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Republican used to dominate early voting, but in this election Democrats are not just catching up, but in many states are ahead of Republicans.

Clinton enjoys solid lead in early voting: Reuters/Ipsos poll

By Maurice Tamman | NEW YORK 10/30/2016

With 11 days to go before the U.S. presidential election, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton leads Republican Donald Trump by 15 percentage points among early voters surveyed in the past two weeks, according to the Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project.

Though data is not available for all early voting states, Clinton enjoys an edge in swing states such as Ohio and Arizona and in Republican Party strongholds such as Georgia and Texas.

An estimated 19 million Americans have voted so far in the election, according to the University of Florida’s United States Election Project, accounting for as much as 20 percent of the electorate.

Overall, Clinton remained on track to win a majority of votes in the Electoral College, the Reuters/Ipsos survey showed.

Having so many ballots locked down before the Nov. 8 election is good news for the Clinton campaign. On Friday, the Federal Bureau of Investigation announced that it is examining newly discovered emails belonging to Clinton’s close aide, Huma Abedin. Those emails were found on a computer belonging to Anthony Weiner, Abedin’s estranged husband, during an unrelated investigation into illicit messages he is alleged to have sent to a teenage girl. The Reuters/Ipsos survey was conducted before the news emerged Friday afternoon.

It remains unclear whether the FBI inquiry will upset the balance in the race. The bureau disclosed nothing about the Abedin emails, including whether any of the messages were sent by or to Clinton. Over the summer, the FBI said it was closing its investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email system while secretary of state. Until Friday, her campaign seemed to have weathered the initial FBI email probe.

Clinton has held a lead averaging four to seven percentage points in polls in recent weeks as the Trump campaign wrestled with accusations by women of groping and other sexual advances. Trump has said none of the accusations are true. He also struggled in the recent presidential debates and faced questions about his taxes.

As of Thursday, Clinton’s odds of receiving the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win the presidency remained at greater than 95 percent, according to State of the Nation polling results released Saturday. The project estimated she would win by 320 votes to 218, with 278 votes solidly for the Democrat.

Clinton’s lead among early voters is similar to the lead enjoyed by President Barack Obama over Republican Mitt Romney at this point of the 2012 race, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll taken at the time. Obama won the election by 332 electoral votes to Romney’s 206.

But even before the latest email news, it had been a difficult week for Clinton. News coverage of Trump’s accusers had diminished, while Clinton confronted the almost daily release by WikiLeaks of emails purportedly hacked from her campaign manager’s account. This week’s leaked messages raised questions about former President Bill Clinton’s finances.

And her lead in the States of the Nation project fell slightly from last week. Though the projected Electoral College votes hardly moved, the number of states solidly for Clinton slid from 25 to 20 this week. Trump didn’t see any additional states tilt solidly to him, but he did see some gains: The swing states of Pennsylvania, Colorado, Iowa and Nevada all moved from leaning to Clinton to being too close to call.

Still, Trump’s path to a victory is narrow, and any realistic chance rests on his winning Ohio, North Carolina and Florida. As of Thursday, Ohio remained a toss-up. Florida and North Carolina were still tilting toward Clinton, according to the States of the Nation results.

Early voting data for Florida and North Carolina was not yet available this week. In Ohio, Clinton led Trump by double digits among early voters. The project’s broader polling suggests the state is deadlocked between the two candidates.

In Arizona, Clinton also was solidly ahead among early voters. In the past month, Arizona has gradually moved from a solid Trump state to a marginal Clinton state, although it is still too close to call, according to the project results.

In Georgia, she enjoyed a similar lead among early voters. Overall, Georgia leans to Trump, but his lead narrowed to five percentage points this week, down from eights points last week and 13 points a month ago.

Even in Texas, where Trump enjoys a sizable lead, Clinton has a double-digit edge among early voters, according to project results.

The States of the Nation project is a survey of about 15,000 people every week in all 50 states plus Washington D.C. State by state results are available by visiting here

Meanwhile a Trump supporter was arrested for voter fraud.

Voter fraud suspect arrested in Des Moines

A Des Moines woman has been arrested on suspicion of voting twice this month in the general election, police and court records show.

Terri Lynn Rote, 55, was booked into the Polk County Jail about 3:40 p.m. Thursday on a first-degree election misconduct charge, which is a Class D felony.

Rote, a registered Republican, reportedly cast an early voting ballot at the Polk County Election Office, 120 Second Ave., and another ballot at a county satellite voting location in Des Moines, according to a Des Moines police report.

Rote was one of three voter fraud suspects reported to police Wednesday by the Polk County Auditor's Office. Read more

yes I did, and so what ? Trump is a busy guy, obviously hasn't watched the movie, what he does agree with is Moore's analysis of disaffected citizens putting him in office, which they will.
Trump is promoting a doctored video, that's fraud, and you're telling me so what, “he is a busy man”, amazing.

there you go deriding regular people and Trump supporters again, could it be that the coastal elite have a bit of a disconnect with the 'murrican heartland ? o_O

Native whites, along with common sense minority voters who don't want ww3, will overwhelm the ballot to offset any big advantage she has with her core demographic of left leaning betas, SJWs, feminists and minorities, of which not all will be rabid followers and fans, but many will use this as a sign of protest, Trump their human wrecking ball/grenade/molotov cocktail, call him what you will.
I just told you what the polls are showing, you on the other hand, are just making up stories.

If @RabzonKhan and @Desert Fox were neighbours:

My home is better looking:D




Nice, looks like even liberal publications (nyt/wapo) are giving the event and related fallout in the polls some good coverage in this final stretch.

Expect the crooked clinton crime syndicate to try and strike back with another salacious scandal (which is about all they have ever managed on Trump) anytime now. I think he's probably wrapped this us by now if he doesn't fumble and give them any new substantive ammo to use against him these next few days, weak sauce like Trump being an asshole 15 years ago to some random beauty queen type stuff just wont cut it in the face of crooked hillary being investigated by the FBI for criminal/professional misconduct while serving as the United State's secretary of state.

At this point they have to, otherwise they risk looking like a bunch of buffoons if they overlook this whole mess.

LMAO, Hillary is sh!tting her pants over this new FBI investigation, whatta cry baby ha ha

Wow this is fukced up, Hillary Clinton doesn't even spare dead Black people for her political gains @Nilgiri @T-72 @C130 @boomslang


The Hillary Clinton campaign came under fire from Erica Garner on Thursday, the daughter of Eric Garner who was killed by a police officer in New York City, after the latest batch of emails released by WikiLeaks revealed how the Democratic presidential nominee talked about her father’s death.

In a series of tweets, Garner expressed anger at the information that poured out from the email release.

“I’m troubled by the revelation that you and this campaign actually discussed ‘using’ Eric Garner … Why would you want to ‘use my dad? she said. “These people will co opt anything to push their agenda. Police violence is not the same as gun violence.


“I'm vey (sic) interested to know exactly what @CoreyCiorciari meant when he said ‘I know we have an Erica Garner problem’ in the #PodestaEmails19,” she added.

Garner also tweeted out links to hacked emails from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta that show staffers trying to figure out how to word an editorial on gun violence that would later run in the New York Daily News.

“I know we have Erica Garner issues but we don't want to mention Eric at all? I can see her coming after us for leaving him out of the piece,” Clinton press secretary Nick Merrill wrote in an email.

Another aide Maya Harris chimed in saying, “Eric Garner not included because not killed by gun violence.”

Garner responded to that quip, saying she was glad that the Clinton team had Harris to explain why they wouldn’t use her father in the gun violence piece.

Eric Garner died in July 2014 after he resisted arrest for allegedly selling cigarettes illegally in Staten Island. Officer Daniel Pantaleo was seen on video taking Garner down with a chokehold. Garner died minutes later.
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Wow this is fukced up, Hillary Clinton doesn't even spare dead Black people for her political gains @Nilgiri @T-72 @C130 @boomslang

The Hillary Clinton campaign came under fire from Erica Garner on Thursday, the daughter of Eric Garner who was killed by a police officer in New York City, after the latest batch of emails released by WikiLeaks revealed how the Democratic presidential nominee talked about her father’s death.

In a series of tweets, Garner expressed anger at the information that poured out from the email release.

“I’m troubled bey th revelation that you and this campaign actually discussed ‘using’ Eric Garner … Why would you want to ‘use my dad? she said. “These people will co opt anything to push their agenda. Police violence is not the same as gun violence.


“I'm vey (sic) interested to know exactly what @CoreyCiorciari meant when he said ‘I know we have an Erica Garner problem’ in the #PodestaEmails19,” she added.

Garner also tweeted out links to hacked emails from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta that show staffers trying to figure out how to word an editorial on gun violence that would later run in the New York Daily News.

“I know we have Erica Garner issues but we don't want to mention Eric at all? I can see her coming after us for leaving him out of the piece,” Clinton press secretary Nick Merrill wrote in an email.

Another aide Maya Harris chimed in saying, “Eric Garner not included because not killed by gun violence.”

Garner responded to that quip, saying she was glad that the Clinton team had Harris to explain why they wouldn’t use her father in the gun violence piece.

Eric Garner died in July 2014 after he resisted arrest for allegedly selling cigarettes illegally in Staten Island. Officer Daniel Pantaleo was seen on video taking Garner down with a chokehold. Garner died minutes later.

Well hildabeest knows shes done if she loses, so has to throw absolutely every dirty trick and kitchen sink at the "deplorables" and "average americans" that she despises.

I am very pleased that finally a character like Trump has come around and not some typical republican establishment twit....its showing everyone exactly what the democrat political class is....and you can only vote for them under the guise of welfarism and leftism. Everything else (morals, leadership, ethics, maintaining world peace, social stability) has been thoroughly exposed to be a sham. You can only vote for this hag for free (short term) welfare....and hold your nose (if you have any decency) when you receive it.
Well hildabeest knows shes done if she loses, so has to throw absolutely every dirty trick and kitchen sink at the "deplorables" and "average americans" that she despises.

I am very pleased that finally a character like Trump has come around and not some typical republican establishment twit....its showing everyone exactly what the democrat political class is....and you can only vote for them under the guise of welfarism and leftism. Everything else (morals, leadership, ethics, maintaining world peace, social stability) has been thoroughly exposed to be a sham. You can only vote for this hag for free (short term) welfare....and hold your nose (if you have any decency) when you receive it.
Trump really has been a great blessing in disguise for America. His running for President has exposed not only the Republican twits and that fake Socialist wannabe Bernie who betrayed his own supporters by endorsing the crazy hag, to be nothing more than controlled opposition supported by the same elitist special interest groups, but the mainstream media has also shown its true colors with its one sided coverage of the Presidential campaign and the non-stop round-th e-clock attacks on Donald Trump while completely ignoring Hillary's corruption scandals and the wikileaks exposure of her back door deals and two-faced stance on important issues, thus losing the 4% of credibility they even had left within the American people.

Trump truly is the "human molotov", the "biggest f*ck you" to the establishment.

Trump American Flag & M4.jpg
Bernie, the fake Socialist, betrayed his own supporters by endorsing the ISIS supporting Corporate hag Hillary. Too bad he hasn't returned the millions in donations back to his supporters :lol:, what a fakester. Pi$$ed on his own people and now he's chilling in his new $600,000 home in Vermont (his THIRD HOME) while millions of his supporters are dirt poor and could barely afford their own apartment. Whatever happened to his Communist ideals? :lol: No wonder he endorsed the corrupt Witch, because he's no different from her. Which is why millions of his supporters were disappointed in him when he went back on his words LMAO!!.

Hillary Clinton has already made it clear she wants to start a Nuclear war with Russia in order to protect "moderate" Terrorists (AKA ISIS). Anyone claiming that the crazy hag Hillary is better than Trump lacks sanity.




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Bernie, the fake Socialist, betrayed his own supporters by endorsing the ISIS supporting Corporate hag Hillary. Too bad he hasn't returned the millions in donations back to his supporters :lol:, what a fakester. Pi$$ed on his own people and now he's chilling in his new $600,000 home in Vermont (his THIRD HOME), whatever happened to his Communist ideals? :lol: No wonder he endorsed the corrupt Witch, because he's no different from her. Which is why millions of his supporters were disappointed in him when he went back on his words LMAO!!.

Bernie, the life-long progressive, is a "fakester"? But the "populist" former reality TV star Manhattan billionaire isn't? Lol. And sorry to burst your bubble yet again, but Bernie's supporters are mostly voting for Clinton. Meanwhile, very few are voting for Trump. He's still a senator and will continue to fight for his ideas.

While "successful capitalist" Trump will likely go back to running businesses into the ground, and claiming huge tax breaks from the government. What a fake...

Donald Trump Rally in Greeley, CO 10/30/16

Donald Trump Rally in Albuquerque, NM

Donald Trump Rally in Las Vegas, NV

Meanwhile crooked hillary campaigned at a Miami bar and drew a huge crowd of 5 people


crazy, and then there was the Kaine rally from a few days ago where 30 people showed up, I also noticed that she does quite a few campaign stops, that is, going to an event where people are already there for either a concert or a party or whatever, not specifically for her, because nobody wants to see her.

Bernie, the fake Socialist, betrayed his own supporters by endorsing the ISIS supporting Corporate hag Hillary. Too bad he hasn't returned the millions in donations back to his supporters :lol:, what a fakester. Pi$$ed on his own people and now he's chilling in his new $600,000 home in Vermont (his THIRD HOME) while millions of his supporters are dirt poor and could barely afford their own apartment. Whatever happened to his Communist ideals? :lol: No wonder he endorsed the corrupt Witch, because he's no different from her. Which is why millions of his supporters were disappointed in him when he went back on his words LMAO!!.

Hillary Clinton has already made it clear she wants to start a Nuclear war with Russia in order to protect "moderate" Terrorists (AKA ISIS). Anyone claiming that the crazy hag Hillary is better than Trump lacks sanity.

Isis are overrated hacks... they just came around in the age of youtube and scared the piss out of others.

What ever happened to Al Qaeeda?... the boogie man of yesterday. These terrorists are pathetic laughable looser... but what is more entertaining are looser who are scared shytless ... the elites use these boogie men to keep the dim witted in line...

The only force on the planet actually fighting these terrorists in the Pak Army.. And we're kicking their khawarji arse.
Isis are overrated hacks... they just came around in the age of youtube and scared the piss out of others.

What ever happened to Al Qaeeda?... the boogie man of yesterday. These terrorists are pathetic laughable looser... but what is more entertaining are looser who are scared shytless ... the elites use these boogie men to keep the dim witted in line...

The only force on the planet actually fighting these terrorists in the Pak Army.. And we're kicking their khawarji arse.
overrated hacks, like a junior varsity team ? :whistle:

Trump is big league, he'll take care of them.

Al Qaeda are now the Syrian "rebels", its not fair to the American taxpayer that crooked politicians like hillary clinton want to arm and finance those scumbag jihadis with their money. Trump will dump them, ally with Putin, bomb the shit out of them and end the war. :chilli:
overrated hacks, like a junior varsity team ? :whistle:

Trump is big league, he'll take care of them.

Al Qaeda are now the Syrian "rebels", its not fair to the American taxpayer that crooked politicians like hillary clinton want to arm and finance those scumbag jihadis with their money. Trump will dump them, ally with Putin, bomb the shit out of them and end the war. :chilli:

Nah... the whole Isis, al Qaeeda types are over rated... they scare the crappie out of whitie.. Mexican Christian drug lords have beheaded thousands in Mexican drug wars... they just didn't youtube it.

We ( Pakistani army) know how to handle them terrorists by kicking their arse...

in Syria... Putin is in league with the shia extremists .. it's a shia Sunni civil war... Russia is aligned with the shia i.e Assad (who is shia) and Iran who is also shia... ultimately the Sunni are doomed because they (Saudi and Co.) over played their hand with the khawarji bloodletters... ultimately the war will end up at Israels doorsteps with the shia knocking on its door with the Russians as backup... " End the War"... lol... American shortsightedness and ignorance is comical...

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