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US offers help for next generation aircraft carrier


Dec 14, 2009
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The United States has offered to develop the next generation aircraft carrier technology with India, visiting deputy secretary of defence Ashton Carter said Wednesday.
The technology on offer, Electro Magnetic Aircraft Launch System, will be a quantum leap for the Indian Navy that currently relies on the Russian ski-launch technology.

Both Indian carriers, INS Vikramaditya, coming in November, and INS Vikrant, being built in Kochi, can ski-launch only light fighter aircraft. But EMALS would make it possible to launch heavy aircraft, including early warning systems, refuellers and transporters, from future ships. India has yet to freeze the design of the second indigenous carrier it plans to build after Vikrant.

Carter said the US is keen to develop and co-produce defence equipment with India on the lines of Brahmos, a missile developed jointly by India and Russia and which is on offer for export to a third country. One such technology that can be shared under the Defence Technology Initiative is EMALS, Carter said. "The US is developing and fielding that system and is offering the technology to India which has an aircraft carrier and is considering making more," he said.

Also on offer for joint development is the next generation anti-tank guided missile, Carter said.

The Javelin system has been on offer to India for years but it never managed to make the cut due to restrictions imposed by US law on transfer of technology, a critical factor guiding most of India's new defence acquisitions. But Carter said work has been done to amend bureaucratic processes and new version of this system can be jointly developed.

He emphasised that the US wishes to replicate, in part, the Russian model of cooperation with India. "That is exactly the same kind of thing where two industry teams are involved in the whole product life cycle; where the product is both co-produced and developed."

He dismissed concerns that such collaboration can be hampered due to India's refusal to sign the so called frameworks agreements.

US offers help for next generation aircraft carrier - Indian Express
EMALS :woot: I am still skeptical though. Lets hope its true
I am surprised that no side is pushing for UCAVs which India lack. I was hoping US will push the "Predator" being a decades old technology they can part with while Indian forces getting required remote fire support.
US really wants to get out of the usual hurdles to sell/joint production of arms as per 'Indian terms'.

They learned fro MMRCA. Now we can get sophisticated system's ToT as 'joint venture' like green pine radar / Brahmos.

US really wants to get out of the usual hurdles to sell/joint production of arms as per 'Indian terms'.

They learned fro MMRCA. Now we can get sophisticated system's ToT as 'joint venture' like green pine radar / Brahmos.
US trying head to toe to get into joint venture with INDIA.
Putting things which are difficult to refuse.
Let's with kaveri engine tech core and 10-12 heli development!
dont believe it till the deal is signed.
Daal mein kuch kaala hai,,,ya poori daal hi kaali hai.....time ll say...
Now, that is a game changer indeed! With EMALS, IAC-2 could be a full fledged mini (combat) air force and project air power anywhere. FWIK, the initial cost of EMALS is high, but the operational costs are much lower than steam powered catapults. And they require less maintenance and fewer crew to operate.

The combat efficiency of the naval air wing would grow multifold, if they can have AEWACs and refuellers on board the carriers. The US has everything to gain in sharing the tech with India, because if India commits to this technology, it would mean not just paying for the EMALS, but also for the carrier borne refuellers and AEWACs (E-2Ds) from the US, since no other country makes anything similar.

Needless to say, it will revolutionize our carrier aviation doctrine.
Now the proposals for co-operation from the USA are getting serious. India should approach this proposal for EMALS seriously. While ideas for Javelin etc can be approached with some caution yet.

Let a non-lethal project like sharing TOT for EMALS show some traction first, then the other proposals will gain momentum.

I disagree with you on non-lethal part of EMALS.
EMALS has both lethal as well as non-lethal use. USA is already developing weapons to fire projectile using electromagnetic energy. Yes I know both are different but main principal as well as energy source is still same for both the systems.

What do you think?
And all this time, you guys were so skeptical of the US. Just wait and watch...The US is a great ally as long you act like an ally. I hope India-US relations reach the moon and the stars. There is a great deal we all can learn from the US. Stop focusing solely on the negative and focus on their positives.
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