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Osama was shot once in each of the 105 Indian consulates in Afghanistan using Vickers-Berthier gun and then Potassium Chloride was used to burn Osama's body beyond recognition. Then they made a tall building collapse on the burrial ground by firing a cruise missile with pictures of airplane windows after sending an evaccuation message to all the jews in the building by writing the message in cryptic hebrew in the sky in smoke.

A dalit convert to christianity told me. He said pakistan zindabad.
and the amazing infatuation of few folks with conspiracy theories continues... First it was self stage 9/11, and now this.. What would you do without papparazzi and conspiracy theories... You should make it national past time...
and the amazing infatuation of few folks with conspiracy theories continues... First it was self stage 9/11, and now this.. What would you do without papparazzi and conspiracy theories... You should make it national past time...

It is utterly hopeless to see people like you who have no understanding of the justice ..If they found OBL alive unarmed why the hell on earth would they kill him and not dig the secrets of the world's biggest terror org..Where will all yu guys fit it in the osama movie..why isnt there a single case against osama in any US court..

Why dint US showcased their trophy infront of public...Imagine OBL going to US courts for years and the effects it would have had on any terror loving chap but instead they chose to kill him unarmed...Reason there was no osama he died years ago...

why not a single true photograph...

Unless all these answers are thoroughly answered(which no one can) it would be viewed as an obama stunt to get public support..
US Claims:
According to the US, Neptune Spear took many years to plan. The intelligence gathering was done under the supervision of Leon Panetta (former CIA Chief and current US Defence Secretary). It was clear to US that OBL had stopped using SAT phones after raids on his bases in Sudan and Afghanistan and especially after getting his associate's SAT phone bugged. In 2004, Hassan Gul (a detainee at Guantanamo bay) supposedly told interrogators that a man named Al Kuwaiti was close to OBL as well as Khalid Sheikh Muhammad and KSM's successor Abu Faraj. Khalid Sheikh Muhammad and his successor were captured by US forces in 2005-6. Abu Faraj revealed that OBL had a courier named Maulvi Abdul Khaliq and denied knowing Al Kuwaiti. The CIA still believed that Al Kuwaiti existed in reality and according to them, Al Kuwaiti was located by CIA operatives in 2010. They claim following Al Kuwaiti to the alleged compound in Abbottabad.
After tracking the alleged compound, the CIA started recon missions through low-earth observation satellites and Google Earth. It was also found that the compound did not exist in Google Earth images in 2001 but was found in the images from 2005 onwards.
After 'confirming' the location, Obama met with his security advisers and the mission was planned. At first, it was advised that B2 Spirit bombers will fly over the compound and drop 32 JDAM bombs. But Obama wanted to supposedly minimize the casualties and make sure that the person killed in action was OBL. Then, it was advised that the operation will be conducted in collaboration with Pakistani special forces and intelligence operatives, which was not agreed upon. And finally, it was decided that the operation will be undertaken by Navy SEALs.
After conducting the raid, Pakistani security agencies were informed. The US claimed that they flew in stealth versions of the Sikorsky helicopters which were could not be detected by radars. Such a statement was first confirmed by Pakistani authorities but later, it was also found that there were no radar stations deployed along the Pak-Afghan Border which made the matter even more complicated.
After the announcement by Obama of a 'successful operation', residents across the United States began celebrations. But what the world did not know was that that there were several complications regarding this so-called take-out raid.
Factors which contradict US Claims:

It was reported by US athorities that OBL's remains were "transported to the USS Carl Vinsen aircraft carrier". In the said aircraft carrier, DNA tests apparently proved that the dead individual was Osama bin Laden. However, the United states did not release any formal DNA test report. If we glance in the past, whenever any Al Qaeda operative was killed or captured, their complete footage was released worldwide. When the President of Panama was captured by US forces, footage of the operation were disclosed to the whole world. When Saddam Hussein was executed, his footage was released and after his death, videos even showing his teeth were released. So why did it happen in OBL's particular case that no such footage showing his remains was released? Why did it happen that the picture released on the Internet and notable newspapers showing a dead body of OBL turned out to be doctored? Which forgotten tradition has been applied in the case of Osama bin Ladin that his body was not at all mutilated by forces? (Mutilation is a favorite thing done by US forces in Afghanistan). Why did it happen that President Barack Obama later on admitted that US intelligence was only 45-55 percent sure about OBL's presence in Abbottabad.

Such questions took birth after tall US claims. Not even a single US official could answer any of the questions above. This makes the matter even more dubious.

Now there are several solid reasons due to which the US might have undertaken such a hoax operation:

General Elections are nearing in the United States. Obama promised people of the United States that there will be "a big achievement in the War on Terror" during his era. The motto of his election campaign was "Change we believe in". But he could not fulfill the promises which made him lose popularity among US citizens. Many protests took place during his period regarding unemployment, health facilities etc. It can be said that such an operation was planned for Obama to give him support in another election campaign.

Secondly, the US Army had faced its worst crises in Afghanistan during years 2009 and 2010. The rate of casualties dramatically increased in the last 5 years. This burdened the US Army which proved inefficient against Afghan Taliban in the troubled Helmand province. These catastrophic factors led to a rise in American war expenditure which was putting a heavy load on their economy and hence fostering widespread public resentment. It gave a blow to US GDP's growth-rate. It was confirmed by US war veterans in Afghanistan that the 'War on Terrorism' is leading nowhere. Germany also decided to recall its troops from Afghanistan in 2009. Furthermore, Turkey expressed desire to withdraw. Such conditions will leave US forces alone in Afghanistan one day. The United States is now keen to leave Afghanistan till 2014. However, the American military establishment wanted to make sure that their forces really achieved in this facade of a war. It can be deduced from these observations that the US had indeed planned this hoax raid to give birth to a fine excuse for early withdrawal (or in proper terms, run away).

The United States has signed various defence agreements with India in the past few years. Both countries also agreed to work according to a civil nuclear pact. After such developments, Pakistan rushed towards its all weather friend China for assistance. Both countries agreed to develop a stealth version of the JF-17 Thunder. China also agreed to supply equipment for protection of Pakistan's nuclear weapon facilities. This alarmed the US which has always remained keen to see Pakistan as a conventionally armed state and not a nuclear armed state. The US wants an attack on the weapon facilities of Pakistan and such an operation can give excuse for the US to get boots on the ground in Pakistani mainland.

The United States has been forcing Pakistan to conduct operations against tribes in South Waziristan. But the Pakistan army has always hesitated to do so because many friendly tribes live in South Waziristan which act as natural defence for Pakistan. By conducting such an operation, the US has tried to portray Pakistan as a haven for terrorist groups and leaders. This will allow the world to ramp up propaganda against Pakistan, its people and especially its military.

It can be believed easily that Osama bin Laden had died a long time ago due to renal failure. A person with such a defect cannot survive for more than 7-8 years in critical conditions. Plus, regular dialysis is required for survival. It can also be said that OBL was himself a CIA asset. However, there are many complications regarding the existence of Osama bin Laden in reality. It should now be clear to everyone that Operation Neptune Spear was nothing more than a fantastic real-time Hollywood flick.
If the ISI knew what happened, if PAF or PA shot down the chopper, there must be evidence. Pakistan must throw this evidence out in the open media to embarrass US. But instead, Pakistan was embarrassed. So it seems this is a fake interview................
Osama was shot once in each of the 105 Indian consulates in Afghanistan using Vickers-Berthier gun and then Potassium Chloride was used to burn Osama's body beyond recognition. Then they made a tall building collapse on the burrial ground by firing a cruise missile with pictures of airplane windows after sending an evaccuation message to all the jews in the building by writing the message in cryptic hebrew in the sky in smoke.

A dalit convert to christianity told me. He said pakistan zindabad.
Pretty good. :lol:
i agree with some of ''anonymous'' guys assessment...however i do question the genuineness of this report
....but I still wanna know what happened to the Seal Team Six members who went down in Afghanistan......or Pakistan?

Someone needs to come forth here.
their chopper was shot down by taleban resistance in Afghanistan, as far as i know....may not have been the actual men, but was the same team

as confirmed in american press
their chopper was shot down by taleban resistance in Afghanistan, as far as i know....may not have been the actual men, but was the same team

as confirmed in american press

I read the same 'STORY'............but it became a bit fishy when they said it was the same team that went down.......
This is article is the perfect topping to a text book psy-op that was carried out. Leave many dead ends, confusion and uncertainty and the people will just continue to believe the mainstream media disregarding the truth. Some points in the article I can agree with, while others I cannot.

All in all, this article is just as worthless as the crap CNN was airing.

Don't want to get too much into the inner workings of PA, so I will refrain from commenting further.

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