeing religious persecution, and religious pluralism is core to our national identity. A plan that singles out Muslims and denies them entry to the U.S. based on their religion is deeply offensive and runs contrary to our nation’s deepest values.

In the Jewish community, we know all too well what can happen when a particular religious group is singled out for stereotyping and scapegoating. We also know that this country must not give into fear by turning its back on its fundamental values, even at a time of great crisis. As we have said so many times, to do otherwise signals to the terrorists that they are winning the battle against democracy and freedom. Link

It's hard to say for sure. People can say one thing to pollsters yet vote differently on election day, or maybe not go to the voting booth at all.
I do believe in polls, but we'll discuss it some other time.
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The comments are the best part!

"theres more flies in the room than people"

"the rats usually leave the ship when its sinking"
LMAO!!! they all look depressed, as if they were paid to waste their time at such a pathetic rally. And @4:59 in the video the guy with the British accent claims the FBI director Comey is a Trump agent and that this reopening of the investigation is an "inside job", what a bunch of loony conspiracy theorists @RabzonKhan they call Trump supporters "conspiracy theorists" yet how different are they??
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The comments are the best part!

"theres more flies in the room than people"

"the rats usually leave the ship when its sinking"

meanwhile, at a Trump rally:




also funny to see Rabzon mian having to fall back on his old "racis,sexis,islamophobe, antisemite" :blah:


game over for crooked hillary, these next 4 years are going to be so much fun with president Trump.
LMAO!!! they all look depressed, as if they were paid to waste their time at such a pathetic rally. And @5:03 in the video the guy with the British accent claims the FBI director Comey is a Trump agent and that this reopening of the investigation is an "inside job", what a bunch of loony conspiracy theorists @RabzonKhan they call Trump supporters "conspiracy theorists" yet how different are they??

Whats funny is they were calling Comey their hero when the FBI let her off and pretty much took a bullet for her back then.

But now it seems:

a) FBI rank and file (esp field agents personally affected/compromised) are immensely fed up and have put pressure on Comey since then. (I was talking about this back when it happened already).

b) The Weiner (man what a name to have lulz) computer has a good chunk of sensitive classified emails, stuff Hillary thought she had fully deleted and left no trace....and the FBI just cant keep it hidden anymore, no matter how much the DOJ wants it to.....because if Hillary were to win, there would be even greater turmoil in the US if she faces impeachment proceedings within the first year especially under a very charged and vocal anti-hillary crowd (who would definitely be yelling/threatening about the stolen election at that point too).

c) Russia would blackmail Hillary with this stuff anyway down the road. It would be really bad for the US if she were president given the no-fly zone shenanigans and her strong Putin hate.

Comey probably saw the writing on the wall and is now hedging the best he can. He would suffer the least under a Trump presidency this way....and has some credibility in a hypothetical (short lived) Hillary presidency among the US population at large....who will be baying for her blood as time passes and everything gets exposed.

3 words: grab the popcorn

November 8th whoever wins is not going to be the end of this drama.
Whats funny is they were calling Comey their hero when the FBI let her off and pretty much took a bullet for her back then.

But now it seems:

a) FBI rank and file (esp field agents personally affected/compromised) are immensely fed up and have put pressure on Comey since then. (I was talking about this back when it happened already).

b) The Weiner (man what a name to have lulz) computer has a good chunk of sensitive classified emails, stuff Hillary thought she had fully deleted and left no trace....and the FBI just cant keep it hidden anymore, no matter how much the DOJ wants it to.....because if Hillary were to win, there would be even greater turmoil in the US if she faces impeachment proceedings within the first year especially under a very charged and vocal anti-hillary crowd (who would definitely be yelling/threatening about the stolen election at that point too).

c) Russia would blackmail Hillary with this stuff anyway down the road. It would be really bad for the US if she were president given the no-fly zone shenanigans and her strong Putin hate.

Comey probably saw the writing on the wall and is now hedging the best he can. He would suffer the least under a Trump presidency this way....and has some credibility in a hypothetical (short lived) Hillary presidency among the US population at large....who will be baying for her blood as time passes and everything gets exposed.

3 words: grab the popcorn

November 8th whoever wins is not going to be the end of this drama.
Ha ha, true that. You Canadians have that luxury of watching the show, while we across the border will live the show :lol: . I'm beginning to agree with @T-72 , im gonna have election withdrawals too once this election is over.
Ha ha, true that. You Canadians have that luxury of watching the show, while we across the border will live the show :lol: . I'm beginning to agree with @T-72 , im gonna have election withdrawals too once this election is over.

We? Do you live here?

Ha ha, true that. You Canadians have that luxury of watching the show, while we across the border will live the show :lol: . I'm beginning to agree with @T-72 , im gonna have election withdrawals too once this election is over.

I'm waiting for a Trump win eagerly tbh. This is the only election I have cared to this extent about the result. Not just what Trump means for the US, but the fact many across the world will be emboldened immensely to cut the ultra PC-behaviour, globalist, leftist view and start reaping the merits of true civilisation again. Canada and western Europe take major cues from the US. The momentum from Brexit must continue and keep continuing for years and decades to have a chance at world success and even survival.

I don't want to see the world turn into one giant heap of homogeneous mediocrity accentuated with chaos and big govt run by the globalists and leftists.
I'm beginning to agree with @T-72 , im gonna have election withdrawals too once this election is over.
I know man, just a week to go :(

Hopefully the term will be just as fun, there's lots of juice left in this story. Really looking fwd to inauguration day with Trump and Melania standing next to the Obongos, that'll be so sweet for Trump (all that roasting at the 2011 white house correspondents dinner come full circle)

When president Trump meets Merkel lol, or delivers remarks at the UN, leading the G-5/20 etc, making deals with Putin, unleashing hell on ISIS..

picture abhi baki hai :enjoy:
I know man, just a week to go :(

Hopefully the term will be just as fun, there's lots of juice left in this story. Really looking fwd to inauguration day with Trump and Melania standing next to the Obongos, that'll be so sweet for Trump (all that roasting at the 2011 white house correspondents dinner come full circle)

When president Trump meets Merkel lol, or delivers remarks at the UN, leading the G-5/20 etc, making deals with Putin, unleashing hell on ISIS..

picture abhi baki hai :enjoy:

The absolute best part will be when he gets to tell Obama....."you're fired" :D

Then the whole legal process with investigating Hillary, Bill and other democrats and even republican establishment....in a fair, transparent manner with excellent AG appointed and also supreme court justice choice. Start taking action against the MSM too as necessary. No one should be spared....it needs to be utterly thorough and methodical.

Trade, immigration, ISIS, Russia etc etc...can be done in concert....but they should be secondary to this urgent priority I feel.

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