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US losing patience with Pakistan, says Panetta

why indians are ear to ear smiling and laughing from the deepesnt core of their lungs ... ?? please note that USA has been losing patience over Iran for the last two decades... so me this statement is something like ..'barking dogs seldom bite'..

Sir Iran has oil lot of money. Pakistan poor lot of Western debt.
Are you obsessed with polishing shoes mate - is that your family trade?? Let me know how much you charge.
On topic - I think the US can release as many statements as they want - the truth of the matter is with the recent behaviour of the US and the events relating to 26/11 resulting in the border being closed has shown that Pakistan has lost its patience too at the constant games the US are attempting to carry out.

No matter , wht & how many more such a statments thrown on us, its brighter thn moon, that we have Trapted a huge, WHITE ELEPHANT, called USA , & I think, he knows it, better thn the JACKALs of the jungle?
If you've hired a person to polish your shoes but that person keeps on taking money and don't polish your shoes, you obviously gonna lose your patience after 10 years.

That's just an example. The point is, US frustration is completely justified.
they are so much fool giving us money for aid.....We don't care about their money.....We are independant country so let them be frustrated. its their foolishness that they've been spending money on us.....let them spend more.......and get more frustration.....:D
The reality on the ground in the Durand Line and adjoining areas is different , something that you seem to fail to comprehend !

Well as I have said earlier in another thread , whatever we do , we are the villain , the same " Do More " will continue ... Only this time , there are no takers for it ... I have never seen this sort of tone from the Govt of Pakistan before ... Damned if you do , damned if you dont , huh ? So I think we are better off with doing nothing ... Let the international pressure come , it is nothing new ... US is well known for back stabbing its allies ...

When was US ever happy with our efforts in the WOT ? Since 2001 , we have done every single possible thing to try to control Durand Line and help the Yanks , fought a war in the North-West with results far better than US has ever achieved in Afghanistan , have handed hundreds of top AQ and Taliban to US and sacrificed well over 35k of our brave countrymen !

The country that suffered the most was Pakistan ...

Not anymore , learn to fight your own war ...

Have you figured that perhaps you "suffer", ( i.e. are unable to protect civilians from terrorist bombings and sectarian violence), due to the fact your government does not really control all of the area designated as "Pakistan". And hence you have informal quasi governmental entities administrating their own justice and aiding foreign elements harmful to your country?

You may or may not have the ability to secure the border as you mention, however the results of this open passage have been terrible for your nation.

they are so much fool giving us money for aid.....We don't care about their money.....We are independant country so let them be frustrated. its their foolishness that they've been spending money on us.....let them spend more.......and get more frustration.....:D

Oh god, a nation that out witted the Soviet Union is being out witted by Pakistan.
Have you figured that perhaps you "suffer", ( i.e. are unable to protect civilians from terrorist bombings and sectarian violence), due to the fact your government does not really control all of the area designated as "Pakistan". And hence you have informal quasi governmental entities administrating their own justice and aiding foreign elements harmful to your country?

You may or may not have the ability to secure the border as you mention, however the results of this open passage have been terrible for your nation.

Oh god, a nation that out witted the Soviet Union is being out witted by Pakistan.
Wright- Seems like a CIA pablum dear :D .. Come on, give it a break .. Britain and US purposefully left unrealistic conflicts in all territories which they proclaimed once. So every conflict - let it be Palestine - let it be Kashmir or let it be Syria .. or let it be kurds movement in Turkey and Iraq. Western powers are responsible for all havoc in this world while burgeoning its business of arms and ammunition. Pathetic.
Pakistan should shut down US Embassy & US Consulates in Pakistan like that flow of terror will stop for good & Pakistan should slap US on the face & kick on their nuts, this is exactly what US deserves from Pakistan.

If Pakistan needs to free itself from all sorts of terrorism this needs to be done.
Sen kimsin oglum? hadi.. hadi.. sikter git buradan, Uzbek veya Kazakh pic!
He is malay, a lot of mixed raced pakistanis living in states like sabah sarawak, specialy pushtoons, they all looks like him.
He is malay, a lot of mixed raced pakistanis living in states like sabah sarawak, specialy pushtoons, they all looks like him.
Thanks for that. I thought the dic*wee* was an Uzbek / Kazakh or Tajik infiltrator from N alliance, that's why I resorted to slang's they get perfectly - No worries, if he didn't understand, no harm done :D
Sir Iran has oil lot of money. Pakistan poor lot of Western debt.

The economy of Pakistan is the 43rd largest in the world in nominal terms and 28th largest in the world in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP). as far as debt is concerned it is far less than what US has to China... along with that pakistan is a nuclear power.. secondly pakistan is at a stretegic location any aggression would result in collateral damage.. so this statement from Panetta is just a pressure building measure which every US official does as per their custom, followed religiously, when they visit India or Afghanistan and our FO is fully aware of it.. Ref: Pakistan's-ambassador-to-US's statement...
isn't who this things start? first they say they are at the end of their patience , then comes UN sanctions.
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