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US losing economic war and Asia loves it.

you keep on acting silly

even in the above quote from wikipedia it does not cover cash conversion or cash flow because they are a different discipline as simple as that!

Chill out kid!

lol, the above quote did actually cover the Cash flow (Actually asset flow) and they are NOT from Wikipedia.......(get smarter next time) Where the individual or firm balance on supply and demand and how they affect the decision making of others and yourselves.

Unless you claim Cash is not an asset, I think we are pretty much warp here
lol, the above quote did actually cover the Cash flow (Actually asset flow) and they are NOT from Wikipedia.......(get smarter next time) Where the individual or firm balance on supply and demand and how they affect the decision making of others and yourselves.

Unless you claim Cash is not an asset, I think we are pretty much warp here

you are acting more silly again

what is cash being an asset has to do with MICRO-ECONOMICS wherein cashflow and cash conversion are NEVER the core subject in any curriculum on microeconomics

dont be acting from a big fool to a bigger fool of the forum
you are acting more silly again

what is cash being an asset have to do with MICRO-ECONOMICS wherein cashflow nor cash conversion are NEVER the core subject in any curriculum on microeconomics

dont be acting from a big fool to a bigger fool of the forum

Oh MY GOD, please tell me you are just pretending to be THIS DUMB for the sake of your mother.

Micro-economics talks about supply and demand of ANY asset movement and how a single decision on one end ended up affecting another decision on the OTHERHAND. How an Asset change handby selling or purchasing.

The flow is the logical meaning behind the principal. And Cash being one of the asset form, Of course they are covered in Micro-Economics principal......You do know you can sell or buy cash and credit right? That marketplace is called the BANK.

I cannot help you if you REALLY cannot see the connection here. Maybe it's time to go back to school??
Oh MY GOD, please tell me you are just pretending to be THIS DUMB for the sake of your mother.

Micro-economics talks about supply and demand of ANY asset movement and how a single decision on one end ended up affecting another decision on the OTHERHAND.

The flow is the logical meaning behind the principal. And Cash being one of the asset form, Of course they are covered in Micro-Economics principal......

I cannot help you if you REALLY cannot see the connection here. Maybe it's time to go back to school??

For the good to salvage the name of your ancestors, all knowledge on microeconomics does not care about cashflows and cash conversions kid!

Dont twist and bend the foolish semi baked economic knowledge into a phenonmenon that no knowlegeable person will approve!

And escalating yourself from a bigger fool to the biggest fool on the forum!
Oh MY GOD, please tell me you are just pretending to be THIS DUMB for the sake of your mother.

Micro-economics talks about supply and demand of ANY asset movement and how a single decision on one end ended up affecting another decision on the OTHERHAND. How an Asset change handby selling or purchasing.

The flow is the logical meaning behind the principal. And Cash being one of the asset form, Of course they are covered in Micro-Economics principal......You do know you can sell or buy cash and credit right? That marketplace is called the BANK.

I cannot help you if you REALLY cannot see the connection here. Maybe it's time to go back to school??
Looky here...We have been living with checking and saving accounts, credit cards, stock tradings, etc...For decades. These things are relatively new to these guys. At this point, not even Thomas Sowell's Basic Economics can reach them. They have to make sh1t up in order to make themselves look reasonably intelligent about this subject.
Oh MY GOD, please tell me you are just pretending to be THIS DUMB for the sake of your mother.

Micro-economics talks about supply and demand of ANY asset movement and how a single decision on one end ended up affecting another decision on the OTHERHAND. How an Asset change handby selling or purchasing.

The flow is the logical meaning behind the principal. And Cash being one of the asset form, Of course they are covered in Micro-Economics principal......You do know you can sell or buy cash and credit right? That marketplace is called the BANK.

I cannot help you if you REALLY cannot see the connection here. Maybe it's time to go back to school??

a reply to your other comments not covered and to show what a foolish person you persist to be:

keep on reading the wiki information on microeconomics does not help you anything now LOSER!

Micro-economic does not care about banking. money and banking is again another discipline!

Looky here...We have been living with checking and saving accounts, credit cards, stock tradings, etc...For decades. These things are relatively new to these guys. At this point, not even Thomas Sowell's Basic Economics can reach them. They have to make sh1t up in order to make themselves look reasonably intelligent about this subject.

here comes another fool who doesnt have to use a credit card

new to me!? I have been using credit cards, saving a/cs etc for a long time and why you google for BASIC ECONOMICS for another round of my beating!?
I could have sworn that you are talking about India. Indians are basically slaves to Westerners. It's quite pathetic how Indians are begging Westerners to accept them as White. You have no honor.

You're 100% right. You cracked me up with what you wrote.

The US told India not to go in the Gas Pipeline deal with Iran and also said this to Pakistan but Pakistan went ahead still yet India backed down because it cant oppose the US. The US is after all Indias only hope in fighting for Kashmir lol.

India is a true dog. Despite it might have a steady growing economy, many people are living in slums, people dont have good living standards etc, marrying of children, selling of children, yet it points the finger at neighbouring Pakistan.

People laugh at China on the child restriction. However, people dont understand the fact that the more kids the nation has the more expenses there will be especially in terms of benefits. Why has the UK gone down and down in economy? Because the government has handed endless amounts of benefits out to scroungers. People have 6-18 kids and that's thousands a month gone to 1 family lmao.

India's economy will never overtake China, it might be high up currently, but it will fall sooner or later.

China is only racing ahead because it is the PRIMARY PRODUCER! When you are the primary producer then you will be the stronghold. The UK was strong throughout the industrial revolution. Since it decided to ship everything out there is nothing left. Whatever was left is handed out to benefit scroungers.

This is the same case in the USA. However, over there the US likes to sponsor wars so there is lots of $$$ going to waste there. You dont see China spending billions a year for millitary operations overseas! The whites were thick, and will always remain thick, thanks to the Zionist regime.
Funny coming from a Pakistani:

Sorry, you have big words but you have zero evidence to back them up.

I could have sworn that you are talking about India. Indians are basically slaves to Westerners. It's quite pathetic how Indians are begging Westerners to accept them as White. You have no honor.

Even funnier coming from a Korean (doubtful)- 40,000+ US troops based on your soil, one of America's best freinds, one of the few Asian nations with a military alliance with America etc etc

All this nonsense about "India being a slave to the West" is utter BS and there is no evidence to back this up. If India was really the West's ****** would they be prosecuting Italian Marines for killing Indian citizens? Would India really kicked US jets out of one of the largest defence deals in recent times (bare in mind the PAF's and RoKAF's backbone a US fighters), continued to buy Iranian oil despite Western sanctions? Refused to sign God knows how many agreements with the US? etc etc

You guys put so much BS out there and all to often there is NOTHING to back up your absurd remarks. It's like reading the ramblings of a mad man.
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Show me the "ranking" :rofl:

Also, "South Asia" isn't a 'race' .... I don't care about India or Sri Lanka..Every south asian is not South Indian or Sri Lankan whatver..I only talk about Pakistan...and Pakistani girls are way prettier than white sl*ts...Pakistani guys will only 'bang' white chicks cuz they are 'easy' meat..but will mostly marry Pakistanis..b/c hey, you marry a respectful girl..not a slut that slept with 15 guys before she met you! :P


I actually had this conversation with one of my Afghan friend..


we were of the opinion that white girls only look good from 'far'..By the time they reach their late teens..early 20's-25's...they already have fcuked sooooo many guys that their looks just fade away..their faces get fcuked up..and they are pretty 'used' ..if you know what I mean.... Pakistani girls are 'fresh' for the most part...



And this is honest opinion shared by manyyyyyyy (even other people see white girls as 'loose' wenches at best...) ...



Lastly, offcourse there are white girls that are prettier than Pakistanis..and vice versa..but 'over-all', Pakistani girls are prettier, less slutty, more attractive, and with superior character/morals than white girls (which one only like for 'sex'..not for a serious relationship like marriage etc)...


As a man, even YOU know that what I'm saying is 100% right..


If there are two girls..pretty much with equally attractive...but one has slept with 13 guys and is loose wench..while the other one is a stable girl with not as many previous sexual experiences...you know who would be your choice, don't you? ;)



U.S isn't declining baby. We are here for atleast next 100 years.... U.S is a super power kinda like Ottoman Empire..huge, multi-cultural, and sitting on strategic trade routes/geography...it took centuries for Ottoman Empire to decline..same would be the case for U.S...

Also, when U.S declines, Korea would be over automatically...Slaves can't survive effectively without their "masters" ....

Who cares in 40 years who is the next super power but I hope at least you learn to respect all women irrespective of their profession, looks and sexual orientation unless Islam teaches you otherwise?
15 minutes no response!

It returns to my own time now!

Jesus! all the cheating kids (irrepective of their age!)
Who cares in 40 years who is the next super power but I hope at least you learn to respect all women irrespective of their profession, looks and sexual orientation unless Islam teaches you otherwise?

Calm down.

Don't make your opinions by reading some sh!t on a random internet forum...

Everyone is being stereotypical/racist here...so why only burst at me? We are just throwing racism on each other..don't worry :lol:

Your response tells me that you are a white girl/woman? In that case..sorry...it wasn't meant for you....

Inferiority complex from who? A South Korean?!?! A F*CKING KOREAN?! :rofl::rofl:

No way! Just NO! WAY!

What do you have? You are short (avg korean man is even smaller than my little bro who isn't even in college yet!), you are weak, you have ugly/unattractive features, small eyes, shortest d!ck in Asia (see the avg penis size of countries), untasty food, insignificant culture, and zero historical relevance..Just tell my..why oh why I wouldn't be suffering from any sort of complex from your irrelevant country? Do you know that my province of Punjab in Pakistan is larger than your whole irrelevant South Korea? lol..

I don't need to have any complex..it is YOU who is suffering from inferiority-complex of centuries and now that you have become somewhat prosperous (thanks to the slavery of West)..you NEED to show how you are 'better' than others too... lol..Thats why you cram this high IQ stuff too much...

Turks, Arabs, Persians, French, Egyptians, Indians, Chinese, Britishers etc are historical superpowers/great powers...they shaped humanity in its present age....they all have cultural arrogance..but they aren't suffering from inferiority-complex like you and hence they don't need to say again and again that how better they are b/c of their high iq :lol: They are confident in themselves...unlike you, Mr Korean (who only became prosperous by licking Americans' arse. Your economic system, social setting, music, and pretty much everything is designed by West and on Western cultural model...People in outside world just see you as cultural slaves of West..nothing more. Sad for you..haha).

Regarding your so-called arguments...Its useless..I am not a kid who will argue about macroeconomic condition of some country 3 decades into the future!!!! Thats just plain dumb.

Wow, now this post reeks of an inferiority complex. Lol. You need to sound less emotional if you don't want to give off the idea that you are feeling inferior.

The most physically superior people are Blacks, even more so than Whites or any other race, but I'd much rather be an E. Asian than I would an African, just as a White man would much rather be White (with all of his physical 'inferiority') than he would a Black or South Asian.

Those who have had to survive in colder climates are now the most intelligent people on the planet. Those that continued to play the hunter-gatherer role and relied on brute strength are now the least intelligent. What would having a large stature and a lot of muscle get me? Now, what would having a large brain, and a large cranium to fit it, get me?

Yea, I'd much rather be an E. Asian than anything else.

Only our countries (as well as White countries) are where people are desperate to get into. Heck, even my roommate (that I took this profile off of) was of Pakistani origin.
Nuclear-power status that slave Koreans and slave Canadians can never achieve. B/c guess what? Their 'master' (America) won't "allow" them to achieve this capability...After-all, the "master" is here to "protect" their owned slaves (Doesn't U.S have the 'responsibility' of protecting Korea? ) :lol:

I knew you would say that, such a tired and boring argument. Getting nukes is not big deal for developed nations Canada, Korea, Japan can easily go nuclear within months if they all saw the need, and all are nuclear energy powers, which is much more useful than crating and maintaining warheads which will never be used.

Your nations is getting droned as we speak, your politicians live off US aid, while Koreans and the rest live off trade. Face it buddy that slave argument wont work coming from a country which has been fighting its own people for the sake of the US for the last 10 years.

No one is scared to live by Pakistanis...probably only some p*ssy canadians b/c after-all, they are canadians (aka irrelevant p*ssies of U.S) :lol:

Ask the people in the UK, you guys create your own slums that cause others to leave. Some of the lowest income areas in my city is primarily populated by your lazy ilk.

Show me the "ranking" :rofl:

Also, "South Asia" isn't a 'race' .... I don't care about India or Sri Lanka..Every south asian is not South Indian or Sri Lankan whatver..I only talk about Pakistan...and Pakistani girls are way prettier than white sl*ts...Pakistani guys will only 'bang' white chicks cuz they are 'easy' meat..but will mostly marry Pakistanis..b/c hey, you marry a respectful girl..not a slut that slept with 15 guys before she met you! :P

I actually had this conversation with one of my Afghan friend..we were of the opinion that white girls only look good from 'far'..By the time they reach their late teens..early 20's-25's...they already have fcuked sooooo many guys that their looks just fade away..their faces get fcuked up..and they are pretty 'used' ..if you know what I mean.... Pakistani girls are 'fresh' for the most part...

Face it buddy, your region is not known for beauty. The best looking have middle eastern features. the Rest are all Indian and Bengali look alike's. Most are out of shape and poorly dressed. It's mainly White or Asian girls who are out there jogging or working out in the gym.

U.S isn't declining baby. We are here for atleast next 100 years.... U.S is a super power kinda like Ottoman Empire..huge, multi-cultural, and sitting on strategic trade routes/geography...it took centuries for Ottoman Empire to decline..same would be the case for U.S...

LOL now you are defending the power that killed hundreds of your Muslim brothers all over the world? When it does decline, your lot will have no option but to move back to your native cesspool or go to the GCC. The East Asians are not as dumb as the west to give immigration to anybody.

Also Keep in mind - Empires lasted longer in the past due to less competition. The Romans, Arabs, Ottomans never experienced the rapid advancement of technology that we have in th last 100 years. It's harder to remain on top now than it was in the past.

Make no mistake about it, the US has fallen behind in many critical areas, and its only a matter of time when those Chinese and their racial kin call the shots.
Wow, now this post reeks of an inferiority complex. Lol. You need to sound less emotional if you don't want to give off the idea that you are feeling inferior.

The most physically superior people are Blacks, even more so than Whites or any other race, but I'd much rather be an E. Asian than I would an African, just as a White man would much rather be White (with all of his physical 'inferiority') than he would a Black or South Asian.

Those who have had to survive in colder climates are now the most intelligent people on the planet. Those that continued to play the hunter-gatherer role and relied on brute strength are now the least intelligent. What would having a large stature and a lot of muscle get me? Now, what would having a large brain, and a large cranium to fit it, get me?

Yea, I'd much rather be an E. Asian than anything else.

Only our countries (as well as White countries) are where people are desperate to get into. Heck, even my roommate (that I took this profile off of) was of Pakistani origin.

Funny thing is...you are actually taking this all seriously :lol:

Also, what is even more funny is the fact that you ACTUALLY believe things like

Those who have had to survive in colder climates are now the most intelligent people on the planet. Those that continued to play the hunter-gatherer role and relied on brute strength are now the least intelligent. What would having a large stature and a lot of muscle get me? Now, what would having a large brain, and a large cranium to fit it, get me?


People here will just relish a 'Korean' talking about such social darwinism stuff....

French, Spanish, Turks, Arabs, Indians/Pakistanis, Romans, Chinese etc didn't live in "cold climates" and yet contributed farrrrrrr more to humanity than irrelevant little S.Koreans ever could!

"Cranium Size"? :omghaha: :omghaha: Well, North Koreans and South Koreans are same race...how come North Koreans doesn't have that super duper IQ and that big Cranium intelligence? Well, the 'fact' remains that South Koreans are nothing but Western arse lickers who have let go their original culture, traditions, social structure and let Americans shaped their economy and culture...Everyone knows that.....and now you can cry about your cranium size and your prosperity (given by master ..The U.S!)...

BTW, its not only your countries and Western nations that people are desperate to get into...Its the case with every wealthy region. There are more immigrants in GCC (Wealth Arab World) than in S.Korea/Japan put together!

Lastly, since when South Koreans started having 'large cranium'? Your ilk are weak, small, and ugly folks with little heads (like little eyes) running around with no clue! Blacks usually have larger craniums than others since they are most build up...

Btw, I admire your honestly in admitting the fact that you are physically far inferior to us South Asians and others :) :D
I knew you would say that, such a tired and boring argument. Getting nukes is not big deal for developed nations Canada, Korea, Japan can easily go nuclear within months if they all saw the need, and all are nuclear energy powers, which is much more useful than crating and maintaining warheads which will never be used.


Who do you think are you kidding? "Slaves" don't have the "permission" to develop nuclear weapons. Japan doesn't have the need to develop nukes? Look at China and their rise! Yet why don't the need nuclear capability? Because U.S is "protecting" them...North Koreans are threatening to nuke South Koreans on daily basis...but why aren't they feeling the 'need' to develop nukes? because their 'master' is 'protecting' them by having a well-established base on their lands...Talk about "need" ..LOL!

Don't say things that are ridiculous. We all know that who is a cultural/economic slave of who...If anything, South Koreans need nuclear deterrence the MOST! yet they aren't developing it..b/c their 'master' is here to protect their 'dog' ;)

Your nations is getting droned as we speak, your politicians live off US aid, while Koreans and the rest live off trade. Face it buddy that slave argument wont work coming from a country which has been fighting its own people for the sake of the US for the last 10 years.

So what? Our nations are fighting a WAR against extremists (TTP)...We are protecting our assets (Haqqani network) while letting U.S kill our enemies (leaders of TTP) and theirs too (lower level foreign Al Qaeda guys)..big deal?

Yes, our politicians are piece of sh!t...so what? Atleast we aren't the 'slaves' of West...politicians? Well, everyone resent their politicians..in Pakistan and U.S alike! Thats not a big deal...

Ask the people in the UK, you guys create your own slums that cause others to leave. Some of the lowest income areas in my city is primarily populated by your lazy ilk.

Still, those Pakistanis are more relevant than canadians :lol:

Also, Pakistani community in UK is well-integrated and doing fine..with obvious problems. If anything, its white youth who are ghettos..see EDL for example...

In America, Pakistanis are doing better than average Americans..

Face it buddy, your region is not known for beauty. The best looking have middle eastern features. the Rest are all Indian and Bengali look alike's. Most are out of shape and poorly dressed. It's mainly White or Asian girls who are out there jogging or working out in the gym.

Buddy, if you are culturally retarded, then its not my problem. What you are describing fits to India...Pakistan is NOT india or sri lanka or bengal...

What are 'middle-eastern' or 'European' features? LOL!

Punjabis have Punjabi features. Pashtuns have their own unique features which average-looking whites can't even dream of having...

Also, I have first-hand experience with American girls and Pakistani girls...Pakistani girls > American girls by longgggg shot! The reasons I already mentioned....You never even had any experience with Pakistani girls..you never lived in Pakistani cities..never went to highschool/univeristy with Pakistani girls in Pakistan..so your opinion is as useless as me giving opinion about how it feels to be living in international space station...

TBH : White girls are just tooooooooo 'boyish' ..their talk, dressing, and attitude..just yukk!!! plain ugly....Eastern girls have unique innocent, beautiful girlish aura to them...and generally boys are genetically geared to find it amazingly attractive...Who even likes men-looking, men-acting slutty whoress? Just face it buddy, your region is known for slutty ******..not for beautiful girls...

Middle-East, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Northern India, Sweden, Israel, Lebanon, Syria etc are known for beauty...North America? Uhh..just for sluts and blowjobs..not original beauty..

LOL now you are defending the power that killed hundreds of your Muslim brothers all over the world? When it does decline, your lot will have no option but to move back to your native cesspool or go to the GCC. The East Asians are not as dumb as the west to give immigration to anybody.

I'm not defending U.S actions in Islamic World. But only and idiot would write U.S of...

And Muslims aren't moving back anywhere babes...WE. ARE. HERE. !!!! :cheers:

By 2030, there'd be 60 million+ Muslims in West, Inashallah! So Crusades failed eventually...Islam has entered Europe/West permanently Inshallah and Mashallah!

Also Keep in mind - Empires lasted longer in the past due to less competition. The Romans, Arabs, Ottomans never experienced the rapid advancement of technology that we have in th last 100 years. It's harder to remain on top now than it was in the past.

Thats no excuse.

Changes like rapid advancement of tech have also helped super powers. If Ottoman Empire was living in the era of global-village, satellite-connected world..they would have NEVER gone down..b/c they would have adapted all the new techs of West and hence had maintained their lead...


Make no mistake about it, the US has fallen behind in many critical areas, and its only a matter of time when those Chinese and their racial kin call the shots.

World is going to be multi-polar world...for sure. But U.S will remain right up there for atleast next century...
Funny thing is...you are actually taking this all seriously :lol:

Also, what is even more funny is the fact that you ACTUALLY believe things like


People here will just relish a 'Korean' talking about such social darwinism stuff....

Btw, I admire your honestly in admitting the fact that you are physically far inferior to us South Asians and others :) :D

yeah but then no matter how physically superior you are, South Asians are never a force in Olympic games or any international games, maybe cricket? Mm, not sure what countries actually play crickets. For such tiny country like SK, it won much much more medals than all SA countries put together. Gee, so how are you physically superior any way?

I have no clue why you are even proud of Arabs since in my understanding, Pakistanies are not Arabs, are they? Plus, as I said before, Arabs are nothing but leeches off black substance. Why would anyone even be proud of that? lol

Oh well, this thread stinks. The mob really should close it before it deteriorates further.

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