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US offers India the Aegis Combat System, the world’s most advanced shipboard weapons

lol, what a title: US offers India

Lockheed Martin now runs the U.S. Government?


Love the misleading title, its does wonders..:lol:
I dont care what media has put his words into.

Again I dont even care what media has reported.
These two lines are sufficient. Sweet dream.

now this an excerpt from your posted interview of him.

You believe some parts of the inter view and some parts doesn't. lol
Another thing, democracy is just a system of government, its not a tangible achievement unless the whole population demand it. People generally do not care about democracy unless the more basic needs are met. These basic need are well known and IMO, the majorities of Indians have not met these basic needs. So democracy is a choice force upon by the ruling class, not the desire of the mass.

Wrong dear. Democracy even in its raw and immature form (as many think it is in India), cannot force anyone to do anything. No one in India is forced to vote. Even the idea of making voting compulsary is opposed in India. Still, if on an average 65% of population elligible to vote, do vote in India, saying that majority of Indians do not care about democracy is like saying that majority of Chinese are morons.
Nope, India definitely has no ability to invade or threaten US. However, some export variation of products are inferior to domestically inducted weapon. F-35 is an example. P8 would be another example. All I'm saying is that even if the export variation is not as good as the domestic ones, its still better than anything else in the market. If strategic partnership means India purchase advance weaponry from US, then I'm certain US is very happy with that. India would also be very happy with that arrangement as US weaponry is 2nd to none.

Also, P8 is offered to all close US allies. Such as Australia, Japan and hopefully eventually Taiwan.

can u tell me is P8 is sold or going to sell to india.....
dude wat u think is US is superpower..?
then why are they fighting with the tribal Taliban for about 8 years or more,the US have high end technology,wat happened to all those technology....
and even the north korea(size of a single south indian state)gives waring of nuclear response to US....wen US and south korea made a joint drill earlier this month...
and even the china warned the US,because they had their nuclear carrier near yellow sea....
are u still in a illusion that US is a SUPERPOWER....ITS NO MORE:sniper:
can u tell me is P8 is sold or going to sell to india.....
dude wat u think is US is superpower..?
then why are they fighting with the tribal Taliban for about 8 years or more,the US have high end technology,wat happened to all those technology....
and even the north korea(size of a single south indian state)gives waring of nuclear response to US....wen US and south korea made a joint drill earlier this month...
and even the china warned the US,because they had their nuclear carrier near yellow sea....
are u still in a illusion that US is a SUPERPOWER....ITS NO MORE:sniper:
Be practical man. Today's parameters for a superpower are different. Can anyone fight and defeat US in a head on war? Can anyone have the guts to try it out? NO. Can anyone match their wealth? NO. Can anyone match their lifestyle as a country? NO. So they are a superpower.

Superpower doesn't mean that it keeps attacking everyone everytime for nothing. The Talibans are being tough because they dont' come out and fight in the open and attack on semi-abandoned posts killing 10 times less soldiers in quantity than theirs. So now USA is using drones as a counter-guerilla measure which is being effective in taking 'em out.

You know its the same thing with us and Maoists. Maoists are just ill-equipped losers while our Army is so strong compared to them. Why do innocent Indians continue to die at the hands of these soulless animals? Give IAF and/or IA a full free-for-all hand and Maoists and their forest covers won't last more than a month.

If Taliban has infested to such a degree that the entire country is pro-Taliban, then USA has no reason to lose with their massive bombers flattening the country. But they've to worry about the commoners who're themselves in big trouble because of Taliban, which these loser terrorists use to their advantage.

This century has a different meaning of superpower and by the time China completely becomes one, it will be another different world.

North Korean leaders sit in lap of luxury while their population starves to death. Their leaders have money and secure backups incase they're attacked. What to the common N.Korean people have? NOTHING! They either obey their leader and fight and die at the hands of a retaliatory foreign force or they get executed for "treason" by their leaders. Either ways they die. So pressing the button for nukes is easy for NK to strike Hawaii. But the response would be faced by N Korean common people who'd be suffering somethign worse than death. That's why US doesn't go gung ho on them. Another reason is NK holding SK and Japan for ransom. If NK nukes off South, imagine. S.K has nothing to counter-hit their northern neighbour.
can u tell me is P8 is sold or going to sell to india.....
dude wat u think is US is superpower..?
then why are they fighting with the tribal Taliban for about 8 years or more,the US have high end technology,wat happened to all those technology....
and even the north korea(size of a single south indian state)gives waring of nuclear response to US....wen US and south korea made a joint drill earlier this month...
and even the china warned the US,because they had their nuclear carrier near yellow sea....
are u still in a illusion that US is a SUPERPOWER....ITS NO MORE:sniper:

You are the only person in here that question whether if US is a super power? If US is not a super power, there is no such thing as a super power. I agree that US is over stretched. But with a change in policy, US can easily recuperate.
US has obligation to protect its allies. That doesn't mean that US will interfere with other nations. US also sell weapons to countries such as India. Such as the Aegis system. If India gov make the right decision, it would certainly choose the best system. Instead of lame excuses such as its not necessary for India and all these other crap. How can you explain away not getting the the best out there is beyond me.
I hate to bump a 10 month old topic, but in this case I'm simply looking for an update. I have scoured the Internet and could not find any...well w/ the limited scouring I did atleast...
US offer comes with a Tag, " before activating the defense system, India need to take prior approval from Pentagon" So US can offer anything, but we value nothing..
US offer comes with a Tag, " before activating the defense system, India need to take prior approval from Pentagon" So US can offer anything, but we value nothing..

That's true to some extent.But 'we value nothing' will be a bit over exaggration in my view.After all we are buying prety much expencive toys from US.
Besides short range AGNI missiles the weapon system that you mentioned above are either join ventures, tested successfully in development but failed tests in deployment, under development or just test platforms. On some systems, India is behind that of Pakistan and Iran as these countries are capable of reverse engineering and improve on foreign supplied weapons. India have not shown such ability as its attempt to reverse engineer a rifle ended in failure. As such is the case, its best for India to work in joint veture proejcts. This method had produce Brahmos, which is the only current success of the systems you listed above.

Its just not fair to the tax payers of India to spend so much to produce so little results. I am not suggesting that India should just give up. But it should concern more about developing research abilities on things it can't procure and not spread out its research ability. For example, the investment in fighter air craft, tanks and nuclear subs should be narrow down to just nuclear subs because India can purchase more advance aircraft and tanks abroad. If the money and talent are concerntrated on things it cannot purchase, it would be a better use of talent, money and resources.

The Chinese copied the Aegis system from the US, you know that right? The blueprints were stolen in a hacker raid.
The Chinese copied the Aegis system from the US, you know that right? The blueprints were stolen in a hacker raid.

any resource to back up ur claim? if not, it's time for u to abandon your BS habit.
trust me, though i know it's hard for u to break that bad habit but if u were ever made it, it's gonna benefit u in the long run.
That's true to some extent.But 'we value nothing' will be a bit over exaggration in my view.After all we are buying prety much expencive toys from US.

U r right, India should buy heavy lifters (C130J, C17) few choppers and Reconnaissance aircrafts, should keep buying them by paying more than what we were supposed to.. But we should avoid buying the critical weapons - that too with conditions..

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