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US offers India the Aegis Combat System, the world’s most advanced shipboard weapons

If my memory serves me right,I posted sometime earlier about the DRDO plans of a naval BMD.

Their phase-II calls for a testing of whole BMD with installing all radars and control centers and weapon systems on a ship.

Even LRTR was able to track satellites,aircrafts and missiles at the same time.It tracked satellites at an altitude of 500+km during a testing.there was a serious reporting problem on this.LRTR was called as Sword fish in the media.But its not.SwordFish was an improved LRTR with a tracking range of 1500+ Km. Now this Swordfish will be installed on a custom built ship for the Phase-II BMD.

IN already had plans to get BMD on its next 4 P-15B destroyers to be built.I think,it will be getting a sea based variant of Swordfish radar and PDV(which was said to have a 150-200km altitude and over 300+km range) as an interceptor.Inorder to accomodate all these advanced systems,IN is calling for a heavy destroyers in the 10,000 tonne class.But I dont have any solid confirmation of AAD-I for naval use.During my recent interaction,I was told that everything was going according to the plan for a 2015 show-off.Installation on ship was proceeding well.Interceptor design was done and installation in process,and ground testing will take place soon.
CAIO is the one being developed under a IN,BEL and a foreign agency(Actual agency invovled was barred from public).All these CMS were just synonyms and were part of the acronym used by various reporters or media relations officers.

That you got from news report. But CAIO and CMS-17 are different systems, CAIO may be part of CMS. I am the one who first noted CAIO as a CMS, later learned that they are different or CAIO is a part of CMS-17. CCS, IVCS, AISDN, CAIO all are part of CMS-17.



For some reason BEL website is not opening on my laptop. When it open I will show they named CAIO and CMS as different products.
Besides short range AGNI missiles the weapon system that you mentioned above are either join ventures, tested successfully in development but failed tests in deployment, under development or just test platforms. On some systems, India is behind that of Pakistan and Iran as these countries are capable of reverse engineering and improve on foreign supplied weapons. India have not shown such ability as its attempt to reverse engineer a rifle ended in failure. As such is the case, its best for India to work in joint veture proejcts. This method had produce Brahmos, which is the only current success of the systems you listed above.

Its just not fair to the tax payers of India to spend so much to produce so little results. I am not suggesting that India should just give up. But it should concern more about developing research abilities on things it can't procure and not spread out its research ability. For example, the investment in fighter air craft, tanks and nuclear subs should be narrow down to just nuclear subs because India can purchase more advance aircraft and tanks abroad. If the money and talent are concerntrated on things it cannot purchase, it would be a better use of talent, money and resources.

buy the way which rifle are you talking about??:blink::blink:
Kinetic Great posts in shivalik thread , i came across those just now.

But the thing is I am not discussing about Battlefield Network Management , Sensor fusion etc .
There is no doubt all modern vessels have them .
I was asking about something like Naval PAD system or any other Naval based BMD system like the Mauryan posted above abt Naval BMD .

AEGIS is more than just combat management sytem ( Spy2 etc) . Rt????

Also this ATM on-board Shivalik , isn't it TDLS ( Link16 or something)
If my memory serves me right,I posted sometime earlier about the DRDO plans of a naval BMD.

Their phase-II calls for a testing of whole BMD with installing all radars and control centers and weapon systems on a ship.

Even LRTR was able to track satellites,aircrafts and missiles at the same time.It tracked satellites at an altitude of 500+km during a testing.there was a serious reporting problem on this.LRTR was called as Sword fish in the media.But its not.SwordFish was an improved LRTR with a tracking range of 1500+ Km. Now this Swordfish will be installed on a custom built ship for the Phase-II BMD.
Swordfish and LRTR apparently two different name of same radar. New 1500 km range radar under development is LRTR-2 not Swordfish.

IN already had plans to get BMD on its next 4 P-15B destroyers to be built.I think,it will be getting a sea based variant of Swordfish radar and PDV(which was said to have a 150-200km altitude and over 300+km range) as an interceptor.Inorder to accomodate all these advanced systems,IN is calling for a heavy destroyers in the 10,000 tonne class.But I dont have any solid confirmation of AAD-I for naval use.During my recent interaction,I was told that everything was going according to the plan for a 2015 show-off.Installation on ship was proceeding well.Interceptor design was done and installation in process,and ground testing will take place soon.

There is no way IN ships can get PDV. PDV is solid fueled first stage and IIR seeker version of PAD which is also 1 meter longer. Now how it will accommodate such a huge missile in number? There is better chance of AD-1 or AD-2 which are much more sleek and smaller than PAD/PDV. AD-1 and AD-2 have solid propulsion, diverted altitude control system and will work in pif paf mode for better control. It will be able to go upto 250 km above earth to destroy incoming ballistic missile with 5000+ km range.
Kinetic Great posts in shivalik thread , i came across those just now.

But the thing is I am not discussing about Battlefield Network Management , Sensor fusion etc .
There is no doubt all modern vessels have them .
Mate all modern ships doesn't have multi-sensor data fusion, threat assessment based on that and full network management like the one on Shivalik. For US its not new though, Europe also done it but for others its quite new and buying these systems from US or Europe.

I was asking about something like Naval PAD system or any other Naval based BMD system like the Mauryan posted above abt Naval BMD .
I have discussed this in previous post. Note PAD is larger than Prithvi missile and PDV is larger than PAD, now how they accommodate Prithvi/Danush on Sukanya class ships? This way...


^^This is not ideal for our future ship. So there is no chance of PAD and PDV to be on our naval ships. We will go for AD-1 or AD-2, smaller, sleeker and much more capable. My previous post...

"PDV is solid fueled first stage and IIR seeker version of PAD which is also 1 meter longer. Now how it will accommodate such a huge missile in number? There is better chance of AD-1 or AD-2 which are much more sleek and smaller than PAD/PDV. AD-1 and AD-2 have solid propulsion, diverted altitude control system and will work in pif paf mode for better control. It will be able to go upto 250 km above earth to destroy incoming ballistic missile with 5000+ km range. "

AEGIS is more than just combat management sytem ( Spy2 etc) . Rt????
Aegis is a CMS that integrate multiple sensors and weapons like SPY-2, SM3 and other systems. If anyone wants can just but SPY-2 and SM3 combo or just implement Aegis with their own radar and missile.

But Aegis was developed keeping SPY and SM in mind. This might be the best system operation today. 'If' India buy Aegis and don't buy SPY-2 or SM missile its worthless.

Also this ATM on-board Shivalik , isn't it TDLS ( Link16 or something)

Link 16? Mate I think Link 16 is a com system for F-16. It might be Link II from BEL. Link II is a inter ship/Headquarter com system while ATM on shivalik is intra ship com system 'that allows electronic information from ship’s sensors and systems to be transmitted digitally in real time over the common data base.'
Aegis is a CMS that integrate multiple sensors and weapons like SPY-2, SM3 and other systems. If anyone wants can just but SPY-2 and SM3 combo or just implement Aegis with their own radar and missile.
But Aegis was developed keeping SPY and SM in mind. This might be the best system operation today. 'If' India buy Aegis and don't buy SPY-2 or SM missile its worthless.
If India buys SM-3 along with AEGIS for its frigates and destroyers they would have to ditch Isreali Barak SAM program.
Or even if they think about integrating SM-3 in the future then they would have to retrofit American VLS MK-41 launching systems while replacing Barak and associated equipments and sensors.

The plan would have been plausible if India was planning to fit AEGIS on its new combatant vessels from start. But i think its too late and India is well ahead with Isreali CMS and Barak.
Link 16 is not F16 specific , its a network protocol ( not exact word ) but similar type thing .
Wiki -
Link 16 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Link 16 is a type of military tactical data exchange network used by North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Its standard specification is part of the family of Tactical Data Links (TDLs).
With Link 16, military aircraft as well as ships and ground forces may exchange their tactical picture in near-real time. Link 16 also supports the exchange of text messages, imagery data and provides two channels of digital voice (2.4 kbit/s and/or 16 kbit/s in any combination). Link 16 is defined as one of the digital services of the MIDS (Multifunctional Information Distribution System) in the NATO Standardization Agreement STANAG 5516. MIL-STD-6016 is the related United States Department of Defense Link-16 standard.
Swordfish and LRTR apparently two different name of same radar. New 1500 km range radar under development is LRTR-2 not Swordfish.
Lol......Who is misleading you with such information? It was Saraswat himself said,both LRTR and Swordfish were different.While he terms LRTR as an upgraded imported Greenpine radar and Swordfish is a totally different and long ranged.
There is no way IN ships can get PDV. PDV is solid fueled first stage and IIR seeker version of PAD which is also 1 meter longer. Now how it will accommodate such a huge missile in number?
Where are you getting such misleading infromation from?

PAD is infact a technology demonstrator and is meant for termporarily providing high altitude defence. there were many drawbacks in PAD.Since DRDO dont want to waste time in developing a second interceptor alongisde AAD, they choose a modified Prithvi to do the job.Now that Phase-I is going on well beyond expectations, PDV is the next logical step conclude the program.PDV longer than PAD certainly dont mean heavier and larger than PAD. Longer !=Larger

also who said only first stage of PDV is solid fueled? Buddy, dont get confused with PAD. PDV is an all new vehicle under integration which will sport a dual-mode seeker,but not just an IIR.My post in one of the Brahmos thread clearly briefs about the DRDO`s development of dual-mode seekers.

Even PAD itself is a mamoth.And a TEL cant carry more than one missile onboard.This is a BIG NO for an ABM system carrying only ONE missile.Trust me,PAD is being used to validate certain technologies onlyyyy.
The PDV is a longer missile with two solid stages. It is in the class of the THAAD or Terminal High Altitude Area Defence missiles deployed by the United States as part of its missile shield beginning this year. THAAD boasts of missiles which can intercept ballistic missiles over 200 km away and tracking radars with ranges of over 1000 km.

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Link 16 is not F16 specific , its a network protocol ( not exact word ) but similar type thing .
Wiki -
Link 16 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Link 16 is a type of military tactical data exchange network used by North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Its standard specification is part of the family of Tactical Data Links (TDLs).
With Link 16, military aircraft as well as ships and ground forces may exchange their tactical picture in near-real time. Link 16 also supports the exchange of text messages, imagery data and provides two channels of digital voice (2.4 kbit/s and/or 16 kbit/s in any combination). Link 16 is defined as one of the digital services of the MIDS (Multifunctional Information Distribution System) in the NATO Standardization Agreement STANAG 5516. MIL-STD-6016 is the related United States Department of Defense Link-16 standard.

Thanks for confirmation its a NATO standard for communication.

ATM based on Shivalik are different. It will integrate the systems on board ships. For communication we have Link II from BEL.
Where are you getting such misleading infromation from?

PAD is infact a technology demonstrator and is meant for termporarily providing high altitude defence. there were many drawbacks in PAD.Since DRDO dont want to waste time in developing a second interceptor alongisde AAD, they choose a modified Prithvi to do the job.Now that Phase-I is going on well beyond expectations, PDV is the next logical step conclude the program.
There is possibility that PDV may replace PAD. PDV is a modified PAD with new technologies.

also who said only first stage of PDV is solid fueled?
Dr. Vijay Kumar Saraswat, Project Director Missile Defence. Former director of Research Centre Imarat. Current chief of DRDO.

Buddy, dont get confused with PAD. PDV is an all new vehicle under integration which will sport a dual-mode seeker,but not just an IIR.My post in one of the Brahmos thread clearly briefs about the DRDO`s development of dual-mode seekers.

Buddy, don't confuse me. PDV is a modified version of PAD. PAD has two stages where first stage is liquid fueled and second stage has solid motor with diverted thrust. Both have TVC. Now PDV will replace the first stage with new solid motor. The RF seeker of the PAD will also be replaced with IIR seeker in PDV. There is nothing like dual seeker for PDV. PDV also one meter taller than PAD.

Even PAD itself is a mamoth.And a TEL cant carry more than one missile onboard.This is a BIG NO for an ABM system carrying only ONE missile.Trust me,PAD is being used to validate certain technologies onlyyyy.
That is correct but they will never put a similar PDV on ship. AD-1 and AD-2 have much better chance. They are smaller and much more capable than PAD/PDV.
For some reason BEL website is not opening on my laptop. When it open I will show they named CAIO and CMS as different products.

no problem.
But I will get you another clue about the nodal agency involved in the CAIO development. Its CAIR from DRDO. Call one of those guys ,you will have detailed information. One of the company which I knew was also involved in the development.Initially IN and DRDO went along with the development,but its only after a while that they felt the need of external assistance.

I dont really care what BEL has to do in this.In my opinion BEL is nothing buy a integrator.And I have no faith with this company,since I know the ground realities of how they work and how they get things done.
There is possibility that PDV may replace PAD. PDV is a modified PAD with new technologies.
See,you are wrong again here.PDV is not a modified PAD.PDV is an entirely new development.Its a sleek and long missile while PAD was a pre-historic mamoth.
And its not the possibility of PAD being replaced by PDV,but this is what conceived.PAD can never be a long term solution,its only a TD.

Dr. Vijay Kumar Saraswat, Project Director Missile Defence. Former director of Research Centre Imarat. Current chief of DRDO.
I call him Vijay :P

There is nothing like dual seeker for PDV. PDV also one meter taller than PAD.
there IS.
And again its just longer, but not bulkier.

That is correct but they will never put a similar PDV on ship. AD-1 and AD-2 have much better chance. They are smaller and much more capable than PAD/PDV.
hey :hitwall::hitwall:
PDV is a sleek and a bit longer than PAD with 2 solid stages and a DMS.Your opinion has nothing to do with the proposal.Trust me,I am not one of those reporters who rely on loose words ;) I only get first hand information :D
See,you are wrong again here.PDV is not a modified PAD.PDV is an entirely new development.Its a sleek and long missile while PAD was a pre-historic mamoth.
And its not the possibility of PAD being replaced by PDV,but this is what conceived.PAD can never be a long term solution,its only a TD.

I call him Vijay :P

there IS.
And again its just longer, but not bulkier.

hey :hitwall::hitwall:
PDV is a sleek and a bit longer than PAD with 2 solid stages and a DMS.Your opinion has nothing to do with the proposal.Trust me,I am not one of those reporters who rely on loose words ;) I only get first hand information :D

I think you need to go through this interview.... If you call him 'Vijay' than you might be a friend of him, but you friend seems to have quite different view than yours!!....... ;)

Scientific advisor to the defence minister and director general, Defence Research and Development Organisation, Padmashri Dr V.K. Saraswat

After four successful tests, what is the status of the PAD (exo-atmospheric) and the AAD (endo-atmospheric) interceptors?

The Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) programme is in two phases. The first phase deals with targets at maximum ranges of 2,000km and the second phase will cover longer range targets up to 5,000km. This will be our strategy of BMD development. Two interceptors, PAD and AAD have been developed in phase I. These trials started with the exo interceptor (PAD) at the altitude of 48km and second trial with the altitude of 80km, and the endo interceptor (AAD) was 15km. The phase I activity is to increase the altitude of interception as much as possible within the limits of the design of the interceptor. Now we are aiming to increase the altitude of PAD to more than 100km. For this, we have made certain modifications in the interceptor. This year, we will test the modified PAD at an altitude of over 100km for a 2,000km range missile.

Are you talking about PDV?

Yes, the modified PAD will be PDV and it will have two changes. The first stage of PAD which is a liquid motor will be replaced by a solid motor stage with high energy levels. The second stage, ‘kill-vehicle’ has also been modified for higher interception accuracy. Earlier, in PAD, we had an RF seeker. Now we are introducing Imaging Infra Red (IIR) seeker also for higher accuracy. PAD also has ‘divert thruster’ on the second stage to bring better accuracy and controllability. The PDV will be tested by the end of this year, with these new features.

In your last interview you mentioned that the length of the PDV will be one metre more than the PAD.

Yes, this is correct.

You have been quoted as saying that phase I of the BMD will be operationally deployed by 2011. What does this mean?

Our commitment is to complete the flight trials of the phase I interceptor for the 2,000km range missile by 2011. By 2013, we will realise all the other elements, including radars, required for strategic defence.

What is meant by saying that ‘we will realise all the other elements’?

It means completion of development trials of interceptors. This is not a conventional weapon which requires large numbers; the production of the needed interceptor will not take much time. Between 2011, when the interceptor development trials are over, and 2013 we will put together the required number of the interceptors as well as other elements like radars and control centres, which need time.

Who will produce the interceptors and the other elements?

BDL and BEL will be the producing agencies. Several sub-systems will come from the private industry as well, for example, launchers will come from L&T.

Is it correct that you are looking for the PDV interception at 100km plus range and the AAD interception at 20km range in phase I for medium range 2,000km missiles?

Yes, this is correct.

Regarding other elements, let’s talk about the Long Range Tracking Radar (LRTR). The present one that you have is of Israeli origin (Green Pine radar) with the range of 600km. How do you plan increasing this range, and will outside assistance be sought?

We are planning to enhance the detection range of the existing radars. The exact range is classified. However, considering that we now have the capability and the capacity to build all elements of state-of-the-art radar, the range enhancement will more or less be an indigenous effort.

Are there any plans of using satellites and air (Synthetic Aperture Radar and Infra Red means) for LRTR?

We have plans for this, but the availability of satellite with required payload called the missile monitoring system payload is likely to take four to five years. But the process is on. Regarding air, until our own AWACS system gets deployed, we cannot integrate that. What we have done is through the air force network and air defence network and mission control centre we have integrated the entire command and control structure including data transmission. So when these platforms are commissioned and our own AEW & C gets going, we will have the early warning, detection and tracking through these assets.[

Are you saying that until the AWACS and AEW & C systems are not commissioned, your BM/C3I (battle management and Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence system) for the BMD will not be realised?

This is not correct. I will have all the needed systems for BMD phase I as mentioned to you by 2013. What it means is that once I have air and satellite assets available, I will have more reaction time for ballistic missile defence. Let’s say that today I have 120 seconds available to me between detection of a missile and its interception. Once I have air- or satellite-based assets, they give me a dual advantage by providing early warning as well as early cue to the LRTR. What this means is that of now I have 150 seconds available to me, I can enhance the interception from 100km to a higher altitude. Thus, the present system does not have any deficiencies; it will get better once the additional assets are available. I will get 20 to 30 per cent incremental advantage, both in detection and interception.

Are you planning any incremental changes in the MFFCS (multi-functional fire control system) that you have acquired from Thales that has the range of 350km?

The MFFCS is fine and does not need any further modification.

How many more interceptor tests have you planned?

As I mentioned, the PDV test is slated for later this year and an AAD test will be done in March 2011. The range for AAD will be 15 to 18km.

What are your plans for phase II?

In phase II, we plan to take on targets with ranges till 5,000km. This has two implications: One, the targets come to you at a higher velocity, and two, they come from higher altitude. For these targets, early warning and incremental increase in detection becomes essential. For this reason, it is important that the range of the long-range tracking radar be more than 1,000km. We have started work on this and it will take up to three years. When I say that this will be indigenous, it means that design and development will be done here, while computers and certain other essentials like TR modules will be procured from outside. You know that it is neither possible nor desirable to make everything within the country. Once work on radar is going on, we will also be working on the AAD 1 and AAD 2. For such targets, the interceptors need more agility, higher energy and higher speed. For example, AAD 2 will have speed of Mach 6 to 8, which is completely hypersonic. Today, the speed of AAD is between Mach 4 and 5, and is being called high supersonic. We will also increase the endo-atmospheric interception to more than 30km altitude. Similarly, the exo-atmospheric interception will cross the 200km altitude limit. The design for both these interceptors has been completed and we are already in the propulsion testing mode. Considering that they are new missiles, this process will take time. Roughly, we are looking at 2015 when phase II interceptors will be realised.

You have been quoted in the media saying that India is ahead of China in BMD. What does this mean?

I have been quoted out of context. What I had said was that we have taken steps to develop BMD from 1995 onwards. The Chinese have also started their work. They have shown satellite interception and recently on January 13, they have shown ballistic missile interception. That is all I said and this cannot be interpreted as saying that India is ahead of China. I also told them that I do not know when the Chinese actually started work on BMD. As a scientist, if I have to say anything, I would say that they have already demonstrated satellite interception capability, so in a way they are ahead.

You have also been quoted saying that like China, we do not need to demonstrate satellite interception capability. What does this mean?

Demonstrating satellite interception is not something that is necessary to acquiring this capability. Satellite, as you know, has a predictable path, whether it is in the polar, low earth or any other orbit. To check my interception capability, I can always simulate satellite path electronically. I will generate an electronic scenario at the launch-pad as if I am getting the data from another satellite or ground-based radar and take that as the inputs to my mission-control centre and then launch as interceptor. Since the path is known, I can accurately know if I have hit the target or not, unlike the ballistic missiles, where the path can be unpredictable because of aero-dynamic and many other reasons. So technically, we have concluded that we do not need to check our building blocks to ascertain whether we have satellite interception capability.

Why have the Chinese felt the need to demonstrate satellite-interception capability?

I do not know. Only they can answer this question.

Is there any benefit in seeing an actual demonstration?

There are no technical benefits but maybe there are other benefits including 100 per cent assurance. These days, we have a lot of capability that actual flying tests are not required. Every time we make a change, we don’t have to flight-test the capability.

You have also been quoted as saying that we don’t need to build and store missiles as we have the capability to convert two weapon systems at short notice. The question is, a certain number of missiles will always need to be made and stored as, after all, how short is the short notice. Would you agree with this?

This statement was made to the media in the context of the Agni missile. You will appreciate that the Agni class of system is not a tactical missile. When you talk of strategic missiles and you don’t have a threat today for these class of weapon system, and I was saying this in the context of an ICBM then there is no need to make and store these weapons.

Are you saying that certain number of the Agni series of missiles, including Agni I, Agni II and Agni III have not been made and stored?

No, this is being done as per the requirement.

Which is the production agency?

BDL is the production agency and they are well geared up for producing these series of missiles.

Another statement attributed to you is that you are making Multiple Independent Re-Entry Vehicles (MIRV)?

I never said that we will make the MIRV. We have no plans for MIRV. All I said was that we are working on Agni V.

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Lets break the deadlock here.My relationship with Saraswat is out of context.I dont like protruding a similar reply for multiple times.
I dont care what media has put his words into.All I care what I knew.
For me PDV is an entirely different vehicle.And he himself says that it be of THAAD alike.And now his interview you brough up contradicts that,because PAD is no way similar to THAAD and you support that PDV is a modified PAD.
What I was told or what I am saying is,PDV is a totally new missile with 2 solid stages and sports a dual mode seeker.
now this an excerpt from your posted interview of him.
Earlier, in PAD, we had an RF seeker. Now we are introducing Imaging Infra Red (IIR) seeker also for higher accuracy.
Again I dont even care what media has reported.Because a dual mode seeker was in works for a long time and is meant for ABM to be installed on PDV.
I can also go into purely technical details,again it would be just a waste of our time.As per my personal expereince,we usually dont give exact details of the project we are undertaking in any of the public interviews,except those to the Users or customers :P

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