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lmao, even Cenk and his TYT muppets were joking that this is proof that the Clintons are innocent else they'd have murdered Wiener long ago when :sarcastic:

also, Trump's been on his case since the primaries

big, bing, bong :omghaha:

man, how I miss the primaries, those were explosive rallies, and regardless of who wins and loses, I'll have serious US Election withdrawals when this is done :(

Nah man, After Clinton Wins, I will be Majorly relieved and hope we never put up with another one of these.
Nah man, After Clinton Wins, I will be Majorly relieved and hope we never put up with another one of these.
we'll see in 10 days or so :partay:

btw, not aware of your political leanings or situation but Mr Trump met the good General earlier when he was down for some UN business

very presidential
Trump is loyal to his supporters:

Kristinn Taylor Oct 28th, 2016 9:09 pm 390 Comments

The attorney for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is looking for the homeless Black woman seen on video being attacked by a mob of Hillary Clinton supporters as she protected Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame after it was sledgehammered by a Clinton supporter earlier this week.




Michael Cohen, Trump Organization EVP and Special Counsel to Donald J. Trump, spoke out on Twitter Friday evening about Mr. Trump’s desire–before it was known to him that she was attacked by the Clinton mob–to present an unspecified gift to the woman. Cohen said he had a friend in Hollywood looking for her.

After learning she had been attacked, Cohen promised she would have “the last laugh on these thugs.”

Cohen told a supporter to not contact the Trump campaign about the woman but to DM him on Twitter with any information as to her whereabouts., indicating this is a personal matter for Trump.

.@DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump someone please help me locate this woman as Mr. Trump has a gift for her…

— Michael Cohen (@MichaelCohen212) October 28, 2016

“.@DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump someone please help me locate this woman as Mr. Trump has a gift for her…”

.@aGirlisN0one @DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump Someone please help me find this woman. No person should ever be treated this way!!!

— Michael Cohen (@MichaelCohen212) October 28, 2016

“.@aGirlisN0one @DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump Someone please help me find this woman. No person should ever be treated this way!!!”

.@can_texplain @DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump I just had a friend who works close by look but she is not there. If someone sees her, DM me

— Michael Cohen (@MichaelCohen212) October 28, 2016

“.@can_texplain @DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump I just had a friend who works close by look but she is not there. If someone sees her, DM me”

Soon after Cohen responded to posters on Twitter who informed him the woman had been attacked and prayed for her to be found and helped. Cohen stayed engaged in conversation with the posters over the course of several hours Friday night.

@MichaelCohen212 @DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump they assaulted her!! https://t.co/dyXxJiRW1c

— rjgafini (@downtownusa1) October 28, 2016

“@MichaelCohen212 @DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump they assaulted her!!”

.@EOnAntisemitism @YouTube with everyone's help, we will.

— Michael Cohen (@MichaelCohen212) October 28, 2016

“.@EOnAntisemitism @YouTube with everyone’s help, we will.”

.@IamBruceRussell @natashalarebel she will ultimately have the last laugh

— Michael Cohen (@MichaelCohen212) October 28, 2016

“.@IamBruceRussell @natashalarebel she will ultimately have the last laugh”

.@can_texplain @DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump no one should be treated like this. God bless her

— Michael Cohen (@MichaelCohen212) October 28, 2016

“.@can_texplain @DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump no one should be treated like this. God bless her”

.@aGirlisN0one @DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump @Cernovich @PizzaPartyBen we will!!!

— Michael Cohen (@MichaelCohen212) October 28, 2016

“.@aGirlisN0one @DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump @Cernovich @PizzaPartyBen we will!!!” (find her)

.@HeavenPeaceLove @aGirlisN0one @DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump @Cernovich @PizzaPartyBen I have asked local friends to check daily.

— Michael Cohen (@MichaelCohen212) October 28, 2016

“.@HeavenPeaceLove @aGirlisN0one @DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump @Cernovich @PizzaPartyBen I have asked local friends to check daily.”

.@UnpopularTruth3 @DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump No…please DM me.

— Michael Cohen (@MichaelCohen212) October 28, 2016

“.@UnpopularTruth3 @DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump No…please DM me.”

.@sandra48050139 with everyone's love and help, this woman will have the last laugh on these thugs

— Michael Cohen (@MichaelCohen212) October 28, 2016

“.@sandra48050139 with everyone’s love and help, this woman will have the last laugh on these thugs”

.@Mallory_McLean @bocavista2016 @DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump that's for the police to do. Let's hope

— Michael Cohen (@MichaelCohen212) October 28, 2016

“.@Mallory_McLean @bocavista2016 @DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump that’s for the police to do. Let’s hope”

.@WvBoy51 @can_texplain @DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump or be treated like this.

— Michael Cohen (@MichaelCohen212) October 28, 2016

“.@WvBoy51 @can_texplain @DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump or be treated like this.”

.@Malthrax @CassandraRules I have a friend who went and she was gone. He will return daily until we find her.

— Michael Cohen (@MichaelCohen212) October 28, 2016

“.@Malthrax @CassandraRules I have a friend who went and she was gone. He will return daily until we find her.”

.@CassandraRules @DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump I sure will.

— Michael Cohen (@MichaelCohen212) October 28, 2016

“.@CassandraRules @DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump I sure will.”

.@DianaChic1 @can_texplain @Poppy_Fields1 @DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump as did everyone I know who saw it

— Michael Cohen (@MichaelCohen212) October 28, 2016

“.@DianaChic1 @can_texplain @Poppy_Fields1 @DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump as did everyone I know who saw it”

.@taylorhamtakes @aGirlisN0one @DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump @Cernovich @PizzaPartyBen how do you know that and how do I find her?

— Michael Cohen (@MichaelCohen212) October 28, 2016

“.@taylorhamtakes @aGirlisN0one @DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump @Cernovich @PizzaPartyBen how do you know that and how do I find her?”

.@BasedReporter @CassandraRules @DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump Thank you

— Michael Cohen (@MichaelCohen212) October 28, 2016

“.@BasedReporter @CassandraRules @DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump Thank you”

.@sarahmint @taylorhamtakes No. still hoping

— Michael Cohen (@MichaelCohen212) October 29, 2016

“.@sarahmint @taylorhamtakes No. still hoping”

.@mimiminniti @sarahmint @taylorhamtakes yes!

— Michael Cohen (@MichaelCohen212) October 29, 2016

“.@mimiminniti @sarahmint @taylorhamtakes yes!”

.@russellwiley @ClydeStones @sarahmint @taylorhamtakes If anyone knows who the thugs are, call law enforcement immediately with their names.

— Michael Cohen (@MichaelCohen212) October 29, 2016

“.@russellwiley @ClydeStones @sarahmint @taylorhamtakes If anyone knows who the thugs are, call law enforcement immediately with their names.”

.@PaulaGail4 @Cernovich @HeavenPeaceLove @aGirlisN0one @DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump @PizzaPartyBen rest assured…I will

— Michael Cohen (@MichaelCohen212) October 29, 2016

“Michael Cohen ‏@MichaelCohen212 39s39 seconds ago Manhattan, NY
.@PaulaGail4 @Cernovich @HeavenPeaceLove @aGirlisN0one @DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump @PizzaPartyBen rest assured…I will”
Donnie (Putin's puppet) and his supporters are spreading false propaganda that if Hillary is elected she will start World War III. Isn't that rich, this comes from the madman, who wants to use nuclear weapons in the Middle East.


Trump World War Talk: Is Donald Trump Puppet Parroting Putin and Russian Claims President Hillary Clinton Will Start World War 3 In Syrian Civil War?

By Daniel Ketchum

The Donald Trump World War 3 talk we heard yesterday could be viewed as a sign of desperation by Trump’s campaign as they look at his likely crushing defeat in the 2016 election. Trump’s drop in recent election polls results make this a possible answer for Trump’s world war rhetoric, but another possibility is that he is being influenced by similar statements by Putin in Russia.

The Trump world war warning is odd, given that Donald Trump was asking only a few months ago in security briefings why he couldn’t just use nuclear weapons whenever he wanted to as president. He hardly seems like the one to be judging the future policies of President Hillary Clinton.

But is Trump’s accusation that a President Hillary Clinton administration will expand the Syrian Civil War into a World War Donald Trump’s idea, or is it Vladimir Putin’s? Is Donald Trump Putin’s puppet after all?

Putin and Trump

World War rhetoric is hardly unusual when coming from the Kremlin propaganda machine, but it’s a little more unsettling when the Republican nominee for president of the United States starts parroting what Putin and his cronies are saying. And as ABC News reports, the Russians have a certainly been talking about a world war in the media.

But throughout the 2016 election campaign, Donald Trump has made his admiration of – and even fondness for – Vladimir Putin clear. It’s led many people in the West to view Trump as nothing more than a puppet of the Putin regime – what Vladimir Lenin referred to as a “useful idiot.”

The Trump Putin bromance is deeply unsettling for both Democratic and Republican politicians. Even Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has condemned Donald Trump for praising Putin on a regular basis. Certainly, Ronald Reagan would be spinning in his grave to hear the supposed leader of the Republican Party throwing in with a Russian dictator.

World War 3 Politics

Using the threat of a new world war to try to influence voters in an upcoming election is – somewhat surprisingly for younger voters – not a new approach for a presidential candidate. Long before Donald Trump brought up the subject of World War 3 in the 2016 election, Lyndon Johnson was doing something very similar in a 1964 anti-Goldwater commercial.

But this kind of fear mongering rhetoric about the opponent in a presidential campaign starting a World War if elected should probably be out of bounds — whether Democrats or Republicans are behind it. Of course, in the current election it wasn’t “nasty woman” Hillary Clinton saying it, but Donald Trump.

The Donald Trump Puppet

Many commentators have noted Donald Trump’s fondness for self-praise. But if there’s anything Trump likes more than praising himself, it’s hearing someone else do it. This may be one reason why he’s so fond of Vladimir Putin and Russia, since Putin and his Kremlin minions have frequently said nice things about Trump.

But there could be another reason why Donald Trump seems perfectly willing to repeat Putin’s World War 3 propaganda. Donald Trump has close business ties with Russia, having received hundreds of millions of dollars from Russia and Russian business interests over the last few years.

As reported by ABC News, one of Donald Trump’s principal supporters — and his former campaign manager in the 2016 election — Paul Manafort has had very close ties to the Kremlin for years. Manafort received large sums of money helping Russia try to keep a pro-Russian dictator in place in the Ukraine.

Do the Donald Trump World War 3 claims prove that he’s just a puppet of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin? No, they don’t. But the alternative is almost worse. It could be that Donald Trump has no views of his own on world international relations, and simply grabs on to anything he sees in the media, such as Putin’s claims that American “aggression” in the Syrian Civil War will start a third world war. Link
How nasty and messy can it get? Just 11 days before the election the Republican FBI chief gets into the act LOL Now how suspicious is that? The most erratic elections ever.
we'll see in 10 days or so :partay:

btw, not aware of your political leanings or situation but Mr Trump met the good General earlier when he was down for some UN business

very presidential
Trump won't critique Sisi while he is deporting millions of innocent people, hence why he likes him. That and all you need to do to become a personal favorite of donald trump is to praise him. Sissi is looking for that aid money like an idiot to spend on the military instead of fixing the economy.
Did you even read my post (1908) and watched the video that I posted?

And where are you getting this cheap propaganda from “communist leaning minority” and “single mom votes”. Poll after poll has shown that majority of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians (highly educated and many of them owned small businesses) women, young and voters with college degree are supporting her, on the other hand, Trump support comes from mostly white men without college degree and of course, the racist scums.
If your concern is hate and violence then you have more to fear Hillary and her supporters who don't even spare homeless people from their violent, anti-free speech attacks. Hillary's campaign paid mentally disturbed people to go and disrupt Trump rallies and attack Trump supporters, and yet you're here b!tching about "racist scum"? When was the last time massive groups of Trump supporters jumped and hunted down Hillary supporters outside a Hillary rally like Hillary supporters did to Trump supporters in San Jose? The so called "alt-right" you keep bringing up is basically non-existent in real life, it's just a movement of a bunch of internet trolls who have nothing better to do than to trigger SJW morons who react like cry babies when their pacifier is taken away from them :lol: and that is what feeds the trolls (honestly, i don't blame the trolls, if i could get a reaction like that out of someone then i would do it for the sake of amusement too). The only reason why the "alt-right" exists is because of SJW culture, ie; getting easily offended by words (freedom of speech).

Outside every Trump rally Trump supporters get brutally beat up and intimidated, Trump signs get stolen, Trump supporters properties get vandalized. Anyone wearing a MAGA hat gets attacked for exercising their Freedom of Expression (a Constitutional RIGHT). Anyone openly voicing their support for Trump receive death threats, lose their jobs, are called racists, bigots, xenophobes, sexists, and all of those other politically correct buzzwords meant to suppress free speech. The fact that Trump supporters don't allow any of this to intimidate them from expressing their support for Trump goes to show their resilience and enthusiasm (something Hillary's (paid) "supporters" lack) and their commitment to preserving America.

People like YOU and your fellow Hillary supporters who fabricate and then propagate falsehoods, who cannot tolerate others right to freedom of expression, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of association, etc.. prove Trump right when he said that we should only allow those into America who are willing to honor, accept, and preserve our American Values (highlighted in bold), which YOU don't. After seeing all of the violence, bigotry, intolerance, blatant lies and unprecedented corruption from the Hillary camp and yet despite that you still support her only goes to show the kind of people Americans, due to their gullibility and naivety, have allowed into their ranks only so that you could throw dirt on their values by supporting a corrupt politician and her supporters who would do everything in their power to sh!t on the a rights of their fellow Americans to further their own agenda. People like YOU will stop at nothing until you turn this country into just another third world banana republic where using violence to suppress political dissent and opposing views will be the norm, where there will be no one to check the corruption in government and justice and law and order will take a back seat to everything else.

Donnie (Putin's puppet) and his supporters are spreading false propaganda that if Hillary is elected she will start World War III. Isn't that rich, this comes from the madman, who wants to use nuclear weapons in the Middle East.

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Trump World War Talk: Is Donald Trump Puppet Parroting Putin and Russian Claims President Hillary Clinton Will Start World War 3 In Syrian Civil War?

By Daniel Ketchum

The Donald Trump World War 3 talk we heard yesterday could be viewed as a sign of desperation by Trump’s campaign as they look at his likely crushing defeat in the 2016 election. Trump’s drop in recent election polls results make this a possible answer for Trump’s world war rhetoric, but another possibility is that he is being influenced by similar statements by Putin in Russia.

The Trump world war warning is odd, given that Donald Trump was asking only a few months ago in security briefings why he couldn’t just use nuclear weapons whenever he wanted to as president. He hardly seems like the one to be judging the future policies of President Hillary Clinton.

But is Trump’s accusation that a President Hillary Clinton administration will expand the Syrian Civil War into a World War Donald Trump’s idea, or is it Vladimir Putin’s? Is Donald Trump Putin’s puppet after all?

Putin and Trump

World War rhetoric is hardly unusual when coming from the Kremlin propaganda machine, but it’s a little more unsettling when the Republican nominee for president of the United States starts parroting what Putin and his cronies are saying. And as ABC News reports, the Russians have a certainly been talking about a world war in the media.

But throughout the 2016 election campaign, Donald Trump has made his admiration of – and even fondness for – Vladimir Putin clear. It’s led many people in the West to view Trump as nothing more than a puppet of the Putin regime – what Vladimir Lenin referred to as a “useful idiot.”

The Trump Putin bromance is deeply unsettling for both Democratic and Republican politicians. Even Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has condemned Donald Trump for praising Putin on a regular basis. Certainly, Ronald Reagan would be spinning in his grave to hear the supposed leader of the Republican Party throwing in with a Russian dictator.

World War 3 Politics

Using the threat of a new world war to try to influence voters in an upcoming election is – somewhat surprisingly for younger voters – not a new approach for a presidential candidate. Long before Donald Trump brought up the subject of World War 3 in the 2016 election, Lyndon Johnson was doing something very similar in a 1964 anti-Goldwater commercial.

But this kind of fear mongering rhetoric about the opponent in a presidential campaign starting a World War if elected should probably be out of bounds — whether Democrats or Republicans are behind it. Of course, in the current election it wasn’t “nasty woman” Hillary Clinton saying it, but Donald Trump.

The Donald Trump Puppet

Many commentators have noted Donald Trump’s fondness for self-praise. But if there’s anything Trump likes more than praising himself, it’s hearing someone else do it. This may be one reason why he’s so fond of Vladimir Putin and Russia, since Putin and his Kremlin minions have frequently said nice things about Trump.

But there could be another reason why Donald Trump seems perfectly willing to repeat Putin’s World War 3 propaganda. Donald Trump has close business ties with Russia, having received hundreds of millions of dollars from Russia and Russian business interests over the last few years.

As reported by ABC News, one of Donald Trump’s principal supporters — and his former campaign manager in the 2016 election — Paul Manafort has had very close ties to the Kremlin for years. Manafort received large sums of money helping Russia try to keep a pro-Russian dictator in place in the Ukraine.

Do the Donald Trump World War 3 claims prove that he’s just a puppet of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin? No, they don’t. But the alternative is almost worse. It could be that Donald Trump has no views of his own on world international relations, and simply grabs on to anything he sees in the media, such as Putin’s claims that American “aggression” in the Syrian Civil War will start a third world war. Link
And what evidence does your Wall Street puppet Hillary have that Trump is working for Putin other than conspiracy theories?

Let's hope Trump pulls it off by a miracle. He'll surely make America great again. I can't wait for this orange head to guide America in uncharted territory.
I just had a laugh of my life. :lol:

As I have been saying repeatedly that Trump is not presidential material, he is an idiot, oh but wait a minute, he's a billionaire, how can he be an idiot, some will say…………..well, it's the age, stupid, he's a 70-year-old who has totally lost his freaking mind. (Now I'm not saying that all 70-year-olds lose their mind)

The idiot and many of his supporters were praising far left wing Michael Moore’s new film, Michael Moore in TrumpLand, but guess what, they did not even realized that actually the film is pro-Hillary Clinton. :lol:

Michael Moore appearing on the Fox news with Megyn Kelly a few hours after Donnie said he “agrees with Moore's assessment that his campaign is going to be the biggest **** you ever recorded in human history”

Since the clip is gone viral and has become a rallying cry for Donnie's campaign, Moore told Kelly, the clip that has gone viral in was DOCTORED, it cuts off just before he delivers his primary message, the tape is cut off after Moore says “it will feel good”, but then in the next line (which was cut off) ,he says “for a day, or maybe a week”, but when you find out that your life isn't going to get any better under Pres. Trump and will probably get worse, that's when you're going to realize what the Brits have realized (Brexit vote BS).

“If we elect Donald Trump as president of this country, it won't be the same country after four years”. “I'm absolutely convinced of that”.

This is the most vile, disgusting candidates that's ever run for office in this country”.

Moore, speaking directly to Donnie supporters on Fox news, said, “I understand why you are angry, you have every right to be angry, the system has failed you, but he is not the solution.

Moore said, If Trump had watched the complete film, he wouldn't be promoting it, because the message is to get out and vote for Hillary Clinton.

Kelly then asked Moore, “why were you against her when she ran against Obama and you were against her in the primaries, you like that Bernie, you seem to be reluctant Hillary supporter”. Moore said that he doesn't like that she voted for Iraq war and thinks she is too cozy with the Wall Street, the wiki leaks revelations don't bother him at all, “I care about woman should be paid the same as men, I care about the polar ice caps melting, the big big issues, we have a choice between somebody who is smart, who has a heart, who's going to stand up for kids and for families and working people and we have a billionaire who just say this these things trying to pretend that he cares”. Watch the entire video and have fun.

Damn idiot's tweak. :lol:

Micheal Moore to Trump Supporters: He is The Most "Vile," "Disgusting" Candidate Ever.:lol:

@Darmashkian the clip you posted was doctored (Link), you seem like a good person, but sorry to say you are supporting a jackass, the man is a total embarrassment.
Hehe Who said I supported Trump? As I said before,I am just studying & going through this election because it is very different compared to the previous ones. Never before has such a candidate come so close to winning POTUS. Even Stephen Hawking & the GOP elite have no explanation for such a phenomena ever happening.

Hillary is just..... I'm sorry to say a typical establishment politico who is corrupt & boring unlike Trump who is very interesting & funny->publicly talking of jailing Hillary is a good example

Yes I admit a small part of me wants Trump to win to see the impact of his election on the USA & how he will "govern" the nation.:usflag::D:P But it is a small part.
Frankly speaking both candidate suck,I have made this clear many times even while talking with LAsekarachi & KAl-El. I am not going to debate who is worse.

& secondly read Micheal Moore's writings(5 reasons why Trump will win-post ) & my previous posts on this carefully.
He is a hard core leftie & opposes Trump totally,but he has illustrated really good reasons why so many Americans(Especially from the working class) support him. i NEVER indicated he supported Trump,Never. But he correctly illustrated why so many people support him. He has illustrated the strong hatred of the establishment among millions of Americans, they don't like Trump,but they hate DC more...
& lastly,I should be the one laughing,not you. Tens of Millions of your fellow Americans love this guy :lol::cheesy: He has taken on women,muslims & many other groups. He has few consistent policy views & yet he is winning this election??

Neo-Nazis,White nationalists & supremacists LOVE this guy ..... & he is still in the running :lol: So much for a tolerant multi-culti USA.

USA gives lectures to the rest of the world on religious freedom & one candidate with atleast 40%+ support proudly talks of banning Muslims from it.. LOL

& what's even more funny is that despite his impulsiveness,ignorance,arrogance & multiple flaws,he still has tens of millions of fans actually love him for that & he is still close to winning:cheesy:

The world is laughing,horrified & baffled at what is currently happening in USA. You should be very concerned the way Tens of Millions of Americans on both sides think..

The American nation & it's elite should be the one embarrassed & concerned that such a guy could get this far in your nation,that the guy who is Pro-Russia & has links with the Kremlin is close to becoming the POTUS & the leader of 'the free world' & NATO.:rofl: Wasn't he asking his advisors a few weeks ago why can't we use nukes??
[If he starts a nuclear war,we are blaming the USA for it,though I don't think he will]

& the racists,xenophobes,white power guys have come out as his supporters in the open... & even if he loses they are going nowhere. They will stay & continue voting & if the time comes,turn to violence! Trump could be the beginning for all you know,he is not the end but the beginning. Now even if HC wins,immigration "reform" will be tougher to pass cause the Repubs will be anxious to keep all the anti-illegal immigration voters with them for example.

Trump's rise has shown that the masses are sick to death of the Leftist PC of their self-serving elite & want to give them a tight slap for the damage they have done! The fact that there are Tens of Millions of such people should keep any of the elite from sleeping at night.

& let me be clear,I hate the self-serving elite & MSM of any nation including mine & yours,that's why you think I support Trump.They are totally against him & that's why I post against them or attack them.

I don't like Trump & wouldn't vote/support him,but I hate & despire the Elite!

Had Sanders been the Dem nominee vs Jeb Bush, you would think I support Sanders(though I don't like him too,too socialistic for me)

Let's hope Trump pulls it off by a miracle. He'll surely make America great again. I can't wait for this orange head to guide America in uncharted territory.
Hehe... how much do you think the American stocks(NASDAQ) on a whole will fall by on the day the results come out & this guy wins??

I am guessing15-20% , but there will be some exceptions like construction companies & the Fossil fuel ones. The mexican currency too will go down if he wins
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Nice, looks like even liberal publications (nyt/wapo) are giving the event and related fallout in the polls some good coverage in this final stretch.

Expect the crooked clinton crime syndicate to try and strike back with another salacious scandal (which is about all they have ever managed on Trump) anytime now. I think he's probably wrapped this us by now if he doesn't fumble and give them any new substantive ammo to use against him these next few days, weak sauce like Trump being an asshole 15 years ago to some random beauty queen type stuff just wont cut it in the face of crooked hillary being investigated by the FBI for criminal/professional misconduct while serving as the United State's secretary of state.

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