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US offers Cutting Edge Technologies To India

Our relations with various countries are pretty superficial if you ask me. Do we have any major allies capable to supporting us in times of war like NATO?

Believe it or not,we cant rely both US and Russia when a tough time arises.USSR helped us in 1971 ,but that time is gone.Now US is only Superpower and PRC will attain that status within a decade.Due to PRC ,we cant count the Russia.
Trusting the US will be one of the worst folly a sovereign nation can do.Look at the Pakistan .Look how they treat their allies.Look at the situation of Iraq .
For the west ,good will with India is just a superficial like you said. Inside in their mind they treat India with some concerns.Whatever we try to do toshow our peaceful behaviour in front western world they dont treat us equal. They dont like rising of a nation once they looked down
So only option in front of us is to just increase our power.like China did.Keep a good relation with neighbours and other nations as far as possible.Dont rely on others and allies.
Our relations with various countries are pretty superficial if you ask me. Do we have any major allies capable to supporting us in times of war like NATO?

Why do we need major allies to defend against Pakistan and China? Can't we do that on our own? India will need close allies when India is ready to go global, not at this stage.

That offer came with an "if we select US bird for MMRCA". We selected Rafale.
Believe it or not,we cant rely both US and Russia when a tough time arises.USSR helped us in 1971 ,but that time is gone.Now US is only Superpower and PRC will attain that status within a decade.Due to PRC ,we cant count the Russia.
Trusting the US will be one of the worst folly a sovereign nation can do.Look at the Pakistan .Look how they treat their allies.Look at the situation of Iraq .
For the west ,good will with India is just a superficial like you said. Inside in their mind they treat India with some concerns.Whatever we try to do toshow our peaceful behaviour in front western world they dont treat us equal. They dont like rising of a nation once they looked down
So only option in front of us is to just increase our power.like China did.Keep a good relation with neighbours and other nations as far as possible.Dont rely on others and allies.

No matter what we should have been increasing our power. We looked weak because we voted for weak leaders and kin who made stupid policies. We should have had parallel programs that stole tech and reverse engineered whatever we could from day 1.

You and others bring up Pakistan and how the US treated them. What makes you think Pakistan was a real ally in the first place? Don't you think the US got wind of Pakistani playing a double game with China long ago? What their support for these jihadi groups? Osama Bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan did you forget? If Pakistan is treated so poorly, its obvious why!

Now let me give you a counter arguement to your POV.....JAPAN. Look at that relationship and how it has changed. Trust is earned.....start small and build slowly. If ppl or nations look down on India, it is due to the poor leadership we had for decades. Look at the red tape, cronyism, corruption, etc. What I am saying its so obvious and on a massive scale that would never be allowed in nations that look down on us. I agree we need to develop ourselves ASAP.

We are not increasing power to gain their respect. We are doing so, because we royally screwed ourselves for decades with haphazard decisions and corruption. An agressive China is on the horizon and we are woefully unprepared. If respect come along, that's great as I have noticed with Japan.

If we really want to come up, then we need to fully realize our potential and utilize our manpower like never before. Develop India, invest in every sphere, create an ecomonic policy that allows for the India citizen to invest in research (like a stock market for defence research, social finance, education, etc). Sounds crazy but its quite plausible. Stop following everybody's method and do something different and unique.
Believe it or not,we cant rely both US and Russia when a tough time arises.USSR helped us in 1971 ,but that time is gone.Now US is only Superpower and PRC will attain that status within a decade.Due to PRC ,we cant count the Russia.
Trusting the US will be one of the worst folly a sovereign nation can do.Look at the Pakistan .Look how they treat their allies.Look at the situation of Iraq .
For the west ,good will with India is just a superficial like you said. Inside in their mind they treat India with some concerns.Whatever we try to do toshow our peaceful behaviour in front western world they dont treat us equal. They dont like rising of a nation once they looked down
So only option in front of us is to just increase our power.like China did.Keep a good relation with neighbours and other nations as far as possible.Dont rely on others and allies.

Nice to hear an Indian admit that China will become superpower in a decade's time - one thing I would like to mention is that China won't go down the Western route of killing and looting. Chinese will confine themselves to their own country unless there is a dire and real threat to their own national security and that won't be a 3rd world country whose leader does not like to give them oil cheaply.:lol:

West will have this racist mindset for a little while longer but at the least China becoming a superpower will let them know that they are humans like the rest of us.
Why do we need major allies to defend against Pakistan and China? Can't we do that on our own? India will need close allies when India is ready to go global, not at this stage.

That offer came with an "if we select US bird for MMRCA". We selected Rafale.

With our lack of tech and weapon platforms, plus no capability to increase production at a moment's notice.....no we can't do it if both China and Pakistan attacked today. We allow our media to give away a lot of info that many nations would never do. We loose before the first shot it fired. China would whoop our rear end in a conventional fight today. If it went nuclear, who do you think would survive?
Nice to hear an Indian admit that China will become superpower in a decade's time - one thing I would like to mention is that China won't go down the Western route of killing and looting. Chinese will confine themselves to their own country unless there is a dire and real threat to their own national security and that won't be a 3rd world country whose leader does not like to give them oil cheaply.:lol:

West will have this racist mindset for a little while longer but at the least China becoming a superpower will let them know that they are humans like the rest of us.

Probability of an US-India war is higher than the probability of an India-China war. We know our enemies very well.
No matter what we should have been increasing our power. We looked weak because we voted for weak leaders and kin who made stupid policies. We should have had parallel programs that stole tech and reverse engineered whatever we could from day 1.

You and others bring up Pakistan and how the US treated them. What makes you think Pakistan was a real ally in the first place? Don't you think the US got wind of Pakistani playing a double game with China long ago? What their support for these jihadi groups? Osama Bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan did you forget? If Pakistan is treated so poorly, its obvious why!

Now let me give you a counter arguement to your POV.....JAPAN. Look at that relationship and how it has changed. Trust is earned.....start small and build slowly. If ppl or nations look down on India, it is due to the poor leadership we had for decades. Look at the red tape, cronyism, corruption, etc. What I am saying its so obvious and on a massive scale that would never be allowed in nations that look down on us. I agree we need to develop ourselves ASAP.

We are not increasing power to gain their respect. We are doing so, because we royally screwed ourselves for decades with haphazard decisions and corruption. An agressive China is on the horizon and we are woefully unprepared. If respect come along, that's great as I have noticed with Japan.

If we really want to come up, then we need to fully realize our potential and utilize our manpower like never before. Develop India, invest in every sphere, create an ecomonic policy that allows for the India citizen to invest in research (like a stock market for defence research, social finance, education, etc). Sounds crazy but its quite plausible. Stop following everybody's method and do something different and unique.
That was I said.
West looked down on us not due to the poor leadership or something like that.
They will looked down even if we developed like Switzerland.Reason is racism and also some other stuffs.
From our perspective Pakistan did double game against US.
But look at the history ,they sacrifice themselves for US during Soviet war and their main cause all these problem is that war.
US might give them aid and other help.But virtually they destroy Pakistan for their own interest.
Strong leaders com only when we Indians decide to do so like this time.
About allies ,we treat Israel also as our friend and they gave some help during kargil war.But in other side they sold us laser guided bomb for exorbitant price 1 crore for 1 bomb and they gave us outdated satellite picture of kargil during critical time.
We are following our own unique method that is why we dont follow Chinese method of stealing foreign tech.All we need to increase our power then rest will follow.
That was I said.
West looked down on us not due to the poor leadership or something like that.
They will looked down even if we developed like Switzerland.Reason is racism and also some other stuffs.
From our perspective Pakistan did double game against US.
But look at the history ,they sacrifice themselves for US during Soviet war and their main cause all these problem is that war.
US might give them aid and other help.But virtually they destroy Pakistan for their own interest.
Strong leaders com only when we Indians decide to do so like this time.
About allies ,we treat Israel also as our friend and they gave some help during kargil war.But in other side they sold us laser guided bomb for exorbitant price 1 crore for 1 bomb and they gave us outdated satellite picture of kargil during critical time.
We are following our own unique method that is why we dont follow Chinese method of stealing foreign tech.All we need to increase our power then rest will follow.

The government is simply unwilling to allocate any fund for reverse engineering. That is not because of any Ideological reason, that is because Babus get paid for every piece of the foreign maal which lands here. A reverse engineered product will cost less than 1/10th of the cost at which we purchase the original, that will give a heart attack to all the MOD bureaucrats and the accountants.
Nice to hear an Indian admit that China will become superpower in a decade's time - one thing I would like to mention is that China won't go down the Western route of killing and looting. Chinese will confine themselves to their own country unless there is a dire and real threat to their own national security and that won't be a 3rd world country whose leader does not like to give them oil cheaply.:lol:

West will have this racist mindset for a little while longer but at the least China becoming a superpower will let them know that they are humans like the rest of us.

Comparing US and China you will get a lot of answers.US played their superpower game because their neighbourhoods is like that.Canada and Mexico.
But here China is dealing with a powerful Japan and growing India.In one of the earlier post a Chinese member already agreed to another Turkish member that their strongest neighbour is India.Now dont compare Mexico and India.
In real math term China may be economy powerful like US or more in future.But to exercise that power they need a tranquil neighbour.
So I am not cheerleading like you.I am talking facts to another Indian member.
China may be powerful but that doesnt mean India remain same level in all decade.We also increase our power

The government is simply unwilling to allocate any fund for reverse engineering. That is not because of any Ideological reason, that is because Babus get paid for every piece of the foreign maal which lands here. A reverse engineered product will cost less than 1/10th of the cost at which we purchase the original, that will give a heart attack to all the MOD bureaucrats and the accountants.
Blaiming them is not going to solve any problems.Because they will be the first casuality if we dont have sufficient weapons when time arises.That is why the government prefer private investment and FDI.
That was I said.
West looked down on us not due to the poor leadership or something like that.
They will looked down even if we developed like Switzerland.Reason is racism and also some other stuffs.
From our perspective Pakistan did double game against US.
But look at the history ,they sacrifice themselves for US during Soviet war and their main cause all these problem is that war.
US might give them aid and other help.But virtually they destroy Pakistan for their own interest.
Strong leaders com only when we Indians decide to do so like this time.
About allies ,we treat Israel also as our friend and they gave some help during kargil war.But in other side they sold us laser guided bomb for exorbitant price 1 crore for 1 bomb and they gave us outdated satellite picture of kargil during critical time.
We are following our own unique method that is why we dont follow Chinese method of stealing foreign tech.All we need to increase our power then rest will follow.

Our method is not working when speed is a major concern. Who asked Pakistan to sacrifice themselves and how did they do so? Pakistani elite have nothing in common with pakistani civilians. Two separate entities. If you allow yourself to be destroyed, you will be.

Pakistan wanted the US to help get rid of India but it never happened. Kennedy was an ardent fan of India. The US supported us during 1963! The US told Pakistan to pull back during Kargil!

Again, look at Japan.

Israel showed it jewish side during kargil. It was beneficial for them in multiple ways by building a buyer-seller relationship , gaining access to our markets and earnging cash. At the same, Israel is trying to create major inroads into China while the US disapproves.
Comparing US and China you will get a lot of answers.US played their superpower game because their neighbourhoods is like that.Canada and Mexico.
But here China is dealing with a powerful Japan and growing India.In one of the earlier post a Chinese member already agreed to another Turkish member that their strongest neighbour is India.Now dont compare Mexico and India.
In real math term China may be economy powerful like US or more in future.But to exercise that power they need a tranquil neighbour.
So I am not cheerleading like you.I am talking facts to another Indian member.
China may be powerful but that doesnt mean India remain same level in all decade.We also increase our power

There you go again like other Indians.:lol:

Again, you only need know the population difference between Japan and China to realise that Japan will be to China what Canada is to US. Indians may think that Japan can be any challenge to China but the reality will be different. It only looks relatively strong now as China is not yet fully developed.

Only India has any theoretical capacity to pose any kind of challenge to China but let India grow at 10% for 20 years and then we can talk about that. At the moment it is only theoretical and a wish of Indians.
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Comparing US and China you will get a lot of answers.US played their superpower game because their neighbourhoods is like that.Canada and Mexico.
But here China is dealing with a powerful Japan and growing India.In one of the earlier post a Chinese member already agreed to another Turkish member that their strongest neighbour is India.Now dont compare Mexico and India.
In real math term China may be economy powerful like US or more in future.But to exercise that power they need a tranquil neighbour.
So I am not cheerleading like you.I am talking facts to another Indian member.
China may be powerful but that doesnt mean India remain same level in all decade.We also increase our power

Blaiming them is not going to solve any problems.Because they will be the first casuality if we dont have sufficient weapons when time arises.That is why the government prefer private investment and FDI.

See being an Indian American ....I see an opportunity where our relationship with America can really blossom. Many Americans have a decent view of Indians in general, I think. Everyone loves yoga and veggie food! Women love saris and Indian fabrics/arts. I think we got to stop looking at the US with this post 1960's mentality and realize a younger generation is taking over. My president is black and he makes me feel proud. I feel like a real American since I was born here because someone with his color, the same as mines has been able to become President in America and it was right after that idiot BUSH>

Our youth have more in common with each other......it just needs to be cultivated better. Does racism still exist....sure. But its changing everyday....at least in America

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