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US offers India the Aegis Combat System, the world’s most advanced shipboard weapons

I am pretty sure it would not be downgraded technology. Afterall, unlike MMRCA et al., Aegis does not require technology transfer ;)

US has proposed the BMD system with RIM-161/SM-3 and AN/SPY-2 radar system! I don't think there is any question of degraded performance. Even if the US decides to do something in this regard, it would have to be better than any other system out there (including Barak/MFSTAR) for IN to be interested in the same!

I foresee P-15B destroyers getting Aegis. Let us wait and watch!
I am pretty sure it would not be downgraded technology. Afterall, unlike MMRCA et al., Aegis does not require technology transfer ;)

US has proposed the BMD system with RIM-161/SM-3 and AN/SPY-2 radar system! I don't think there is any question of degraded performance. Even if the US decides to do something in this regard, it would have to be better than any other system out there (including Barak/MFSTAR) for IN to be interested in the same!

I foresee P-15B destroyers getting Aegis. Let us wait and watch!

Note my words, India will never buy Aegis! India will go for indigenous systems.

Barak is new and developed by DRDO along with IAI.
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Its a bit old topic to reopen but i think its an interesting one to discuss

@ DMLA great info and posting back , Excellent work buddy .
^^^^^^ What do you think about the new design of Project 15 and Project 17 future vessels , are they big enough to worth AEGIS system.

And bigger question is suppose we happen to keep barak8 SAM then how would Integration of AEGIS+barak-8 can be done.
ACS combines following

Harpoon weapons system
Gun weapon system
LAMPS helicopter
Electronic warfare system
Air and Surface Search Radars
Navigation Systems
this means our ASW Helos and P8I also need to be integrated

And recently commissioned Shivalik vessel costs around 800-900 mill while AEGIS based Frigate sold to RAN (Kangaroo navy) was somewhere 3.5 bill for 3 vessels , considering this its not that too costly.

Finally it would not only provide defence for Surface Vessel but also Coastal Area security asset , so wont it would be wise to combine it with Integrated Defence Network -comprising our 3tier SAM network and PAd/AAd BMD system as well . Will US combine this
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Cmon guys,Aegis is just one of those combat management systems.
Even Indian latest frigate Shivalik has its counterpart installed in the name of CAIO (Computer Aided Action Information Organization).
CAIO includes some best of the COTS to bring down costs and increasing the processing speeds while having fusion management of all sensors onboard the ship including the network management.

CAIO was specially designed in responce to the request by Indian Navy w.r.t to the anticipation of future warfare.

CAIO not only fuses all sensors onboard,but helps with the networking of other battle groups sensors.CAIO currently installed is an open architecture based and comes handy when new weapons or sensor fitment is installed on the ship.

Just like CAIO,untill the entry of Aegis USN has had all manual operating procedures for its sensors and weaponry.It was only recently Raytheon was given a contract to install similar but less efficient to Aegis on all other ships.

Infact India dont need Aegis,unless it wants to be an american stooge and loves to spend money on something that has in home.

clearing some peoples mis-perception.Aegis is only a combat management system.It dont include SM2/3/,....... Its only a management system.period

Just like Aegis,CAIO will take use of its open architecture and can be fused with future weaponry like LR-SAM(Barak) or even your Indian PDV and AAD,swordfish radar,.......
When ever we are on the verge of developing or making or inducting something of our own US suddenly ready to provide same type of systems to India!!!! Same goes for missile defence, IRTA/MRTA, kaveri engine, Combat Management System (CMS)!!! We already developed our own CMS. Aegis may be better but Indian CMS for Indian navy is far better than any foreign system specially US.
Its a bit old topic to reopen but i think its an interesting one to discuss

@ DMLA great info and posting back , Excellent work buddy .
^^^^^^ What do you think about the new design of Project 15 and Project 17 future vessels , are they big enough to worth AEGIS system.

What do you big enough? Does a CMS need more space than another?!!!

Above all US is famous for putting bugs in their defence equipments. If they provide a CMS for major Indian navy ships than they will be able to monitor everything we do, may be even denial of service. I will say that stick to Indian system.
Cmon guys,Aegis is just one of those combat management systems.
Even Indian latest frigate Shivalik has its counterpart installed in the name of CAIO (Computer Aided Action Information Organization).
CAIO includes some best of the COTS to bring down costs and increasing the processing speeds while having fusion management of all sensors onboard the ship including the network management.

CAIO was specially designed in responce to the request by Indian Navy w.r.t to the anticipation of future warfare.

CAIO not only fuses all sensors onboard,but helps with the networking of other battle groups sensors.CAIO currently installed is an open architecture based and comes handy when new weapons or sensor fitment is installed on the ship.

Just like CAIO,untill the entry of Aegis USN has had all manual operating procedures for its sensors and weaponry.It was only recently Raytheon was given a contract to install similar but less efficient to Aegis on all other ships.

Infact India dont need Aegis,unless it wants to be an american stooge and loves to spend money on something that has in home.

clearing some peoples mis-perception.Aegis is only a combat management system.It dont include SM2/3/,....... Its only a management system.period

Just like Aegis,CAIO will take use of its open architecture and can be fused with future weaponry like LR-SAM(Barak) or even your Indian PDV and AAD,swordfish radar,.......

Dude, CAIO is a part of integrated system but the combat management system is CMS-17 developed by BEL.
Dude, CAIO is a part of integrated system but the combat management system is CMS-17 developed by BEL.

CAIO is the one being developed under a IN,BEL and a foreign agency(Actual agency invovled was barred from public).All these CMS were just synonyms and were part of the acronym used by various reporters or media relations officers.
I think its more than management system , Oliver prince video and interview is on youtube , he talked about Theatrical and tactical strategic defence , must be BMD and BAsM he meant .
LM india site ad says AegisWeaponSystem and AegisCombatSystem

Kinetic , its good that we are developing management system but what
Ship based - Long tracking radar + VLS for ADS missile are we talking off can you give us some insight , bcoz BMD is crucial part since our shore based asset are equally important .
And what i meant by big enough is are these ships more valuable than ACarrier, not size if you got tht otherwise

clearing some peoples mis-perception.Aegis is only a combat management system.It dont include SM2/3/,....... Its only a management system.period

Now that is not true Mauryan

look at this article from -A former Under Secretary of the U.S. Navy, the author is the Senior Advisor for the Asia-Pacific Region for Lockheed Martin’s Maritime Sensors & Systems business unit.

..:: India Strategic ::.. Defence Industry: Aegis – A Capability for Regional Security

Imp extract from above link-
It is clear, then, that Aegis represents the premier air defense umbrella for a world-class fleet. With the Indian Navy now committed to building three new aircraft carriers, around which will be a host of ships to form battle groups of real potency, AEGIS is the logical choice to ensure those capital assets are offensively viable, and defensively secure. Only AEGIS with the SPY-1 radar system and the SM-2 missile can effectively provide the coverage that will be needed to detect, track and engage hostile forces.
Just as important for the Indian Navy is Aegis’ systems-engineering and open-architecture emphasis, allowing it to be designed for a long future on varied platforms; the system, for instance, could easily be integrated with India’s existing Prithvi Air Defense Shield (PADS) system.
Finally, as India’s strategic threats have – regrettably – matured into very real nuclear and supersonic conventional threats, Aegis’ scalability into a BMD asset, both at sea and now ashore – is an equally real and proven counter, and deterrent. Aegis has matured to the point that it has intercepted and destroyed an errant satellite in flight, travelling at a velocity of ten kilometers per second, and at an altitude of 130 miles above the earth. This was achieved with stunning success by the USS Lake Erie in 2008
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If Indian scientists can't do it, sign a treaty with the Chinese, let them do it.
It is clear, then, that Aegis represents the premier air defense umbrella for a world-class fleet. With the Indian Navy now committed to building three new aircraft carriers, around which will be a host of ships to form battle groups of real potency, AEGIS is the logical choice to ensure those capital assets are offensively viable, and defensively secure. Only AEGIS with the SPY-1 radar system and the SM-2 missile can effectively provide the coverage that will be needed to detect, track and engage hostile forces.
Just as important for the Indian Navy is Aegis’ systems-engineering and open-architecture emphasis, allowing it to be designed for a long future on varied platforms; the system, for instance, could easily be integrated with India’s existing Prithvi Air Defense Shield (PADS) system.
See,you attested my point while contradicting yours. Ageis combat management dont come with weapons like SM2/3.dont get carried away by the american aronyms used for marketting purpose.
It only alows the fusion and management of sensors and weapon systems.According to you,Aegis was offered under a provision of installing indias own PAD(this answers most)

But what we see In CAIO is a total management and control system.
It helps the fusion of all types of weapons(be it AShm,ABM,Air defence,ASW,.......)
There is certainly a lot difference between Aegis and CAIO.CAIO is an complete mission optimised and developed according to IN needs,while Aegis was developed for USN needs.
Aegis OA helps to enable
the introduction of critical future
capabilities, such as missile defense
missions, into the Aegis Combat
Through the Navy’s Cruiser
Modernization Program, USS Bunker
Hill went to sea in 2008 with the U.S.
Navy’s first fully open architecture
Aegis weapon system.
The Aegis Weapon System is a seamlessly integrated
radar and missile system capable of simultaneous
operation defending against advanced air, surface,
and subsurface threats
. A key component of the Aegis
Weapon System is the SPY‑1 multi-function phased
array radar. It is the world’s most advanced and versatile
maritime radar, and is scalable to meet the mission needs
for a range of ships from corvettes to aircraft carriers.

Yankees were good in promoting brand names.Of these is Aegis.A combat management systems that integrates various components/sensors and weapons.Nothing more than that.
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I feel we should go for indigenous system. IN has already doing it why to alter the path, INS Shivalik may in future be equipped with Barak 8 which has greater range so in the coming years lets hope the system can match Aegis.
I feel we should go for indigenous system. IN has already doing it why to alter the path, INS Shivalik may in future be equipped with Barak 8 which has greater range so in the coming years lets hope the system can match Aegis.

Lol..... India already developed one OA based system.And its development was started in the early 2000`s now fielded on shivalik.
Have you ever wondered why US offers its advanced tech to India?

It was US policy to contain other countries advanced research or systems.When Indians does something comparable to US systems,they love to divert the Indian developments.
They throw everything to stop these developments.Moreover they say,its their national interest to stop others developing a critical system.(lol....I personally had more experience)
What they offered to Japan -
Package consisted of -
SpY 1 radar and Sm2 missile system , additionally (use of SM-3's in the boost phase) and Patriot AC-3's in the event of re-entry in Japanese airspace during a potential failure .

Now what India has been offered as you say only Management system is hard to believe .
Indian navy wont simply buy this idea until they attach Tracking radar + Sm2 missile so if they offered it to Japan , Korea , Aus . We would be offered same config.

This brings an important discussion in hand - CAIO is fine for integration ,
but do we have plan to build BMD system which can target enemy's incoming Missile ( something like Naval PAD and tracking radar ) if Yes plz give some details

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