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Yeah Clinton News Network and others in MSM never show the scale and size of the Trump Rallies. They keep cameras focused only on the podium at best for snippets to show alongside Hillary "rallies" (where they also focus on just Hillary).

BTW a shout out to one of the best bands ever, with their song in the background:

Keep on Playing, while John Fogerty will be voting something else than Trump, LOL...

Luckily You are living in Canada because I am not 100% sure that Trump
is aware that Indians might not be Muslims.
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Luckily You are living in Canada because I am not 100% sure that Trump
are aware that Indians might not be Muslims.

Considering Trump knows India quite well, has interacted with many Indians and attended Hindu events....you need not speak for him....given his actions drown those by a country mile.
The absolute best part will be when he gets to tell Obama....."you're fired" :D
probably just politely whisper that in his ear, y'know, in keeping with being presidential etc. :D

Then the whole legal process with investigating Hillary, Bill and other democrats and even republican establishment....in a fair, transparent manner with excellent AG appointed and also supreme court justice choice. Start taking action against the MSM too as necessary. No one should be spared....it needs to be utterly thorough and methodical.
He'll get a new AG, FBI and CIA directors for sure, probably a few others. Neocons like Lindsey Graham and John McCain will (hopefully) be purged from senate foreign relations committees, General Flynn gets SecDef or something as big league. Trump is going to shake things up and it'll very very interesting to watch him at work :agree:

Strongly disagree about action against the media, though. That's not how they do it in the US, crooked hillary's staffers were recently caught talking about infowars and brietbart etc having no right to exist in one of their e-mails. MSM are dying on their own, Trump's election itself will be one of the final nails in their coffin.

Trade, immigration, ISIS, Russia etc etc...can be done in concert....but they should be secondary to this urgent priority I feel.
There's domestic issues and then there are international problems that are plaguing the whole world, I think he'll move quickly to sort out the middle east, I hope he does.
classic Cenk outrage video:


"she is a pragmatic operator less interested in starting new crusades than clearing up old conflicts.."

bs article, Trump is the pragmatist, she's a neocon bully who has terrible judgement.
Says you. And you are entitled to your opinion. I wish, though, that one isn't so simple as to discard an entire article based on a single sentence in it, that one happens to disagree with. How has HC harmed India while in public office? What crusade specifically has she started (could you even tell, considering one cannot and should not confuse US policy in general with the qualities of one single, specific person? And who says / what shows Tump is a pragmatist, and how is that better? In short, I think you can do better in your reply

I hope you realize I did not post this article in order to show a flag for one candidate or another, but rather because I thought the wider perspective was interesting and relevant.
Says you. And you are entitled to your opinion. I wish, though, that one isn't so simple as to discard an entire article based on a single sentence in it, that one happens to disagree with. How has HC harmed India while in public office? What crusade specifically has she started (could you even tell, considering one cannot and should not confuse US policy in general with the qualities of one single, specific person? And who says / what shows Tump is a pragmatist, and how is that better? In short, I think you can do better in your reply

I hope you realize I did not post this article in order to show a flag for one candidate or another, but rather because I thought the wider perspective was interesting and relevant.

1.Don't know too much and will leave this for others to comment. But American policy in Syria which Hillary supports is a disaster. Supporting the so-called "rebels" will turn out to be Taliban 2.0 situation for them. These rebels are like the Taliban in Afghanistan mostly extremists which the Americans are arming and we all know how well it ended for themselves and rest of the world. Hillary supports this and Trump actually pragmatically talks of joining hands with Russia and defeating ISIS.

2.On top of this she advocates a No fly Zone over Syria which will be effectively a declaration of war against Russia and the Syrian govt. which can drag the world into a WW 3 depending on how Putin reacts and surely Putin is no P*ssy. Trump opposes this.

3. Open borders will be a disaster for America. Cases in point, France, Germany, Britain. Something which Hillary advocates. Even though this is a local American issue. America still impacts the world. If America goes down, everyone goes down. Case in point the 2008 global financial crisis. Trump opposes this.

4. The biggest sources of funding of the Clinton foundation are the same places which are also sources of funding for global jihad. Something tells me Hillary will not wage an honest battle against this global menace and will face conflict of interest. Trump doesn't have this issue.

5 This I am not sure of but I have read she has support of Necons in America who are major advocates of wars and invasions. Will leave this this someone more knowledgeable on the issue to tackle.

These are majorly the reasons why I feel Trump will be better than Hillary. Besides don't forget everything Hillary has done in office. The major corruption allegations, the fact that her husband raped women, cheated on her and she still didnt leave him only because of the Clinton surname tells me that is she is a weak, power hungry woman who has no respect of either herself or women in general.She was the enabler of Bill Clinton's behaviour. Can't have a person like that as President. Whatever Trump has said or done was in his private life as a businessman before he entered the political scene and is nothing compared to Hillary's actions. Hillary is far more guilty I believe. Trump deserves a chance. If he does badly, remove him 4 years later. That's the beauty of democracy.
4. The biggest sources of funding of the Clinton foundation are the same places which are also sources of funding for global jihad. Something tells me Hillary will not wage an honest battle against this global menace and will face conflict of interest. Trump doesn't have this issue.

Hillary & Saudi Money.jpg

she is a weak, power hungry woman who has no respect of either herself or women in general.She was the enabler of Bill Clinton's behaviour.

Hillary Rape Enabler.jpg
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Says you. And you are entitled to your opinion. I wish, though, that one isn't so simple as to discard an entire article based on a single sentence in it, that one happens to disagree with. How has HC harmed India while in public office? What crusade specifically has she started (could you even tell, considering one cannot and should not confuse US policy in general with the qualities of one single, specific person? And who says / what shows Tump is a pragmatist, and how is that better? In short, I think you can do better in your reply

I hope you realize I did not post this article in order to show a flag for one candidate or another, but rather because I thought the wider perspective was interesting and relevant.
It's a partisan article, that one line just happens to illuminate it perfectly. No, Hillary hasn't harmed India while in public office, not to my knowledge anyway but I must make clear that my support for Trump and general commentary here on this election has absolutely nothing to do with how the outcome might impact India-US ties which are irrelevant in the context of the race anyway.

There are much bigger issues at hand here, such as the situation in Syria/Iraq and growing military tension between the US and Russia. Trump is proposing a detente in the face of rapidly declining relations and the festering proxy mess that is Syria, he realizes that an escalation in Syria will only lead to disaster, common sense pragmatism right there, a sharp (and welcome) contrast to crooked hillary's disastrous no fly zone idea.
LMAO looks like the Democrats ahev completely lost it and are going full conspiracy nutjobs. On top of that this moron is a Democrat Campaign Strategist and he believes the KGB still exists. Someone needs to break it to this fool that the KGB was dissolved in 1991. Guy sounds like a classic example of a red neck. @Nilgiri @T-72 @C130 @RabzonKhan


Famed Democratic strategist James Carville may be the first Clinton surrogate to have officially lost his mind over the FBI’s decision to reopen its investigation into Clinton’s private email server.

In an appearance on MSNBC on Monday, Carville relentlessly — and repeatedly — attacked the FBI’s decision to reopen the investigation, asserting it is part of a conspiracy to subvert American democracy.

“This is in effect an attempt to hijack an election,” Carville claimed. “It’s unprecedented … the House Republicans and the KGB are trying to influence our democracy,” he said.

Apparently the fact that the Soviet security agency was disbanded in 1991 does not preclude its involvement in this vast, anti-Clinton, FBI-organized conspiracy, according to Carville. Poor Carville was clearly apoplectic at the news of Comey’s announcement, describing it as an assault or attack on American democracy multiple times.

He was also adamant about who was responsible. “Comey was acting in concert and coordination with the House Republicans,” Carville said. “We also have the extraordinary case of the KGB being involved in this race and selectively leaking things from the Clinton campaign that they hacked,” he added.

Carville was very upset that Comey's announcement thrust Clinton's behavior back into the spotlight. "It would seem to me that the FBI shouldn't be getting rolled by the House Republicans, that's what happened here — there's nothing else that's going on — and in the meantime … democracy is under assault by the KGB," he said. "To me that's something we ought to be talking about."

Unfortunately for Carville, fanciful tales about time-traveling Soviet spies and an FBI in the GOP's pocket certainly make for interesting entertainment — but they pale in importance to the real-life stories of Clinton's brazen lawlessness.

When the MSNBC anchor dared raise the fact that Democrats were praising Comey only a few months ago when he announced the FBI's decision not to recommend indictment, Carville went into a stuttering, sputtering fit.

"When the facts change I change my mind," Carville said. "Why are you defending this, why are you sitting here as American democracy is under assault?" he asked.

"This is an unprecedented event that was done on behalf of the House Republicans," Carville repeated. "And as we know the KGB is all over this election and this is what we are talking about? We ought to be talking about [how] our democracy is under assault right now and what we are going to do about it, not [what somebody said in July] about James Comey."
How sad y'all can only look at the Trump and Clinton persona, and not beyond that to the information warfare aspects.

Have a nice day fulminating. (Mmmm. I thought this was a DEFENCE forum)
How sad y'all can only look at the Trump and Clinton persona, and not beyond that to the information warfare aspects.

Have a nice day fulminating. (Mmmm. I thought this was a DEFENCE forum)
I read that article of yours(though I believe it is slightly biased towards Hillary Clinton) & have read many others on Trump & his connections with Putin/Russia. I believe that Trump is what the Russians would call an useful idiot..

He's not an agent of theirs,but what he does will definitely help Russia & be in it's national interest.

Add to that his suspicious financial dealings with the Russian banks on which we know little. I believe those deals may have given him a positive view of the Russians & their mindset.

Add to that his being surrounded by people like Paul Manafort,Roger Stone,Gen. Micheal Flynn(he appeared on Russia Today-a regime mouthpiece many times) etc

Afterall there is a reason why many Republican National Security experts & policymakers have endorsed Hillary Clinton. Trump will only help secure Russian power in Syria & Ukraine.

His talk of not helping NATO allies will be sweet music for Russia & bring nightmares to the Baltic nations! Poland too should be concerned
& regarding your last line... this is a Defence Forum,but this particular thread is a Political thread :)
How sad y'all can only look at the Trump and Clinton persona, and not beyond that to the information warfare aspects.

Have a nice day fulminating. (Mmmm. I thought this was a DEFENCE forum)

You are doing exactly what you accused @T-72 of doing in post#1999.
LMAO looks like the Democrats ahev completely lost it and are going full conspiracy nutjobs. On top of that this moron is a Democrat Campaign Strategist and he believes the KGB still exists. Someone needs to break it to this fool that the KGB was dissolved in 1991. Guy sounds like a classic example of a red neck. @Nilgiri @T-72 @C130 @RabzonKhan

Famed Democratic strategist James Carville may be the first Clinton surrogate to have officially lost his mind over the FBI’s decision to reopen its investigation into Clinton’s private email server.

In an appearance on MSNBC on Monday, Carville relentlessly — and repeatedly — attacked the FBI’s decision to reopen the investigation, asserting it is part of a conspiracy to subvert American democracy.

“This is in effect an attempt to hijack an election,” Carville claimed. “It’s unprecedented … the House Republicans and the KGB are trying to influence our democracy,” he said.

Apparently the fact that the Soviet security agency was disbanded in 1991 does not preclude its involvement in this vast, anti-Clinton, FBI-organized conspiracy, according to Carville. Poor Carville was clearly apoplectic at the news of Comey’s announcement, describing it as an assault or attack on American democracy multiple times.

He was also adamant about who was responsible. “Comey was acting in concert and coordination with the House Republicans,” Carville said. “We also have the extraordinary case of the KGB being involved in this race and selectively leaking things from the Clinton campaign that they hacked,” he added.

Carville was very upset that Comey's announcement thrust Clinton's behavior back into the spotlight. "It would seem to me that the FBI shouldn't be getting rolled by the House Republicans, that's what happened here — there's nothing else that's going on — and in the meantime … democracy is under assault by the KGB," he said. "To me that's something we ought to be talking about."

Unfortunately for Carville, fanciful tales about time-traveling Soviet spies and an FBI in the GOP's pocket certainly make for interesting entertainment — but they pale in importance to the real-life stories of Clinton's brazen lawlessness.

When the MSNBC anchor dared raise the fact that Democrats were praising Comey only a few months ago when he announced the FBI's decision not to recommend indictment, Carville went into a stuttering, sputtering fit.

"When the facts change I change my mind," Carville said. "Why are you defending this, why are you sitting here as American democracy is under assault?" he asked.

"This is an unprecedented event that was done on behalf of the House Republicans," Carville repeated. "And as we know the KGB is all over this election and this is what we are talking about? We ought to be talking about [how] our democracy is under assault right now and what we are going to do about it, not [what somebody said in July] about James Comey."
haha, love it, the wheels are coming off crooked hillary's cart. Saw the pundits at morning Joe earlier, the new clinton strategy now is apparently one to attack Comey relentlessly till election day hoping that he crumbles. They failed to mention this would involve taking their eye off the ball and that Trump will more wiggle room to take his message to the masses unobstructed, she's collapsed in the polls, even rigging them by oversampling wont work now. Comey, for his part, will not only be defended every step of the way by the republican establishment, he also has legit cover (not enough time left in the week to go through all 650k of them)

mashallah, It's all coming together quite beautifully for Trump. :-)

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