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'US partnering with India to contain China'

中国万岁-ProsperThroughCo-op;1390856 said:
It is naïve to believe that USA takes the initiative to forge closer ties to India of purely altruistic/business relations.

Besides, the U.S. forged earlier closer ties to China. E.g Nixon went to China in the 70's to help China counter Soviet.

Just saying, take everything from the U.S. with a grain of salt. Otherwise, I hope for better relations between India and China. Makes much more sense.
I also hope for good relations between India and China but my point is that it is unreasonable to limit our engagement with the US on those grounds.
When US smile and say 'we will protect you'

You know you r F@#KED

Really? I don't see Japan, South Korea or Taiwan getting F@#KED.
But I know one nation which got F@#KED in 1971 and again in 1999, and its 'taller than Himalayas, deeper than sea' friend just stood-by..
its amazing how some people like to present india as being the slaves of west particularly the US.
INDIA has quite literaly been a US enemy for decades being tilted towards the soviet.
yes most india is a bit pro-capitalistic now and hence their is bound to be some tilt to the west and most try post the tilt as a bow.
well suit ur purpose.
America's closest ally in the region will always be Pakistan. :tup:

Also, the USA and China have the world's largest bilateral economic relationship.

USA and China will be the two largest economies in the world, well beyond even 2050.
Coz it's easier to portray India as a 'pawn' of the evil west. The west doesn't have enough asprins to take care of the headaches we give them and that's the truth. Point is China is uncomfortable with them, not us.
America's closest ally in the region will always be Pakistan. :tup:

Also, the USA and China have the world's largest bilateral economic relationship.

USA and China will be the two largest economies in the world, well beyond even 2050.
lol, ask the americans what they think about Pakistan
You just don't have any logic.
It's a report coming out of washington.
India rising power,
Well you guys just won't accept it and there's no use of debating on it.
Go get some logic!Poor Pakistani


For a vegetarian hindustani to say that on a Pakistani def forum !
Kudos ....

Now let me teach you some thing here boy.

USA is in a deep economic slump.
Dollar has slipped it's value since the last year or so.
Thus the huge expenditure USA is making on war abroad is costing more and more.
West / USA is only cajoling india so they can steal some more money to aid their own problem. ( remember East India company).

World's highest reserves for now, are held by China.
Now drum roll ..... Those reserves are in DOLLARS !

Practically what that means is , China has the US pretty much by the balls.

As for India !!! ... used again, abused again.
guynextdoor: You are probably right. I do not know enough about the relations. It is easy to draw wrong conclusions when articles like these are published. I just see a much more potential in sino-indian relations than indo-american relations. (I'll admit, I'm an economics student, I care much about the economics, perhaps too little on politics).
lol, ask the americans what they think about Pakistan

American foreign policy has always concentrated on Pakistan as a vital geostrategic partner in the region. With the ongoing War on Terror, this relationship has become even more important.

I don't know what the average American thinks about it, nor does it really matter when it comes to national policy on this issue. The strategic partnership looks set to continue, far into the future. :tup:
regarding to american partnership with any nation,they always dominate.u can see this from pakistan to korea or japan.
regarding to pakistan,they are killing pakistanis daily and they allowed india to sit in afghanistan.even they helped to get nuke deal and supported for membership of nsg etc and more other.
wrt india,u.s partnership seems to be of equality this is wat i saw till today.
thats good that they are not dominating us like others in asia
中国万岁-ProsperThroughCo-op;1390946 said:
guynextdoor: You are probably right. I do not know enough about the relations. It is easy to draw wrong conclusions when articles like these are published. I just see a much more potential in sino-indian relations than indo-american relations. (I'll admit, I'm an economics student, I care much about the economics, perhaps too little on politics).
I completely agree on the potential part. Even without any real great efforts we are looking at a 100 B trade. If someday we get things moving, a great potential will be unleashed economically.

For a vegetarian hindustani to say that on a Pakistani def forum !
Kudos ....

How are u so sure he's vegetarian? :what:

West / USA is only cajoling india so they can steal some more money to aid their own problem. ( remember East India company).

How actually are they "stealing" money ??

We need new advanced weapons, they're selling, we're buying.
Look at other thread, there's one about America clearing Apache heli's sell to India. Now if it was only about money, offer them twice the money India is paying, and see what they say to your country.

As for India !!! ... used again, abused again.

How have we been "used" and "abused" ?? :what:

Kindly eloborate.

AFAIK, India has never bowed down to anyone under pressure.
We all know in 1971 Uncle sent nuclear armed warships to intimidate us, yet they couldn't stop us.

Think again, ur last line fits much better for Pakistan. doesn't it? :azn:

any country or group partnering US in defense and military lost their independence in foreign affairs, defense and armament. even the size of Briton and Japan.

EU, Japan, South Korea, taiwan, southeastasia's NO.1 trading parter is China. their economy and growth rely on China more than US. let alone containing.

taiwan is a part of China. 'ask your government or any country ^ ^ . both sides recognize 'one China partition govern' status. trade and relations hadn't be better.

US foreign policy principle is basicly brits 'divide and rule', is rapidly weakened in east asia. And they r facing competition in every field with China Japan EU. plus their fianacial crisis, I'd say world will never be the same :smokin:
^^^ dude, seriously these are outdated ideas. Even Indians used to have these fears. You have no idea of what my father thought of the IMF, World Bank and his communist friends thought of 'american companies' coming into India and eating into our sovereignty. When they finally came they were nowhere close to the devils they were portrayed to be.

What you think as 'loss of independece' actually looks like massive convergence of interest because to us they all look like the 'same sort of countries'. SO they'll obviously behave like a flock.
How are u so sure he's vegetarian? :what:

How actually are they "stealing" money ??

We need new advanced weapons, they're selling, we're buying.
Look at other thread, there's one about America clearing Apache heli's sell to India. Now if it was only about money, offer them twice the money India is paying, and see what they say to your country.

How have we been "used" and "abused" ?? :what:

Kindly eloborate.

AFAIK, India has never bowed down to anyone under pressure.
We all know in 1971 Uncle sent nuclear armed warships to intimidate us, yet they couldn't stop us.

Think again, ur last line fits much better for Pakistan. doesn't it? :azn:

Learn your facts,
once you are sure of what you are talking about.
come and debate.
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