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‘US is liar, cheater & stabber in the back’: Iranian leader rules out talks with Washington

What iran has is ' a big mouth'
their economy is crippled . They have done nothing after sanctions were lifted . Their economy is still dropping low. And their leaders are doing nothing but babbling with big mouth .

I bought iriani curreny in bulk when their sanctions were being lifted. its been a year now !
And now i am crying

lol how bout banning the dollar printed toilet paper+food+medicine+educational book/system/multinational corporation, ngos, embassies etc.

it all contaminated.

It's important to be both persistent and patient in fight against "USA". There is a saying: "drop hollows out the rock". "USA" won't collapse today or tomorrow, but it will collapse. "USA" is not as strong as CIA trolls presstitutes from US corporate media claim. "USA" will collapse under the weight of its own crimes. One of the reasons why "USA" invaded Iraq and Libya was to protect US dollar. But Yankees failed to break the will of Iraqi and Libyans. US rapists will sooner or later be kicked out of Iraq and Libya and hanged for their crimes like German Nazis after Nuremberg trials

It's also important to improve oneself and to make the Free World (Asia, Russia, Africa, Latin America and some countries in Europe) even stronger and better.

It will never happen. Justice is only for the poor and weak. A hungry man steals food and goes to prison. A rich man steals billions and becomes Trump. This is the way of the World. Any justice the poor get comes from God Himself.
Thats what German Nazis were thinking before battle of Stalingrad and guess what? In 1945 many of them were hanged. I'm sure many US war criminals will be brought to justice and hanged too.
Thats what German Nazis were thinking before battle of Stalingrad and guess what? In 1945 many of them were hanged. I'm sure many US war criminals will be brought to justice and hanged too.

Bro, I am guessing you are from Poland so I understand the sensitivities here. The Nazis were not the only war criminals of the second World war. The Nazis were the ones who lost. What the Soviet Army did when the entered Berlin was despicable. They were ordered to rape any woman from the age of three upwards. It was sick and disgusting. German females were used like toilet paper by the advancing second wave of the Soviet Army. The brits firebombed Dresden and t was nothing short of a genocide. I know the Polish suffered. We can go back to the first world war and Versailles but what's the point. This bloody argyment can go on forever. But one thing I will say, the Americans came into the war at one minute to midnight and claim credit for winning that war. That war was not won by the Americans but lost by everyone in Europe. I know the Poles suffered a lot.
Thats what German Nazis were thinking before battle of Stalingrad and guess what? In 1945 many of them were hanged. I'm sure many US war criminals will be brought to justice and hanged too.

The Nazis thought they were superior to everyone else, including the Slavs. Glad to see them getting crushed into the dirt by the Soviet Red Army.
Don't doubt bro.
If he weren't in leadership of our country, moron doodle Zarif and Rouhani were going to give whole Islamic country up to USA. Thank Allah we have such a leader in our Islamic world

I wish our leaders had spines like yours do. I mean seriously, the fierce devotion you guys have to your land is truly respectable. Even in the Iran Iraq war, you didn't stop until Iraq was the one begging for a ceasefire.

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