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US issues waiver for sale of major defence equipment to Pakistan

May i ask a different Question?
I want to know about a cost of one sortie(fuel, spares,maintenance,personals etc) of F16 and JF 17 in PAF.
Indian can also contribute about their costs about SU 30, MIG 29, Mirage 2K etc.

thanks in advance.
It's not bad of a news as many of you seem to think I agree with what fatman stated !
it will be under FMS/FMF regime - EDA stocks grants with PK paying for upgrades - F16s, SP Guns, Perry class frigates, P3C's, missiles for PAF/PN like Sidewinder, Harpoon etc. - nothing flashy.

The key word is "Major" Major defense equipment! Does the things you mentioned count as Major defense equipment?
Bitter truth is that US has always been the largest aid donor to Pakistan. However there are no ‘Free lunches’ in the world of ‘real politik’ and that is what rubs Pakistanis the wrong way. Thus despite all the aid over the years US remains the most disliked country in Pakistan.
any equipment which goes for approval in congress is MDE.(that's my thinking)
plus yesterday i saw a news ticker (ARY) that our defence minister ahmed mukhtar said that US offers defence equipments which are currently being used by US in afghanistan. US want's to go back and they offered us equipments and there are weapons worth of 50 billion dollars. And we have to think smartly which weapon is useful for us (that was his statement)

So i don't think that they will offer us any frigate type of thing. Because they can leave F-16's, F-15's, Cobra's, Apache, C-130 and missiles which are old enough and they don't want that. And i am sure they will not offer us F-15, Apache or any high-tech thing. So only possibilities which remain is F-16, Cobra, Missiles etc
at best PK can request EDA excess articles and pay for their upgrades with own money. i dont think US would be willing to give FMS grants esp. with their own sequester problems.
Yeah FMS chances are very rare, But if USA is really willing to backoff from Afghanistan thn they can offer many things which are useless for them.
SO PAK will be getting more F16s? Its better for PAK to enhance trade ties with US rather than military deals IMO. PAK should reduce its dependence on US arms completely.

It should, but the problem is that the current Obama gov is extremely anti-Pakistan. They'd sooner bomb Pakistan than improve trade relations.

As much as I hate to admit it, the best option for Pakistan is a Republican in office, and the way things are moving, it's looking increasingly likely that the next president is most likely going to be a Democrat, which means that this trade apartheid is going to continue.
It should, but the problem is that the current Obama gov is extremely anti-Pakistan. They'd sooner bomb Pakistan than improve trade relations.

As much as I hate to admit it, the best option for Pakistan is a Republican in office, and the way things are moving, it's looking increasingly likely that the next president is most likely going to be a Democrat, which means that this trade apartheid is going to continue.

PAK shouldn't rely on US any longer specially on sensitive tech such as fighter jets IMO. Whether republican or democrat US will be US regarding foreign relations with the rest of the world except may be Israel. If U want to get out of this apartheid , improve the economy and enhance bilateral trade in non-military sector. Any way won't U be getting J10s? The whole point of getting that AC was US possible embargo in times of crises. Correct me if I am wrong.
PAK shouldn't rely on US any longer specially on sensitive tech such as fighter jets IMO. Whether republican or democrat US will be US regarding foreign relations with the rest of the world except may be Israel. If U want to get out of this apartheid , improve the economy and enhance bilateral trade in non-military sector. Any way won't U be getting J10s? The whole point of getting that AC was US possible embargo in times of crises. Correct me if I am wrong.

Of course, but the problem is that the US STILL has the best fighters in the world. The F-16, even the older models, have yet to face any real threat, even from India. That is why Pakistan relies on the US for it's fighters.

I do agree that Pakistan should go for other nations that would sell their tech to Pakistan, in order to avoid sanctions, but there aren't many nations that have the capabilities Pakistan is looking for. China does, but their modern systems have yet to be proven in modern combat. The JF-17 is a good machine, but until it can prove itself in air to air combat, or matures in other ways, it is still considered to be a poor man's viper.

Similar problems occur with the J-10/FC-20, it's still an unproven machine, even if it is technologically superior to the JF-17 in every way. Pakistan is getting it's FC-20s by 2014-15 timeline, but some PDF member have stated that it's production is behind schedule.
Pakistan's best hope is to stick with china only i dont want any more Us equipment in PA any more
i read in the paper today the U.S is giving $34 billion equipment to pakistan .Also afganistan has been told about the decision .but the drone and critical tech equip will be taken back .
i read in the paper today the U.S is giving $34 billion equipment to pakistan .Also afganistan has been told about the decision .but the drone and critical tech equip will be taken back .
If this deal happens wt type of arms would Pakistan buy.. ?? tanks, armored vehicals, combat helis , and used f-16.. ??
If Pakistan buys gunship heli than which heli would be PA considering.. ??
If this deal happens wt type of arms would Pakistan buy.. ?? tanks, armored vehicals, combat helis , and used f-16.. ??
If Pakistan buys gunship heli than which heli would be PA considering.. ??
No Heli or jet fighters . only armed vehicles i think .but $34 billion arms , its big deal
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