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US or Iraqi F-16 jet killed 255 fighter in 60 second?Revenage for Turkey

Jhon Smith

Dec 19, 2014
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United States
America strikes back: US airstrikes kill 250 ISIS fighters outside Fallujah less than 24 hours after attack on Istanbul's airport left 42 dead
  • U.S.-led coalition aircraft waged a series of deadly strikes against ISIS
  • They took place south of the city of Fallujah, which was recently liberated
  • At least 250 suspected fighters were killed and 40 vehicles destroyed
  • Strikes came the day after a suicide bombing at Ataturk Airport killed 42

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A U.S.-led coalition aircraft waged a series of deadly strikes against Islamic State around the city of Fallujah in Iraq on Wednesday, killing at least 250 ISIS fighters


The strikes, which took place south of the city, where civilians have also been displaced, are just the latest battlefield setback suffered by the terror group
Speaking at an iftar, a meal to break the fast during the month of Ramadan, on Wednesday evening, Erdogan said the terror groups were aiming to impede Turkey's ambitions, such as becoming one of the world's 10 strongest economies and building the world's largest airport.

Iraqi troops inspected the ISIS convoy destroyed by US-led airstrikes killing some 250 terrorists


The convoy of fleeing terrorists was strafed from the air as it attempted to flee Fallujah

ISIS has been fleeing Fallujah after the Iraqi army began a major offensive to retake the important city



One U.S. official cited a preliminary estimate of at least 250 suspected fighters killed and at least 40 vehicles destroyed

If the figures are confirmed, the strikes would be among the most deadly ever against the jihadist group


The strikes came less than 24 hours after a triple suicide bombing at Ataturk Airport in Istanbul. Turkey pointed the finger at Islamic State
But ISIS' ability to continue to propagate its narrative, as well as to incite and carry out these attacks -- I think we still have a ways to go before we're able to say that we have made some significant progress against them.'


Iraqi security forces pose for pictures as they celebrate their victory in Fallujah, Iraq, on Tuesday



Iraqi forces (above, on patrol in the city) declared Sunday they had fully liberated Fallujah from the Sunni-led extremist group that took over the city more than two years ago

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...bul-s-airport-left-42-dead.html#ixzz4D4FEIGGg
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Turkey has to close between ISIS and Assad. Can't have the cake and eat it too.
I hope those were all terrorists and i hope the trend continues!!
US must clean up its mess by dealing with these ISIS terrorists before they come back to haunt US like the Taliban and Al Qaeda did with the September attacks. It is unfortunate that Syria is suffering so badly in all that stupid adventure but i think this is a sacrifice that had to be made once the mess was created in shape of ISIS. Sad!

@Irfan Baloch
whenever a terrorist attack occurs in europe this kind of news are heard next day. after the paris attack the news were the french jets attack the ISIS HQs and scores of ISIS fighters have been killed. generally these news are nothing but a propaganda just for the public. if french knew the location of the HQs of ISIS why they didn't attack them before the paris attack.?
That's just a good compilation ....an old one
If we add the numbers of terrorists killed by Kurds, planes, and shias then we might reach astonishing numbers. 500.000 terrorists dead
That's just a good compilation ....an old one

Not that vid, this.

12KM long convoy

Anyway remembering some of your old posts you obviously won't like this news.
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