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US losing patience with Pakistan, says Panetta

he can make career in hollywood comedy movies..
the guy looks funny too with his big clown like nose...

Tell that to the Pakistani terrorists who have been terminated by American drones.. Its Panetta behind every single hellfire missile that explodes on Pakistani soil, killing Pakistani terrorists.. Ok.. Now how funny does he look??
Tell that to the Pakistani terrorists who have been terminated by American drones.. Its Panetta behind every single hellfire missile that explodes on Pakistani soil, killing Pakistani terrorists.. Ok.. Now how funny does he look??

He stills looks funny but you are even more funny. Added you to my 'stupid' list along with him.
you know panetta why dont you clean up your own mess first you have zero control in afghanistan they attack the capital the very place where your president was when the attack happened they cross your administrated afghan border and attack us on salala a few days ago and they drown your helicopters and kill ur soldiers its not bcz they are coming from here its bcz your own inept forces have allowed them to stay in afghanistan and be strong. after that kabul thing i am vewry surprised obama didnt fire this guy. they came created a mess and now the mess is too big to clean up and they need to blame someone after all what kind of super power north waziristan is that has been sending and supporting and training taliban for 10 years and has single handedly brought america to ruin in afghanistan. thats what you hear from there speeches these days stupid idiots. they espect complete corporation from us and at the same time defame us to the world and us us and destroy us
Mate, ambiguity, patience... more ambiguity and even more patience...... This is America we are talking about, it'd be totally suicidal to take them head on. Relax and think about it, is testosterone truly need of the hour?
Hit. Run. Hide. Deny. Annoy. Annoy. Annoy. And let them make the next move. Guess who designed that move? The dumb-*** GOP? :D

Yes, testosterone is not the need of the hour.
Also, Panetta is the most obnoxious of all Obama officials! The old man doesn't seem to have much to lose at his age and probably doesn't want to leave behind a 'legacy' of a failed Sec. of Defense; and hence he is getting more and more obnoxious by the minute. Compare him with Marc Grossman (the replacement for Holbrooke) and Hillary Clinton: The latter two are much more careful in using words.
On a related topic: Really, what can the US do to hurt Pakistan? I know the economic consequences are going to be huge. The diplomatic isolation will grow. Perhaps even drones strikes into cities like Quetta? That all of these are not already done must have very sound reasoning behind. What is that reasoning? Presence of American troops in Afghanistan--who would face retaliations by ISI-supported insurgents (no, Pakistan currently does not support such attacks!)? A crumbling Pakistani State even more dangerous than it currently is for the region?

I don't think Pakistan can or should provoke more open American hostility but I also don't think Pakistan is as punishable as many imply not only in this forum but also in other parts of the world. What we really need is a threadbare analysis to see the reasons behind the Pakistani defiance and America's relative tolerance of that defiance. Anyone?
Two major terrorist attacks in Pakistan after Panetta 'loses patience' - I guess we know how the US is going to respond now ...

which is why people must not allow themselves to be divided on petty sectarian or even ethnic lines (which is what the political parties of Pakistan do all the time)

stand firm.....it wont be an easy ride. If you stand firm, remain vigilant and show no fear --nobody can get you.

during critical times like these, you need a bold leadership. Not low-dignity slaves who think donning a suit and smiling on camera exonerates them from their repeated (habitual) sins.

i think at this point, our side is just implying to them ''figure things out on your own''

i saw a facebook status today of a guy i know (american) in Afghanistan....a ''contractor'' (we'll be hearing more about them, as military operations and responsibility are 'handed over' to ANA)

the chuckles and cockiness of Leon Panetta are WORLDS AWAY from the ground realities in Afghanistan.....I know people on the ground there both civilians and in uniform. Stark differences between what Washington DC says and what is actually happening in Afghanistan. There's an information/media war going on now. People are being lied to, misled.

Its always ''behind the curtains and sound-proof conference room versus public perception'' phenomenon. Pakistan is simply the scapegoat for their failures -- though one wouldnt exactly be cynical to assume that this was their plan all along.

A large Muslim country with an ever-expanding nuclear arsenal is something they will NEVER be able to digest; and something they will NEVER be able to undo. It's too late for them, and their efforts to destabilize or finger-point at Pakistan will be a totally failed strategy.
are the supply routes open, or are they closed right now?

Well, you are asking money only.. So all it takes for Pakistan to do business with people allegedly killing its civilians is Money and an apology.. ??? As I said, Kind of Stupid.. Dont you think?
Well, you are asking money only.. So all it takes for Pakistan to do business with people allegedly killing its civilians is Money and an apology.. ???

in order for the supply routes to be open, the Americans will have to adhere to the recommendations set forth by the Parliamentary Review

the recommendations are clearly there for you to see; dont be lazy, go do some research instead of asking questions you can already get the answer to

As I said, Kind of Stupid.. Dont you think?

but it's not your problem, so therefore no need for you to worry about it




they have no legitimacy; just 2 days ago another NATO air-strike killed 17 Afghan civilians......they are creating their own enemies, we don't need to do much
They are just barking around now and do no harm to us, Insha'ALLAH the success is near but we have to be vigilant throughout the period of war.
Instead of coughing up 5k on each truck from just paltry 250 before, Nato would find the alternate route better and cheaper, and once its done, they would care less for Pakistan, and use thier drones much more conveniently than before....

They are just barking around now and do no harm to us, Insha'ALLAH the success is near but we have to be vigilant throughout the period of war.

What success my friend that u are being talking about?
American success or Pakistani success, and if Pakistani, what is that success?
Long Live pakistan...!!! Mr. panetta is a jealous one :)

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