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US losing economic war and Asia loves it.

Really? Do you really think when he is referring to the physical attractiveness, inferiority, etc. etc. etc. of Koreans, this does not also refer to other East Asians? Don't be dumb. He obviously can't tell the difference between a Korean and a Chinese; he is insulting anyone with "little eyes", as he says.

Read between the lines.

"Wait, don't they call your folk Yellow Fever in US?"

So what? You were the one who started the flamebait first, then do you expect from him?

But he clearly had no intention to make fun of China, so don't drag us into the mess that you created first, capiche?
I could have sworn that you are talking about India. Indians are basically slaves to Westerners. It's quite pathetic how Indians are begging Westerners to accept them as White. You have no honor.

THE fcking troll brigade on this site ruin threads like they ruin everything else where ever they go. I do not know why we keep tolerating them like we have....they need to be deported...
Many these other 'East Asians' are truly grateful creatures, they used to bash China all the time in front of their white master, when China has achieved something, they will also want to be part the pride.

Now they are using the greatness of China to insult other people, we Chinese won't tolerate this insolent behavior of bashing our African/Middle Eastern/South Asian brothers.

I'll take them over these so-called 'East Asian' brothers anytime. :coffee:

That's fine. Maybe they will let you lick their behind from time to time. You are a disgrace to Asian people to say something like this publicly. What a joke.

THE fcking troll brigade on this site ruin threads like they ruin everything else where ever they go. I do not know why we keep tolerating them like we have....they need to be deported...

Did you even bother to read the troll-post that I was RESPONDING to?

"China will always remain in the Western Value System.

If even it surpasses USA, it will still be a Slave of the West.

It will still imitate the West, will keep on catching the West, follow Western peddled Narratives, Religion, Ideologies, Historical viewpoint, etc."

Your beef should be with the guy that started this. I was simply meeting a troll with more off-topic garbage. It's all he deserves.
That's fine. Maybe they will let you lick their behind from time to time. You are a disgrace to Asian people to say something like this publicly. What a joke.

We Chinese are the sole reason why the East Asian civilization still exists, do you truly believe that you and Japan can survive against the white domination without China? Don't be a fool.

Now China is building a good relationship with other races and civilizations, so we don't want you to drag us into the issue of your own insolence, since you never helped us so far.
We Chinese are sole reason why the East Asian civilization still exists, do you truly believe that you and Japan can survive against the white domination without China? Don't be a fool.

Now China is building a good relationship with races and civilizations, we don't want you to drag us into the issue of your own insolence, since you never helped us so far.

White domination? since when? All the Bric nations are non white save Russia. Dont be so paranoid, your competitors are other Asians and Latin american nations.

O.K whittey, so ALL Europeans are 'white' now? LMFAO!!!!!!

Ohhhhh so French are ethnically 'French' but "racially" white? :rofl:

You are getting too much into this social darwinism stuff....Again, read a book or two dumbo little girly girl.

What a retarded piece of trash you are!

Again, what is your age? Have you ever attended college? What is your major, if any?

Ohhhh O.K! So even Mongolians weren't a super power in their time? And even Arabs weren't? Romans too? Persians too? Only "America" and "British" were super powers, and no one else..right? :rofl:

I bet you are a highschool drop-out, right? :azn:

You aren't able to see things in their historical context...You go to wikipedia..see the definition of super power and say "ohhh you see...no one other than America/British was a 'super power" ..LMAO!

Well, after the emergence of term super power in 1944..Scholars have applied this term to previous leading powers of history w.r.t to their time...but hey, since you haven't read any book..you won't know that. So I can see where you're coming from :woot:


Can you read English, Whittey?

Ok read this carefully :

Can I get the statistics of 'average' IQs of whites, E.Asians, Arabs, and South Asians...I need complete studies..I mean, what was the 'sample size' of the study? Individual races break down? Like what is the 'average' IQ of Punjabis residing in India compared with Tamils of South India? How did IQ of educated Pakistanis differed from uneducated Pakistanis? There are soooooooo many variables involved. Don't just tell me the name of some bullsh!t 'study'...GIVE me the study...detaileddd study.. Anything you got other than random internet blogs? Poor westerner trying hard but failing :lol:

BTW, I'd also like to see the 'average' IQs of American-Pakistanis, American-Indians, and average American-Whites... What say? :lol:

Damn dude, the Asian kid was right. I can see right through you. Inferiority complex out the wazoo. You must be steaming at your computer right now.

Superpowers have influence the world over. The USA and British Empire had this, no other former 'superpower' did. So in conclusion, you can name all the superpowers you want. Mongols, Ottomans, Umayyads, hell, even the Ethiopian Empire!

Nobody gives a damn about these. They only care about REAL, GENUINE, economic, military, and cultural influence.

The British and America have or did have this. No one else has before.
SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. (MarketWatch) — America is a quitter. We’re giving up, surrendering, forfeiting. Yes, throwing the game. Throwing away our future as the world’s superpower. We’re forced to walk off the economic playing field. Not by outside enemies, by our own Congress refusing to play a job-creating economic game.

We are our own worst enemy in the biggest economic war in world history. And Asia loves it!

Our do-nothing Congress, our no-compromise politicians and our austerity-obsessed Luddites controlling Washington are killing America’s economic growth, killing our superpower role, killing our future ... and, yes, Asians love it.

Old warriors like Sen. John McCain plus the neocons who conned us into the $3 trillion Iraq War still believe the future will be won by aggression, big armies, battleships and a Pentagon spending a half trillion a year ... while our infrastructure crumbles, our educational system decays, and jobs and profits go overseas fattening foreign economies.

By 2040, China’s GDP is 40% of world, America’s GDP shrinks to 14%
Forget war, take off the blinders. It’s “the economy, stupid,” more jobs, not more war debt. Unfortunately, America’s myopic right wing acts like ninja saboteurs, unwittingly aiding and abetting growth in foreign nations. China keeps investing in its future, creating jobs, building infrastructure, funding education and technology and its GDP soars

And America keeps sliding into a no-growth economy, to 1% GDP growth in a generation.

Yes, Asia is speeding way ahead of us, winning the economic war. By 2015 China’s GDP will overtake America’s. And still we refuse to compete, thanks to the myopic Luddites running Congress. A few years ago the headline of a Foreign Policy feature by Nobel economist Robert W. Fogel, a renown China scholar, made clear what’s ahead: “$123,000,000,000,000: Why China’s Economy Will Grow to $123 Trillion by 2040

China is the new economic superpower because it is stealing the best of our capitalism, mixing it with government planning, racing to win the prize as the No. 1 global power. And while they’re planning, our saboteurs inside Washington are surrendering the economic war to China. Here’s Fogel’s disturbing forecast in Foreign Policy:

“In 2040, the Chinese economy will reach $123 trillion, or nearly three times the economic output of the entire globe in 2000. China’s per-capita income will hit $85,000, more than double the forecast for the European Union, and also much higher than that of India and Japan as China moves “from a poor country in 2000 to a superrich country in 2040

America’s per-capita wealth may be higher, says Fogel, but “China’s share of global GDP — 40% — will dwarf that of the United States (14%) and the European Union (5%) 30 years from now.”

America wears blinders, Asia unstoppable, America losing the war
Asians must be laughing loud at Washington’s blind stupidity, how we are sabotaging our own economic future. They see America as narcissistic, selfish and totally blind to how self-destructive we are. Worse, Asians are not only aware of our stupidity, they’re taking full advantage of it.

Here’s how one Asian leader recently challenged our politicians. In “America’s Blinders,” a Project Syndicate column by Kishore Mahbubani, dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore and author of “The Great Convergence: Asia, the West, and the Logic of One World:”

“The time has come to think the unthinkable: the era of American dominance in international affairs may well be coming to an end. As that moment approaches, the main question will be how well the United States is prepared for it

Warning: “Asia’s rise over the last few decades is more than a story of rapid economic growth. It is the story of a region undergoing a renaissance in which people’s minds are reopened and their outlook refreshed. Asia’s movement toward resuming its former central role in the global economy has so much momentum that it is virtually unstoppable.”

Mahbubani says politicians “bear a responsibility to prepare their societies for impending global shifts. But too many American leaders are shirking this responsibility.” Then he describes a session he chaired at the 2012 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Topic: the “Future of American Power.” In the audience: Two U.S. senators, a member of the House and a deputy National Security Adviser.

What did they see ahead for American power? “They predictably declared that the U.S. would remain the world’s most powerful country. When asked whether America was prepared to become the world’s second-largest economy, they were reticent.”

But they couldn’t tell the truth. Why? “Even entertaining the possibility of the U.S. becoming ‘No. 2’ amounts to career suicide for an American politician.”

Then Mahbubani exposed the real depth of America’s blindness: Unlike blinded politicians, all intellectuals “have a special obligation to think the unthinkable and speak the unspeakable ... consider all possibilities, even disagreeable ones ... prepare the population for prospective developments. Honest discussion of unpopular ideas is a key feature of an open society.”

But American intellectuals are also blind. His two examples: Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, recently wrote we “could already be in the second decade of another American century.” And Clyde Prestowitz, president of the Economic Strategy Institute, says “this century may well wind up being another American century.” If they “prove accurate,” says Mahbubani, “ no preparation is needed.”

Americans ‘woefully unprepared’ for Asia as the global superpower
But, “if the world’s center of gravity shifts to Asia,” as Fogel predicts, “Americans will be woefully unprepared.” He warns that “many Americans remain shockingly unaware of how much the rest of the world, especially Asia, has progressed.”

Most Americans are blind to “a simple, mathematical truth. With 3% of the world’s population, the U.S. can no longer dominate the rest of the world, because Asians, with 60% of the world’s population, are no longer underperforming.”

Unfortunately, American leaders stay blind, refuse to listen, especially our neocon war-lovers. Asians see Americans lost in a fantasy land, believing we are “the sole beacon of light in a dark and unstable world.” And since leaders like Haas and Prestowitz also believe this illusion, don’t challenge our fantasies, the public is ignorant, unprepared.

Mahbubani tries to soften the blow: “Asia’s rise is not really bad news.” Asians “are seeking not to dominate the West, but to emulate it. They seek to build strong and dynamic middle classes and to achieve the kind of peace, stability, and prosperity that the West has long enjoyed.”

Wake up America: Asia will soon be 5 times bigger, more powerful
Asia’s transformation is accelerating, will “catapult Asia from economic power to global leadership. China, which remains a closed society in many ways, has an open mind, whereas the U.S. is an open society with a closed mind ... with Asia’s middle class set to skyrocket from roughly 500 million people today to 1.75 billion by 2020.” America, with just 400 million people, can no longer “avoid the global economy’s new realities for much longer

Now you’ve had a look inside one of Asia’s leading minds. The leader of a major Asian university sees the world “poised to undergo one of the most dramatic power shifts in human history.” But “to prepare for the transformation, Americans must abandon ingrained ideas and old assumptions ... liberate unthinkable thoughts. ... think the unthinkable” ... and stop denying the end of American dominance in world affairs.

America must wake up to the fact that we will soon be No. 2 behind Asia, as China’s economy explodes, three times bigger than America’s by 2040. Wake up before Sen. McCain’s neocon and tea party buddies push Washington into a real war.

America the Quitter getting whipped by China - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

It sounds like American paranoia of clash of civilization. They think there will be a coming conflict between, western, Chinese and Muslim civilization. Either China or the Muslims would become the next super power.

Americans think they can not remain super forever, so they should not let Muslims rise to power, and inevitably let china rise to power, but they would try to prevent that from happening as long as they could.

This piece of article seems to be based CoC. Trying to instill this idea of CoC into the minds of American people.
Many these other 'East Asians' are truly grateful creatures, they used to bash China all the time in front of their white master, when China has achieved something, they will also want to be part the pride.

Now they are using the greatness of China to insult other people, we Chinese won't tolerate this insolent behavior of bashing our African/Middle Eastern/South Asian brothers.

I'll take them over these so-called 'East Asian' brothers anytime. :coffee:

I think it's kind of too bold for you to say "we Chinese," as if you are the spokesperson of all Chinese. Plus, the so called friendship with Africans, etc are bought with money, with free loans, with all those shiny buildings, for what? For the lip service support in international organizations.

There is no true friendship in international politics. If you want to truly embrace them, go ahead but don't include all Chinese. Plus, when I am in the U.S. I have more natural affinity with other E. Asians than with Africans. You know, it's human nature to be close to people who look similar to you with similar cultures.

Also, it's all natural for rich people to look down upon poor people, so Japan, SK and Singapore may have looked down upon China before, but it's not from racial superiority, rather, it's the same as Shanghai people look down upon farmers in innerland. So would you rather be friends with poor Africans than with rich Shanghainese? To look up to people richer than you is natural , but to look up to people poorer than you is fake and non-human.
We Chinese are the sole reason why the East Asian civilization still exists, do you truly believe that you and Japan can survive against the white domination without China? Don't be a fool.

Now China is building a good relationship with other races and civilizations, so we don't want you to drag us into the issue of your own insolence, since you never helped us so far.

"Now China is building a good relationship with other races and civilizations"
White domination? since when? All the Bric nations are non white save Russia. Dont be so paranoid, your competitors are other Asians and Latin american nations.

When i mean the white domination, i mean the Anglo domination to be more preciously, since the Slavic Russia is also considered as the peripheral/lesser whites by your people. That's the only reason why Russia is aligning with China.

In the deep heart of the Russians, they believe they are part of the western/white civilization, but they are getting sick of the Anglo domination in the western civilization, so they wanna see a western world free from the Anglo domination, that will make them more comfortable to be part of the West.
That's fine. Maybe they will let you lick their behind from time to time. You are a disgrace to Asian people to say something like this publicly. What a joke.

Did you even bother to read the troll-post that I was RESPONDING to?

"China will always remain in the Western Value System.

If even it surpasses USA, it will still be a Slave of the West.

It will still imitate the West, will keep on catching the West, follow Western peddled Narratives, Religion, Ideologies, Historical viewpoint, etc."

Your beef should be with the guy that started this. I was simply meeting a troll with more off-topic garbage. It's all he deserves.

No I was not calling you a troll, but I was calling the other guy a troll. They are, THE Troll Brigade on this site who go around threads and start ruining them. Not the first time it happened....
We Chinese are the sole reason why the East Asian civilization still exists, do you truly believe that you and Japan can survive against the white domination without China? Don't be a fool.

Now China is building a good relationship with other races and civilizations, so we don't want you to drag us into the issue of your own insolence, since you never helped us so far.

Never helped you so far? As an individual, I've been responding to the trolls on these forums, spending so much time fighting back those who insult China.

Look at my comment history you doofus! You are a SHAME!

No I was not calling you a troll, but I was calling the other guy a troll. They are, THE Troll Brigade on this site who go around threads and start ruining them. Not the first time it happened....

Ok no hard feelings.
I think it's kind of too bold for you to say "we Chinese," as if you are the spokesperson of all Chinese. Plus, the so called friendship with Africans, etc are bought with money, with free loans, with all those shiny buildings, for what? For the lip service support in international organizations.

There is no true friendship in international politics. If you want to truly embrace them, go ahead but don't include all Chinese. Plus, when I am in the U.S. I have more natural affinity with other E. Asians than with Africans. You know, it's human nature to be close to people who look similar to you with similar cultures.

Also, it's all natural for rich people to look down upon poor people, so Japan, SK and Singapore may have looked down upon China before, but it's not from racial superiority, rather, it's the same as Shanghai people look down upon farmers in innerland. So would you rather be friends with poor Africans than with rich Shanghainese? To look up to people richer than you is natural , but to look up to people poorer than you is fake and non-human.

I am the elite Chinese member on this forum with respect and good credibility, it is you and your white supremacist friend, both are the newbies need to STFU, since you guys are newbies on this forum, what else you guys have contributed so far?
Looky here...We have been living with checking and saving accounts, credit cards, stock tradings, etc...For decades. These things are relatively new to these guys. At this point, not even Thomas Sowell's Basic Economics can reach them. They have to make sh1t up in order to make themselves look reasonably intelligent about this subject.

lol, actually I had already lose interest argue with him A LONG TIME ago, I am doing it simply because I wanted to draw his idiotic comment out, so the world can see it as it is :lol:
15 minutes no response!

It returns to my own time now!

Jesus! all the cheating kids (irrepective of their age!)

Running monkey! Zero know you that! Credit lives in my skull! Lose you that now!

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