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US losing patience with Pakistan, says Panetta

sir I totally agree

that too in the face of loosing so much economically and through loss of life

why America should behave when its a super power and it has a very weak and clueless Pakistani leadership?

its really hard work to be good and being good is misinterpreted as being weak which no political party in US can offord in the election year.

if a sincere leadership is elected in Pakistan that is honest but blunt and upfront too then I dont think Americans will see it negatively, but maybe someone they can count on and rely on to end this debacle.

presently you got one American running to PM house or the presidency and the other running to GHQ and third to ISI
lets put the complaints and bickering of the politicians aside (that they never get the free hand) if someone has the backbone then the military will love to fall in line and follow the lead. this is the mentality and mood in the military these days I can tell you.

would it be Imran or someone else I dont know, but both PMln and PPP are more or less the same lot and USA will have to keep the same attitude

did you see that video where the CNN lady has crossed all lines and commands the PM to look into her eyes? haha .. I mean whatever the frustrations but there is some protocol and some decency but I think they sussed our grinning and clueless PM well. laugh out loud my dear Indian because I am laughing with you.

i actually did see that video, i do not think any news person has the guts to talk to Musharraf like that even now.He would eat em alive
More clowns annoying at Pakistan, all patience is related to Haqqani networks, the case is now dismissed. US must clarify their positions and support of terrorists network in Afghanistan attacking Pakistan recently of past years.

Dempsey voices Pakistan frustrations over Haqqani network inaction

WASHINGTON: US Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey says that there are certain issues that they have still not been able to find common ground on with Pakistan as relations remain in limbo.

Speaking to reporters at the Pentagon, CJCS General Dempsey said, “I’ve been working with US-Pakistan relations in earnest since 2005…its always surprising to me, we do some things very well, we have some interests on which we co-operate, and on some issues we have not been able to find common ground.”

General Dempsey lamented that issues including that of Haqqani Network and the presence of the Afghan Taliban in FATA were areas where both countries have failed to move forward. He said that the Haqqani Network was as big a threat to Pakistan as it was to Afghanistan and the US, “but we have not been able to find common ground on that, and that is frustrating.”

In response to a question on Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta’s remarks on the US being at war in FATA, General Dempsey said that the US is at war with al Qaeda, and that they would pursue them. He added that al Qaeda was present in FATA.

On the subject of Pakistan, General Dempsey said, “Pakistan, with us, is at war in FATA with other groups.” The General then turned diplomat as he added that while the US was “extraordinarily dissatisfied” on the subject of the Haqqani Network and Pakistan, that they were mindful of the fact that Pakistan has also been carrying out military operations with great losses in FATA. He said that Pakistan has also been trying to diminish the effect of the insurgency and remained an important partner.

When asked about Secretary Panetta’s remarks about losing patience with Pakistan over the Haqqani Network, General Dempsey said that the goal is to get the Haqqani Network’s influence to recede in the eastern part of Afghanistan, which is where the group was based and operated. He said that last year they had been focused on the southern part of Afghanistan, and in 2012, they are focusing on the eastern part of Afghanistan.

Along with the apparent lack of convincing action on the Haqqani network by Pakistani forces , Dempsey said a major challenge was the increased activity displayed by the militant group which may hamper their transition deadline. “This is the hardest part of the transition.” The CJCS said that they have to reduce the group’s influence in order to meet their transition deadline.

General Dempsey also said that they had hard intelligence linking the Haqqani Network to the attack in Afghanistan last month, and that the group had become more active. “They are rising in importance in our view.”
I agree with Irfan Baloch and sandy_3126.

These remarks from Panetta are completely unacceptable, but then again, we're talking about the Pakistani government here, bunch of chickensh-i-ts.

Our troops get butchered too by insurgents from across the Afghan border, so why on earth haven't we lodged a similar threat/complaint to the Americans/NATO about that?

At the moment, the western media and American propaganda machine is....really giving us a good r@ping...
I bet the common man all over the world now thinks that Pakistan is completely at fault here and that the brave Americans have done all they could, but the end responsibility lies with us the Pakistanis.

If only we had leadership with a good pair of b@lls.
American frustration is growing, this is the time for Pakistan to be very clear. We do not accept these kind of games played by them.

I mean, he issues these statements while on a trip in India. How much more humiliation does the average Pakistani want?

He shoves his boot right up our ***.

Why do we have to accept this?
I agree with Irfan Baloch and sandy_3126.

These remarks from Panetta are completely unacceptable, but then again, we're talking about the Pakistani government here, bunch of chickensh-i-ts.

Our troops get butchered too by insurgents from across the Afghan border, so why on earth haven't we lodged a similar threat/complaint to the Americans/NATO about that?

At the moment, the western media and American propaganda machine is....really giving us a good r@ping...
I bet the common man all over the world now thinks that Pakistan is completely at fault here and that the brave Americans have done all they could, but the end responsibility lies with us the Pakistanis.

If only we had leadership with a good pair of b@lls.
American frustration is growing, this is the time for Pakistan to be very clear. We do not accept these kind of games played by them.

I mean, he issues these statements while on a trip in India. How much more humiliation does the average Pakistani want?

He shoves his boot right up our ***.

Why do we have to accept this?

I agree with you, and also understand your anger but I urge you and other members to keep the language civil to add to the quality of the forum.
If only we had leadership with a good pair of b@lls.
Mate, ambiguity, patience... more ambiguity and even more patience...... This is America we are talking about, it'd be totally suicidal to take them head on. Relax and think about it, is testosterone truly need of the hour?
Hit. Run. Hide. Deny. Annoy. Annoy. Annoy. And let them make the next move. Guess who designed that move? The dumb-*** GOP? :D
Right now they are playing the game of carrot ans sticks with Pakistan. One side they are trying their best to humiliate Pakistan while on other hand their officer are terming Pakistan as one of the most important partner.

They are best at this game. But this time i guess things are very much against America........... They are freaking out and the time is near when they will be hitting their heads with the walls due to frustration caused by Pakistan......... :)

I hope that the NATO supplies remained closed forever plus they find a way to stop these drone attack.
Just look at yahoo.com for example.
See how they spread out this propaganda which makes us look bad. See what is on nr1 spot of things trending now.

Just look at yahoo.com for example.
See how they spread out this propaganda which makes us look bad. See what is on nr1 spot of things trending now.


Why you read too much on yahoo? We need to learn ignore it and keep going. Pakistan already looked bad since 2005, what's new? Our country is standing up, US doesn't like it. The news propaganda everyday against Pakistan is only temporary and very temporary.
Why you read too much on yahoo? We need to learn ignore it and keep going. Pakistan already looked bad since 2005, what's new? Our country is standing up, US doesn't like it. The news propaganda everyday against Pakistan is only temporary and very temporary.

Yahoo is my startup page for some reason, had it since ages, never bothered to change. Occasionally something interesting to read there.

But that aside, it's an example of how fast things can go. America issues a statement, and the rest of the world bluntly believes whatever they say regarding Pakistan.

We must not accept this and hit back with strong criticism.
No matter what you do , you are the villain ! Remember the " DO MORE " strategy ... The US is to simply put " chasing the dragon "

A victory which is impossible , severals have tried before to no avail ...

So Panetta , Lose patience or temper , nothing's gonna change now ...

Now , it is the " Point of no return " after you murdered 24 PA soldiers ... Thought Pakistan would again bend over backwards ? :azn:

But that aside, it's an example of how fast things can go. America issues a statement, and the rest of the world bluntly believes whatever they say regarding Pakistan.

Psywar , mate ... Propaganda !

Remember the real battlefield is your mind

What matters is what actions will US undertake once patience is totally run out

Yes indeed , and the deadly consequences even unintended that result as a effect , after those actions have been taken :P I love the Third Law :lol:

It is not so 'obvious'. All we have to do is declare a closer relationship, not quite alliance, with India. Then watch how Pakistan will respond.

Haven't you already ? :what:

good usa whould move into pakistan and finish the job they started.

Why , because you couldn't do it in Afghanistan in your 11 years stay ? :rofl:
Yahoo is my startup page for some reason, had it since ages, never bothered to change. Occasionally something interesting to read there.

But that aside, it's an example of how fast things can go. America issues a statement, and the rest of the world bluntly believes whatever they say regarding Pakistan.

We must not accept this and hit back with strong criticism.

yaar, yahoo is full of junk random news, this make you angry or nuts. Too many immature kids's anti-comments trolling, please change it. I already remove stupid yahoo to blank website- neat and clear. This help you to clear your mind.
Here is what the US can do:
1 - Declare Pakistan a State Sponsor of Terrorism. Which will cause trade, financial, travel, economic, military sanctions to be placed on Pakistan.
2 - All Training camps, militant hideouts, etc. will be now fair targets for US Forces and not only Drones but using the Air Force to strategically bomb them.
3 - Sign a Strategic Defense Agreement with India which will give India access to all high-tech American Weaponry.
4 - Side with India on the Kashmir Issue.
5 - Pressure China and Saudi Arabia to curtail Pakistan.

That is easier said than done. Pakistan isn't under dictatorship. There is a proper democratically elected gov't placed by the people and a new one is coming next year. So good luck explaining how such a gov't is in cahoots with the terrorists. And since the rest of your points are derived off the first one I'll leave it at that.

US has demonstrated their frustration quiet well at the Chicago summit. And the message has been well recieved by PPP and the establishment. Nothing Petta says matters much now.
seems both sides are fairly impatient then......only difference is, they are at war with an enemy they dont even know (they aren't even sure who is their enemy)

maybe if they were "patient" in 2001 instead of bombing Afghanistan (which was already poor and having many social problems) and destabilizing the entire region, subsequent impatience would never have been an issue

nobody in Pakistan takes these Dempseys or Panetta nor his tail-wagging indian audience seriously....same old over-used rhetoric just worded differently before election season.

this is our turf, our neighbourhood.....

with PPP in Islamabad and a bunch of clueless leftist democrats in Washington --- neither side knows what they get; dogs chasing their own tails
I've said it before but the US and NATO forces are in a horrible strategic position.Much worse then UN forces were in Korea when the Chinese drove them out.Shouldn't Pakistan start thinking about it's own interests in the region and escort the NATO out of Afghanistan? I don't understand why they just allow themselves to get bombed.The bribes only carry you so far, and it's clear US/Pakistani interests in the region are very different.
The answer to this thread is very, clear!
SCO will be 'fortress of security and stability'|Asia-Pacific|chinadaily.com.cn
Plz read it!

Well another, classic episode of afghan war, is in making!
Try to read the book called“ THE BEAR TRAP”, it will makes you, understand! How did ISI waged a covert war, against the most fearsome super power of world, thn try to Imgine with that, sort of situational experiense, where USA is heading , now?
I call it, “ THE ELEPHANT TRAP”, what ever you want to name it, its up to you?
Bt let ! me listen the title song of a movie , called GHOST BUSTERs.

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