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Mein Gott!
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This election is too close for Hillary backers. Relentless attacks on Trump, and Hillary still is not too ahead.

How many people you think are secretly backing Trump, but not admitting ?
I expect many Americans from varying groups which aren't usually pro-Trump(ethnic minorities,white men with college degrees,people in liberal areas & circles) to secretly support Trump. I also expect married men & many university students to support him silently but not come out in open out of fear of their spouses or their liberal varsity campus!

But in the overall picture,I believe the actual no.s won't shift drastically towards Trump,but slightly.

I have written about this before on this thread,do use search to check it out
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A great man and a true patriot ! :usflag:

Trump 'makes me fear for the ultimate well-being of the country,' says Libertarian Bill Weld

As a resident of Massachusetts, I loved him as Governor. Wished he won election to the Senate. Nevertheless, Massachusetts had some good Republican governors, including Mitt Romney. Unfortunately, Republicans from the Northeast are treated pretty badly by other Republicans elsewhere -- not conservative enough!
As a resident of Massachusetts, I loved him as Governor. Wished he won election to the Senate. Nevertheless, Massachusetts had some good Republican governors, including Mitt Romney. Unfortunately, Republicans from the Northeast are treated pretty badly by other Republicans elsewhere -- not conservative enough!
Had Mitt Romney been running, the election would be much clearer and more civilized. Right now its just a quasi Nazi movement versus a career "we'll do things as we do".

This election is too close for Hillary backers. Relentless attacks on Trump, and Hillary still is not too ahead.

How many people you think are secretly backing Trump, but not admitting ?
Everyone with even the slightest hatred for Muslims is that is a given.
So you really think Hillary Clinton's e-mail issue is more harmful then Trumps hate and fear mongering based campaign?

Don't you think Trumps dog whistle racist rhetoric is increasing hate against Muslims, Jews and other minorities? You must be knowing that Trump had hired Stephen Bannon as his campaign chief, who used to be publisher of Breitbart news the home of racist Alt-right. The Alt-right have a huge present on the web and they're involved in anti-Muslim, Hispanic, black and Jewish hate propaganda. Thanks to Trumps hate-based campaign anti-Semitism is on the rise.

Here is a report, compiled by the ADL:

“The report, the first of its kind, presents findings based on a broad set of keywords (and keyword combinations) designed by ADL to capture anti-Semitic language on social media. Using this metric, a total of 2.6 million tweets containing language frequently found in anti-Semitic speech were posted across Twitter between August 2015 and July 2016. Those tweets had an estimated 10 billion impressions (reach), which ADL believes contributed to reinforcing and normalizing anti-Semitic language – particularly racial slurs.” Link

There are only 10 days left before the election, so far Trump is losing Electoral College battle, it's really going to be very difficult for him to turn battleground states to red, a comeback of this magnitude would be really unprecedented.

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So you really think Hillary Clinton's e-mail issue is more harmful then Trumps hate and fear mongering based campaign?

Don't you think Trumps dog whistle racist rhetoric is increasing hate against Muslims, Jews and other minorities? You must be knowing that Trump had hired Stephen Bannon as his campaign chief, who used to be publisher of Breitbart news the home of racist Alt-right. The Alt-right have a huge present on the web and they're involved in anti-Muslim, Hispanic, black and Jewish hate propaganda. Thanks to Trumps hate-based campaign anti-Semitism is on the rise.

Here is a report, compiled by the ADL:

“The report, the first of its kind, presents findings based on a broad set of keywords (and keyword combinations) designed by ADL to capture anti-Semitic language on social media. Using this metric, a total of 2.6 million tweets containing language frequently found in anti-Semitic speech were posted across Twitter between August 2015 and July 2016. Those tweets had an estimated 10 billion impressions (reach), which ADL believes contributed to reinforcing and normalizing anti-Semitic language – particularly racial slurs.” Link

There are only 10 days left before the election, so far Trump is losing Electoral College battle, it's really going to be very difficult for him to turn battleground states to red, a comeback of this magnitude would be really unprecedented.

View attachment 347119

Dude my home state always disappoints me, First Mit Romney then Donald Trump?

Why does my State have to be so Red:hitwall::hitwall:
Comey's letter is not a bombshell: Donald Trump is still unfit, and we're unlikely to learn anything new about Hillary Clinton's email error

NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Friday, October 28, 2016

As October surprises go, news that the FBI is reviving its investigation of Hillary Clinton is a bomblet, not a bombshell. In a letter to Congress, FBI Director James Comey reports that in the course of an inquiry in an unrelated case, new emails surfaced which “appear to be pertinent to the investigation” of Clinton's private server and that his agency was taking steps to “determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance” to the previously closed Clinton case. The unrelated case in question is reported by the New York Times to be an FBI inquiry into Anthony Weiner's sexting practices.

Those riding in the locomotive of the Trump train are certain to seize on this story as a way of saving themselves from what appears to be an almost inexorable wreck. At his rallies, Trump has been hammering away on WikiLeaks revelations about the Clinton Foundation, but little has emerged from that source which directly involves Hillary herself. This news from the FBI, resurrecting the email scandal just as it had begun to fade, and with a salacious but not yet understood connection to Anthony Weiner, is far better fodder for Trump's 11th hour electoral rescue attempt.

Already, Trump has tweeted “we must not let #CrookedHillary take her CRIMINAL SCHEME into the Oval Office,” and Republicans up and down the power scale are chiming in. House Speaker Paul Ryan has demanded that Hillary Clinton be denied further classified intelligence briefings of the kind that presidential candidates customarily enjoy.

Still, try as Trump and his acolytes might, this story alone is unlikely to change the near-term course of events. For one thing, according to one key clause in Comey's letter to Congress: “the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant.” In another key clause, Comey writes: "I cannot predict how long it will take us to complete this additional work." Link

Dude my home state always disappoints me, First Mit Romney then Donald Trump?

Why does my State have to be so Red:hitwall::hitwall:
Which state, my friend?

It's kinda depressing considering I know a lot of the democrats in Alaska especially for the majority Inuit people.
Oh yeah, Alaska is a solid Republican state, and the possibility of it turning blue is quite bleak, sorry my friend. The only positive thing is that it's a small state with only three electoral votes.

Electoral College Projections as of October 26th

October 27, 2016

We gathered up the projections of 14 organizations again Wednesday. While several forecasts have been updated since our last look on October 21st, not much has changed overall. Hillary Clinton now averages 306 electoral votes, Donald Trump 179. The changed forecasts are highlighted in bold in the table below.

Currently watching secretary Clinton's live news conference regarding the FBI reopening the investigation over the emails.

EDIT: Wow, that was a pretty short news conference
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You are screwed either way.

Some fools here think that Trump is their next messiah who only speaks the truth. They are wrong. Trump or Hillary won't make an iota of difference. A politician is just that. There are no good politicians.
There is a huge difference between Hillary and Trump, such as the total collapse of US military morale.


© 2016 MilitaryCorruption.com

By David Smallwood

The stakes could not be higher on November 8th.

Venal Hillary Clinton must be stopped before she can gain control of our nation's armed forces and all the other elements of power. Vote against her in memory of our honored dead. It's our last chance to save our country.

Twenty years ago, William Safire in the New York TIMES correctly pegged her as a "congenital liar." Now, the newspaper that boasted it published "all the news that's fit to print" has become such a powerful propaganda tool - along with ABC, CBS, CNN and NBC/MSNBC - that Stalin would turn green with envy, were that murderous dictator still alive and ruling Russia.

The media whitewash of Clinton's crimes, plus a steady drumbeat of multiple "hit stories" attacking Donald J. Trump, have had the desired effect. The only way this evil woman can take over our country and rob us blind, is by demonizing Trump and conning the American people into electing her President of the United States.

A Hillary reign would spell disaster for our military. There's money to be made in waging continual war. How many soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines must die so she and her Globalist pals can pile up more billions of dollars? If you are an active duty, Guard, or Reserve member, if you're a family member or loved one, in the name of God, vote.


Remember our wounded and disabled veterans. The VA system is broken. Fat cat officials are scoring salaries in excess of $200,000 a year. We at MilitaryCorruption.com have chronicled many instances of waste, fraud and abuse. What has Hillary had to say about it? Damn little, except for her flippant remark of several months ago when she claimed criticism of wrongdoing at VA was "over-blown."

Don't hold your breath waiting for justice from her. VA Director Robert McDonald lied about being in Special Forces his first month on the job. He should have been fired, but he's Obama's appointee, so nothing happened to him. Hillary doesn't give a damn about us. Her long-held contempt for members of the Marine Corps - they wisely turned her down when she tried to obtain a commission as a JAG officer - will extend to all Americans in uniform who aren't already her sycophantic toadies.

We need a genuine patriot and honorable leader like retired LT GEN Mike Flynn to become Secretary of Defense. Ashton Carter is nothing but a political hack. Ray Mabus has been a fiercely partisan Navy Secretary. His stupid tinkering with the enlisted rating system is just the latest example that this leftist Democrat has been an unmitigated disaster.

Trump has promised to rebuild our military. He aims to increase our Navy to a 350-ship fleet. The Republican deserves the vote of all who love our Naval Service and her hallowed traditions. We urge our thousands of readers from Norfolk to San Diego, Pensacola to Kitsap, please vote. The nation's survival is at stake.


In the 16 years we have been online, MilitaryCorrupiton.com has never endorsed a presidential candidate. In fact, we have rarely endorsed anyone, either Democrat or Republican, for any office. Politicians from both parties have been roundly criticized on these pages. Our motto remains: "fighting for the truth . . . exposing the corrupt."

We are proud to have editorialized against going into Iraq, although we backed our troops 100%, once they were committed to battle. MCC condemned Dick "Halliburton" Cheney, the war profiteer. We condemned former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and called for him to be fired. He was.

On the other side of the aisle, we have been unrelenting in our criticism of the most dangerous man ever to occupy the White House - Barack Hussein Obama. He showed his true feelings about us, who put our lives on the line in combat, by pulling out all stops to save the miserable hide of Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl.


At a very minimum, Hillary Clinton has endangered our nation with her reckless operation of a private server. We don't know if that clear violation of federal law was to conceal her crooked dealings with the Clinton Foundation or to cover up alleged lesbian activities with her bedtime roommate in Chappaqua, New York, the mysterious and all-powerful Huma Abedin. whose momma is connected with the dangerous Muslim Brotherhood.

Here at MilitaryCorruption.com, we have no illusions about what will happen to us if Hillary is elected President. She has already vowed to use and abuse every lever of federal power to crush and silence opposition. If you, dear reader, want to go on reading MCC, vote for Donald Trump and send us a contribution via PayPal.

Our editor-in-chief, a retired "Mustang" officer who made sergeant E-5 at 20 years of age and served three consecutive tours (1966-69) as an Army combat correspondent in Vietnam, a man who proudly wore the uniform in the active Army, Guard and Reserve over a span of 33 years, has never taken a dime in salary or expenses since we went online July 4, 2000. Do you respect this disabled war veteran's sacrifice? Let us know.

Why does their map show Oklahoma going blue? That was a mistake, I assume?

As a resident of Massachusetts, I loved him as Governor. Wished he won election to the Senate. Nevertheless, Massachusetts had some good Republican governors, including Mitt Romney. Unfortunately, Republicans from the Northeast are treated pretty badly by other Republicans elsewhere -- not conservative enough!

Bill Weld should have been at the top of the ticket, in my opinion. The Libertarians would do better if he was. He's much more Presidential than Johnson. He also appeals more to wealthy, well-educated Republicans who don't like Trump.

On another note, how on earth did Trump get to 49% of the vote in the Massachusetts Primary, and win the state by such a wide margin? That night, I realized Trump would win the nomination. To me, it says a lot about some northeastern Republicans.
Why does their map show Oklahoma going blue? That was a mistake, I assume?

Bill Weld should have been at the top of the ticket, in my opinion. The Libertarians would do better if he was. He's much more Presidential than Johnson. He also appeals more to wealthy, well-educated Republicans who don't like Trump.

On another note, how on earth did Trump get to 49% of the vote in the Massachusetts Primary, and win the state by such a wide margin? That night, I realized Trump would win the nomination. To me, it says a lot about some northeastern Republicans.
Trump is a genuine New Yorker too, people in New England generally support probusiness/liberal policies, like Trump. Trump is also kind of a an asshole, and that makes people in NY, NJ, Boston think him as more genuine.

It's kinda depressing considering I know a lot of the democrats in Alaska especially for the majority Inuit people.
Don't worry, if Hillary gets elected through a rigged election, she'll send a couple of million refugees to Alaska and give them voting rights and turn it into a blue state in no time.

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