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US offers to sell weapons to Bangladesh

I will take Typhoon over Rafael. UK/Germany Italy has far better mileage with BD than France. I dont think they will stop supplying against Monkey.
You want to make Bangladesh bankrupt !

Rafale is far too expensive to buy and operate.
Only Gripen is affordable for BD budget.

US and Sweden cannot sanction engines, bombs and missiles
that BD already has.
Any war with Myanmar is likely to be short
and sharp with the total elimination of the MAF by the BAF planned for in 1-2 weeks, before there is any need for resupply.
West will hardly sanction BD if it goes to war with Chinese puppet Myanmar anyway.
As for India, this is where BD aims to buy as many squadrons of J-10Cs that it can afford. China would be more than happy to resupply BD in this scenario.
Can Typhoon really be an option as topcat suggested ?
Which fighter aircraft is in development? I only heard about the stealth fighter your are planning to develop with Rolls Royce engine? Are you also developing a 4 or 4.5 gen fighter?

Actually, Two manned fighter aircraft is in development phase at present. Hürjet will be an aircraft which will have capability to achieve close combat and air superiority/ ground supression missions. It can be ranked 4th generation. Its unarmed variant will be used for advanced jet trainer. With its 13+m length, Hürjet will be more or less competitive to Gripen or Mirage but powered with F404 engine which will have a thrust around 17500lbf. National equivalent engine will replace this engine when development is completed. This turbofan will allow Hürjet to carry up to 3-3,5t weapon payload that makes it join into a light fighter aircraft. First flight is in 2021.

No, Gripen is the only affordable Western fighter that is not built in the US.
Typhoon would cost 50% more to buy and operate over Gripen.
Griphen and Typhoon are completely different class of aircraft.

Actually, Two manned fighter aircraft is in development phase at present. Hürjet will be an aircraft which will have capability to achieve close combat and air superiority/ ground supression missions. It can be ranked 4th generation. Its unarmed variant will be used for advanced jet trainer. With its 13+m length, Hürjet will be more or less competitive to Gripen or Mirage but powered with F404 engine which will have a thrust around 17500lbf. National equivalent engine will replace this engine when development is completed. This turbofan will allow Hürjet to carry up to 3-3,5t weapon payload that makes it join into a light fighter aircraft. First flight is in 2021.

Looks like a ground attack aircraft comparable to su-25 or Yak-130??
No, Gripen is the only affordable Western fighter that is not built in the US.
Typhoon would cost 50% more to buy and operate over Gripen.
Only 50% higher operating cost ? I read somewhere that Eurofighter is the most expensive to maintenance , although do not find the damn link now !
Griphen and Typhoon are completely different class of aircraft.

And so?

Typhoon is medium weight and Gripen is light-weight we all know.

BD needs a non-US Western fighter that it can afford and
only Gripen meets that criteria.

Only 50% higher operating cost ? I read somewhere that Eurofighter is the most expensive to maintenance , although do not find the damn link now !

As a rough estimate.
Anyway it is far too expensive for BD.
And so?

Typhoon is medium weight and Gripen is light-weight we all know.

BD needs a non-US Western fighter that it can afford and
only Gripen meets that criteria.
For light attack class BD needs at least 48 aircraft. Gripen despite being lesser expensive than Typhoon can't afford.
6-8 Typhoon can be afforded for maritime strike as we will not be procuring in mass.
For light attack class BD needs at least 48 aircraft. Gripen despite being lesser expensive than Typhoon can't afford.
6-8 Typhoon can be afforded for maritime strike as we will not be procuring in mass.

You mean Gripen is too expensive for BD?

It is really not more expensive than J-10C when you think of "life-cycle" costs. In fact I would not be surprised if Gripen E and J-10C had similar unit cost, but Chinese bombs and missiles were cheaper though. Gripen would have higher availability and it's major components like engines would last longer. The higher availability would mean that lesser Gripen would be required to provide the same capability as more numbers of J-10Cs.
BD should be looking to buy both Gripen E(16-24 planes) and also J-10Cs(36-40) over the next 5-10 years. This way it has both Myanmar and India covered.

There is little point in procuring 6-8 Eurofighters as the infrastructure costs would be exorbitant for such low numbers. Gripen can also serve for maritime strike if required.
You mean Gripen is too expensive for BD?

It is really not more expensive than J-10C when you think of "life-cycle" costs. In fact I would not be surprised if Gripen E and J-10C had similar unit cost, but Chinese bombs and missiles were cheaper though. Gripen would have higher availability and it's major components like engines would last longer. The higher availability would mean that lesser Gripen would be required to provide the same capability as more numbers of J-10Cs.
BD should be looking to buy both Gripen E(16-24 planes) and also J-10Cs(36-40) over the next 5-10 years. This way it has both Myanmar and India covered.

There is little point in procuring 6-8 Eurofighters as the infrastructure costs would be exorbitant for such low numbers. Gripen can also serve for maritime strike if required.
@UKBengali, What is your opinion about this page article ?They claim that f 16 block 70 is costlier than Eurofighter and rafale.

Here is the link
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@UKBengali, What is your opinion about this page article ?They claim that f 16 block 70 is costlier than Eurofighter and rafale.

Here is the link

That is not true.
F-16 Block 70 is more expensive to both procure and run than Gripen E but would still be cheaper than either Eurofighter and Rafale. I guess it would fall halfway.

Gripen E is a perfect fit fot BD's budget and strategic calculus, it defies belief.
Get this plane and Swedish built AWACs and BAF will enter the realm of true network warfare. One Swedish Erieye AWACs over central BD would be able to scan for air threats over the whole of BD. This information can be relayed to any Gripen anywhere in BD which can use the world's best BVRAAM, Meteor, to take out air threats from 100km away. Another scenario is a pair of Gripens working together where one uses it's radar to find a target, and another sneaks up undetected and launches Meteor BVRAAM to take out the threat.
BAF needs to get out of this Chinese/Russian mindset and impress on BD government the critical need for the Gripen E.
Exactly, let's play it out.

BD has only two borders, one with India and one with Burma.

There is little to no possibility of war between BD and India because greater interests lie between the two countries to co-operate and maintain a friendly relationship. However, never say never, so you need combat systems that will without a shadow of a doubt be supplied by enthusiastic suppliers. Two suppliers come to mind, China and Turkey (because of the Sultan being in power for the foreseeable future and because of Muslim brotherhood, it's not a fairy tale, that brotherhood still exists albeit at a low steam). Pakistan is also a good candidate, although they don't have much to offer in terms of big ticket items. Western and Russian sources will stop supplying BD because of India's better purchasing power.

As for the monkey land, they are not even a credible threat but a nuisance. In a conflict with them, both China and Russia will stop supplying us. So Chinese or Russian systems won't work. Let's look at the western sources.

The US has varying geopolitical interests, there is no guarantee they will keep supplying if we purchased the F-16. They could just get into a deal with the monkey janta to give more power and authority to Suu-Kyi who is the darling of the west in exchange for not supplying BD. They could even use this to curb Chinese influence in Burma and get an entry to get more influence there.

There are 3 more western platforms, Typhoon, Gripen and Rafale. Gripen will have the same problem as F-16 because of US engine and other US components. Besides the Swedes have a policy of not supplying during wartime, I read it somewhere before.

Typhoon is made by a consortium of different countries, you will require all parties' agreement to keep getting supplied, which is even far harder than convincing the US.

Remains Rafale, it is 100% French. Unless there is extreme US pressure on French for whatever the reason may be, or French interest itself in a Burmese victory, there is little possibilty of the French stopping supplies.

There is another option I don't like to discuss, JF-17 from Pakistani source. No matter what happens, even if apocalypse started, Pakistan will supply BD, if requested they will even send few of their squadrons with pilots to help BD. Let's park this option for now.

So, to conclude, BD needs two systems from two sources. One workhorse with good capabilities and that is J-10. The other being highly advanced for special duties with the added advantage of scaring away the monkeys, if Rafales are here, monkies won't even dare.

A few points:

I WOULDN'T under appreciate Myanmar's military capability. While I agree they are likely not trained well, underestimating a potential adversary can be extremely dangerous. Also on paper the BAF is seriously outgunned.

I maintain BAF and Rafale don't belong in the same sentence. The Rafale is just too expensive. Full stop.

On the other hand I totally agree with @UKBengali. Gripen E and Eireye appear to be tailor made for Bangaldesh.

Buying the Gripen E or Gripen C equipped with AESA and the J-10C would be the best way as was stated.

The real hanger queens would be any Flankers that would be bought. Ask the Malaysians how mission ready their Flankers are.

Also, I completely agree with you that the US would be supplying BD due to her own interests which do not neccessarily mean the US supports BD in any way but more for the US to have some leverage over Mynamar and also to steer BD away from China.

However, I'm ok with that. BD gets alot out of this arrangement. Also, if you really look at it, US and BD are natural allies. Or at least not adversaries. BD is as a benign nation as there is out there, despite the internal thuggery going on in the politics of the nation now.

I wish I could have tea/coffee with you guys and discuss these issues in real life. It would be alot of fun.

Also I hate typing so I have to distill my thoughts into almost bullet points which is suboptimal.
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A few points:

I WOULDN'T under appreciate Myanmar's military capability. While I agree they are likely not trained well, underestimating a potential adversary can be extremely dangerous. Also on paper the BAF is seriously outgunned.

I maintain BAF and Rafale don't belong in the same sentence. The Rafale is just too expensive. Full stop.

On the other hand I totally agree with @UKBengali. Gripen E and Eireye appear to be tailor made for Bangaldesh.

Buying the Gripen E or Gripen C equipped with AESA and the J-10C would be the best way as was stated.

The real hanger queens would be any Flankers that would be bought. Ask the Malaysians how mission ready their Flankers are.

Also, I completely agree with you that the US would be supplying BD due to her own interests which do not neccessarily mean the US supports BD in any way but more for the US to have some leverage over Mynamar and also to steer BD away from China.

However, I'm ok with that. BD gets alot out of this arrangement. Also, if you really look at it, US and BD are natural allies. Or at least not adversaries. BD is as a benign nation as there is out there, despite the internal thuggery going on in the politics of the nation now.

I wish I could have tea/coffee with you guys and discuss these issues in real life. I would be alot of fun.

Also I hate typing so I have to distill my thoughts into almost bullet points which is suboptimal.

Well gripen is a very good machine, there's no doubt about that. It's not about capabilities, it's about the problems of maintaining steady supplies. I don't see gripen of f-16 will be steadily supplied.

Also j-10 and gripen both being multi-role is not a good idea to induct. BD wants a different fighter with range for naval strikes too. Gripen with short range does not fit the bill. For this reason BAF are interested in Sukhois.
Gripen is an assembled plane. Its engine and avionics are from USA, which by default can be subject to U.S sanctions under 1971 export control act. If you want to buy Gripen you better keep a bunch of spares in stock.
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Gripen is an assembled plane. Its engine and avionics is from USA, which by default can be subject to U.S sanctions under 1971 export control act. If you want to buy Gripen you better keep a bunch of spares in stock.

Don't you worry, the US controls how much can be stocked to try get around that.

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