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Video: Iraqi airstrikes kill 250 IS fighters in IS convoys of 127+ IS vechiles in Anbar


Mar 14, 2015
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The news was reported on several news agencies but I didn't want to report prior to seeing evidence, carried out by the army aviation (helicopters). It was said that the coalition air forces did not want to strike this convoy for some reason, it wouldn't surprise me as they didn't strike a massive IS convoy entering Ramadi back in May 2015 either.

The number of vechiles (127 last report), news reported by Al Sumaria and other news agencies. There are more pics and vids but they contain dead bodies so can't post.

full video:

Video shows 12KM long convoy of IS vechiles that was destroyed.
20 helicopters were involved in the attack of which MI-35's, MI-28's, Bell 407's and EC 635's.


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They say these IS warriors are actually Wahabi Saudi citizens sent by the House of Saud to take over Iraq.
Good video , but it seems Iraq still need some precision strike weapons.
Good video , but it seems Iraq still need some precision strike weapons.

They did have but too many vehicles and little ammo. 20 Helos involved in the operation. Some of the smaller helo's started flying low to the ground and emptying out the pilots/ soldiers on board personal weapons.

Note thats ots not a single convoy. It's many convoys trying to make their way into the desert towards the Syrian border. But they weren't able to do that because most of the remaining IS pockets are surrounded 360 degrees. They tried to fight their way through by going in large convoys but they were caught off guard by the Air Force/army avaiation.
They did have but too many vehicles and little ammo. 20 Helos involved in the operation. Some of the smaller helo's started flying low to the ground and emptying out the pilots/ soldiers on board personal weapons.

Note thats ots not a single convoy. It's many convoys trying to make their way into the desert towards the Syrian border. But they weren't able to do that because most of the remaining IS pockets are surrounded 360 degrees. They tried to fight their way through by going in large convoys but they were caught off guard by the Air Force/army avaiation.

Su-25's with rocket pods could cause a lot of damage to that, not sure why they weren't used maybe they were.

The coalition air force should've acted on this, no idea why they didn't but they seem selective with their campaign, clearly tied to politics. They either want to stall Iraqi military advances or there is another reason. Former chief of staff Martin Dempsey called Ramadi not a priority and that it can be taken back later, before it even fell. The US air force stood by idle as IS sent massive convoys in the city, today it was idle again.


News source says 250 IS killed, though they were Iraqi airstrikes as in the video.


250 ISIS Militants Killed in (Iraqi not US) US Airstrikes, Officials Say
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The worst thing is.. the media in the west reported it as coalition air strikes whilst they didn't do anything during this attack.

Example reuters calling it US air strikes whilst they're Iraqi air strikes, credit taken by another.


U.S.-led strikes pound Islamic State in Iraq, kill 250 fighters
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Final report. Whilst people might not believe it the large scale of IS convoys were stated by US officials as well, Brett Mcgurk.

Video that shows how long one of the convoy is.

It also shows how big IS actually is, not just a little tiny group that managed to take over all that land. Those were the ones fleeing the Fallujah region to the Syrian border.
Practically same strategy which was used by Air Force against Saddam forces in Gulf War 1...

They attacked the head and tail of the convoy to create a traffic jam then took out the whole assets...
Kind of idiotic from IS but they had no choice but to use big convoys in attempts to push through ISF defense lines, I guess they had to bet on not being targeted from the air.

Coalition footage, A-10 30mm gun used to strafe them.

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Smaller number of vechiles that managed to escape the convoys into the desert destroyed by the CH-4. Some IS members had to flee on foot after losing vechiles (as seen in the video as well), died of thirst in the heat.


Reports that another convoy of 20+ vehicles trying to rip through iraqi defences was targeted and destroyed by coalition forces. Location Albi Bali.

Northern Sallahiddin province.

Iraqi forces looses few vehicles in IS counter offensive. IS propaganda shows 4 vehicles including a destroyed humvee, and another Humvee, MRAP in good shape.

They managed to push iraqi forces back from the outskirts of shirqat but failed to retake any of the towns and villages which iraqi forces liberated earlier.

Iraqi army aviation has also targeted an IS convoy in the area and destroyed nearly 10 vehicles.

-70+ vehicles were recovered by the IA 8th div in good condition.
Practically same strategy which was used by Air Force against Saddam forces in Gulf War 1...

They attacked the head and tail of the convoy to create a traffic jam then took out the whole assets...
I don't get it how you can be trapped in a Jam in desert , you can simply abandon the road and drive in desert.

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