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US naval base in Bangladesh

The funniest thing here is some bangladeshis here trying to portray that allowing US naval base in bay of bengal would be beneficial to china..:rofl: :rofl:
I love to meet this Kallu Bhaia... Anybody has any picture of him?

Sunday, June 3, 2012
No US navy base in Ctg
Dhaka, Washington
Diplomatic Correspondent

Bangladesh and the United States have termed baseless, unfounded and fabricated the Indian media report that the US wants to park its Seventh Fleet in Chittagong.

“The Government wishes to state in categorical terms that such reports are baseless and unfounded, and that the assumptions and suggestions contained in the report are clearly fabricated,” the Bangladesh foreign ministry said in a belated response to the Indian news.

“The Government wishes further to state in unequivocal terms that there has been no such discussion at any level between Bangladesh and the USA, including during the recent visit of the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,” a ministry press release said yesterday evening.

“I can tell you that this story is without foundation. The [US] Ambassador [to Dhaka] attended Secretary Clinton's meetings with the Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister, and he confirms that there was no mention of building bases, moving the Seventh Fleet, or anything else of like nature,” US embassy spokesperson Patricia A Hill told The Daily Star.

Times Now, a Mumbai-based 24-hour English news channel, on Thursday aired a news item that said the United Sates wanted to park its Seventh Fleet in Bangladesh in its strategic interests.

The Times of India website carried a written version of the TV report.

Worried by the increasing presence of Chinese naval bases in the South China Sea, America now eyed a counter strategy as it wanted an overall presence in Asia, right from Japan to its Diego Garcia base in the Indian Ocean, it said.

By parking the Seventh Fleet at a Chittagong base, the report said, the US would be able to keep an eye on China and have a strategic post in Asia as it pulled out of Afghanistan.

The US State Department has denied on record that Hillary Clinton's recent visit to Dhaka had anything to do with military co-operation.

Times Now claimed the visit was rather strategic than friendly and India was caught unawares.

The Bangladesh government remains extremely tight-lipped over the developments as it has internally decided to deny it on record, fearing a backlash from its own hardliners, it added.

“This move by America could put India on the back foot if the American fleet moves to Bangladesh. All of Indian security installations will come under the American scanner…The base could cast a shadow on Indian interests.”

The foreign ministry statement said the attention of the government has been drawn to a news item in the local media referring to the Indian report which suggested a possible parking of the US 7th Fleet in Chittagong.

Referring to the recently signed Joint Declaration on Bangladesh-US Partnership Dialogue, the ministry said it reflected the multifaceted partnership between the two countries.

The declaration provides an institutional mechanism of dialogue on an annual basis on all issues of mutual interest.

Both sides are committed to such institutional dialogue in furthering substantive co-operation and consultation.

The government also wishes to underscore its commitment to furthering co-operation, peace and stability in the region and in the world, it said.

“Bangladesh's role in global peacekeeping and its pioneering role in engendering institutionalised regional co-operation in South Asia is well recognised, as also her credentials as an active, responsible and contributing member of the international community.”

The spokesperson of the US embassy in Dhaka further said the United States and Bangladesh did have a strong military-to-military relationship that involved a range of training exercises and provision of equipment to enhance Bangladesh's capacity to participate in international peacekeeping operations and to better protect its maritime borders.

“We look forward to further cooperation with Bangladesh along these lines.”
for now they denied it about future i don't know

i am worried

those people who support a base in BD (i am talking abt BD people ) doesn't read news or has no knowledge or crazy ppl

USA will gain everything
we are poor (but we are better then them in most ways, except we don't have money like USA) and they will treat us nice in camera but in back they will treat us like dogs and they will just give a one dollar note and our corrupt politicians will dance

we have more to lose then gain , the whole region will be instability

i am happy with what ever we have we earn and eat daily bread then we don't have extra money still i will be happy with that

simple look at Pakistan Iraq Afghanistan Syria Libya and many more
read history and research

but Bangladesh should corporate in any field with USA , China India Pakistan Sri lanka Russia Burma Etc.. as long as it does not hard other and any thing wrong in it

we are now Peace Keeping Country in UN NO.1 so it is also our responsibility to keep Peace and Prosperity in the region
Just a thought. People from Bangladesh come here and work. What is wrong in that? They come earn a living and send money back home. There are quite a lot of Bengali Muslims who stay a km or so from where I live. They drive cabs and work in small tailoring units. The only way you can make out they may be from Bangladesh is that they speak basic Hindi.

Coming back to the point, so what if they work here? Indians went to the US, yes, it was on visas. But, they work here, they send money back home, improves their family's economic conditions. Over a period of time, their attitudes back home change towards India. Is this not the best way to solve worries about 'India's hegemonic plans' attitude?

As long as they do not disrupt peace, let them also work and prosper?

Just a thought. People from Bangladesh come here and work. What is wrong in that? They come earn a living and send money back home. There are quite a lot of Bengali Muslims who stay a km or so from where I live. They drive cabs and work in small tailoring units. The only way you can make out they may be from Bangladesh is that they speak basic Hindi.

Coming back to the point, so what if they work here? Indians went to the US, yes, it was on visas. But, they work here, they send money back home, improves their family's economic conditions. Over a period of time, their attitudes back home change towards India. Is this not the best way to solve worries about 'India's hegemonic plans' attitude?

As long as they do not disrupt peace, let them also work and prosper?


They come here to never go back again...we have our own poor people to look at.We cant just welcome poor people from the neighbourhood and say that we are going to provide them a better life.We are not USA..i hope you know this.There are many Indians who dont get proper attention and care and something needs to be done for them before thinking of our neighbours in problem.
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