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US offers to sell weapons to Bangladesh

LOL. Rafale and BAF don't belong in the same sentence bro.

If your gonna go West, its F-16 or Gripen.

But I agree. A split buy is the best scenario.

Chinese/Russian option and a Western one.

Kinda like Malaysia with their Hornets and Flankers and Fulcrums.

or Indonesia with their Fighting Falcons and Flankers.

The majority of the fleet I agree would be non-Western.

Why you think Rafale is not possible? Money?

BD has money or enough borrowing power to buy at least a squadron of it. For BAF being in shambles was never a matter of finances, it was always our moronic politicians and intellectuals who consider spending a dime for military as unproductive.
Why you think Rafale is not possible? Money?

BD has money or enough borrowing power to buy at least a squadron of it. For BAF being in shambles was never a matter of finances, it was always our moronic politicians and intellectuals who consider spending a dime for military as unproductive.


Also, its overkill.

If you got money to spend....buy a sizeable amount of F-16s (new) or Gripen E.

He isn't a visiting foreign dignitary to have kids with bouquets greet him!
What is that all about?

On the topic, the sale can be done overnight if India would just instruct "zulfon wali Janejahan" about it.
One diktat and F-16s will be ordered by Dhaka come hell or high water.

Its not as simple as that.

Maybe for this government. But I'm not so sure about subsequent ones.

Bengali people as you've found out are fiercely independent minded.

And there are many amongst ordinary Bengalis living in the West that HATE what Hasina is doing.

I have no idea what the political climate amongst ordinary Bengalis in Bangaldesh is however.

The point I'm trying to make is this pro-India tilt is temporary in my opinion.

Also, its overkill.

If you got money to spend....buy a sizeable amount of F-16s (new) or Gripen E.

Its not as simple as that.

Maybe for this government. But I'm not so sure about subsequent ones.

Bengali people as you've found out are fiercely independent minded.

And there are many amongst ordinary Bengalis living in the West that HATE what Hasina is doing.

I have no idea what the political climate amongst ordinary Bengalis in Bangaldesh is however.

The point I'm trying to make is this pro-India tilt is temporary in my opinion.

F-16 and Gripen are a great way to flush your money down the pipe.

Both of these fighters will give 'prestige' to the BAF but actually sit in the hangar like a beauty queen in the wartime, unless we agree to eternally suck American 'rooster', which Bengalis will never agree to.

The only plane in numbers that can be our workhorse with very good capabilities and within our budget and without any political strings is the J-10s vis-a-vis the adversaries we may have to face. For the monkey land, the only plane that will do the same job is Rafal, it is 100% French, the uncle sam has no strings to pull, and French are far more reliable than the Americans.
F-16 and Gripen are a great way to flush your money down the pipe.

Both of these fighters will give 'prestige' to the BAF but actually sit in the hangar like a beauty queen in the wartime, unless we agree to eternally suck American 'rooster', which Bengalis will never agree to.

The only plane in numbers that can be our workhorse with very good capabilities and within our budget and without any political strings is the J-10s vis-a-vis the adversaries we may have to face. For the monkey land, the only plane that will do the same job is Rafal, it is 100% French, the uncle sam has no strings to pull, and French are far more reliable than the Americans.

Lets play.

Figure BAF buys a sizeable amount of J-10.

BD and Myanmar have a border skirmish.

Chinese side with Myanmar due to you know...."interests".

What now?

BD is gonna have to suck "rooster" regardless....Chinese, Russian or American.
Lets play.

Figure BAF buys a sizeable amount of J-10.

BD and Myanmar have a border skirmish.

Chinese side with Myanmar due to you know...."interests".

What now?

BD is gonna have to suck "rooster" regardless....Chinese, Russian or American.

Exactly, let's play it out.

BD has only two borders, one with India and one with Burma.

There is little to no possibility of war between BD and India because greater interests lie between the two countries to co-operate and maintain a friendly relationship. However, never say never, so you need combat systems that will without a shadow of a doubt be supplied by enthusiastic suppliers. Two suppliers come to mind, China and Turkey (because of the Sultan being in power for the foreseeable future and because of Muslim brotherhood, it's not a fairy tale, that brotherhood still exists albeit at a low steam). Pakistan is also a good candidate, although they don't have much to offer in terms of big ticket items. Western and Russian sources will stop supplying BD because of India's better purchasing power.

As for the monkey land, they are not even a credible threat but a nuisance. In a conflict with them, both China and Russia will stop supplying us. So Chinese or Russian systems won't work. Let's look at the western sources.

The US has varying geopolitical interests, there is no guarantee they will keep supplying if we purchased the F-16. They could just get into a deal with the monkey janta to give more power and authority to Suu-Kyi who is the darling of the west in exchange for not supplying BD. They could even use this to curb Chinese influence in Burma and get an entry to get more influence there.

There are 3 more western platforms, Typhoon, Gripen and Rafale. Gripen will have the same problem as F-16 because of US engine and other US components. Besides the Swedes have a policy of not supplying during wartime, I read it somewhere before.

Typhoon is made by a consortium of different countries, you will require all parties' agreement to keep getting supplied, which is even far harder than convincing the US.

Remains Rafale, it is 100% French. Unless there is extreme US pressure on French for whatever the reason may be, or French interest itself in a Burmese victory, there is little possibilty of the French stopping supplies.

There is another option I don't like to discuss, JF-17 from Pakistani source. No matter what happens, even if apocalypse started, Pakistan will supply BD, if requested they will even send few of their squadrons with pilots to help BD. Let's park this option for now.

So, to conclude, BD needs two systems from two sources. One workhorse with good capabilities and that is J-10. The other being highly advanced for special duties with the added advantage of scaring away the monkeys, if Rafales are here, monkies won't even dare.
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Intentions drive the states to achieve something usefull with sure steps in current World order. If you don’t have an intention to do something, The excuses take action to cover up the agenda. Many stories can be composed about Why Azerbaijan oriented to select the products out of Turkish origin. Be it siding with Power or making alliances with procurements, urgent requirements, Armenian issue...etc. Today, We are just hearing those excuses while a few Turkish members prefer to accuse Turkish industry to justify the hidden agenda of this corrupt decision but It is not that simple (Brain and Muscle) like you said. The deals signed between them are not stop-gap precuations but long term production and assembly facilities which serve to totally meet the requirements of Azerbaijan with connecting a huge market into the same supply chain in following 50 years maybe After eliminating superior Turkish offers in same tenders multiple times. In this aspect, The likely situation of country in/around the borders and urgent requirement excuses do not make any sense for me. Current situation serves a hidden agenda which totally keep Turkey out of this country consciously in terms of defense procurements and this story can not be explained with any brotherhood stories for me.

Bro, My words are not related with Bangladesh or other brother states. We have some bad experiences in Azerbaijani procurement tenders multiple times so I need to mention about it to back up my moderate stand about West hegemony with a little complaint about them. Otherwise, All states are free to make a correct desicion to select the best for them.

Thanks for your sensitivity.

I assume we have compromised about the muscle and brain correlation in the world order and hegemony,if so; then the rest is just detail.

However, i just wanted to see your perspective, and left blank the subject in the ''in/around the country and the policies of the ruling government'' and also following question. You selectively assumed the both were Azerbaijan in these two part sentences, but not for the first part ''in/around...'' , if the context is read carefully. So, I got my answer in your response.

In the muscle / brain correlation, the muscle takes care of the moment as formulated and planned by the brain long ago, and the brain deals with the future. If you take a look at the future through the barrel of a battle tank or election box, then you end up with ''in/around the country...'' with huge ego and future problems thanks to the tank you are in and no one takes you serious for the long term alliance, it is common sense that can be applied to marriages, companies, organisations, states etc.

Nothing can be limited by perspective and life time of an individual for the future and sake of a country like in the west, unlike the muslim geography including the subject ''in/around...''. This gets us back to the world order and hegemony.
Exactly, let's play it out.

BD has only two borders, one with India and one with Burma.

There is little to no possibility of war between BD and India because greater interests lie between the two countries to co-operate and maintain a friendly relationship. However, never say never, so you need combat systems that will without a shadow of a doubt be supplied by enthusiastic suppliers. Two suppliers come to mind, China and Turkey (because of the Sultan being in power for the foreseeable future and because of Muslim brotherhood, it's not a fairy tale, that brotherhood still exists albeit at a low steam). Pakistan is also a good candidate, although they don't have much to offer in terms of big ticket items. Western and Russian sources will stop supplying BD because of India's better purchasing power.

As for the monkey land, they are not even a credible threat but a nuisance. In a conflict with them, both China and Russia will stop supplying us. So Chinese or Russian systems won't work. Let's look at the western sources.

The US has varying geopolitical interests, there is no guarantee they will keep supplying if we purchased the F-16. They could just get into a deal with the monkey janta to give more power and authority to Suu-Kyi who is the darling of the west in exchange for not supplying BD. They could even use this to curb Chinese influence in Burma and get an entry to get more influence there.

There are 3 more western platforms, Typhoon, Gripen and Rafale. Gripen will have the same problem as F-16 because of US engine and other US components. Besides the Swedes have a policy of not supplying during wartime, I read it somewhere before.

Typhoon is made by a consortium of different countries, you will require all parties' agreement to keep getting supplied, which is even far harder than convincing the US.

Remains Rafale, it is 100% French. Unless there is extreme US pressure on French for whatever the reason may be, or French interest itself in a Burmese victory, there is little possibilty of the French stopping supplies.

There is another option I don't like to discuss, JF-17 from Pakistani source. No matter what happens, even if apocalypse started, Pakistan will supply BD, if requested they will even send few of their squadrons with pilots to help BD. Let's park this option for now.

So, to conclude, BD needs two systems from two sources. One workhorse with good capabilities and that is J-10. The other being highly advanced for special duties with the added advantage of scaring away the monkeys, if Rafales are here, monkies won't even dare.
I will take Typhoon over Rafael. UK/Germany Italy has far better mileage with BD than France. I dont think they will stop supplying against Monkey.
I will take Typhoon over Rafael. UK/Germany Italy has far better mileage with BD than France. I dont think they will stop supplying against Monkey.

Typhoon is probably a better aircraft but it's the number of countries that need to agree. Besides I hear Typhoons maintenance cost is very high.
Typhoon is probably a better aircraft but it's the number of countries that need to agree. Besides I hear Typhoons maintenance cost is very high.
You can look into the countries first. All of them are BD allies and have better relation with BD. WE can also buy political mileage by buying Typhoon.
You can look into the countries first. All of them are BD allies and have better relation with BD. WE can also buy political mileage by buying Typhoon.

UK is literally a lapdog of the US. So is Germany to a great extent. UK will listen to whatever the US says.
UK is literally a lapdog of the US. So is Germany to a great extent. UK will listen to whatever the US says.
I think it other way around. We can use UK to convince USA. UK is the one who brought USA in our side with regards to Rohingya.
You have no idea how much influence UK can exert on US administration.
I think it other way around. We can use UK to convince USA. UK is the one who brought USA in our side with regards to Rohingya.
You have no idea how much influence UK can exert on US administration.

I have serious doubts the US are on our side in the Rohingya crisis. If they really were you would have by now seen crippling sanctions on MM.

They I believe are just trying to use this to get more influence in MM. The burmese have a strong relationship with the Chinese, which is the reason the Junta can stay in power, west's counter to that is the Suu-Kyi who if can get to power can curb Chinese influence. So, the US are just using this matter to pressure them, giving some token sanctions to scare then to counter-balance the Chinese influence. Remember, US and Chinese tug of war for the control of the Pacific and the Indian ocean region.
I have serious doubts the US are on our side in the Rohingya crisis. If they really were you would have by now seen crippling sanctions on MM.

They I believe are just trying to use this to get more influence in MM. The burmese have a strong relationship with the Chinese, which is the reason the Junta can stay in power, west's counter to that is the Suu-Kyi who if can get to power can curb Chinese influence. So, the US are just using this matter to pressure them, giving some token sanctions to scare then to counter-balance the Chinese influence. Remember, US and Chinese tug of war for the control of the Pacific and the Indian ocean region.

It took 10 years from 1988 to 1998 to put sanction on Myanmar by US administration. It takes a lot of thinking before putting sanction. Even BD could not sanction MM. US is pretty much with BD in every international forum specially in UNSC.
It took 10 years from 1988 to 1998 to put sanction on Myanmar by US administration. It takes a lot of thinking before putting sanction. Even BD could not sanction MM. US is pretty much with BD in every international forum specially in UNSC.

The US apparently is with us, I don't deny that. But that I think is because of the minimum interest they can get out of it. It's a calculated move to pressure MM and a way to curb Chinese influence. Let BD start a war with MM and see how far the US is willing to support us, they will get an even better opportunity to pressure MM and get an entry to to curb Chinese influence. I don't think it's as straight forward as you are saying.
Sanctions on the engine. In any conflict, if the US sides with the enemy, they will sanction the engine, besides US has heavy influence on Sweden. Also, as far as I know Sweden has a policy of not supplying during war. So we will be screwed in all possible directions.

For us, we need a large Chinese fleet that will be the workhorse. Then we need a separate western platform for special hing-end duties that has no connection with the US. Only Rafale fits the bill.

Rafale is far too expensive to buy and operate.
Only Gripen is affordable for BD budget.

US and Sweden cannot sanction engines, bombs and missiles
that BD already has.
Any war with Myanmar is likely to be short
and sharp with the total elimination of the MAF by the BAF planned for in 1-2 weeks, before there is any need for resupply.
West will hardly sanction BD if it goes to war with Chinese puppet Myanmar anyway.
As for India, this is where BD aims to buy as many squadrons of J-10Cs that it can afford. China would be more than happy to resupply BD in this scenario.

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