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US offers Cutting Edge Technologies To India

One Fellow Indian already refuted it that F-22 never offer to anyone & member who say this is misinformed.
I was very surprised by that statement, since the US hasn't offered it to Tier 1 allies either. After all if the F22 could be exported, then the F35 becomes redundant.
Bad news for our well-wishers: If we average out our growth over past 10 years we have been growing at over 7%. 5% is a temporary setback, it won't last beyond 2016.

A full-blown war with India will push China back by a decade and it's dream of becoming a superpower will go down the drain. India will be hit very badly as well, but we will survive, which is not a good picture either. Also, a weakened China will have to face an assertive Japan and the US in the aftermath.

Hence it is in both India's and China's self-interest to talk peace with each other. I don't think either of the two countries will take the Pakistani and Bangladeshi views into consideration while negotiating with each other.

Back on topic, India and US are still trying to understand each other, it will take some time. AT the moment we are like chalk and cheese. As far as critical defence technologies are concerned, we will eventually acquire them. Quoting APJ Kalam, India is suffering of the "sixth nation syndrome". We come "sixth" in everything.
push back China back by a decade? with what? your big mouth? india is even less competent than vietnam.

A full-blown war with india will pull up China's GDP 3 percent, while India break down into 5 nations at least, and all its neigbours will see a enlarged territories.
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push back China back by a decade? with what? your big mouth? india is even less competent than vietnam.

A full-blown war with india will pull up China's GDP 3 percent, while India break down into 5 nations at least. don't masturbate yourself too much.

CCP propaganda boots everywhere..:omghaha:
But India didn't buys any US weapons, india till now only buy transportation and few attack chopper . nothing else.
When I say "playing" , I meant it in the strictest sense and that too in the most recent development of Indo-US-Pak triangle. They gave you F-16s, we went scrambling for Migs and Sus in the 80s-90s onwards. They gave you arms for Fight Against Terror (FAT), we went trying to do one up better. They tried to bid for MRCA program, you guys felt the heat (of course, US F-16 and F-18 pitches failed to impress us in flight tests).

The thing is , Alfa Fighter, in the larger scheme of things, the Super Powers have been making Jack-Asses of both nations due to our history. Each power feeds either of the nation and we go trying to be the "best than the better" of each other.

I am not a utopian and have no wet dreams of Indo Pak friendship and long lasting peace. But , what I am saying is, we (INdo-Pak) have been and are still strung up in geopolitical ambitions of the big players in world arms powers. They only want us to be divided further.
Without sounding aggressive, but has any of these deals ever been completed? America promises the most advance system and actually delivered? I mean to one of America's "lesser" allies. Lesser in closeness of the relationship.

Cause I been reading these things for a while now, it's EMALS, it's fighters, it's this it's that, has anything been done before? Just to gauge what may happen in the future.
I love seeing how Pakistani's jump on this to say how the Uncle Sam is the Devil don;t trust them. Yet, they have no qualms accpeting their tech and praising it. Seems a concerted effort to block India from getting closer to the US (as if this will stop India lol).....the writing is on the wall. Gujuratis in the US are a major supporters of Modi. The US and India is bound to get closer.........there is nothing you can do about it.
Yeah, no. Pakistanis would rather not deal with US defense industry, but it's stuck because a lot of it's equipment is US made. Pakistan has no choice but to accept US tech, unless it's willing to allow half of it's military equipment become obsolete.

Pakistan envy's India's relationship with Russia, because India can get advanced equipment without having to worry about sanctions.

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