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US losing patience with Pakistan, says Panetta

India and Pakistan are also 'negotiating' on a normalization of ties, despite all the bad blood between us, as are Russia and Pakistan.

it's a calculated move; China does biz with hindustan...no reason why we cant.

furthermore, a so-called normalization of ties would be much to the chagrine of the Pentagon. You and I already know why, Zane.
Yeah the weapons did not fall from sky, but those who wielded them were your countries creation. Why create them for your benefit and blame the others?

it was the creation of the ''free world'' during the Cold War.

mistakes were made; Pakistan made it's case (bearing today's manifestations in mind) in 1980s for the world -not just the yanks - to heed to our concerns regarding post-soviet Afghanistan. They were ignored, and instead we were slapped with sanctions and a neighbour in civil war in which the victors and inevitable care-takers were the people you consider your enemies.

it's a product of everyone's making....and the reality is that Afghan taleban are there to stay and are stronger now than they were in 2001 --- bitter pill as much as it may be for some to swallow.

as for weapons -- many of them come from Afghanistan and make their way to Pakistan. We send fertilizer to Afghanistan and Afghans use it for purposes other than agriculture. Not our problem, business is business.
it was the creation of the ''free world'' during the Cold War.

mistakes were made; Pakistan made it's case (bearing today's manifestations in mind) in 1980s for the world -not just the yanks - to heed to our concerns regarding post-soviet Afghanistan. They were ignored, and instead we were slapped with sanctions and a neighbour in civil war in which the victors and inevitable care-takers were the people you consider your enemies.

it's a product of everyone's making....and the reality is that Afghan taleban are there to stay and are stronger now than they were in 2001 --- bitter pill as much as it may be for some to swallow.

as for weapons -- many of them come from Afghanistan and make their way to Pakistan. We send fertilizer to Afghanistan and Afghans use it for purposes other than agriculture. Not our problem, business is business.
if business was of importance, Pakistan would be the Asian Turkey, and those fertilizers are controlled the world over.. in your case why is that an exception?
if business was of importance, Pakistan would be the Asian Turkey, and those fertilizers are controlled the world over.. in your case why is that an exception?
Samantk mate, do you really, honestly think that this whole thing is about fertilizers?
if business was of importance, Pakistan would be the Asian Turkey, and those fertilizers are controlled the world over.. in your case why is that an exception?

a.) leadership, accountability

b.) there is no exception......or did you expect us to put ''please do not use for improvised explosive devices'' on the end-user certificate? :lol:
Samantk mate, do you really, honestly think that this whole thing is about fertilizers?
no I do not, however since AZ raised the topic I had to make hima aware that such fertilizers are controlled because people with wrong intentions can use it in a certain way, so my point is why not controll something which sends out the wrong signals?

Also, I would be glad to see Pakistan away from the clutches of US and should think independently about the development of people. What I don't see is the reasons behind not taking actions where they are due, fertilizers is a case in point.
because business is business, that's why.

hell -- if we could control everything they do we'd be accused of meddling their affairs, no? I'd love to be able to reverse the trend of wheat being re-smuggled into Pakistan.

but then again -- these are the same indians that were crying when we sent small arms and aircraft ammunition to Sri Lankan government. so no need to delve further

business is business, Pakistan is a capitalist free market free capital country since 1947. If they misuse things like urea/fertilizer, that's their misdeed. Not ours.
capability is irrelevant....the nameless faceless Afghans the americans/NATO are engaged with always been armed regardless; you give us too much credit!

the anti-soviet jihad of course wouldnt be entirely possible without Saudi, British and American largesse....the weapons didnt go nowhere and they certainly didnt fall from the blue clear skies above
Err.. I was talking about your claim of bombing other countries and my comment of that being because of lack of capability of Pakistan to bomb any of the neighboring countries in a frontal attack...

or so you'd like to think
This was about arming the rebels and Yes, that's what I believe..

India and Pakistan are also 'negotiating' on a normalization of ties, despite all the bad blood between us, as are Russia and Pakistan.

Neither Russia, nor India is currently attacking Pakistani soil/civilians on a regular on going basis..
indians are wishing America to invade Pakistan what the cant themselves. Poor guys.

Why would India want to get into a war (which costs billions and results in loss of life) when USA and Pakistan are going about it on their own...
Why would India want to get into a war (which costs billions and results in loss of life) when USA and Pakistan are going about it on their own...

"If an unstoppable force meets an immovable object, what happens?"

Although, in this case, the US force is merely overwhelming and the Pakistani object may yet see the wisdom of moving its policies in the right direction.

Otherwise, grab a large bag of popcorn and pull up a chair!
Err.. I was talking about your claim of bombing other countries and my comment of that being because of lack of capability of Pakistan to bomb any of the neighboring countries in a frontal attack...

the Afghans (under a reckless leadership that later met its inevitable demise) tried to capture Bajaur from Pakistan and we drove them out like cattle. It's unfortunate that their actions caused them more harm than good. However they are our neighbours and despite the occasional political mis-understandings and mutual suspicion, they are Muslims. No need for us to go in guns-blazing since it's counter-productive. Besides, Afghanistan never was a threat to Pakistan. Only the geo-politics and vested interests of external enemies were.

Again, capability doesnt apply here. NATO sunk trillions into Afghanistan after invasion; and are now being forced to negotiate with the taleban over a decade later. Nuff said! In the absence of any long-term strategy, it's obviously a sign that NATO's mighty capability was irrelevant.

but dont take my word for it, just observe :meeting:

This was about arming the rebels and Yes, that's what I believe..

we dont need to arm them.....some of them have better arms than our FC/border scouts -- though by and large they are employing what would be defined as ''small arms'' --many of which have been around for decades.

and i do speak from experience and observation -- so you can question me all you want, but you're wasting your time

i hail from the tribal areas, my ancestral village is almost stone's throw from the afghan border (tora bora side); i don't require a random indian on Pakistan Defence Forum to argue with over something i've seen myself with my own eyes.
how the mighty have fallen , ehh ?
panetta can go hang him self if he has lost his patience , we dont give a flying ****
at least as a symbollic gesture, if i were Sherry Rehman i'd simply say as long as that emotional twit is your Sec. Def. we have no interest in even discussing Afghanistan

let the bastard lose his job....surely some saner councils in Washington are also shaking their head at his sheer arrogance. Even the israelis dont really care for Panetta
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