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Hillary's America: Clinton Supporters Beat Up Homeless Black Woman

@T-72 @Nilgiri @C130 @Falcon29

Really? Thanks for the sucker punch. I'd rather have the Corporate in the White House than a lying middleman/woman career politician.
Hillary has actually got Muslims killed in Libya and Syria and Iraq.

Hillary Sadistic Meme.jpg
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Could be Obama's final F U to Hillary for all the BS she did to him earlier hehe.
final FU wut ?

Some have speculated that there is some bad blood between the Obamas and the Clinton crime syndicate but she is also his only hope for saving both his legacy international and domestic policy legislations with the Iran and affordable healthcare act respectively. He was "really into electing Hillary"

could this FBI re-investigation news really have changed things so much ? :o:

we should all hope so, god, I so want to see the witch and her crooked campaign crash, burn and go down in a pile of toxic shite, glorious ! :big_boss:
I just had a laugh of my life. :lol:

As I have been saying repeatedly that Trump is not presidential material, he is an idiot, oh but wait a minute, he's a billionaire, how can he be an idiot, some will say…………..well, it's the age, stupid, he's a 70-year-old who has totally lost his freaking mind. (Now I'm not saying that all 70-year-olds lose their mind)

The idiot and many of his supporters were praising far left wing Michael Moore’s new film, Michael Moore in TrumpLand, but guess what, they did not even realized that actually the film is pro-Hillary Clinton. :lol:

Michael Moore appearing on the Fox news with Megyn Kelly a few hours after Donnie said he “agrees with Moore's assessment that his campaign is going to be the biggest **** you ever recorded in human history”

Since the clip is gone viral and has become a rallying cry for Donnie's campaign, Moore told Kelly, the clip that has gone viral in was DOCTORED, it cuts off just before he delivers his primary message, the tape is cut off after Moore says “it will feel good”, but then in the next line (which was cut off) ,he says “for a day, or maybe a week”, but when you find out that your life isn't going to get any better under Pres. Trump and will probably get worse, that's when you're going to realize what the Brits have realized (Brexit vote BS).

“If we elect Donald Trump as president of this country, it won't be the same country after four years”. “I'm absolutely convinced of that”.

This is the most vile, disgusting candidates that's ever run for office in this country”.

Moore, speaking directly to Donnie supporters on Fox news, said, “I understand why you are angry, you have every right to be angry, the system has failed you, but he is not the solution.

Moore said, If Trump had watched the complete film, he wouldn't be promoting it, because the message is to get out and vote for Hillary Clinton.

Kelly then asked Moore, “why were you against her when she ran against Obama and you were against her in the primaries, you like that Bernie, you seem to be reluctant Hillary supporter”. Moore said that he doesn't like that she voted for Iraq war and thinks she is too cozy with the Wall Street, the wiki leaks revelations don't bother him at all, “I care about woman should be paid the same as men, I care about the polar ice caps melting, the big big issues, we have a choice between somebody who is smart, who has a heart, who's going to stand up for kids and for families and working people and we have a billionaire who just say this these things trying to pretend that he cares”. Watch the entire video and have fun.

Damn idiot's tweak. :lol:

Micheal Moore to Trump Supporters: He is The Most "Vile," "Disgusting" Candidate Ever.:lol:

@Darmashkian the clip you posted was doctored (Link), you seem like a good person, but sorry to say you are supporting a jackass, the man is a total embarrassment.
could this FBI re-investigation news really have changed things so much ? :o:

I get what you are saying and its probably why the obamas leased michelle for hillary's use lately (given what michelle said about hillary way back in 08 during the bad blood)....but I think they are burning bridges now because the emails really are that bad (content wise). Could also just be a hedge to wait and see how much they can push the FBI to keep playing ball with them.

I think whatever it is, it could quite possibly be the real big stuff Russia was holding on to for the right time. They don't want this crazy hag anywhere near syria goading them for world war 3.
final FU wut ?

Some have speculated that there is some bad blood between the Obamas and the Clinton crime syndicate but she is also his only hope for saving both his legacy international and domestic policy legislations with the Iran and affordable healthcare act respectively. He was "really into electing Hillary"

could this FBI re-investigation news really have changed things so much ? :o:

we should all hope so, god, I so want to see the witch and her crooked campaign crash, burn and go down in a pile of toxic shite, glorious ! :big_boss:

Looks like, it was a propaganda...

I get what you are saying and its probably why the obamas leased michelle for hillary's use lately (given what michelle said about hillary way back in 08 during the bad blood)....but I think they are burning bridges now because the emails really are that bad (content wise). Could also just be a hedge to wait and see how much they can push the FBI to keep playing ball with them.

I think whatever it is, it could quite possibly be the real big stuff Russia was holding on to for the right time. They don't want this crazy hag anywhere near syria goading them for world war 3.
if that's the case, not only are they burning bridges, they are jumping ship, and abandoning all hope of a continued legacy by giving up on the ACA as well as the Iran deal (which we had heard surprisingly little of lately but Trump hammered that point all during the primaries and many times in the general)

Keep in mind also that he's also been outed with his lie of not knowing of her e-mails, could be that in his calculus now he's decided that his legacy as the 'first black guy' will endure, nevermind the historic legislations he signed, crooked Hillary and the Clinton crime syndicate stink just too much. :)

was doctored
what "doctored" ? everyone knows Moore is hardcore liberal lefty and hates Trump, what he said there was that because the system has failed a large section of Americans, he predicts that they will now use the vote to put him in the white house.

Trump is winning big league with 'working class' whites, and if they turn out en masse like it looks like they will, crooked hillary has no chance to offset that with her advantage with communist leaning minority and single mom votes. :smokin:

she is going down, big league, and nobody and nothing can stop the slide now, you should resign from CTR. :coffee:

yeah, it would have been a bit much for him to cancel all campaigning with her, they'll fight, but they're still going down, game's over for crooked hillary. 8-)
what "doctored" ? everyone knows Moore is hardcore liberal lefty and hates Trump, what he said there was that because the system has failed a large section of Americans, he predicts that they will now use the vote to put him in the white house.

Trump is winning big league with 'working class' whites, and if they turn out en masse like it looks like they will, crooked hillary has no chance to offset that with her advantage with communist leaning minority and single mom votes.
Did you even read my post (1908) and watched the video that I posted?

And where are you getting this cheap propaganda from “communist leaning minority” and “single mom votes”. Poll after poll has shown that majority of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians (highly educated and many of them owned small businesses) women, young and voters with college degree are supporting her, on the other hand, Trump support comes from mostly white men without college degree and of course, the racist scums.
Did you even read my post (1908) and watched the video that I posted?

And where are you getting this cheap propaganda from “communist leaning minority” and “single mom votes”. Poll after poll has shown that majority of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians (highly educated and many of them owned small businesses) women, young and voters with college degree are supporting her, on the other hand, Trump support comes from mostly white men without college degree and of course, the racist scums.

Polls are not reflective. There is the basket of deplorables as Hillary puts it and the simply tired blue collar white and hispanic class that will vote for trump. Some not because they really care if is a child molester or not; but because they are sick of the system.
Did you even read my post (1908) and watched the video that I posted?
yes I did, and so what ? Trump is a busy guy, obviously hasn't watched the movie, what he does agree with is Moore's analysis of disaffected citizens putting him in office, which they will.

And where are you getting this cheap propaganda from “communist leaning minority” and “single mom votes”. Poll after poll has shown that majority of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians (highly educated and many of them owned small businesses) women, young and voters with college degree are supporting her, on the other hand, Trump support comes from mostly white men without college degree and of course, the racist scums.
there you go deriding regular people and Trump supporters again, could it be that the coastal elite have a bit of a disconnect with the 'murrican heartland ? o_O

Native whites, along with common sense minority voters who don't want ww3, will overwhelm the ballot to offset any big advantage she has with her core demographic of left leaning betas, SJWs, feminists and minorities, of which not all will be rabid followers and fans, but many will use this as a sign of protest, Trump their human wrecking ball/grenade/molotov cocktail, call him what you will. :)

here, watch a Trump rally live:


I am enjoying this immensely. :rofl:

Huma Abedin husband is a pedophile!!!!

The smoking gun is the emails (probably hillary emails) found among this disturbing content that everyone has now heard about the FBI "reopening".

Stay tuned and watch the hag go down in flames.

I am enjoying this immensely. :rofl:

Huma Abedin husband is a pedophile!!!!

The smoking gun is the emails (probably hillary emails) found among this disturbing content that everyone has now heard about the FBI "reopening".

Stay tuned and watch the hag go down in flames.
lmao, even Cenk and his TYT muppets were joking that this is proof that the Clintons are innocent else they'd have murdered Wiener long ago when :sarcastic:

also, Trump's been on his case since the primaries

big, bing, bong :omghaha:

man, how I miss the primaries, those were explosive rallies, and regardless of who wins and loses, I'll have serious US Election withdrawals when this is done :(

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