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US losing patience with Pakistan, says Panetta

Panetta's statements reduce space to narrow bilateral differences: Sherry Rehman


WASHINGTON: Pakistan’s Ambassador to the US, Sherry Rehman says statements like those recently given by Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta in India, reduce the space for narrowing bilateral differences between the US and Pakistan.

Defence Secretary Leon Panetta had said on Wednesday that the US would continue to attack al Qaeda in Pakistan’s tribal regions of FATA despite complaints from Islamabad that the drone strikes violate its sovereignty, and create a sense of anti-Americanism.

“We have made it very clear that we are going to continue to defend ourselves,” Secretary of Defence Panetta had said in India.

It was some of the strongest language used by a US official to describe the strained ties between Washington and Islamabad.

In a statement issued from the Embassy of Pakistan, Ambassador Rehman said, “this kind of public messaging from a senior member of the US Administration is taken very seriously in Pakistan, and reduces the space for narrowing our bilateral differences at a critical time in the negotiations.”

“It adds an unhelpful twist to the process and leaves little oxygen for those of us seeking to break a stalemate,” she lamented.
Hours after Panetta's statement about patience.. A bomb blast in Quetta religious seminary.. Why US??? We are not afraid of death. You can kill us but cant change our hatred towards you and Zionists.
Pakistan has problems, many problems, it does not help when such statements are made by US against them.

However, it is also not new that Pakistan has supported terrorism a tactic taught by US and followed it to the core. India is already a victim of that support and has been a victim of Pakistan's obsession with India.

The best way for Pakistan is to shut down the WOT and then cleanse its country of all the extremists who are spoiling Pakistan's Image inside and outside, US has used this to its advantage and is still using it as such. If in 2014 after US withdrawal Afghanistan finds itself with more attacks and instability then the culprit will be shown as Pakistan and then the whole cycle of statements will start again.

The Pakistan's democratic government is helpless when it does not have the backing of Army wherein Army and ISI have either links to the extremist groups or simply ignore them. I find it so naive to see that that Pakistanis feel that they will be safe when US leaves cause they have seen an ebb in the attacks after NATO supplies were closed. Forget the NATO part here and lets look at the reduction in attacks, these elements have enough clout to make people believe that they are only doing this based on that i.e giving people a reason to support extremism, when such situation is present it is not difficult to see that extremism will survive in Pakistan as long as the cleansing does not takes place.

India is laughing on Pakistan for a reason, their country is in tatters all because they went to bed with America to jump up against India. Now when US is trying hard to come close to India some majority here still blame India for being a US friend. People fail to see that we never were aligned with them, even after buying hi-tech weapons from them, we have enough experience and history to see that we have been better off being independent.
Hours after Panetta's statement about patience.. A bomb blast in Quetta religious seminary.. Why US??? We are not afraid of death. You can kill us but cant change our hatred towards you and Zionists.

You said it all - no matter what the US do you will hate it. What Israel got to do with it?

Tell your Army and ISI to stop aiding terrorists and letting them to operate from Pakistan's territory and the US air attacks will stop. You cannot be in a country which sponsor terrorism and then complain that it is under constant attacks.
If you've hired a person to polish your shoes but that person keeps on taking money and don't polish your shoes, you obviously gonna lose your patience after 10 years.

That's just an example. The point is, US frustration is completely justified.
You said it all - no matter what the US do you will hate it.

Actually , it is the other way around if one looks at the realities on ground !

Tell your Army and ISI to stop aiding terrorists and letting them to operate from Pakistan's territory and the US air attacks will stop.

If the most advanced army in the world cant control Afghanistan and seal Durand Line , then why do you put your faith in my army ? :azn: ... Terrorist operate from Afghanistan too , so ? The US should have thought 10 times before murdering 24 of our brave soldiers !
why indians are ear to ear smiling and laughing from the deepesnt core of their lungs ... ?? please note that USA has been losing patience over Iran for the last two decades... so me this statement is something like ..'barking dogs seldom bite'..
why indians are ear to ear smiling and laughing from the deepesnt core of their lungs ... ?? please note that USA has been losing patience over Iran for the last two decades... so me this statement is something like ..'barking dogs seldom bite'..

Iran is a sovereign country with dignity and pride. No one will dare to attack Iran with drones. You fail to see the difference.
If the most advanced army in the world cant control Afghanistan and seal Durand Line , then why do you put your faith in my army ? :azn: ... Terrorist operate from Afghanistan too , so ? The US should have thought 10 times before murdering 24 of our brave soldiers !

The idea behind a sovereign nation is based government control of border's and territory. If you fail to secure your own borders to foreign elements potentially harmfull to your own populace and your neignbors; don't be surprised if the international pressure falls on you.

The Iranians have pretty good control over their border with Afghanistan in comparison.
If you've hired a person to polish your shoes but that person keeps on taking money and don't polish your shoes, you obviously gonna lose your patience after 10 years.

That's just an example. The point is, US frustration is completely justified.

Are you obsessed with polishing shoes mate - is that your family trade?? Let me know how much you charge.
On topic - I think the US can release as many statements as they want - the truth of the matter is with the recent behaviour of the US and the events relating to 26/11 resulting in the border being closed has shown that Pakistan has lost its patience too at the constant games the US are attempting to carry out.
The idea behind a sovereign nation is based government control of border's and territory. If you fail to secure your own borders to foreign elements potentially harmfull to your own populace and your neignbors; don't be surprised if the international pressure falls on you.

The reality on the ground in the Durand Line and adjoining areas is different , something that you seem to fail to comprehend !

Well as I have said earlier in another thread , whatever we do , we are the villain , the same " Do More " will continue ... Only this time , there are no takers for it ... I have never seen this sort of tone from the Govt of Pakistan before ... Damned if you do , damned if you dont , huh ? So I think we are better off with doing nothing ... Let the international pressure come , it is nothing new ... US is well known for back stabbing its allies ...

When was US ever happy with our efforts in the WOT ? Since 2001 , we have done every single possible thing to try to control Durand Line and help the Yanks , fought a war in the North-West with results far better than US has ever achieved in Afghanistan , have handed hundreds of top AQ and Taliban to US and sacrificed well over 35k of our brave countrymen !

The country that suffered the most was Pakistan ...

Not anymore , learn to fight your own war ...
You said it all - no matter what the US do you will hate it. What Israel got to do with it?

Tell your Army and ISI to stop aiding terrorists and letting them to operate from Pakistan's territory and the US air attacks will stop. You cannot be in a country which sponsor terrorism and then complain that it is under constant attacks.

The only terrorists and rogue states today in the world are America/Israelis and their allies
Are you obsessed with polishing shoes mate - is that your family trade?? Let me know how much you charge.
No, we are the distributors of Godrej in Thane. I'll give you a different example, If I don't supply any goods to my retailers, even after taking money from them, them're gonna lose patience. That was my whole point.

The reason I talked about polishing shoes, because that's the best example I could find. No offence though.
why indians are ear to ear smiling and laughing from the deepesnt core of their lungs ... ?? please note that USA has been losing patience over Iran for the last two decades... so me this statement is something like ..'barking dogs seldom bite'..

Yep thats what I thought when I heard this statement. But its something to cheer up Indians who are scared of Pakistan China etc
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